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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Sep 1973, p. 7

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Up and down the book stacks THUR'lS. SEPT. 2Otb, 1973 ADULT World Mlamne by Biiiy Gra- ham And Perhaps by Ruth Dayan & Helga Dudmnan- (autobiograp- Self Analysis from your Handwriting by Albert Hugh- es Hlarper's Encyciopedia for Hlorsemen by Louis Taylor i(compiete book of the horse, including equine hcalth and nutrition) AIl Under Heaven by Pearl UNITE] 01 SUNDAY SEPTI ORONO UIE Cburllch Scbool Worsbip Serviei KIRBY UNITE] Worsbip Servie Cburcb-e Sebool Dial-a-Tbougli ST. SAVI ANGLIC Establishee -egular Sunda, Service - E Hioiy Clommuai, First and~ Thir morning Prayei second. and Sunda: Hioly Bapti appointaient W 987.471 Rtev. Hî Robe BA., L. R ICA REAL7 S99 King S BOWMANI when Buying, Cali Buck (novel) The Curse of the Kings by Victoria Hoît (Mystery rôm- ance) JUNIOR The -World Turned Upside Down by Robert Leckie (Story of the American Revoluti'on) Twist, Wiggle & Squirm by Laurence Pringle (Book about earthworms') Seven. Simeons by Brois Art- zyabsheff (Russian folk tale) The Secret Warning by Franklin M. Dixon (Hardy boys mystery) KIRBY NEWS' 'D CHURCH Miss Marion McKelvey, Mrs Zela Graham and Mrs. Doris )rono Pastoral Wannan were dinner guests of Miss Katy Stewart on Monday Charge Mr. and Mrs. îles Phippin Nec (Rhonda -Henderson Kit- Minister chener and Mr. Everett Hen- derson of Toronto were week- ev. B. E. Long end guests of Mr., and Mrs. B.Th. Ken Henderson andà Robert. Friends and relatives attend EMBER16,7- ed the funerai of the late ~MBER16,7v Howard Bellamy onSaturday JCHURCH afternoon. Funeral service CHURCH was heid from Morris Funeral, Chapel in Bowmanviile. Our 10:00a.m. sympathy goes to Mrs. Bell- ,e11. 15 am. amy and famiiy. -Miss Karen Lowery, U of T, :DCHURCH Toronto and Miss Sharon ce 945 a m. Lowery, Sir Sanford Fleming e 9.4 a.m. Cotiege, Peterboro, spent the 111:0 a.m. weekend at home. 11:Oa.m. Mr. and, Mrs. Lawrence ht 98-gi5i Harris and Mr. and Mrs. it 98-9151 Lloyd Ransbcrry lef t Sunday for a trip to Kamloops, B.C. The funeral of Mr. Edwin Manning, formeriy of Orono I OURS and cousin of Mr. Raymond Chapmnan and Mr. Ken Bail, is JAN to be heid in Toronto on d 1869 WedJnesda.. y Worship Keep in mind Kirby United ý0:00 a.m. Church, Fali Anniversary, on on- September 3th. We are bav- d Sundays ing' Rev. Grald Hofstetter of r- the Janetviile Yelverton 1Fourthf charge as guest speaker, we ýys ism by hope he brings is accordian. ;th Rector Aiso Miss M. Meriey of r5 Bowmanviile wiii favour us rt Hlayne, with some ioveiy violin select- _TL. ions accompanied by her mother. Kirby U.C.W. heid.their first fail meeting on Sept llth at the Church. A cail to worship ýK opened the meeting by Vice Presidenit Dora Morris. Hymtn LR D 249 was sung folowed by praS'er. Roll cali was taken 0R' and the minutes of the last roR meeting was read by Sec. Doreen Stewart. The scripture St., E. for the smaiiest coin Psaima 1. 