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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Sep 1973, p. 2

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KeN'Cndal news rhis sumrner will godowflin LJunir1 won m e g eo ourrnemory as the bot Monday' againist Cbelsey with sum erwhn hetepea- a scor e of 10-4 and now enter turiie rahe thehg tiesrathe Prox iicial'finials. owrloicvninth ies ehtday Mr. and Mrs. Glen Andrews Hoe'rthere are wonderful haem edtteinebrn crops no corn and tomatoes. on the sixth fine whieh tbey Re.T. Snelgrove went on a purchased trom Mr. Jack bu s 1tnp from Peterborough to Stapleton. Newf1oundland. This was a Mr. and Mrs. Jack Staple- conducted tour. Tbe ralway toii are building a new bouse strike stopped ail Ferry ser. on their farrn nortb west of vice from Newfoundland to Kendal. Nova Scotia so tbey were Lu tinking of the igb fond stýranded. However on Satur- costs rernember the farmer day, a plane flew tbemn from receives a surprisingly low Gander, Newfoundland to' Hal- share.Lasst September tbe ifax a ýnd a new bus ýwas sent fariner received 17 cents out fromn Peterborough to bring of 33 cents spent for a quart of tbem borne. So churcb service rnlk; 57e for eacb $1.00 spent was beld on Sunday. on heef' and two cents for Tbe lotermediate bail team \vheat in a boatod bread. won t heir game on Sunday and These facts are taken from îx f b a score, of 2-1. Tbe Kendal the September Faim Letter- * mm mmmmmmmmummmmmm *While enjoying thefair at Orono * on Saturday visit us and à receive a THESATURDAYSTAR I Iit I IT I I1 Iu 7I %N@ I RA M STUTT'S ilPHARMACY: ÊI à PHONE ORONO 983-5009 DURHAM AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY D'a NC E NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Saturday, Septem ber 8th TED KOSS AND HIS CAVALIERS BARU PRIVILEGES $4.OPER COUPLE Ac hievement days at ~-OonoWeelyTimies,, Wednesdav, Septembçr 5th, 1973 orono weeklv ti mes Second Ciass Mail Registration Number 6368, Publjshed evevy Thursday at the office of pubication ONLY TOKEN FRENCH Like 50 many other tbings, WHIIT OTH[ER! SAY: it's a matter of money. Tbe board estimates that to pro- D)o we wýant Englisi-speak- vide the teacbers for the ng ciiren in Ontario t present imited prograrn of earni Frencçh as a second French instruction costs $57 anguge f be able to per pupil per year. 0f this inderstanid and speak it witb sum, an average of $10 a pupil ~ornefaciityper year is provided by a Thie aniswer- officially given speciai grant frorn the provin- sý, yeus. As for, the public cial government to encourage gener-ally, a surv-ey made in French teaching. The balance TOronto by the'Toronto Board of $47 per pupil must corne of Eduication sbowed tbat 85 f'rom the board's ordinary per, cent of parents responding revenues. With the present wanited more Frencb instruct- ceilings irnposed by the pro- ion in the public scbools. vincial governrnent on spend7 So mnuchi for appearances. ing by local boards, it is The French instruction actu- e\trernely difficuit for the aily given most public school Tor.onto Board to expand its students in Toronto amounts French program witbout more to only, 20 minutes a day for help. pupils in Grades 5 to 8. Not Education Mlinister Wells onl is this tokenisrn, but it 15 bsoineprsesi o laie -bioornîng tokenism. It is ernrnents interest in prornot- in the earlier years that a ing a wider knoxledge and, child most easily learns an- appreciation of French, even other language. suggesting, in a speech last Sorne light is shed on tbe' June that it was essential.for ransfor al- this in a brief Ili' preservation of our Can- flhe Toronto Board of Educat- adian nation and our unique ion bas prepared for the Canadian character. spec ial ministerial'committee. Agreed. The Toronto board set up by Education