4< il V'olumie:37, Number:38 No mail problems created by reg ion Recycling parts of Ontario and Durbam Counties into the new region of Durhami will in no way change anyone's address, say postal officiais. Fears had been expressed in some quarters that form- ation of the new region on Jan. 1 would be followed immedi-' ately by at least confusion as some villages disappeared and townships wvere amalga- mated into new towns or town'Iships. But flot to worry. R.B. Chessum. manager of this region for the Canada Post Office, says no changes are contemiplated. "There have been no chang-' es in other areas where regional governments have been established and we foresee no change ninyour re(gion." Hie said that altboughi Bow- mnanville, for instance will become part of the new town of Newcaistle, mail will still be sent to Bowmanville and will not have to be marked Town of Newcastle. Pickering Village, which becomesý part of a new expanided town of Ajax next year, will still be Pickering' Village to postal officiais. Orono will also remain Orono. Clos imi for hyc Tbreei Hwy 401, Darlingto for thej Station to Hydro. Sbortly appearr that Met and Pari and sohd The roa Rd. whi<] and the Plant. Victoria hall $250,rOOO for nE The restoration of Vitoria Hall has received a $250,0001 boost in a provincial grant aninounced by Jack McNie, Ontario minister of colleges and universities, and John E. Lanigdon, chairmnan of the Ontario Heritage Foundation. "This substanitial contribut- *Kendal Eag les lose --out as champions TeKendal Eagles linter- ,edge in thec gaine and plenty of miediate Basebali Club after hope for- the local fans. * taking the lead i the final In the top of the fourth gamne for the Chami-pioniship of Thorndale scored a run when Ontario on Sunday afternoon a batter reached first on a were defeated in the eighth-Kna error and scored on a iining w'hen the Thorndale long drive which brought two Ag~l rQe home three runs Kendal players into collision to break a fou.» aIl tie in the ii, thec outfield, Jerry Thomp- game. son and Fraser Wallace. The Kendal could not mnuster the next three Thorndale batters necessary runs in their next wvere fielded out with only the tw,ýo inniings to overcomie the One run scoring. Thorndale lead. In the bottomn haîf of the A good crowd at Kendal inning Kendal scored two watched thec home-town crew further runs. Pete MAartense go out infroipt in'.the opening was safe at first on a fr-amnes of thec game and at the Thornidale error and advanced end of the fifth hold a 4-1 edge to second on a sacrifice byj in tlie gamie. John Mather. Tbompson then In the sixth innîng Thorn- registered a hit and both dale tied the score and with'a Matne and Thompson further three runs in thle scored on a double by Doug eighth wvent on to win the Taylor. Bernie Alldred who. Ontario Championship at the wasith first batter for Kendal Jackson Memiorial Park in in this frame was counted out Kendal . it home plate. At this point in The first score in the gaine 'lie game Kendal held a 4-1 camne in the third inining when tead over the Thornidale An- Jerry Thompson for Kendal gles. reached first on an error andj Ralph Kennedy who pitched proceeded to second on the the first four innings for overthrow. He theiî took third Kendal was pulled i the fiftb on a furtber Thorndale error after taking a strike out and and scored when Bill Robinson giving uip two walks an-d two hit a single. Robinson stoel bails on thec next batter. In thei second and went to third on a four- innings of play Kennedyi sacrifice by Fraser Wallace. took six strike out, gave up1 He scored wbven Thorndale three walks and beld the1 muffed a play on Ralpb Tborndale batters to no hits. Kennedy who stole second. Vrl- Moore came in to This gave the Eagles a 2-o (COntinued page 3) f happenings SUCCESSFUL IN BATTLE WITH FIIRE- The Orono- Clarke Fire Departmnent fougbt a pesty fire last week at one of Andy Wagners cicken barns on the fourtb uine of Clarke, Some of the sawdust used in the barn was smoldening and it took the department some time to find the centre of the prohlemi. They were able to eiminate the problem before it got out of control. Mr. Wagner bas a number of barn in close proximnity to one another on bis property. ASKS TIIAT RESIGNATION TAKE EFFECT IMMED+ IAELY-Mr. Kennetb Lyall , a member of the County Sebool board and who was ehected as regional councîllor for Ward 3 on October ist bas asked the School Board to accept bis resignation immediately as lie wilh be busy with regional affairs as of the lstb of October. The request will