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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Oct 1973, p. 5

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Kendal]ý We hav:e hac openi faîl with blooming on th ctbr15 ai ripeing in thej On Saturday e-ight o'clock N -11.00 ht 983-9151 IIOIiRS ANGLICAN Establlshed 1869 Regular,,Sunday Worship Seîrvice - 10:00 a.m. IoIy Communio- ,,.irst and Third Sundlays Morning Prayer- Second and Fourth Sundays HoIy Baptism byý appointment with Rector 987-4745 Rev. H. Robert Hayne, B.A.' L.Th. J ACK R"ICA RD REALTOR 99 King St., E BO WMAN VILLE When Buiyilig o1 Spling Cai WILF HAWKE Vour Or-ono Area Represeintative 983-5274 .Memnber of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board CATHf'MAR WeII Drilling PONTYP00OI Phone: 705-277-2504 Durham County Sa les Arena ORO(NO, ON'. MVESTOCK EverY Tusa vn 7::,0 p. ni, -H..- CATTLýE HOGS- -IOS BUSINESS 983-9363 HO0ME: 623-4685 Bill Mosley, News Michael, of the sixth lino,. was going to work when her car J a wonderful collided with a gravel truck iflowers stili and , she was killed. This the sixth line happencd -in the village of nd tomnatoes Taunton. The funeral was garden. Tuesday morning from St. morning at Gregory's Roman Catholic Mirs. Norman Churceh Octaber l6th in Osha- wa. Sympathy is extended ta D CHURCH Mr. Michael and their three daughters. rona Pastoral Kendal Anniversary Service, with Rev. Gerald Hofstetter Charge B.A.B.D. of Janetville, who usually brings along his guitar rffinster as our guest speaker a nd Murnster Daniel Foster of C.H.E.X. Peterborough as our soloist ,ev. BeE. Long will be held at 2.30 p.m. B.Th. Sunday afternoon October 21. There will be no Sunday Sehool but we hope the boys ED CHURCH and girls will attend the Annversary.- ber 21 1973 Several of the Kendal ladies er 1, 973 went to Kirby last Thursday - 1115 .m.evening te, hear Mrs. Brawn of 11.15 - Re. Port Pcrry speak'. B.Aker RB., Mr. Morris Bradley, our Charge Kendal store-keeper will show one Carge.his pictures and tell us about Zambia. After working two i 1000 .m. terrms for the United Church as a minnionary contractor ~D CURCH and organizer of transportat- ý'l) HURCH ion, he was forced to leave due - ~ ~,, ta bostilities six months ago. ORONO UNITI Suatday Octal -'Comne tagether' Anniversary Spg Leicester Bigby Enniskillen-Tyro Special Music. Churcm-h School Worshlip Servie: Dial-A-Thoig] rsT. SAO Orona Weekl1y limies, Wednesdayý, October 17th, 1973-5 gations involved Break and Enter, four involved wilfu damage, threc concerniig Clarke HuLigh bunting complaints, one After a, monthl of school, thretenng ompain, treestuding essays and projeets disturbance complaints and are bccoming routine a2ain six driving complaints. and the unrestrictcd free time A total of 5 charges have of sumnmer holidays a thing of been laid relating to criminalth a. code offences. 8rltdo However, there's more go- offences under the Liquor ing on at Clarke Higb School Control Act, and two driving than the usual school work. offe nces under the criminal For instance the Student code.Council has launched the The following is a brief student body into our annual report of an incident that took Fund Raising Campaign. This place in the Newcastlc De- year the students were asked tacbment arca during the past week. home and scbool club some of Sametime prior -to Oct. 6, the mothers are on a- commit- 1973 a summer residence in tee to hold card parties at 1the the village of Caesarea was sho for gym cquipmient. broken into and several artie- 'The first card party is 0on les were stolen. Some of the Saturday October 2l1st. They articles which were stolen Planta have one ev'ery third included a T.V., A.M. - F.M. Saturday of each month. seeand a case of liquor Mr. andf Mrs. Ken Bal wce On October 8, 1973 more Satur-da.y evening visitors of than 1050.00 dollars worth of Mr. -and Mrs.' Joe Santo, stolen propcr ty was recoveredOswa and as a restilt two males have -Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mercer been charged with break, and Kenny Hampton, were enter and theft. Sun)day supper guests of MIr. DRIVJNG TIPS- "Watch for and Mrs. Ken Baîl. ScboolChildren" Mrs. Dora Morris and Mrs. M1otorists are reminded ta Yoeman 'spent tbe thanksgiv- watch for the, unexpected ing weekend with ber relatives wbiere children arc concerned. at Durbam. to seIl chocolattes coveredc with alm-onids ta the commiunity. There are prizes for the best sellers, the home raom that brings in the most mioney and a daily draw. The proceeds from the campaign are put into the Student Council Trea- sury and is used for such tbings as financing the manth- ly dances held at the sehoal, the commencement dinner held for the 'graduates, the annual semi-formal, school assemblies, a foster child and other 'actîvities that relate directly ta the student body. Sports is a big word at DX SERVICE STATION Hiighway 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle Featuring: Premium Quality Products At the Most Reasonable - Prices Stove 011 C - Diesel 011 Available in any quantity ____IPhone 987-4215 Cornée to the Party SATUR DA-Y .XNI)EVEIIVSATURDAY Featuî-ing the bestinii