Minister would now like to see the Thiorns Wells 10 investigate colour of bis money - or, at iwthe tching of French n least. more of it. OIntario. blackstock fali 4-H Aehievement lDays Held:- Showmansi On Saturday August 25th, the Other mer Durham 4-H Poultry, Swine, the lst P Sbeep and Beef clubs held Richardf their annual Achievement Blackstock Day in conjuniction wîth the No. 2 BlacP lO8tb Edition of Blackstock No. 1 Enri Fair. Starting at 9:30 arn. eyk,' No.5 wben members of the 4-H Janice Y Poultry Club were asked t0 Enniskillei have their birds put on exhibit the 2nd1 ion through final placîng in were Coli the 4-H Beef Club, mem bers BlackestoCl were kept busy getting their No. 1 Blac exhibits ready for the ring, as of No. 10O well as showing them*, to the No i Ei eye of the judges as well as a Taylor Nc good number of spec tators Blain Var around the ring. In the 4-H manville. Poultry Club wbere eleven In the members completed projects, Achiever placing were made on the the Shown group systern witb lst and 2nd went toV placed groups. In the lst Prize EnniskillE Group the top Poultry Exhibit by brothei went t0 Walter Taylor of No.l Other m( EÉnniskillen, followed closely the lst Fi by Stan Lane of No.4 Bow- mansbip manizille. Others in the ist Lawrence Prize Group, included Grant sIilien;i Best of No.1 Hampton; Elaine tees of Kellogg, No. 1 Port Hope, Members Annette Taylor, No. 1 Ennis- PrizfJ Gr( killen and Barry VanCamp of wè re S( Blackstock. Those finishing in Bridegenr the 2nd Prize Group were No. 1 Oro Barbara Ann Cabaîs, No.l No. 1 En Orono;'Glen Ferguson, No. i Thomas( Enniskillen; Clarence Sacks, Neil Tayl No. 1 Enniskitlen; Neil Taylor, tees wil No. 1 Enniskillen and Date Club int Van Camp, No. 1 Blackstock. manbipc The judge for the 4-H Swine, on Frida: Sbeep and Beef Clubs was Mr. The 4- Bob Robson of Shur-Gain ment Dî Researcb Farm at Mapte, largest Ontario. The fine quality of years wi exhibits shown by the 4-H1 ing out members, kept Bob busy mansbip during the morning and on this verý into the afternoon. In the 4-H manship Swine Club, the Ist Ptace, Mary( Sbowrnan in the Showmansbip Bowmai Ctass was Paul Larmer of No. ly by Bill 1 Blackstock and in 2nd Place in 2nd. was Lawrence Taylor, No. 1 placed ir Enniskillen. These two 4-H1 were Ste members will go on to 5 Bowma compete at Orono on Friday, No. 1 En September 7 in the Inter-Club Yellowlei LONG'S FSîON LONG CENTRE Main Street ORONO Phone Su4m BACK TO SCHOOL LADIES, NEW FALL DRESSES iiit tatIsltades iof btueggreen, bî-own antd grey sizes 8-18 $1695 tb $39.95 F.XSIIION + VALUE Shirts Sweaters Sk irts Slacks Su its Jeans 20'7 off Size 8-14 GIRL'SA A NEW LINE 0F II11 QUAXITY FASIIION IN WOO-ACRYLICS COTTON JACKETS KILTIES BL.AZERS SLACKS JUMPERS SWEATE'ItS DRHESSES CAPES SKIIITS CARDIGAN-S SIZES8-11 FO1RA BEAUTIFUL (C00Rl)NATED FALL LOOK SEWING CENTRE 3,6"Pinw~aIe Corduroy $1.89 Stretchi Lace Seam Binding 6o0l Stretch Denim $499 Iteg.39e) Now 25C 1 Plastic Bolte Rngs 6"Ciplefle $4.0!) Heg.'2!Pc Nom 19c 1f air [hip Competitin mbers finishing in Prize Group were Huggins of ýNo. 2 k; Todd McKee of kstock;- Neil Taylor, niskilten; Blair Van- 5 Bowmanville and Yelowlees, No. i ýn. Those finishing in Place Prize Group lin Asselstine, No.2 ck; Pbilip Archer of ckstock; Jim Moffat rono, Annette Taylor Enniskillen, Collette o. 1 Enniskillen and aneyk of No. 5 Bow- ý4-H Sheep Club nent Day, ist Place in vmanship Competition Walter Taylor No. i Jen, followed closely wr Neil in 2nd Place. nembers finisbing in Prize Group in Show- )for Sheep were e Taylor, No. 1 Enni- and Dennis Yellow- No. 1 Enniskitlen. rs finishing in the 2nd roup in Showmanship Scott Cavanagh of iortb; Cathy Moffat of ono, Collette Taylor of nniskillen and Terry of Bridgenorth.' lor and Dennis Yellow ýrepresent the Sbeep