be considered this Thursday at the Board meeting. Under the Act his resignation was to bc effective on December 3lst. NEW SIREN INSTALLED)+Due to a malfunction of the fire siren at the local fire hall a new one bas been instahled. It bas yet to make its first cahl for the firemen. ion", sail recogniti and arcl of Victor and the restorati Cou n cil ta kes op tion onOrono Estate lot, - w-- - ~ 'The Township of Clarke UM M has authorized, ifs legal advi- may still use the Ic sor, E. R. Lovekin, to take an walking to- and fr Orono WVeekly Times, Wedisday, October loth, 1973 option on a lot in the Orono subdivision. rodsEstates development at book The Township w g rod oailskater value. The lot in question is option to carry a timi ,dro station w w r the most soutberly edge of the year and it is noted roads, ahl south of development- and has been resolution that the pri are to be closed by Sxteen year old Nita Tais- Iised as an entrance into the to be reserved as ar .01 Tow nship counicil ma 4from Orono attended the development from the Village. and not to besold as proposed generating Oshawa Summer Skating- 0f late -the lot was fenced off which a building ci Io be built by Ontario Schpol in July and passed her by the developer as they would erected. second Figure Test and Euro- have been liable for any The value of the yadvertisements will peap Dance which completes accident on this property noted at $8.000 whiclh notifying the public her Senior Bronze. Nita was w'hich was being used as a ail the services as tcalf Rd., Hoît Rd, also awarded a Bursary. roadway. Residents bowever througbout the sub-div kRd., are to be closed Th~e Bursary, which was to abut ting owners. $50.00 each toward flext sum- Sur ýads lie between Solina mers, skating sessions, was u v y c me e eh will not be closed, awarded to tbree students whov y co p e d St. Mary's Cement have worked hardest andse i r c iz n imjproved most durng the for se i r c t z n sum mer sessions and these students are hosen by the In the correpodnc t >h question was purchaseý g r a n iecid o4 fp esoas recent Township of Clarke' Township ini 1967 as a SCoogtlatos N n Brown stated that the survey was turned over to g wlo ChongatlainstoNta odf the land to be turned over to ComnîrlLty Park Boar - Good luck in the future. the Senior Citîzens housing The letter from Mr. in of the istordeian t ay development west of Orono pointed out that 1 ion f th hisoriJ S. Maryshad been completed. The railway right-away , ns hitecturah importance doubles capacity property is part of lot 29, as a road, was owied ria Haill to Canadians concession ,5 in the Township Mmistry of Natural Re scope of the planned St. Mlary's Cernent Ltd. in Of Clarke and in the Police and that a problemn [on." Bowýmanville will have doubl- Village of Orono. The land -in access to the propert Officially opened by the Prince of Wales dater King Edward VII) on Sept. 7, 1860, VitraHall was for mianyl .ears the civic aind cultural ceteof Cob)ourlg. James Cockbuirn, one of tbe Fathers of Cofederation, had his lawýv ofiein the building. To date the societyv bas received pledges and donat- (Continuied page 3) Vandals ci power ftai&1 Vandals are being blamied for ant hour-long power inter- ruption in Darlington Town- ship) and the town of Bowmnan- vile ear-ly today. WI.R. Walters, area mana- ger f'or Ontario Hydro's Bow- manvîlle office, said it is believed that someone used a rifle to smash insulators on a 44,000 volt transmission line miidway between Oshawa and Bowmnvileabout 3 a.m.' today Current jumped to the pole, set il afire and caused the blacJkout, be said., ed its capaci this year, J] maaesa Conlstrucjti( ed facilities 1972', and wil c OIIIple'teý Thle high r ity by the end of J.0. Downi, plant aid Wednesday.. ion of' the expand- sbegan in early ll bew substantially thli s year. rate of construct- arise. lt when' ýom the ish the ne of one hd in the -perty is roadway a lot on could be lot was h carnies supplied iion. ed by the tCenteni- )peration e Orono td. rBrown the old 0ow used d by the ',fources o f legal rty could Art Mart exhibits f rom over provi nce io>n tnrougnouui the Ietrupull- Mrs. John Mintline, conven- Sheery Sback to deligbt' the tan Toronto area has be .en or of the 1973 Christmas Art 'tired husbands. Mrs. R. Lan- responsible for the major Mart to be held at the Robert caster wvill again convene the expansion, Mr. Down said. M\cLaughin Gallery from Bake Bootb wbicb last year November 9tb to November il 'solçl out' da.ily Tbere.will be a reports that exhibitors are special bootb devoted- to