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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Sep 1973, p. 3

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MOBILE HOMES the chief assessment officer is to present a written report to couneit and it was feit by the officer that bis report would be similar to that of the Township auditor, Waltêr Pope who bas reported that the Rice proposai wouid be an excellent one for the township iancially. F.R. Lovekin also referred the anditors report and that the Planning Consultants, r. Farrow, who stated that e Rice proposai was in cord with good planning eals for this area adjacent to ,-wastle. Reeve Woodyard also stated îat Mr. Westlake had stated at the mobile home wonld be ssessed the samne as a normai orne. -In reply to Mr. Moffatts laim of a reduction in isulation Mr. M. Rice asked Ir. Mffatt if he bad ont seen îe mobile homes or the andards used. Mr. Moffatt iid he had not seen the ornes. Mr. Rice then sfated iat there was no truth in that isulation was below standard Deputy-reeve Entwisle ask- 1 wby the Rice development çýfiould not conform. To this Mr. Rice said they would and bat tbey would have to. He aid, *'You shouldn't have to *,,O ,OOS p~w ,skthaf, iI h'usb conformn * i l T ii 9- wbere others have f0 conforrn. M~ ~ ~~~r iM.IU~ jj:aà Rice then sfated thev *ied * ad 480 applications CONFCTIOERY ND *tor their second stage at CONFCTIOERY NDý:Sandy Cove. He furfbered bis GIFTS comments by sfafing that on : resales in the Sandy Cove e PLANT NOW e development wbicb is ont yet FORSPRNt xo years olds the resale of the * FO SPRNG Smobile homes are going for * * $1500 above the original cost. * BLOOMS 8 Wben asked if a persan ~could * ing a mobile home friom elsewhere f0 locate on .J"s~..,.is is development, be said it would not be allowed. When * * questioned about sewage Rice * * stated that the plant now being e constî-ucted in Newcastle * e c()uld be easily enlarged f0 0 take care of the 1000 mobile : s~~~ ~ iU~~~ty Bob Yeomans seletio oftopquaity Plumbing and Heating DUTCHBULBS24 Hour Service DU CH* BSNe, Installations * S Alteratioris - Repairs *Hours 7:30 a.m. to 9p.m.* Specializing In - Wed. and Sat. * Hot Wàter Heating S7.30 a. m. to5: 30p. m. * Forced Air Heating 9, ORONO, ONTARIO * Septie Tank Work 0 PHONE 983-5242 S RR 1, Orono 983-56Z4 *ATTENc#TION Fm"FARMERS!! I WHY PAY' -MO0RE? * SA VE ON1 I * l~.,seDIESEL FUELI *~ > MOTORQOIL I *GASOLINEI Pr em i utm Quolity *Form Tanks endI .0 Pumps Available I *Phone 668-3381 - Collect a IDX FýUEL Di * For Prompt Courteous Service *Call Us oa au Kendal News Sympathy is extended to Mrs. M. E. Foster in the loss of ber brother Mr. W. B. Connor iwhose funeral took place at Soutb Boston, Virginia. He was a veterari of the First World War and bas been iii a long tîme. Mrs. Roy Mercer bas been in Bowmanville Hospital and Mr. George Clark. We wish tbem a speedy recovery. Mrs. 1. Mariotte was the guest of honour on the occasion of ber eighty-seventb birthday. Her daughter Mrs. Allen Foster invited the fol- lowing guests to the birthday party on Saturday evening; Mrs. M. E. Foster, Mrs. H. Foster, and Mr. anid Mrs. Ralpb Kennedy. We hope she rnay be able to enjoy many more birthdays. Several from this area attended the twenty-fifth wed- ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. James Lowery in Kirby School on Friday evening. This w 'as a very nice event. Friends were thiere from far and near to enjoy the dancing and celebrate with tbem and their family. Mrs. H. Foster went witb the Welcome U.C.W. on a bus trip on Monday Sept. 17 to the E.P. Taylor horse barns, to Camp Seranac and then to a dinner served by the ladies of Nortbminster United Cburcb. In the afternoon tbey toured the McLaughlin Home and homes. lie said it was only a matter of adding units to the plant and he commented that the greater the use the less the cost t0 those now in Newcastle E. R. Lovekin informed the mieeting, that the, Federal gox ernment hadl this week approveil over 5 million dol- lars through CMHC for' the second stage of the Rice -mohile homes at Sanidy Cove ami thiis wandiatonthat the plan wýasý a sound one. M. Rice also said that the mobile homes huilt by them met ail specîfication of ail govero- ment branches. W. H. Carman said he felt thex xxere not discussing the issue at ail]. It is a matter of otîr environment, whether we miake il a. rural or urban community. He said he fav- oured the rural approach. M ffice stated the t he develop- ment w ould contain fifty percent green area when com pi eted. Robert Simpson set the note l'or the next stage of discussion when he stated that the bouse sizes were ton large tbus making it impossible for young people and others to afford a home of t1heir own. A numb-r at the meetingagreed %\Pth the point and M. Rice saidJ this is exactlyý what we a1re trtngf0do . rvd houisint a