recorded m'usic by ROSS JACKMAN of Bawnianvîlle You ne ie- They 'Il play it- Non-Stop from 9 p.m. toi a.m. Informal - FuIIy Licenpsed- Plenty of Free Parking late snack No. Cover No Minimum COMETODINNER 'STAYTODANCE THE NEW DUTCH OVEN Ilighway 11.5, Orana Men and women are invited ta The mjorityof accidents; con ' wta Kendal cburcb .ta hear cnV lgcildren, are caused Mlr. Bradley on Tuesday by * the child running anto the, eeigOctober 3tb. lroad. Take extra care when1 MIr. and -Mrs. G. Cathcart appraaching a scbool zone' and MIr. A. Tbompson visitedi --slow down.'i At scbool cross- Mrs. Ednia Winn and family îngs and pedestrian cross- nortb of Orillia last week. avers, yield right of way, ta, pedestrians in the crosswalk. Remember it is dangerouJ. and unlawf ul ta pass a vehicle O. P. P. N EWS witbin 100 feet of a pedestriar crassover. The Newcastle Detachment 'Watcb Those Sebool Buses E of the Ontario Provincial Don't avertake a sebool bus Police invcstigated the follow- wbicb is stapped on the, ing motor vehicle collisions bigfiway and bas ils red signal and occurrences during the ligbts flasbing. It is rcceiving ý week of Oct. 1, 73 ta, Oct 7, 73. or discharging passengers. If Nineteen matar vehicle cal- you meet a school bus pieking lisions were investigated in up or discbarging passengers which seven persans were on a higbway, other than anc injured A4s a result of these witb a median stipl, you must': coilisionsý ei-gbt charges werc stop untiii lite bus resunies e laid under the Hligbway Traf- muloi of ils signal ligbts are fic Act,.1no longer operating. The Newcastle fficers alsa completed 114 investigations of a gencral nature. SomneoaiK I RBY N EWS these occurrences are as follows: Eighit investigations On Thursday Kirby U.C.W. invalved theft, tbree investi- beld Pa Tbanks affering Mrs. C *e*e eee,,e ,Louowryplaycd soft music * wbi ( ie 1urnePgbbouring com :A real treat * «\1 .\ m'brhl 0 S d filI t1e centre pcws of the 0 -hurch. Tbe Presidents theme p. w0 ici us give thanks ItH}mn I, ~ :lords p)ray\er., Grace welcomed ail the ladies tram Salem * * Orono. Newcastle and Kcndal *andt *ta aur meeting. There was an * s executive meeting hcld on S-s Tuesday ta arrange a quilting * o Thursday. Also arrange- 0 ments for a bazaar and tea on IP S *Noember 3rd at the cburch. Mr.C. Lawery taok charge Thankgivig mesagefollaw : only 80c. ed by prayer. Wc then sang * A Serving * bymai 664. Inez Harris gave a Preare fo yo in jify readînïg. The Mastcr aiof ur * re 1*rdfryu najf Harvest Marion McKclvcy 9 read a poemn Gentlemans Gay. 0 We were favourcd with a * We are op en for 0 îaveîy duet by Stella Carson * yaur canvenience * and Kay Chapman. "Dora * 1.00am t at0.00p.m. Mrris graeiously introduced * Manay t Satuday ur guesi speaker, Mrs. Shir- lo 10.0 undaytg 900- ]ey Brawn of Port Perry. Mrs. 0 BrlayIiawns' tapie was giving of * Tbianks in aur daily lives not * Phone 983-9291 * just at Tbanksgivýing. She * e endeýd ber talk with a pra)Ïer 0 M&M p Ieid nke r.Bon ' V rie* 9 a ist enjoyable message. 0 0Offamn was received and *0 S * @ ê @ O dedicated. We closed with - Hy mn 3,46 and the Mizpah beniedîction. \\lile the ladies prepared lunch we jained in a contest a OFviie keteton bible alphabet. Norma Rans- berry served a lavely lunch of Electrical Cortracting fruit breadand cbccsc. Our guests fromn the different units Electrie Heating thankcdý Mrs. Brawn and and Service Kirby for tbe lovcly meeting. Kirby and Lcskard- cam- Phone munity wcre saddcncd ta hear of ihie sudden passing of Mr. 9;83-5546 or 983-5940 Blarry Davey. Harry always ionOntario thought of others bcfore bim- Oronoself. Wc express aur sympathy ta bis wife and famiily. Altouh e do flot have a ' BOY'S BLUE J Goad quality'> dew * jeans. Smiartly sy mi buttaned flap pockets0 4 ~searns and yoke,. Sizes1 BOY'S KNITTE -- Boys' acrylie ;b ki placket which eaui be iv slevevs. shlades of burgui N ta 18ya.s AIR M ST RONG0 JEANS lim jackets ta wear with Nith collar, button front, two and adjustable one-button ith red stitchting, detailing 14, 16 and 18 years. ch-$55 ID SHI1RTS mnits, styled with 10 buttan 4orni as a turtleneck, long nd, royýal andii rust in sizes Clarke this y-ear as in the past. 1Hawcvýer, the m iain strength of aur teamns lies in the Junior, divisions. The Junior Boys' Volleybal team have been' training in the past month and have started ta play exhibition games in preparation for the tournaments ta came. Girls Basketball teams are also in training. Our Football fcam has already begun its season, the last gamne being with Courtice, a winner for us 16.8. In conQlusion, tbere's lots of interesting things going an at Clarke Higb even if school work bas become routine. by Carol Barnett UNITII o Ri LADI ES' COATS Be.csu e our new winter coats and jackets. Plaid al-purpose sport c-oats. nyvlon town coats and the, new Bomber jacker. Ail warmàly lined. Solid shades and -plaids. sizes H10(ta-20. Priced from $20.00O b $42.00 MEN'S PLAID SHIRTS Cotton flannel shirts, made in Canada. Attractive plaids in sizes S. M, I and XL. Price each- $5.75 Phone 983-5001 for reservations ~-< i î,rice eacn - s5.5o

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