eeklfty'l'imes, vv.nesday, OctoDr 17th, 1973 Bewdley grant 250' students c mp t The.proposed Vincenf Mas- sey Memorial Centre at Bew- dley suffered a major 5et back in h rrir rneetrecently when the federal and provincial capital projecfs Last Wednesday âffernoon JUNIOR( 250 students 'from«the western Pae area public Schools in the Courtice; district comnpefed in a Harrier meef held in the Durham Hampton Forests norfh of Orono. BothNot C Junior and Intermediate Wilkins,1 events were held for both boys Guylaine 1 Cenftennial and girl-,., Thle course for the North Co Infermediate boys was a fwo mile course w hile for al] Hughes, others the course rmeasureG Debbna ie one ile. adehNo P Thle top thirty in each event în o are nom, qualifieci f0 compefeKrbC. in the County event which is to be held on October l8th aIl 10.30 a.m. In the case of ramn INTERMI the event will be held the 1. Lori following da.y. . Michelle Barbara 1 tennial; 4. The Orono Public School Hübbs; 5. paced third in the Junior Boys Central;i wifh Bobby Myles taking the Hobbs; 7. honour. In the Intermçdiate Kirby Ce girls Lo ri Clark brought imcDonald nonour to ber school wifh a Chantalle- first place finish covering thE Cenfennia one vile course fhrough thqE DeCosta,1 bush with a time of 8.08.( miufes. The one mile Junior Boys was won with a fime ol INTERMI 7.42.7 while the Junior Girlç, 1. Michae covered the same course ini a obbs; 2. time of 8.25.6 and the Inter. ftral; 3. StE mediate boys the two milE Steve Hav course in a time of 13.52.6.ý Mike Novi Lisfed bebow are mne top fen Mike Dant placement-, in the four events: niai; 7,. Kirby Cer JUNIOR BOYS Gassrnann 1. Steven Maguire, North No. 10. Mi Courtice;ý 2. Randy McDonald, Hampt on; 3. Bobby Mylesr Orono;' 4. Stanley Maguire, North Courtice; 5. Keith Nvers, Cartwright; 6. Jeffh I Edmondson, Ontario Street; 7.Ib/LIlI Roger Gould, Cartwright; 8. Kevin Tank, South Courfice; BdRi 9. Danny Webster, KIrby adClf Centennial -and No. 10 Mark ndCif Konzelmann, Orono. soine time Cla rke Museum and Archives Hours. -2.30 to 5 p. m. 6).30 to 8.30 P. M. Thursdays an~d Fridays 2,0 to 5p. m. Sundavs Admission 35 cents Adui-ts 10 cents children Yearly Family Pass $5.00 early Individual Pass $2.OC PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkinu Phone 786-2552 Ne-,%tonville, Ontario THE Furnitur HWY. 115, Ni Namie FURNI At Low~ HUGE SAY BOX SPRINGS& ALL S Open 7 Wee< Phone 987-515 lunu turiieu uuwnthe $37,000 GIRLS funding necessary to build the ela Konyk, North centre. 2. Dianne Peggy, The news was received in a 13. Laurie Goubant ourfice; 4.~ Karen North Courtîce; 5. DuRocker, Kirby al; 6. Kathy Wilkins, ourtice; 7. Leanni Ontario Streef; 8. Robinson Kendal; 9. Pedlove, Lockharf's, 10 Heather Sawyer, EDIATE GIRLS Clark, Orono; 2. Mloore, Central; 3. Lemnpen, Kirby Cen- 4.Sheila James, M.J. 5.Debbie Shiephard, 6. Jon Tink, M.J. 7.Kathleen Taisma, fl ,entennial; 8. JuliePIE NED IT- I, Grandview; MPAW9 eDuRocher, Kirby al and No. 10 Jean AI Pears of Orono who this, M.J. Hobbs. season pbayed baîl for the O)shawa Legion Basebaîll Association i the Mîdget EDIATE BOYS division was awarded the ael Robinson,-M Jj.Most Valuable Player aw,ý,ard 2Bob Coswell, Cen- for his club. The presentation eve Hall, Central; 4. was made af an Awards Night wes, Cartwright; 5. hel d recenfby in Oshawa. iakM.J Hobs 1 Brian Desroches of the nilko, Kirby Centen- Oshawa Infermediate, feamn, ~cot StvensM ~an d known by Kendal .Eagle S.coug Dtev rins, .fans in the area, was present- ntennil; 9 erescd with a frophy as the enena M 9. Hoendy champion batter for the Inter- ike Lynch, Central. mediate league during the vc ar. althe 'double a' dys in Oronoi ih ilong with Roy Winter have spent in recent days Itz(tXi1Ig the -uay when 'Jrono wAas enfered in the Interrned- iâfe Double A league in basehaîl. They have reassern- bled, on paper, two of fhe teams which played in the 1 420s out of Orono and made a narne for- fhemsebves in, fhe hiîstory of, basebal for this 1922 11n 1922 Orme Gamsby oached a tearn oui of Orono wilhi John Cornish behind the plate, Bud Ropflh at first, Cliff Winter and Shiinny Moise at shiort stop), Dr. Cannion, third, andf in field Dr. Row,ýden, Scotty CaIneron, Nip Piper: The p)ifching staff hicluded Fred Lycett, Andrew "Sanidy" Somierville, Elgin Seymour, andf Lefty Wlls. Roy Winter was bat boy for the team. HTARWILL, SHIRLEY SETS NEW RECORD ON Thursday Hanvill Shirley ownied by Jack Williams and driven by