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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Oct 1973, p. 2

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2-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, October 24th, 1973 o-rono weekly ti mes Second Class Mlail Registration Number 6368 Publ ished evý,r Thursday at the office of publication MAY'BE THÎIS IS THE ANSWE'R Secondary school teachiers in Northumberland and DUr-ham' on Mlonday wtde voluntary services in extra-curricular activities throughout the schools in the district. i a memlo to the si-dents it was stated "this is the onyaction teachers can take at thîs time to show their distress with the boaIrd in the matter of negotiating 'working Th'le memio, fromi the Division President of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation, stated that the teachers had flot received assurance' that the best possible arýran,.gemirents are to be mnade for good learning conditions in the class roomn. The miemo, however only cites "working conditions", as the only "arrangment" with which they are distressed. ("Working conditions" has corne to mean student-teacher ratio or number of students in a classroom.) Surely there are other "arrangements" which are equally as im-portant and need improvement for good learning conditions in -the class room. If the teachers are really concerned over the learning conditions would they flot include better teaching aids, updating staff, improvement in accommodation (Clarke mnust be overcrowded with more outside classrooms than that contained within the school) along with wý,orking conditions. But they haven't and one rnay suspect that the concern is flot the learning condition but is one of self-interest. Th'le Board apparently has shied away from setting a firmn studenl-teacher ratio and there may bie some julstificationl. The Board must operate the system within a rigid finanical framework as set down by the Ministry of Edcto.Many of the costs, such as salaries, busing, operation,ý are fixed and cannot be reduced. Withmrany fixed costs the board mu1LSt have sone %variables in order to operate wýithjin its finanicial ceiling and we suspect that the studenti-teacheri ratio is one of the variables which the board hopes to keep within its control. If the board becomes locked in a financial straight-jacket it has then no latitude in which to operate and further the necessary changes which are alwaysevdn in education. No douibt of course, there are faults in the negotiations o)n1bothil side-s. it is mosi disconcerting when one realizes that negotiation ave been going on for mionths. l'nfiortunilately it is the student who will suffer, some to a g-re-ater degree than others. But they h ave becomne involved in the affiairs of professional and educatedadults who have flot been able to resolve their differences. Onc moe w reerto he emoofO.S.S.T.F. in which it is stated -the tcachers hiave agreed to concentrate ail their efforts on the regular school wýork." This well could be the anwrand miost important ingredient for good learning c-onditions in the class roomi. e U.C.W. GENERALMETN AUtumnii decorations of col- I'hings" and] "The Lord is My oured leavecs, fruits and ve- Shepherd."- getables, also b)ouquitets of Business was conducted and i reshly cut roses, gav'e a announicemients made. Thanksgiving atmiosphere to the Main Hlall of Orono United Mrs. Lycett introduced lady Chur-ch as somie30 to 35 ladies ýuests Mlrs. D. Redpath Ste- met for thle General U..W ardship Commi. from Kings- MVeeting on Thursday evTening v-iew Chiurch, Oshawa and October 18. Mrs. E. Touch uj c w. President of Oshawa burn played several selections Presbyterial, Mrs. C. Down of iii her piano prelude. Presi-EbnerThdilgeet dentMrs.F. Lcett aftr wen these two ladies dealt extendling wýelcomie to ever- weith btewardstip and was Mne present, openied the entitled "Just a Drop in the mieeting by reading al poem -, Bucket." Mrs. Redpath stated -Fruit of thie spirit is Lov'e and that money in the M. and S. Peace." bucket in the Bay of Quinte Devotions were given by Conference was over the top in Mrs. C. Billings and Mlrs. A. 1972 by $336,000. Adding ahl the Johnston fromn Unit 5. Wýith drops together made quite a Mlrs. Touchiburn as pianist, stream. What will wedo inthis everyne sng Hyn ~ ear of 1973? Stewardship is a "Cone ye, Thankful people, 'wayý of life. Mrs. Down said Comne."- Scrîpture f roml1 that Genieral Council is help- Psalrns 105 and 111 was read less without our Stewardship. byN Mrs. Johnston. Mrs. Bill- The million dollars raised ings read a Thanksgiving across Canada last year goes Poemi. In the Mleditation, we to help many people in many were remninded that we should places. Some of them, are: miake each day a Thanksgiv- Rev. and Mrs. Ted Colwell ing thanks for fresh water for frorn Bowmanville who are in, oxyýgeni in the air we breathe - Brazil. In Korea doing En- f'or the every day little things vangelistic work is the Rev. as well as the larger things. A M. Hawley froîn the Renfrew story was told of a lady who Presbytery - Rita Steeves hadl a large niew home which from Kingston, teaching She opened for holding meet- schooî in Soeul, Korea. In i ngs. Whien asked why she was Japan. Alan McLean is doing so often willing to offer hier adulte Llucation work. Ray and home, she replied that she had Ruth _Pdler, frorn Renfrew- niot 'always had a nice home - Presbytery have been in Hong for years she hiad lived in a Kong, Ruth as a nurse and railway box car, because hier Ray as principal of 'a Junior hiusband's work necessitated Tech-inical School since 1963. travelling. We tend to take our W'e are trustees of God's homes annd familles forgat-ol.Seadhpivle elected representatives to sit by and watch this desecration. What else lies in store? I was born in Pickering where I ived until 1964 (oddiy enought I had to move because Ontario Hlydro expropriated the bouise we lived in). In the early v1950's Pickering was much hi ike Clarke is today. In came the developers and the' marvellous schemes which were proposed sounded much the same as the ones we are hearing, now.