Orono Weekly Times, Wednes.day, October 3rd, 1973-7 WANT ADS FOR WEDNESDAY PUBLICATFION ACCEPTED UNTIL 10:00 a.m.TUESDAY S$L /1 PHIONE ORONO 983-5301 R11PW 17£ :W. FRANK :REAL ESTATE: LIMITED : * ealtor S 6 234 King Street East 0 * BOWMANVILLE * 623-3393 * Toronto 923-9174 0 Po rt Hope office 885-454301 0 0 0For prompt, oreu, *efficient service when * buylng or selliug and* 0 0 * for the largest selection* 0 0 *of propertîes ln thse areae * Contact S * Orono, Area * S Representativre * Charlie Reid'S * 983-5914 * Roy Foster e * 983-5801_ e Williamn Turanskyo (Kendal) : * 983-5420 : Dane Found * 623-3965 * Roy St.rong :Betha ny 52rl11 Monum1ents end Family Memor'ia Is Our quality and service leaves nothing t. b. desired Ask the person who bought from us, a neigh- beur, friend or relative.~ The Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Phone collect V. W. RUTTER Office -885-5216 Home 885-5222 BYAMS PLUMBING - HEATING Sales and Service 24 HOUE BURNER SERVICE GULF FINANCING Low Interest Rates Phro:e263-2650 u NEED A NEED A SUMP PUMP PRESSURE SYSTEM HARVEY PARTNER- Pîumbing and Heating ORONO 983-5206 Charles Reid Orono's Licensed Auctiôneer Valuator Specialize in Farm Furniture Sales Consuit me for terms and dates Phone Orono 983-5914 Clarke Public LIBRARY Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Frldaiy 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Monday, Thursday, ,Friday Affernoons 2:30 te 5:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 to 12:.00 a.m. Box 13ý3 Ph. 668-3552 'Staff ord - Brothers LImited Manufacturers of Cemetery Memorials m1 Dundas Street East WHIITBY, ONTARIO Randy Tkompson Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5759 jCarpentry Work Remodelling We build from the L foundation Up Grant C., Wade Insurance Agency Geiieral Insurance Box 82 Tel. 786-2921 Newtonyille, Ontario Box 61 Tel. 885-2288 Port Hope, Ontario HELP WANTED . NOTICE Help wanted, full or part Dr. A. F. McKenzie's office time. Apply Noone's Restaur- will be closed from October ant, Phone 983-5536. sth to October l4th, inclusive. a-c 3-10-a-c HIELP WANTED Femnale help required for general factory work apply in 'persun to Curvply Wood Pro- ducts, South plant, Orono, Ontario. 3-10-a-c WANTED PRESS OPERATOR Required immediatelv -1-11 wages with our new incentive piece work rates. Apply, in person to Curvply Wood Pro- ducts. South plant, Orono. WORK WANT Bookkeeper with t payroll experience part time worc 383-5480. WORK WANI Willing to teach sign language in r talk to the death. Wg or week-ends. $2.00 with a minimum of per individual per r 983-9259 IIELP WANI ac I'ED typing and NOTICE The Senior Citizens will meet on Thursday October the 4th at 8 o'clock in the Oddfellows Hall, Mr. Homes will show his pictures. Every- one welcome. a-p COMING SOON Mother's Day Out, Wednes- day, October loth from 9:30 to 11:15 a.m. Main Hall of the Orono United Church.,Topic: Sewing on Knits. THANK YOU Dear Friends and relatives .we wish to thank you for the lovely party in honour bf our Silver Wedding Anniversary. For the 'many cards, good wishes, swivel rocking chair, gifts etc. A special thanks to the committee, Marj. Lowery, Bernice Moffatt, Audrey Rutherford, and Nýorma Rans- berry. T o the musicians, Ron, Joan and Jim Lowry, and the Woodis Orchestra.' To Ray- mond Chapman for his hum- ourous address, and alI who hielped make this a very happy occasion. Thanks again. James and Doreen Lowery a-c CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Vina IN MEMORIAM Cooper wish to thank ah their In loving memory of dear relatives and friends for thecir husband and father; J. Arthur tributes and messages of Tennant, who died September affection and sympathy. Spe- requires .28, 1965. Phone -Gone but flot forgotten". Ever remembered by1 a-p wife and, family." ITED SPECIAL TO and tutor W.W.V.A. JAMBOREE rny home - (Wheeling, West Virginia) eek nights November 9th to lith i per hour SH'OW STARS 12 sessions TO T.H L nonth Caîl For details contact: Trentway Tours Ltd. 3-10-17-a-c Box 77 2 Peterborough, Ontario TED, Phone Toîl Free huinVi- 1-800-461-7615 * ..nBouiler Ivichaide, Fr- nance Installer and Plumber, experienced. Apply Harvey Partnler Limited Plumbhing and Heating. Orono, Ont. YARD SALE Roadrunners' Quarter Horse Farm, Leskard Road, Orono. October, 6th and 7th. Many items including a few antiques, ladies racoon coat and ten different types of hornemade cookies. a-c FOR SALE Two purebred Siamese Kit- tens, antique dlock, tea wagon and radio. Prices reasonable. Caîl 983-9201. 