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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Aug 1973, p. 5

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UNITED CHURCH .~ ~ Orono Pastoral 4 Charge M Minister ORev. B. E. Long *, ~ B.Th. COMBINED SUMMER SERVICES ..During August and the first Sunday la september the Servic'es will be in Newcastle United Church at 10.00 a.m. KEY '73 General M1eeting - for Keadal, Kirby, Newtonville, Shiho and Orone on Monday August 27th at 7.30 p.mi. in thie Qrogio United Church. ST. SAVIOURS ANCILICAN Established 1869 Regular Sunday Worshipi Service - 10:00 am. Roly Communflon- First and Third Sundays Mornhng Frayer- Second and Fourth Sundays Hioly Baptism by appoiritmient with Rector 987-4745 Rev. Il. Robert Hayne, B.A., L.Th. ~..VEN.Z.A RESTeAURfAINT lghway 115 and 35 ½Mile South et Oronoo PHONE 983-5651 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEBK Speclauing ia AiL" Week-End Speciais CISTOM-MADE ~DRAPES CARPET by Harding and Croesby Wall-to-Wail or Area augs Complete lime of Kitchen Carpet, Hardsurf aces FA. Kramp Furniture Ltd., 37 - 41 Kig St. East Phone 623-7071 Bowmanville Free Estimates Decorating Service JACK B&1C A RD10 REA LTOR 99 King St., E. BOWIMAN VILLE Kirby News Sorry. I didn't have much timne for writing or collecting news itemns theso past few weeks. So !, will try to catch you up on a few of the happenings around Kirby. Witb miany on holiday tripsto the East or West coast little is happening although a barn raisîng did take place as well as a recent wedding. Wo wish to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. KenThomas, the former Donna Cochrane, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Cochrane on their marriago on July 28th at the Orono United Cburch., Kirby UCW catored to the reception hold at the Oddfellow's Hall in Orono. Mrs. Bill Reid'has beon on the sick list but is feeling somne bettor now. Farmors in the Kirby area along with farmers in other areas are quite concorned over where Hydro intends to put their new power lines. Momibers of the Fodoration of Agriculture from Darlington, Clarke and Hope Townships along with other concernied farmers attonded a meeting in Kirby Centennial School last Wednesday evening. As a rosult of the meeting another meeting was held with Hydro people 'at the Agricul- tural Building in Bowman- ville. The rosult of that meeting was that Hydro bas asked the Foderation to map out the proposed route which Hydro will check out. We wili ail hear more about this in the future. The big Antique Steam show bas been on in Orono over the past' week-end witi people from alh over attend- ing. The cbildron sure got a thrill out of hearing those big stoam engine whistles. Mr. Gordon Walker and Gail of Thornhill and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mercer and Kenny, Hampton were Sunday supper guosts of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bahl af ter attending the steam show. Mr. Roy Tennant had the risfortune to break hîs lef t beel when a ladder he was on white repairing a barn door decided to move. Great way to get a holiday, Roy . Mr. Charlie Rutherford bas been a patient in Bowmanville Hospital for the past few weoks. We hope he is feeling much better. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Rutherford along witb their family and their children spent the past week at the reunion at Nakina. Mrs. Rick Liscombe and famnily of Kingston spent a few days with bier parents prior to going to Nakina. Also Sandy and Mary Ann Rutherford of Listowel $pent a couple Of weeks with tneir grandpar- ents. Thoso attending church at Hamniltons Insurance Ser-vice YoïrFrielxdly Agency FOR AIlI Persona l & Commercial I nsu rance Boats and Newcastle thoroughly enjoyed the Korean choir. They would have liked to have them sing more numbers. DURHAM AGRI-NEWS IT'S FAIR TIME: Both rural and urban folk enjoy the Amriual Agricultural Fairs throughout the province. We have had a number of enquir- ies lately regarding da tes of local Fairs, as well as some of the larger shows. A more complete list is available at the Agricultural office, 234 King St. E. Bowmanville. August 7-11 Quinte Exhibition, Belleville; August 14-19 Pet- erbourough Fair; August 15 - September 3- C.N.E., Toronto August 17-26 Central Canada Exhibition, Ottawa; August 18-Fenelon Falls; August 25- Blackstock Fair; September 3 - Port Ferry; September 6-8 Orono Fair; September 14-16 - Port Hope; September 19-23 Lindsay; September 27-30- Markham Fair;, November 9-17 Toronto Royal Agricul- tural WInter Fair; September 25-29- International Ploughîng 'Match - Alvinston in Lambton County. USE FEED ANALYSIS FOR BEST RESULTS :I believe all farmers in the area will agree that it bas been a Most unusual year, with the result that quality of hayin many cases have been below aver- age and this combined with the high cost of protein supplement, indicates the im- portance of using balanced rations. Although the winter feeding period is a few months away, now is an excellent time to get those feed samples taken and to get them away to your feed supply compay or to the feed analysis: labratory at the University of Guelph. Most farmers at the present timne have a dry matter test and a crude protein test and at the University of Guelph, this costs $5.00 per sample. How- ever, at the present time, a dry matter, crude protein, plus calcium phosphorous, magnesium and potassium test is available at $11.50 per sample; or if you wish'to go a little further, for $14.50 per sample you can have a dry matter, crude protein, calci-, um phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, plus manganese, copper and zinc test at the University of Guelph Feed Analysis Laboratory. Anyone înterest in having samples taken, can secure the necessary bags for sending them in at, the County