WEEKLY ,< T ADS FORWENSA PUBLICATION ACCEPTED UNTIL 10- 00 a.mii.TU-ESDAY PHONE ORONO 983-5301 DuVrif RICANTi v â z//I yi ' :W. FRANK :REAL ESTATE' LIMITED: * 234 King Street East e 0 BOWMANVILLE * 623-3393 * Toronto 923-9174 * Port Hlope office 88545430 Fo prompt, oreu, effcintservice when *buîying or selliuig and@ efor the largest selectione @,of properties ini the ares *Contact * Orono Area 0 * .Representatàvo * Charlie Reid e * 983-5914 \.Roy Foster e * .983-5801 *William Turanskye , (Kendal) * 983-5420 * Dane Found * 623-3965 * Roy Strong !Bethany 52rll ' Monuments and Family Memorials Our quality and service leaves nothing to be desired Ask the person who bought fromn us, a neigh- bour, friend or relative. The Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Phone colleet v. w. RUTTER office -885-5216 Home 885-5222 BYAMS PLUMBING - HEATING Sales and Service 24 HOUR BURNER SERVICE GULF FINANCING Low- Interest Rates Shoue:.40 Tyrone 23-2650 Gi NEED A NEEFD a SUiMP PUMP Charles Reid Orono's Licensed Auctioneer Valuator Specialize in Farmn Furniture Sales Consult me for ternis and dates Phone Orono 983-5914 WATSON 'S Marine and Cycle Orono Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Allouette Snow Mobiles McCuiloch Chain Saws Repairs te ail makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and -4 cycle Englue. ALLOUETTE SNOWMOBILES PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkino' Phone 786-2552 Newtonville, Ontario Clarke Public LIBRARY Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Frlday 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Monday, Thursday, ,Friday Afternoons 2:30 to 5:00 p.M. Saturday 10:00 te 12:00 a.m. FEMALE IIELP WANTÉD Avon Representatives ... earn money!, make new friends! Get more out of life! Become one! Cail Mrs. Watson 725-9696 WANTED Custom combining. Cal Cairscadden Farms 983-5422. a-c IIOUSEHOLD HINTS Your place in the sum.-For thmo(, of vou who, haye jalousie-type windows that oper ujutward and upward, here's a sunny idea: Apply adhesivebacked paper to the inside. Very attractive and colourful patterns are avail- able. Instead of an uncomfort- ably warm sun shining thruugh your windows, you have your own made-to-mca- sure awning that lets you get the air and brightens your windows too! Grant C. Wadek Insurance Agency General Insurance Box 82 Tel. 786-2921 Newtonville, Ontarlo Box .61 Tel. 885-2288 Port Hope, Ontario Callyour liceised Plumbing & Mfechanical Contra ctoz who seils, installt and guaranteel ORCNO ELECTRIC CARMAN Herb anid Gerr Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING Electrical Appliances T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI WESTINGHOUSE RCA ELECTROHOME Guaranteed Service Box 133 Ph. 668-3552 Stafford B rothers Lunited Manufacturers of Cemetery Memorials 318 Dundas Street East WHITBY, ONTARIO Randy Tkompson Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5759 Car pentry Work Remodelling We build from the foundation up Plumbing and Heating Phone 983-5207 Orono JT/EY SA VF MI KS MNE AiDPo r TNMArElm, 'w, ruT Top VA d 6I/ES 1 Elmer's Garage TEXACO SERVICE Mil St. North, Orono Phone 983-5130 Home phone 987-5167 Milison Insurance Age ncy AIl classes of personal -and Coinerdîal Coverage Office: Corner of- Church and Cobbledick Street 983-5032 Res. 983-5754 Mr. Urry of Pontypool was the winner of the 50-50 draw held by the Orono Chamber of Commerce and drawn at the Steam show held in Orono over the week-end. A -man from Belleville was ýthe winner of the steer drawn by the Eastern Ontario Steam and Antique Association. This was also drawn at the steam show over the week-end. Miss Nancy Forrester along with Mr. and Mrs. Ken- Stainton of Bowmanville flew to British Columbia on Friday too ýisit wi 1th friends during the next two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. George Cole and, Mr. Jack Archer, Port Hope visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings and attended the steam and anti- que show. Mr. and-Mrs. Wayne Bailey, Shawn and Timothy spent the week-endl with Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McKenzie and fam- ily at Swastika. Mrs. W. H. Carman abd Lydia are holidaying at a cottage near Apsley. Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education GENERALFOREMANOF PLANT Applications are invited from p ersonnel with success- fui supervisory experience in construction to assist Supervi- sor of Plant in the mainten- ance of sehools and grounds. Please- apply in, writing by noon, Tuesday, August 2lst, 1973 to; M.A.MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education, Box 470, COBOURG, Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN TI-E ESTATE 0F JENNIE AL1WN, late of the Township of. Clarke, in the Cou nty of Durham, Married Woman, Deceased, (Orono R.R. No. 1), who died at the Town of I3owmanville on the th day of May, 1973 Intestate. Creditors and others having dlaims against the said Estate are required to send particul- ars and full proof thereof to the undersigned on or before the lth day of September, 1973, after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed havîng regard only to the dlaims then received. Dated at Bowmanville, Ont- ario, this 30th day of July, 1973. Administratrix, Ruby Jane Shackleton', by hier Solicitor, L.C. Mason, Q.C. Barristerand Solicitor 135 Wellington Street, P.O. Box 129, Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 3K9 IT PAYS TO USE THE CLASSIFIED SECTION TO BUY or SELL RENT or INFORM Its a small cost at the ORONO WEEKLY TIME1ýS ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. V. Homewood, Mlillbrook, are happy to an- nounce the marriage of their daughter, Karen Lee, to Mr. Douglas Stewart, Newcastle. The marriage to take place August 25th at il arn. at St. Thomas Anglican Church, Millbrook. b-n AUCTION SALE ANTIQUE CARS and Model T Parts to be sold by Public Auction on Saturday, August llth at 1.00 p.m. sharp at the home of Mrs. Rose McCall, Apsley, Ontario. In- cluded in the sale will bea 1919 Touring Model T and a 1924 Coupe 'Model T, all th above cars are completely reuphol- stered and in beautiful condi- tion. They are running perfect order and are ready for the road. Parts for 1928 Grant, House trailer,' antique. organs, boats and trailers, etc. Chas. Reid, Auctioneer. WEEKLV BINGO Every Monday Night, Brown's Community Centre Golf Course Roaçl East of Newcastle 8 p.m. Entry 50e ORO INO LANDSCAPING SODDING, PLANTING AND SEEDING Phone 983.5598 FALL FAIR DATES Oshawa July 19 to 22 Peterboroug August 14 to 19 Fenelon Falls August 25 Apsley August 18 Blackstock August 18 Minden 'August 24-25 Kinmount September 1-2 Porwt Perry Sepem ber 3 ORON'O September 6-7-8 Sunderland ,September 12 Beaverton September 14-15 Lakefield September 15-16 Port Hope September 14-15-16 Ramona September 22 Linds ay Septemnber 19 to 23 Oakwood September 26 Bobcaygeon September 28-29 Uxbridge September 8-9 Norwood, October 6-7-8 I ORONO FOUNTAIN NOW IN OPERATION The fountain at the north of the Village is now in full operation and with the excep- tion of a minor malfunction with the coloured lights mneets expectations. The recirculating pumnp in- stalled in the pump house was turned on Friday afternoon. The fountain uses very little water as it is recirculated through the triple spray head and back into the fountain. Three coloured fights emer- sed in the water, blue, red and amber give a pleasant sight during the evening, and night hours. The fountain was construct- ed by the Orono Police Trustees at a cost of around $1500.00. 0 For a real treàitryï3 our 9 *Old-Fashioned e Hard Ice Crea m :COLDDRINKS:0 * We are open f or your conveniece Modyto lOOO rn. 10.00amto9I .O in. * * Sundayv 0For snappy, deliciouts * * SNACK BAR@ Ta k-e o ut Orders e Phone 983-9291e M&M :Variety Kids..~ Please send the Orono Weekly Times TO: Eniclosed, please find subscription fee of $300 for Canada and $4.00 other countries. NOTE: This does not apply to renewals!