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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Oct 1973, p. 6

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6;-Orono WeeklY Times, WVednesî ýay, October 24th, 1973 Carruthers outlines local area activities The renewal of the 3rd young families interested i session of the Ontario Legis- home ownership. Mortgage lafture bas revealed a changed, at 8¾/ percent will provid atmosphere in) the House with tinancîng equal to 95 perceîl the governmrent effectively of eitber th e sales pricec going on the offensive. Pre- freehold lots and dwellingso sented wvith an impressive the appraised lending valuE program of legislation, indic- whichever is the lesser. ations are that the members 2. A grant under the Commur will find the present session to ity Centres Act in the approxi be one of the most interesting mate amount of $237.50 ha and perhaps one of the most been approved for the Cavai productive of the 29th Parlia- Hall Community Centre. ment.' 3. The Newcastle Hall Con The reports of the Select munity Centre's applicatiai Committees on Economie and for a grant under the Con Cultural Nationalism and the munity Centres Act bas beei Hydro Electrie Power Com- approved in the approx mission of Ontario, New Head Office Building, have now been tabled and already have been subjects for intense and. heated deba te. in the riding of Durham, witb Regional and Area Coun-A cils establishied by the election of October lst, two rather controversial issues still await decision - the location of the Lennox-Pickering Hydro Line and the proposed waste dis- posal site in Hope Township. Something very frigf Advertisements for a Hearine cities when they grow up. on the later are scheduled to They can get oui of1 appear in the Port Hope 'and power the very people thatç the Newcastle papers on ]The worst offenders October 24th, October 31st ation systems. with a Hearing scheduled for 1 Cars and trucks can November 8tb. highways aind roads-fumnini I have endeavoured to canjami and bueh imc ;rpIyTn attend as mnany of the Hear- eeicesn od ings on the proposed Hydro Local commuiiLnities Il route as possible and was best to kecp ahiead of the Pi, encouraged to note the publice s al~belrnovw and loi interest and the responsiblePepecm is attitude of Hydro with respect Pol on is to ibis important matter. People really do con- The following items are, 1 That's why the Giove trust, of interest to citizens of encoura2în- an urban transl the constituency and refleet will serve Ontario peopl tIýiý the increasing rate of develop be served-eticientLly. comlo'0 ment in the area. inexýpensively. and with the: 1 1. Bowmanille bas been disruption ot'natural surroui ebosen for the, introduction for The Ministry ofir i the new programn of Ontario Communications has institu Housing whereby' V low-cost WAY, an- urban transportatil first miortgages for maiddle modemn transit systemrs inot incomie bouse purchases have to support them inancially. been miade availiable as an New transit vehicl asssac tobidr an sistnce o bulder andComfortable vehicleý SOS O O O S ** S fciliiesmake public transit * i m . o ernment is paying 75% 'oi * lv IlI VVU : municipal buses. streetears.t * Ii I I IUI e and related faicilities. (~NFCTONRYAND Go Urban. GIF TS *Anew. exctin- inter- *HALLOWE'EN : aiies.Th1, stewill be * fully automnated, quiet and *.emîssion-fre e. t is much less * costîy than subways or expre * ways. may use existing- * f A eRB 0 1 \fR il f * ~ GLENRA E * DAIRY . *PRODUCTS *ICECREAM 0 0 9 ORONO, ONTARIO o a PHONE 983-5242 0 * ,*,,*,.e,,ee ,amount of $4,250. 4. Three grants under the samne Act for the Town of Port Hope have been appràyed: the Lion's CIlub Centre - $312»50, the Lion's Club Swimming pool - $312. and the Victoria in Street Rink, $2,500. es 5. With the advertising- of de tenders for the Bew ,dley by- nt pass on Highway 28, now of completed, construction of orý this long awaited project i,1shoud commence, in the near future. i- Lt. is to be regrett xi- application for gri as the Community C< an and the Federal program, for thE ~Massey Memorial on Community Centre m- been approved bu en creation Branch of x. try of Community On ta) Lchoý ihtening can happen to hland and almost over- giive them life. are ot ,ten transport'- become menaces. n- bottlenecks. Subways .fuse to handie an bavec bevi doin, thieir woblemns. But lie%\, lhdp q or tihe future, nie tirst. /nment ol Ontario is portation systemn that ic xsay tbcv shiould ôrtably least possible M'spor-tton and ted GO1 A NEW ]On prog-rarn to develop )r towns and cities and des. es and convement iattractive. So the of thc cost of' (Oi trolley buses ted that the ,nts under 'ntres Act Provincial ýeVincent Arena and ehave not ut the Re- fthe Minis- and Social I s5 Kendal rNews Sunday October 21 was a most perfect day. It was Kendal's Anniversary, so dif- ferent fromn a year ago when the minis ter lost his way in the fog. We had a fine attendane from near and far and a most successfur Thanksgiving ser- vice. Thanks to ail who helped. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Foster Services advises me that reapplication under the Com- munity Centres Act will be considered for a grant in 1974. Congratulations are due to the Kendal Junior Basebal Team on winning, the Ontario Championship. This is a major achievement and I have requested the Ontario govern- ment to recognize the same in a suitable manner. Alex Carruthers rights-of-way and its elevated guideways cause little interference with regular pedestrian or vehicle tralhic. Cities will be subsidized to the extent of 7%in applying the GO URBAN svstem to their' needs., Staggered hours. Another way to reduce peak-load cne tion is to staceger working hours and alter dailyý and weekly traHie patternis. If passenger demnands cani be sprecad over longer periods. peoplc can be mioved more quickly. Feasihilits ,i~.iîî î,iîîi~. eu i studies will be subsidized i, i/l , iZ fi /i ihuui tok)75'. uuiu'iiiiuiiThe g-os ernnment is S imiplemrenting ailstaa ered,. %orkin- hour program ftor' A- is own iemiployees and hiopes othiers will benefit from computer controlled traffic In Metro Toronto. a compu)Lter controlled traffie system hasý /proved that a sbýata icrease in road capacitcan be achieved xv \ith computers.The sa\ing in road construction costs is many tinmes thec cost of the necessary computer ~....W equipmient. So 50<7( ofthe equipment necessaiuy for implementing or expanding computer .. systems in urban areas and for installing traie control devices is bein", uinderw\ritten by the gov erment. (D!i BU A pouuiiiC ii ui loui,i/ îîîîîî.ing lii ihu<À elu pup and Mrs. H. Foster have been hiolidaying iVirginia. MIr. and Mlrs. Thos Stevens have been visiting their daughter Mr. and Mrs. George Hamnilton and Beth in Yar- mnouth N.S. Mý,rs. 1. L. Marlotte has hier sister Mrs. Cowie visiting with hier. Mrs. Alva Swarbrick bas been spending a week with Miss C. Stewart. On Tuesday night October 3Oth. Mr. Maurice Bradley who bas served two terms on the Mission Field of the United Churcb ini Africa, first as a builder in the construction of a hospital and secondly in: charge of transportation Qf supplies in Zambia, will show his pictures and 'curios in Kendal Sunday School room. Men as well as women are invited to hiear ~him tell of conditionsi Afrîca. Kendal United Church wo- men are holding a Thanksgiv- ing tea with a Bazaat- table on Saturday Novemiber 10 at 2 p. They plan to serve fancy sandwiches and cup cakes. When the radio sent out frnst warning on September 16 1 went out to my garden and pulled haîf my tomato plants and hung th em up by the roots in the cellar and garage. The othèer haîf I lef t in the garden. They are still ripening, and the ones hung up by the roots have yielded several baskets of ripe tomatoes. Several ladies from Kendal travelled to Blackstock on Monday to attend the Regional Conference of the United Cburch on October 22. Efficient road policies."1 Communities can increase road capacity w'ith -reater use of one-way streets. restricted deliv- ery hours and modern parking poliéies. Municipal studies on these subjects are supported fmnancially. Co-ordination is vital. Normal transit routes often carry our people' across municipal boundaries. Co-opedtion and cîo-ordinatio>n in inter-community transit' plannin. therefore. bre becoinn more and more ixed point. such as a mainline transit station. into a limitted area. usually residential. Passengers are not required to board and leave the Dial A Bus at bus stops-, the bus comes right to their homes when requested to do so. D ial A Bus is now operating in Pickering, StraLb'rd. Kin2ston. Ottawa and Bramalea and will be opcr ating soon in north Netro Toronto. GO A NEW WAY puts people ft. ail the wayv And people have to be involved to make it work. Resources. research . ... ... .. .and finances are available Io heilp urban municipalities in Ontario build trans- portation systems that will surpass anything cisc in existence today. And prove that cities realLy are for ............People. Bob Yeoma(ns Pluibinig and Hleating 21 Hour Service New Installations AlteratiRis Iepairs Speiallzing la Ilot Water IHeating Forced Air Hleating Septic Tank Work BR 1, 01 r0 no 98.3-56 2 Urban transportation will be one of, the most signi'ficant challenges facing us alfor )'ear"S to corne. That's why the icGovernment of Ontario developed GO0 A NEW WA Y a modemn transportation pro gramn for the needs of Ontario communities. The benefits of this programn are availabk tao any municipality in Ontario wishing to participate. Tios Urban Transportation Pro gram: ice boreveryone. Ontario's new Urban Trans portation Program. Ministry of Transportation and Communications. Hon. Wiiîam GCxs Premier Hon Ciordon (Canon. Miniter. AT. c. McNab. Deputs Mînisier.

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