Agricul- tural Office in Bowmanville. With the recent rains it is hopeful that the production of soybeans will be better than was anticipated throughout the province and this may help the cost of protein supplement this faîl, however, it would appear on a world wide picture that there is a short- age of concentrates, and for this reason we do believe that you should have analysis of the livestock feed so that you will know exactly what protein levels are available and that you may be able to in somne cases cut back on the protein that you have been supplying and in oýhers it 'may be necessary to step up the protein content if you wish to maintain production of beef, pork or milk; whatever the case may be., Some may say that the cost of having a Feed Analysis is not warranted, but with con- centrates at present- running in the $3 - 400.00 per ton price range, $5 - $15 isn't much to cut back on the cost of protein supplement. SWEET CORN IS NOW IN wonder why it is to-ugb and tasteless, when you have not looked after it as you shouid. SWEET CORN IS NOW IN SEASON The Consumer Information Brancb, suggests that since bigh temperatures spoed up moisture loss, which tougbens the corn, buy from a refriger- ated disphay. In other words, buy cool corn. The colour of the corn does not indicate freshness. They may be pale or deep yellow. The important thing is brightness, when you see dry looking corn, you can bo aimost certain it bas iost the best of its fiavour. So, store the corn, husks off or on - in a plastic bag in tho refrigerator crisper; since quality diminishes quickly, cook corn on the cob as soon as possible. Drop huskod cars of corn into a pot of boiiing water, ligbtly sweetoned, cook for 5 - 6 minutes. ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST8 The local political- scene 11 STILL INTERESTED IN REGIONAL GOVERNMENT .In speaking with Mr, Bob Chater ast week ho statû-,-ïho is stili interested in be-i -g.a candidate in the regionalJ government form cf govern- ment. Altbougbho b as not as yet made uüp bis mind in whethor or not ho will ho running ho did say if ho does run it will ho for the lower tior of governmont. Ho states that bis farm operation is such now that ho could roadily give the required time as an lected member to the lower tier of governmont. Mr. Chator is prosenthy a member of the Clarke council, a position ho bas beld for some twelve years. Ontario Hydre Photo Nuclear Nesting Grounds Duck famnilies take constitutionais in a marsh pro- served as wiidiife sanctuary at Ontario Hydro's Picker- ing nuclear power plant, 20 miles east of Toronto. An 81-acre public park and an organizeci sports area have also been deveioped for visitors anci neighbors of the world's most productive nuclear station. Hydro has proposod doubling the plant as part of a $3.6 billion expansion programi made necessary by rising demnands for oectric power in the province. The ducks, however, won't be bothered - the extension wiil be on the opposite side of the site. Mr. Kirk Entwisle, also a present membe- of the Clarke council, stated last week that hie would definitely be a candidate for the lower tier of government. Only one will be elected for this tier fromn the Clarke, Newcastle area. Reeve Woodyard states ho is still a candidate for the regional tier of governmnent. Both Reeve Woodyard and Ken Lyle of Newcastle have declared their intentions for this seat. Only one will be elected from the Clarke-Newý- castle area. WILL RESIGN SCHOOL BOARD FIRST Ken Lyle of Newcastle and editor of the Reporter informi- ed us on Saturday tu he is stili running for a position on regional council. He said this will necessitate that he first resign from the Northumber- land and Durhami County School Board which hie will do. Mr. Lyle's resignation from- the school board Will leave a vacancy of one representative from the Hope, Clarke and jNewcastle area. It would be in accord with previous policy that Mr. Lawrence Green- wood of ,Kendai ýfi this vac ancy. Mr. Greenwood heid the position previeusly to, Mr. SLyle. Mr. Greeniwood was Sdefeated in the last election b.,y only a few votes by Mr. Lyle. new task force? A new Task force to cover area bas been appointed to replace the 'year-old Port, Hope, Cobourg, Hamilton STo-wnship Task Force. The decision to establish the new task force was made at1-a meetinglast week in Por-t' Hope, cailed by Donald Irvine, jM.P.P. the parliamnentary assisitant to Treasurer John 'the old task force was considcred too limted ini scope to cover the entire new county of Northumberland. Mr. Ir- vine saîd the task.force w;ill be asked to assess the impact of Ontario-s'Regional develop- ment policios on municipal responsibilities, adminstra- tion and finance, and to sliggest change. TO SUGGEST CHANGES. The task force will also be asked to suggost any miunici- pal consolidation it feels would lead to more effective local government in the county . Mr. Irvine said the province wouid pay any of the operating costs of the new force. LADIES Skirts are featured la the fashion news for faîL We are clearing a Il our stock of Ladies' Skfrts. Included are Crimplene with Elastic waistband and fine Wool with side zipper. Checks and solid shades. ,Sizes 10Oto 20. Also a few Skorts Choose any and sa ve from 33 M310 50 percent SWIM SU ITS Clearing al Ladies' and Girl's Swim Suits as well as Men's and Boy's Swim Tr"inks at 25 VoOFF iteglar price ALL WEATH ER COATS L DE "P N UT if you need an AI-Weather Coat for faîl here is your chance to get a bargain. We stili have a few Pant'Suits whlich Different materials and styles ini sizes 10 to we are clearing. Famous makes in sizes 10 18., 1.Clearing theni at sa ving,- from to 16. 33 /3toC0%SAVE ONE THIRD A RMSTî RON'S4 1 f , , ,.! , ,ý il ', lý! , 1 1 < 1 i - Il 7M7 , ., 1 1 1 1

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