&,-Oroto Weeklv Timies. Wednesdav. Seotember tb IQ73 Bowm,,anviîlie chamber &presents Bowcastle Bowcastle, a contraction of BowÀmanvilleý and Newcastle, has been selected as the winning entry in the Chamber of Commerce contest to cboo- se a new name for the area that bas so far been called Newcastle in Durham Region. The area is composèd of Bowmanville, Newcastle, and the townships of Clarke and Darlington. It cornes into being as one municipality on Jan. 1 1974. The winniing name came fromi several contestants and chamber officials chose the wininer of the $30 prize by picking a name from a hat. She was Mildred Young, 74 Scugog, St. Second choice of names was Mlassey, and tbe prize of $15 went to Stuart Candler, 1511 King St. East. Third prize choice was Pine Ridge, the name of the tourist area, and the prize went to Sharon Farrow, of 229 Liberty St. Again, the winning name was picked from a bat because others had also submitted tbe name Pine Ridge. Honorable mention went to Verne Jobnson, Liberty St., for Esperanto. Nearly 100 entries, covering 60 namfes were submitted. The name Bowcastle bas been submitted to ýohn White, Minister of Intergovernment- al Affaîrs, as well as new Durbam cbairman Walter Beatb and Durham MP Alex Carrutbers. Chamber officials hope a choice of names will be on a ballot for the Oct. 1 regional elections. Student delegates receive 'straight goodsi Ed Clark of R.R. No.1 Orono, was among the 200 sýtudent delegates'to the Stra- ight Goods conference on the env'ironment, August 27, 28 29 at the University of Western Ontario in London. Jamnes Auld, MinisteF of the Envir-onmient and Darcy MýcKeough, Minister of Ener- gy were two'of the keynote speakers at the conference sponsored for representatives of each high school across Ontario by the Ministry and the University. Oither speakers include Dr. Robert Uffen of the Club of Romne, Colin Macfarlane, dir- ector of the air management branch of the Ministry David Bartlett of the Canadian Council for UNESCO and Earl Werner, General Motors of Canada Ltd. The three day conference is split into four segments deal- CATHMAR% WeIl iDrilling PONTYPOOL Phonie: 705-277-2504 Orville Chatterton Electrical Contracting Electrie Heating and Service Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario Oxford BRICKLAYERS STONEMASONS WILLIE S. SCHMAHL Phonle 983-5606 Specializing km ail kinds of STONEWOftK and FIREPLACES We also do chimney Replairs ing with Ontario and the energy crisis, urban develop- ment and tbe environment and environmental action. The closing session commences witb an examination of the book "Limits to Growtb" and concludes witb the student resolutions developed at the conference. 'rfhe Nor thumberland and Dùrham County Board of Eýducation bas sougbt to bave scbool cafeterias operate with out assistance f rom the board. In the past mnany of the cafeterias were subsidies by the Board. The surge to make the cafeterias self-supporting is going to raise prices of foods served. In tbree cases agreements * For a real treat try Our e *OId-Fas'hioned e Hard Cc :COLD DRINKS: * We are open for * our convenience *10.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. iMonday to Saturday* S 10.00 a.m. to9.oUp.m.* * Sunday For snappy, delicions * *SNACK BAR Ta ke out: SOrdlers *Phione 983-9291s M&M :Variety Bob Yeomans Plumbing and Ileating 24 Hou Service New Installations AIterations - Repairs Specializing In Bot Water Heating Forced Air lleating Septie Tank Work RR 1, Orono 983-5624 Regional council to be sworn in October 15 Inaugural ceremonies for Durham Region's first council will be held in the G.L. Roberts Collegiate and Vocat- ional Institute at 8 p.m. Monday, October 15, Çhair- man Walter Beath announced today. Chairman Beath also an- nounced appointment of the region's acting clerk. He is William G. Manning, 61, wbo bas been administrator and clerk-treasurer of the Ontario County. 1Witb the exception of Mr. Beath, who was appointed by the provincial government on July 31, members of Durham regional council will be elect- ed by popular vote on October 1. At the inaugural ceremonies Lieutenant Governor W. Ross MacDonald will officiate, and the proceedings will be chair- ed by Ontario Treasurer John White, who is also Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs. Mr. Beatb said the choice of Roberts Collegiate makes it possible for tbe ceremonies to be attended not only by many special -and distinguisbed guests but also by a large number of private citizens. The chairman said he was particularly pleased to have Mr. Manning as acting clerk because of his extensive experience in municipal affairs. A native of Brooklin, Ont- ario, Mr. Manning has been clerk-treasurer of Ontario County'since 1947. In 1967 he have been reached to bave the cafeterias operated by cater- ers. Beaver Food Services will operate the cafeteria at Bow- manville wbile Dutch Oven Food Services will bandle and qperate the cafeterias at b oth the Cobourg school alt no cpst to the board. The board bas held inter- vieývs with managers of eafet- erias in the other High scbools including Clarke with the managers agreeing to attempt to operate witbout, a subsidy from the board. A system of financial controls are to be set up with montbly reports to be made to the board. The matterof revenue from vending machines to other grotips is being discussed with* the view that tbey should be credited to; the cafeterias as tbey are a food outlet in the scbool. * PHONE : Phone 983-5310 * KITCHEN * for 0KENTUCKY'e STYLE: :CHUCKEN WEDGE FRIES *. * e :FRENCH FRIES.e * HAMBURGERSO * HOT DOGS * * ENJOY THE sFINESTS * CHICKEN IN * THE LAND * MAIN ST. ORONO assumed the additional duties of administrator. His background in munici- pal affairs also includes se- 'I veral years' service in elected positions. He served, eight years on Whitby Township council, including three years as reeve, and several years on scbool boards in the area. Keenly interested in plann- ing be became a founding member of the Pickering German Food Available From 6:00 p.m. Free Beer Mug Door Prize Costume Prizes -Whitby Joint Planning Boar- in 1948 and bas since served prominently in many other local and regional planning organizations. His present' positions in-, clude that of executîve vice- president of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario. CUTLI and DISTRICT CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE ___*1 NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 Bar Privileges Costumes Optional Draw Prize Ticket Reservations: $4.00 per person Telephone:987-4202 or 987-5187 COME AND HAVE FUN!! Newcastle Lions Club AUCTION SALE 1: 30 p. M. ARTICLES COLLECTED FROM ATTIC TO BASEMENT WISH TO DONATE? TELEPHONE 987-4827 Ch-rber of Commerce à1200 p-, Farm ers' Market Locally1 Grown App les & Other Seasonal fruits and vegeta$bes Home Baked Goods G ARB.AGE NOTICE RESIDENTS OF THE POLICE VILLAGE 0F ORONO Garbage within the Police Village of Orono wiIl be pickedup on, THlU RSDAYS of each week Residents of the Village have use, of Hale's Disposai area., lot 12, concession 3, Clarke Township, Mondays to Fridays, 1 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. and Saturdays 8 a.m. to 12 noon. No charge for car Ioads or V/2-ton truck loads. The present Orono Disposai area, Concession 6, is closed to use by the general public.. Your co-operation wilI be appreciated. ORONO POLICE TRUSTE ES ORONO, ONTARIO School cafeteria meals to cost more Beer Garden Open 1:30 p.m. Dance 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. German Band . ............ . ...