- Everyone assumed that more people wouid move to the area quîte slowly and things would gradually change. That's not what happened! AUl of the dollars that were suppo'sed to accrue to the township to provide better services and to hold taxes in line just seemed to disappear. The people of Pickering iearned too late that the only thing developers are interested is profit. No matter what love1lt phrases andI catchy slogans they use, the end result is the sarne. There Hamiltons Insurance service Your Frienidly Agency FOR AlilPersonal & Com mercialI Infsurance Boats and Mot ors, Cottage Property a Specialty SADIE HAMILTON SUE SAWYER JIM HARE For de pendable Service L 9.83-5115 ..................... is nothing wrong with a dveloper atternpting to make Ê' /a aprofit! Where the wrong ....... ........... cornes in is when the profit There was a time when motive drives our developer to Clarke was designated as trample upon the dreams and "green space" by the provin- ambitions and plans of every- cial government. Even the one else. Regi o n al overnment One of the things which is proposais stated that the area often for*gotten when talking' was to bc. a "slowly urbanizing about dernocracy is that rural buffer zone." Darcy everyone bas rights.« The goals McKeough in Peterborough a of society at any time will little over two years ago said divurge and wander greatly that this area should be but at any one time there will preserved as an area Of be a common thread which ",agricultural and recreation- winds through society. it al activities".- seems to me from talking to How can the present council literally hundreds of people now blithley pass resolutions that the current rnood of the which would in the space of a residents of this area is to three year period add over. imit growth and developrnent 2000 homes and goodness to that which is absolutely knows how many residents to necessary and to preserve the the area? Don't be rnisled into agricultural land and natural arguing the question of "mob- beauty of the area. ile home" versus a convent- The candidates who ran in ional home. This whole con- the recent elction for regional çept is subject to question but governrnent made clear state- the central argument should ments about developrnent and be Is this development the the voters showed what they best use for the land. Obvious- wanted done. It is now upto al ly the use of mobile homes to of use tô make sure that they build, as one local wit called it deliver what they promised. a "tin can town" will be a Our view should be presented hotiy debated subject but clearly and without equivoca- don't argue on this basis tion to the regional council but alone! too of ten those who are elected As if the pressures of these have tended to, forget the de vel op ers' dollars isn 't statements made in the heat of enough, Ontario Hydro wants. an election. to cut the Township into two How does, the individuai pieces with a super-expensive citizen tell bis governrnent and probably unnecessary where hie stands on any issue? transmission line. Certainly by talking to hirn Somewhere in the north end and even the odd deterrnined of the township highway 407 is. person will write a letter tô' bis going:to sice its way through representative but al too the area and change the rural often this seems to accomplish scene stili more. - ittle. If you are going to What lunacy prompts our present your view you wili have to play the gaine the way A Prairie Boy's Winter by the other side plays. Any William Kurelek (biography group proposing changes to of this Canadian Author-*artist the government will cone to How the Doctor Knows Your'e meetings only af ter they have Fine by Vicki Cobb armed themselves with re- search and legal advice. The EASY READING .& developer hires lawyers who0 PICITURE BOOKS spend hburs and hundreds of We ow havethe complete set dollars producing briefs and of Beatrix Potter books, statements virtually wooing deîightfuîl stories, beautifulfly the councils into agreernent. illustrated. Any group opposing such Madeleine Hadley dfevelopers must be- oïrenaret-- z Good Neighbor C H URCH-. SURVEY Clarke Township, Newcastle and Orono Starting Sunday October 28 "Welcome the person who knocks -at your door." wmMM mm m MM I-&M~ *ATTENTION FA RMERS I WTuHY PAY MORE? SA VEON e DIESEL FUEL e MOTOR OIL ~~ .GASOLINE I (Y Prmium QuaIify Form Tanks endI W Pimps Avoulable I *Phono 668-3381 -ColI.ct s *DX FUE L 0111 * Prat Prompt CourSo.w Bervlc S * ~ u CUs Tmay to use the same tec~hniques and create their own resourc- es to fight the case ahl the way down the line.This kind of effort cannot be lef t to any littie group of people to, work on. There must be some sort of organization created to, invol- ve the people of this area. The efforts of the Citizens input group in fighting the regional government proposais in Port Hope and Cobourg shows the impact that such an organiz- ation can, have. One thing is clear--lime is short and no one can aff ord to sit back* and leave ail of the arguing to sorneone else. It's your township. It's up to you!! Doug Moffatt Up and down the bookstacks THU RSDAY, OCTOBER 25th ADULT Exploring Fire and Clay by Arne Bjorn (History of pottery how to build kilns and make pottery) The Layrnan's Guide to Acu- puncture by Yoshio Manaka & Ian Urquhart Tamsin by Tamsin Fitzgerald (a young girl's thoughts and letters frorn prison) The Furniture of Old Ontario by Philip Shackleton (beauti- fully illustrated) Lost Island by Phyllis Witney (suspense) The Rainhird Pattern 4y Victor Canning (kidnapping with a twist) Callyour Iicensed Plumbing & Mechanical Contractoz who sells, instali arnd guaranteoe CARMAN Plumbing and Heuting Phone 983-5207 Orono Orono Buildi ng Contractor Bri ck -Block -Concrete Stone Work Carpentry. - Cabinet Work Floors. - Ille 983-5441 Orono Orono 0Towing GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Orome VENEZIA RESTAURANT Righway 115 and 35 % mile south of Orono PHONE 983-5651 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Specializing in Pizza -, meuls Atmo Week-End Specials Building a House?' o r remodelling your present one? Then Contact Floyd Nicholson Phone 983-5049 Orono J 'TNSTALL AN Q FURNACE BOILER S UM'ýIDIFlER or HlOT WATER HEATER No paynxents'for six months HABVEY'PARTNER Your ESSO Service Dealer FREE ESTIMATES 983-5206 Orono

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