the inter-Club Show- competition in Orono îy, September 7. ,H Beef Club Achieve- )ay was one of the ones beld in recent itb 19 members bring- calves for the Show- pClass. First Place in ry competitive Show- pdivision went to Cornish of No. 5 [nille, fotlowed closed- .1l Stater of No. 1 Orono Other members who n the lst Prize Group tven Pleasance of No. ianville, Gary Smith of riniskillen, and Dennis les No. 1 Enniskilten. finishing in 2nd Prize Group were Philip Archer; Duncan Brock of No. 1_ Enniskillen. Those finishing in 2nd Prize Group were Philip Archer, Duncan Brock of No.1 Enniskiiien; Peter Knowlton of No. 1 Bowmanviiie; Alex Smitb of No. 1 Enniskillen, jim Smitb No. 1 Enniskiiien and Doug Larmer of No. 1 Blackstock. Those finishing in the 3rd Prize Group were Wendy Cornisb No. 5 Bow- manville, Carl Lowery No. 1 Orono, Donna Hancock, No. 1 Enniskillen, Maurice Allun No. 2 Newcastle, Colin Asseistine, Jobn Ayre, No. 4 Bowmanville Ron Forrest, No. 1 Orono and Doug Smitb No. 1 Campbell- crof t. in the Junior Beef Heifers Class, Wendy Cornisb of No. 5 Bowmanviile was lst with Carl Lowery, No. 1 Orono 2nd. In tbe Senior Beef Heifer Class, those finisbing in the lst Prize Group were Gary Smith, Alex Smitb, Mary Cornisb, Jim Smitb and Dennis Vel- iowlees. In the 2nd Prize Group1 were Pbiiip Archer, Duncan Brock. Donna Han- cock, Peter Knowlton and Steven Pleasance. In the Beef Steer Ciass those finisbing in the ist Prize Group were Doug SMitb, No. 1 Campbeiicroft; Bill Siater No. 1 Orono and Doug Larmer No. 1 Btack- stock. In the 2nd Prize Grô'up were Maurice Allun- No 2 .Newcastle, Colin Asseistine of Biackstock and Jobn Ayre of, Bowrnanville. Wendy' and Mary Cornish Alex, Gary and Jim Smith, John Ayre, Doug Larmer, eiii Siater and Doug Smith wili al be taking their caives to Lindsay for the Inter-Coun- ty 4-H Championsbip Show to be beid at the Lindsay ,Ekibition on THursday Sept- ember 20. Up and down the book stacks Miademoiselle Chanel by Pier- re, Galante (biography of Coco. wortd famous fasbion dlesigner)J ,nd Then We Moved to Rossenarra bv Richard Con- dlon] J\hat happens wben a wnrld t raveller bus a country estate in Ireland and bas it renodelled. humour and mis- adx enture abound) Official Guide '10 Bottles Old and Nexx by Hal L. Cohen (for collectors and antique buffs) Teach Yourself Guitar by llarry Taussig The Jaws nf the Watcbdog by Ivor Drurnrond (crime novel Buirnt Offerings by Robert Mlarasco (a novel with a bizarre ending) JUNIOR llow Did We Find Out the Earth is Round? by Isaac Asiniov Farming by R.D. Lobban trmpasi to present) Lorna Donne by Richard D. Blackrnore Madeleine Hadley 983-5441 Orono1 William c.Halil B. COMM. Chartered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 ALL DAY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY DX SERVICE STATIOtv% Highway 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle Featuring: Premium Quality Product.s At the Most Reasonable - II Prices Stove 01 Diesel 011 Available in any quantity Phone 987-4215 ---q Those fii PAPERS SQLD AT THE FÔLLOWING STORES The Orono Times are sold at t.he foliowing stores in Orono; Middleton's Confectiènery Stutt's Pharmracey M&M Variety Building a House? or remodelling YOUr present one? Then Contact Floyid Nicholson Phone 983-5049 Orono VENEZIA RESTAURANT Highway 115 and 35 % mile south of Orono PHONE 983-5651 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Speclalizing in Pizza - Meals Also Week4nd Specials NE FIVE *"BEEEU's:'oF IDDLE AGI ARE, BALD- NFSS -- BRIDGE WORK - BIFOCALS--IBAY WIND- OWS ANDBUNIONS.ý Orono Towing GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Oreno Orono Buildin Contractor Brick - Block - Concrete Stone Work Carpentry -Cabinet Work Floors -Tile ý)iltcii M. 1

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