1 VILLEfoliowed by prayer by Dora Morris. We received a thank or Seliing DurhamnCountyl aaiaoe1rrISalesArenaI1 WULe HAWKM Your Oronto Area Representative 983-5274 Member of Oshsawa and District Real Estate Board Hamniltons Insurance Service Your Friendiy Ageacy FOR AI l Personal & Commercial Infsurance Boats and Motors, Cottage Property a Specia ty SADIE HAMILTON SUE SAWYER JIM HARE For depeadable Service 983-5115 ORONO, ONT. LIVESTOCK SALE EveryTbursday Evening 7:30 p.m. SHEEP- CtTTLE HIOGS -1HORSES BUSINESS 983-»j63 HOME: 623-4685 Bill Mosiey Auictioneer and Proprietor Marshes, their value their destruction What is the value of our marshes to manikind? This question to-day appears to be a strong point of contention htween the developer. the cottager or residential dweller and the conservationist. The value of our mtarsh areas to-day is of great importance to ail people whether they are cohcerned about them or not. Our marshes provide habitat for n'unlerous forms of die wbich havie developed over millions of years, yet man cari destroy them ail in less time'-than he realizes. These areas should flot be destroyed as. their worth toman is greater than he has yet realized. In addition to their habitat values, mar- shes are important in the form of water recharge areas as well as for water storage with regard to flood control. They also provide recreation and a new adventure in living for those who explore them. The destruction of these areas in to-day's society is increasing at an alarming rate, a rate at which all people ýhould be concerned. Whîle this destruction occurs by natural changes in lake levels, the dredging of marshes for development of cottage, re- sidential or commercial sites along watercourses [is most serious, as it can have direct or inidirect effects detrimental to the enviromnent and adver- se to the public interest., The follo.wing statutes con- tain legisiation -which can regulate and control such- dredging:' The Navigable- Waters Pro- tection Act administered by the Federal Department of Indian Affairs and Nortbern Development, as well as the following statutes administer- ed by the Provincial Ministry of Natural Resources: The Lakes and Rivers Improve- ment Act; The Beach Protect- ion Act; The Game and Fish Act; The Public Lands- Aét. Thus,, in the interest -of protecting our natural resour- ces, we request anyone ùnder- taking any river or lake aiteration affecting marsh lands to ensure that the relevant provisions of the you not e from the Scott Mission -for ahl we had done. There is to be a quiiting at the Museum in Orono whenever it is open. Aiso Quiit blocks are on dispiay at Orono. Iriez Harris: and Doreen Stewart were in charge of the Devot- ional. Doreen read the scrip- ture taken from the Romans. Inez gave a reading the topic from Ephesians foliowed by prayer. Several poems were 'read. Mae Aluin read a farm Wife Prayer. Marion McKel- very read a poem about Fal and Iriez Harris read a poem recipe for Living. The ciosing Hymn 679 was sung foiiowed b y- the Mispakbenediction. Mrs. H.Lowery served pie and ice cream and tea. Hockey I Registration * wiII be beld oni :Friday, Sept 2lst. from 6.30 tiI8.30I I inthe * Orono Fire Hall * or a Il boys wisbîng to play hockey in Orono tbis year. I * Reistration tee will bc $12.00 and proof of age is I requirvd. Late registration fee will be $14.00.' a Caches are urgently needcd to.sign up to Orono xIlAmteur Atbiletjc Association. *Orono Amateur Ath letic AssociationI mummuammmmmmI above statutes are compîied with prior to c6dmmencing the operation. It is our hope that it is C'ALI, 1 EVW 1 In a Queen's possible invalu strictly rules. Orbîoo Weekly Timies, WVednesdav,. Snt1%r h. 197M - 7 M.P.P., Durham bas announ- TE ND)ERHS FO4)R ced thue cailing of tenders in I)LEY DIVERSION the weýek of Septemnber 17 for a news release from grading, drainage, granular, 's Park Alex Carruthers base and paving of Highway le to save the remaining 28H (Bewd1ey Diversion - 5.2 ble marsh areasý by, miles). and Highway 2& (Di- yadhering to these verted section through Bewd- ley - 4.3 miles). ____ NORTHUMBERLAND & DURHAM COUNTY BOARD 0F EDUCATION EVENING CASES 1973-1974 PLACE Bowmanville High School, 49 Liberty St. N REGISTRATION DATES: Wednesday, September 19,7 p.m.