1-63a cial thanks to Rev. Long, Dr. MacKenzie and the U.C.W. his Mari on and Bob also wish to thank the m any thoughtful a-p- people who continue to visit -our Dad who is presenily living in the Beau Villa Nursing Home, Bowmanviîle. a-c COMING EVENT Reserve Monday October jr 29th for U.C.W. presentation of an Oriental Cooking School at Orono United Church. Forf Further information later. a-c NOTICE St. Saviours, A.C.W. Annual Bazaar, bake sale, afternnon tea and penny sale will be held in the I.O.O.F. Hall, Saturday, October l3th at 2:30 p.m. 26-3-10 a-c John DeWITH Real Estate Limited Realtor Bowmnanvillie 623-3950 and 623-3111 For prompt, efficient service when buying or selling Contact: Gary Hancock 983-5155 Joe Barnoski 786-42202 Ross Davidson 277-2321 26-3-10 a-c * FO1R SALE Navy All Weather Coat, neyer worn, too small for owner. Size 24'i-' to 26,'2. Reasonable. Write to Box 360, Orono Weekly Times. a-c IIOUSE FOR SALE Bowmanville, approx. 2 lo ts; 3î bedrooms. Reasonable offer, please caîl 623-7359. a-p IIOUSE FOR SALE Happly Valley, R.R. No. 1, Orono. East from Hwy 35 and 115, 1'2 miles in. Please caîl 623-7359. NOTICE a-p 1, Edward Bougheh, will not be responsible for any debts i ncuîred by my wife. 1 6--p OIONO IhOCKEY COATS 19-263-apNOTICE GODNO ~ETI Herb and Gerry Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING Electrical Appliances T.V. - 'COLoUR T.V. RADIO -HI-FI WESTINGHOUSE RCA ELECTROHOXE Guaranteed Service 'Milison tnsuran:-e Agency AU! classes of personal and Commercial Coverage Office: Corner of Church and Cobbledick Street 983-5032 Reg. 983-5754 Anyone wishing to purchase an Orono Hockey coat, please comne to the Orono Arena, Saturday October l3th at 10 a.m. for fitting. Coats will'be black with gold trim, hip length, nylon with quilted lning. Boys $13.95 and Mens' $15.50 plus tax. Please corne prepared to pay aI least haîf the cost. Remainder will be COllected on delivery date:' Any questions please call 983-5141. 3-10-a-c COMING EVENT Newcastle Community Hall Board's 5Otb Anniversary Baîl to be held Saturday October l3th, at Newcastle Commumity Hall. Dancing 9-1 am. Music, by "Peter's- Haîf Dozen". Admission: $5.010 per couple Bar Privileges..Draw Special Prizes 26-3-10 a-c ORONO LANDSCAPIbiG SODDING, PLANTING AND SEREDING Phone 983-5598 INSTALL AN FURNACE BOILER ~SS HUMIDIFIER or HlOT WATER USO HEATER No payments for six months Cali HARVEY PARTNER Tour ESSO S ervice Dealer FREE ESTIMATES 983,52O6, Orono. Elmer's Garage TEXACO SERVICE Mill St. North, Orono Phone 983.5130 Home phone 987-5167 SMALL LOT WANTED Consisting of any where from 1 to 5 acres, situated on a year around open road, and where a building perinit and septic tank permit Liaailable. PreferablY a lot with a few trees, but if other features satisfactory will purchase without trees. Please wi ite advising as to terms, price, and location, to Box 600, Orono Timnes. Ail replies confidential. No agents please. 16th ANNUA!L ALL BLACK BREEDERE AND FEEDER SALE 550,H EAD 500 Stockers and Feeders 50 Breeding Cattie Purebred Grades& Cross-Breds ONE COMPLETE DISPERSAL PETERBOROUGH SALE BARN South of flashing amber light on Highway No. 7 Saturday'Oct 13 12 NOON SHARP Sale commencing with the breeding catile. consisting mostly cows with calves at foot and re-breeding, open and bred heifers, stockers and feeders, botb steers and heifers will be sold in uniform lots. Nuinber of ggod 4-H Calves ,MALCOLM BAlLEY, Manager, Uxbridge, 985-7583 STEVE LIPTAY and ROSS BAlLEY, Uxbridge, Auctioneers WATSON'S Marine and, Cycle Orono Pho~ne 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Allouette Snew Mobiles ýMcCulioch Chain Saws Repairs te ail makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Englue, ALLOUE¶1rE SNOWMOBILES PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins Phone 786-2552 Newtonville, Ontario ig