new pouring in from ail over books convened by Mrs. C. M. Ontario. This year should bc Elliott. thle Most successful Mart ever The Art Mart will open on tire held byMthe W0men's Com- Friday No'vember 9 at 5 p.m. mittee of the Robert and close at 10 p.m. On To transfer the power loadMcuglb aley Saturday, November 10 .and Sunday November il the Mart to anothier substation and Atbough much of the space wilh open at noon and close at 5 replace the burned off pole, an. at the Art Mart is devoted to p.m. Admission is 50 cents for emergency crew of 12 men individual exhibits brought to aduits and chihdren under and four trucks were called Oshawa by the craftsmen, the, twelve, accompanied by an out, WOmeni's' Committee is in- adult will be admitted free. They worked until 8.45 a.m. volved in Mrs. D. L. Dewey's, to get the lines back to normal Fish Pond to delight the 'if you would like to assist but power was off only for children; Mrs. Ward Irwin's any of thw womnen with their about one hour, Mr. Walters Craft Booth to delight the bootbs, please caîl Mrs. John said, while bis crews made the women and Marilyn Clark's Mintline 723-4713. transfers. Teinterruption, he saidro t would affect not only theE x ec Bowmanville General Hospit- x e t r u e o 40 ai, but the St. Mary's Cement a ma* New trucks arriving in February-March Deputy-reeve Kirk Entwisle informed council at their hast meeting that it would be February or Marcb before the two new trucks would arrive. also that of the Township raod. The Townsbip bas prepared a by-law to rezone the proper-ty to Hligbiway Com- mnercial and in so doing the Countyý had made its request. to been Known soon Tbe route of the proposed Hwy 407 couhd be available in three or four months., A.T.C. McNab), deputy minister -of transportation and commun- ications, said Tbursaday. He wvas responding to a question by AId. Keith Ross at a dinner given by Oshawa Transit. trial parks. Fot regional planning the route of Hwy 407 bas to be known, be added. Mr. McNabsaid the access points for Hwy 401. east to Hwy 115 were largely available in Toronto, and could be bad by the alderman. In a discussion to ligbt the ClJarke councîî odeciaed toire iainrwqu pasthe by-law sending it to caused by the need to co flag pole in Newtonvihle it was tProicafrssr osd Ald. Ross was worried about, with proper land use plan stated that Hydro bad no teronCre f otrcoansid points of accesstofHwy 401, a Wbereas two years agc inteest n tis tnles i ation. larke dsidt h nge grve problem iin regard to . Ian could have been be lighted by one of tbree tunof;aalbl o nu-'oIrward be said. types of ligbts wbich tbey wisle.i Dpto contactKa loca hanle. Dety-reevnKaEt-aloalCoun ilap roves inprncpa elcrclcnrco oseepr n i a wha t can be done to hlight the flag pole., second mobile home scheme Reeve E. R. Woodyard The Townsbip of Clarke cou- informned counicil that the 211 at tbeir hast meeting on United Counties was request- Tuesday, October 2nd passed ing that ail egress to the a resolution which in fac' property north of Orono on the places an application by Mr Taunton road owned by Mr. j. Howard Payne for a mobile C. Tamblyn on the east side of home park on the same status the building, using the Town- as that of Rice Construction. ship side road.Council was The resolution places the Rice informed that Mr. Tamblyn proposaI and the Payne pro- was not in favour of this and it posaI on equal grounds. was felt by council that it The resolution ia support of would be safer to enter the the Howard Payne proposal property on the west side of was moved by Deputy-reeve the property as it was further Kirk Entwishe and seconded from the 115 intersection and by councillor Gary Heykoop. The Rice Construction pro- posaI has been approved in principal with the Township now seeking information from the Province in respect to services and other items such as the construction of an overpass over 401 highway. The costs of these works are to be covered by Rice Construc- tion. It is understood that approval in principal starts the wbeels in motion to negotiate further with the promnoter. mmply inning, go the >n put The resolution placed at councii on Tuesday places the Payne proposal in the same position as that of Rice and when such development were compheted it would establish 2000 mobile homes in the south of the Township. A letter was received -from Beat Niklaus who is request- ing approval in pninciple for a mobile home retirement borne park for bis property. The request was referred to the Township Planning Board. ... .. . ..... kivi