-9 p.m. Thursday, Septem ber 20,7 p.m. -9 p.m., Registration wilI take place in the main foyer of the school. FEE: 20 week course $10.0 10 week course $5.00 (Plus materials if necessary) Evening classes begin the first week of october 1973 and continue for 20 weeks unles otherwise indicated. Classes wiIl be held in tbe subjects isted below, providing a sufficient number of applicants enrol in each course. ARTS AND CRAFTS Ar@t-Introductory Art-Advanced Ceramics Photography & Film Deveioping- BUSINESS SUBJECTS' Typwriting-Introductory Typewriting-advanceu Office Procedures-Introductory Short Hand (Shorter Ha'id> Business Law Dispiay Marketing Introductory Accounting FOODS Cake Decorating-Introductory Cake Decorating - Advanced (10 wk) Cooking is Fun (10 wk) PERSONAL GROOMING Hairdressing & Cosmeties Physical Fitness - Men Physical Fitness - Women Yoga HOME IMPROVEMENT Interior Decorating -Introductory Interior Decorating - Advanced Rec. Room & Cottage Building Rec. Room & Cottage Wiring Smaii Appliance- Repair T.V. Maintenance & Stereo-Sound Systems Uphoistery Furniture Refinishing SEWING Basic Knits- Introductory (10 wks) Basic Knits - Advanced (10 wk.) Sewing -lntroductory Sewing - Advanced CONVERSATIONAL LANGUAGES French-Introduc tory German-Introductory TECHNiCAL SUBJECTS Automotive Mechanics -Introductory Automotive Mechanics - Advanced Small engines - Introductory Smail Engines - Advanced Creative Weiding, Welding - Introductory Welding - Advanced Machine Shop -Introductory Machine Shop-Advanced Drafting Blue Print Reading MISCELLANEOUS COURSES Bridge, Contact Amateur Radio (Leads to Licence) UP-GRADING SUBJECTS Grades 9 & 10, English, Mathematies, Science Grade il Bioiogy, Physies, Mathema- tics. Grade 12 Chemnistry, Mathematies' -OTHER COURSES MAY BE OFFERED IF SUFFICIENT PEOPLE REQUEST THEM. For a course description and additional information, contact Bowmanville High Sehool at 623-4416 MEN'S SHIRTS Tbe newest styles and patterns in long-sleeved dress shirts by "Currie". Permanent press polyester and cotton in checks, faacy stripes and polka dots. Solid shades of light~ blue, navy, gold and brown. Sec the new-style collar. Sizes - S, M, L adX.PR ICED F ROM $8.OOtO$10.00- WHISPER SALE CONTINUES, UNTIL SEPTEMBER 22nd. BABY JUMPSUIT.S One -picce polyester suits in a combination of plain shades and checks. Styled witb pointed collar, long sleeves, zip front and domed crotcb. Red, blue and browa. Sizes 12 to 24 montbs. PRICE EACH -$6.95 GirI's Two-Pjecp Polyester 2-piece sets in cbecks with plain trim. Pants are domed and e flared. Tops bave long sleeves, yoke and round collar wjth lace trim. Red, bIne and orange witb white trim. Sizes 12 to ?4 nmonths.EA H $69 Giri's Tops Polyester tops in navy or red witb white turtle-neck, set-in front yoke and long sleeves. Lace trim. Sizes 4 to 6X years. EACH - $3.00 CLARKE HIGH SCHOOL GYM SUITS AND SHORTS ARm%<MS TRONG0% S Rei

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