Williams set a new time record for herself on Thursday evening at the Kawarfha raceway. Harwil Shirley won' the eighth race in a fime of 2.09. The horse has been yacing well this year and was raised by William s from a colt. In the ninth race Gerald Robinson placed second on the sarne nighf driving Cavan Mary. *Robinson also took a win on Saturday night in the foujth race driving Willie's Pride. Junior West placed letter fromn the senior advisor to the infergopvernmienfal fin- -ance and grants policy branclh of the Provinial Governmenf. Mr. L. J. Close, which was read to Hamilton township council on Tuesday night. The loan, rnuch of which would have been forgivable was turned down due to lack of funds. Councillor, Lloyd, Williams, who is on the community centre commiftee said it was the third Urne 'funding for the, centre had been furnied down. 1"We are disappointed but we will fry again,"'he said. "If we don'f get this money we can't build the structure at this time but it will be builî. SMr. Williamns said the Com- rnunity centre board pla nned to meet on October 25 to discuss the matter. "We won't be able to go ahead this fall as we had hoped", he said. Orono Figure Skating Club m 1973-74 REGISTRATION Thursday, Octobe r 18, 1973 à 7P.M.to9p.M. * ORONOARENA *New members must be 5 years old* as of Dècem ber 31, 1973.' g *-REGISTRATION MAY HAVE TO BE LIMITED"I It is recalled that seven of the players batted over 300 withi Bud Rolphi reputed to have an average of .512 or hie year. Wheni reliving history thie group chuickle when on one occasion they trailed Oshawa by nine runs in the ninfh but won hiaving scored twelve runs in the frarne. Also fucked away, on nernory lane, is the tact that, in one garne, also against Oshawa Sandy So- mnerville took eighteeni strike oufs. Bud Rolph also lisfs a teamn nanaged by Wes Thornton hchincluded Charbie Barr- ett, catcher, Albert Barrett, Ross Laing and Howard Mcornbe, pitchers. Bud'Rolph, first, Joe Cavana, second, Shiny Moise, short stop, Perc. Long, third, and in field George, Armnstrong Kenny K enefic, Joe Dobson and Kirk McKeen. Qshawa skiclub prepares for season Thle Oshawýý,a SMi Club which their prernises east of Kirby lolds forth every winter at are now well under way, in their preparations for thé corning winfer. In a recent report the Club g, announcing thaf ighfing is ,oe M a rn. beîng irnproved for ih skning and thaf both club EWCASTLE houses have hiad installations of equipnenf f0 provide music The report also stafed that B rand the snow rnaking equipmnenf has been extended to include the Butnny Boulevard run. 1 IUl % The obd ski jump has been i ~ '> orn down and provisions are being made f0 open new runs f Por ices i fithIs area which is serveciby sorne fwo years ago. JINGS ON At the. Hydro meeting in MAlT RE SSES Clarke High School basf Thursday evening the Presi- IZ ES dent of the Club sfated that the - Club bas, spent $250,000 on improvemnent over the_ past days five years for the membership of 4400. He said fhey expecf f0 (IY spend an additional one mill- ion dollars in the future and he il or 987-5161 sa w the day when the property could well becorne a ya rudoperafion. This bookiet can help you to use electricity more effectively Although we have enough electricity in Ontario ta meet aàll aur present needs, it stili makes goad serise ta use it wisely. That's why yaur Hydro has produced this booklet-a simple guide to suggest ways you can save on the use of electricity and other forms of energy in your home. .Ask your Hydro for your f ree capy. your hydroQ BADMINTON AIND BOY'S' GAMES AT PUBLIC SCHOOL For those inferesfed a YTeen-age sports programn is Yunderway at. the school, Mon- day evenings at 9.00 p.m. YBa dminton on Tuesday and. aThursday evenings Up and doWn athe book stacks THURS. OCTOBER l8th, 1973 ADULT Robert McLaughlin Carniage Builder by Dorothy McLaugh- aling-enderson 1Victirns of Justice by Dorothy .Matzener and Margaret, Eng- the ninth -race-, a $1-000 pace, driving Indigo Magie. lish (convicted of mnurder and the victims were innocent) A Skunk in the Hlouse by -Constance Tater Colby The Canadian Military edited by Hector Massey (a profile) No Bed or Roses by Faith Baldwin '(romance) Kingdorn Corne by Gwen Davis (a young, couples un- timely death, an d their attem- pts'to be reunited in Heaven) EASY READING AND PICTURE BOOKS I Do Not like It when My Fried Corne f0 Visit by Ivan Sherman Littie Toot on the Mississippi by Hardy Gramatky