ýIcosfthallt po Mr. Vlhuis of Newtonville akdthati standards be such thiat they' are for everyone. Mac Rýice said he agreed with Mr.t L Ricein speaking at the meeting said if will be out of the municipal hands. as -the province is about to urge municipalities f0 make avail- able more lots for building to overcome the home construc- tion' crisis. He said the prox in-e will hold ontthe carrot ini the foi-niof\grantls and i f you do nof follow their Iea(i there will be n rns Depufy-reeve Entwisle ques tioned this as be f eit the regional tortu of government wvould give bbc local centres More control over planning. ('ANIlATES TO SPEAK i Curiinued fi un page 1) -d by Mr. Garnet Rie-kard wbo gardens. The Kendal Women's Instit- ute met at the borne of Miss Catherine Stewart on Wed- nesday evening, Sept. 19, with fwelve ladies present. Mrs. M. lVfanders .the vice president opened the meeting witb the Ode and the Mary Stewart collect. The minutes of the June meeting were read by Mrs. W. Turansky and approved. Mrs. H. Foster gave the financial report. She gave the retur'ns from the Penny Sale. The profit from the supper was $74.00. Eigbty dollars bad been given to girls aftending camp this summer. The W.I. convention this year is to be beld October 24, 25 and 26 in the Royal York. The Convenor for -tbis meet- ing was Mrs. R. Elliof t. The Roll Caîl was "Tell how you bave belpe d out at farm labour at any time.",Motto - "You can take the boy out of- the country but you can't take, the country out of tbe boy. Her topic was "Labour shortage in the Ontario Harves."~ Five tbousand more workers than' last year will be needed. It is ridiculous to bave sncb a labour shortage in a country witb su ch bigh unempînyment Married women workers in 1972 were allowed to' earn $249.00 fax free. The result was housewives would work tili they earned tbat mucb then quit, leaving the rest of the apples, etc. unpicked. West Indian help mnust bave their passage going and com- ing and at least 1.80 an hour paid by the employer. They' have proved satisfacfory. European students are being broughf in and guaranteed six dollars a day with room and board provided. The meeting- closed with the singing of tbe National Anfbem. Lunch'was served by Mrs. M. Manders and our.hostess. A vote of thanks was tendered M.Niss C. Stewart for the use of ber home. The Penny Collect- ion was $1.60. Miss C. Stewart and Miss Marion McKelvey wenf wif b the Shiloh ladies on their bus tour to Kingston, Perth and other points. Tbey visited a cheese factory, a sboe factory and a 'Kitfen'" sweater fact- ory. A gond ftrip was enjoyed by ail the ladies and many articles were broughf home. Pork "e,îderloin l>ortiol, lb. 95c- SEED COLLECTION This is the time of year the Division of Forests colleet seeds for the growing of future seedlings for planting oni private, agreement forest and Crown lands. Eacb year seed collection targets are establisbed and correlated to the needs of wood production, wiidlife, and Chops lb. $1.28 ornamental species. It is essential that the sèed collected must come fromn higb quality stands and known areas. The Lindsay District ,target for fali of 1973 is as follows; Red Pine 100 Hectolitres, White Ash, 2 Hectolitres, Nannyberry 2 Hectolitres, Serviceberry 2 hectolitres macUF1 l b. $1,29 a . - Sa usage Burns SinaliLiînk Beefaid l'or], l..88c Soft Marqarine l b. tub .37c I)elsev Bathroomi Tissue 2 roils 33c. E. 1). Smith Garden Cocktail 2o.jr35C Artiec Pouwel.gintpkg CoId Water detergent 99c Fresh Asote aieties Dare Cookies lb. bag 67c Triple- Pak Butsi.ý unich NMeats l b. .98c i.- ISweet Tasty California SE EDL ESS AD .GRAPE S LB. .,u Ontario Grown No. 1 Crisp CELERY STALKS m rFor best selection Order your Thanksgiving Turkey. S TO-DAY Fresh or Frozen ICORNISH'S- ORONO 983-5201 à3e s o,. o. O)rono Weekly Times, Wednesday, September 26, 1973-3 VOTE' ,Walkey Regional Council .Ward 3 Ontario Min istryof RevenUe, TAKE NOTICE, in accordance with Section 40, Subsection 5 of The Assessment Act, R.S.O. 1970 as amended, that (a). The last day for appealing assessment is;- October :)Ist, 1973. Appeals to bc forwarded to the liegional Registrar. Assessnîent Reviewi Court, 1.0. Box 208, Peterborough,. Ontario; (b) The assessment roll may be inspected during business hours at the local inunicipal office; (c). .Assessment probiems may be discussed with assessment personnel by calling the Regiona1 Assessment Office, William and Burnham Streets, Box '290, Cobourg, Ontario. Telephone: 372-2258 or within the Region Zenith 68514). Assessment Region No.8 Northunmberland and Durhamn Counties FOR THE BEST mEATs iN TOWN Young Ontario for Its th(, fla vour that I anil(Custom cut roastineàTender Loin 'OP r B01m 1 ""' - IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF CALL H AL E RDRNOW! 786,-2972 LARGE ORý SMALL QUANTITIES

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