KRAFT REGULAR PROCESS Cheez Whiz 3 ARZ 1.59 CHERRY HILL e eBRICK 120Z0 700 Cheoe OR COLBY PKG AVi FREEZE ORIED INSTANT COFFEE Taster's Choice ,,,, 2.09 JACK'S MFG P P. 69c) 3 VARIETIES Potato Chips PG% Tang 4x3 l Z KS Orange CAT FO00 OS ASORTE Toohst 5II FRASERVALE FANCY FROZEN 7 7 ToothastePeas E& Carrotc 2 6 t 2 OZ TiNS GAINES BONUS PACK 12-OZ. EXTRA> Top Choice CHEESE 841-09 IGA - 20-OZ. SIZE EACH Lemon Coconut Pie 630~ REGULAR, PLUS OR SUPER Kotex WESTON'S Graham Squares BIG "G" CEPEAL cheerios PKG. DOF12 4 21-1 f2 Oz. PKGU 14-Zl BOX 9 ts BA BEEF, TURISEY OR CHICKEN FROZEN Banquet Pies- 3PKG. SUNNY MORN POL, BAC Tha Bags '1F100 PRICES EFFECTIVE WED. TO SAT. OCT. 17,18.19.20 WE RESER3VE TH-E RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TROPICAL TREAT Doâ%le Io i B anana S B.C. CAN. FANCY GRADE ONTARIO GROWN, CAR RDO.i GRADE RED OR GOLDEN- Hot House 'Delicious IS9C FLAVORFUL B CNEW CROP CAN. FANCY GRADE 99 TASTY PRODUCE 0F USA c Anjou Pears 3 BSYV Broccoli BUNCH 39 Frozen poultry and bone darkening.. Honmemakers ask why cooked chickens or turkeys have darkened bones, This frecluen)tly happens when cooking yo'ung birds that have been f,,ozen Drring freezing ce crystals form inside the bones. Since young e red blood corpuscles of the bone marrow corne through the l, bo)ne during the freezing and thawîng processes. When the biru IS. r oking, the hemoglobin (a blood pignt>n of the corpus;cles ...-.. . esn.~ tuirns from red to dark grey or brown. This chemîical reaction does flot adversely affect the taste or teture of the meat and is // X) 2'2 minu way harnful. Continue taking advanfage of lorer cost ~frozen poùLtrY or freezing fresh birds on sale and eîîjoy the j Ma,. PI. Gr.e. versatiliivty is nutritious food offers. D,.,,,c..~,., Afas Dsi. Mrs. Green is available to talk -shopping" Io groups. Cali 259 6633 or write- 125 The Queenisway, Toronto, M8Y 1 H7. ARP, ONG'S 450 85* C 59*