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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Nov 1973, p. 2

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1 2OrnoWeekly Times. Wednesday, Nove mber 7th. 1973 PuMbhed eve..jy Thursday at the office ofpulcto A FULL TIME JOB!! Regional Cun irs in th majority last week supported the concept that being a member of a regional council was a fuil-ime job and as suc-h a salary oif $10,006.00 'vas not out o3f the way. Mr, Lyall, local repr esentative of Ward 3, makes the samne point in a letter to the editor this week. Mr. Lyalýl carnies bis argument further in support for ful time counillfors by denoucning the aystemn under which the local Board o)f Education operates as well as voicing doubt over the capabilities of the bureaucrats. If he alay py f $I,000. is compared to other regional areas whîch have been in existence for somie timne it appears that the D-,urham councîllors have gone overboard in thieir remiunierat- ion. A regional councillo in Niagar'a is paid $5,000. in Ottawa $2,500. in Sudbury $5,000. in York $7,000, and in Waterlools $5,000, This is a far cry from the $10,000 figure set last week in this area . It is very doubtful that this new job is a full-timne job and it is further doubtful that ail memebers or, even a majority will make it such-. The decision came prior to any indication of the work load a nd Oie chairm-an Walter Beath was aware of -this fact when he cautioned the mnembers to consider this fact as did Garnet Rfickard when hie asked that the decision be tabled. The job of counicil mnembers will be to set policy and to see1 that it is carried out as set forth. The bureaucrats, and this( tern likie that of 'developers' immediately creates a sense oft suspicion wben use;ýd. Inl genral, however, the bureaucrats are thetwork horses of the systern and should be able to adinister decisions in accord to the policy as set by council. Certainly they cannot be blamed for eveny mishap which in many cases results fromn interference from -council members wishing to1 stnetch the intent of policy which they themselves have set.t This interference can all too often render the bureaucratc inefficient in his own job of administering policy. Surely our new council is not going to make judgement onc every piece of business that cornes before the region. 'This would be a disaster and no doubt would make the job at full-tîme job. This is one area in which local area municipal councils have had trouble in the past and we need o nly refer to the fact in our own area when council and even planning.board find it almnost difficult to keep on course in regards their own nolicies in planning.a NIUDDYTRACK 2nd BROWNIE PACK NEWSp ATUDDYATAKNOVEMBER 3, 1973. l ATKAARHAToday the tweenies learnedd On Saturday loc-al horsemen how to -tie their ties. The girlss racing at theKawartha-.ý were who passed this test are Ellene faced with a muddy Érack but Winidatt, Jocelyn Kemp, Jane l it did not hamnper Junýir West Bucbanàn, Janet Mloffat, Me- in 'the second race from ta-king a ersLs Hl n the victory. Paddy Breen. F The opening race was won The girs \working on) their fi by Ranidom Chief folowed by G.-oldlen Bar learned how to e Wil Lor Debbie and Afton thirow and catch a bal itb t Mîke. a ccuracy. Janice Gatcheil,le Second race was won by Atilda',Eikens, Caroline Tax,S Junior west driving Aramac Doreen Wright and . Lisa Cindiy in a tinw of 2.12.1. flinsmore passed this test. D Magestic Prince plaùed se- Learnng how to knit is one E cond and Vinegar Pete third. oftherqieet h rw Thethrd aswonbvMolvsnies have to pass to earn their a Drean, Swift Warrior. and Gtol den Hand. Sharon Simpson b1 Romany Scili. and Laurie Benedict bave d Fourtb race results Fishing started on this test.& Lad, King Lester, The Little In Powwow, Tawny, Owl gi Hobo. taugbt the Brownies an Eski- ii Fîfth race Wingait Flame, mo action song which they Pinedalie Jean. Derek New- enjoyed very man driving Barbs Dream We closed with the Magic finisbed out of the money.. Sq ueeie which s topped a t Lisa Sixth race Apnil M. Magic, Dinsmore who bas to do a Belinda Dares and TAck ocTuntiwek Master. Junior West finîshed Go unti ek sixtb with Green Acres. In the seventb race Keith and Jack, Williams drivîng West placed second witb Harwill Shirley fourth. Dukes Ella. The race was won Nnth race Captain Craig, by Reeds Ann in a ime of 2.12. -Charity MC, Johnny Com- Tbe eighth race went in mand. 2.13.1 and was won by Hoot, Tenth race Singlemore, Arts Van. Rusty Pete form erly and Battles, Caîl Me Bill. Gord owned by John Hooey placed plin aced sevet rvg second, Donna Duke Dee third Josedalé Tina. CAN VAS FOR FUNDS MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY Saturday, Nov. l7th Orono -Tmes, Orono, Ontario, Dear Sir: 1 nioted while reading the Globe and Mail over the. week-end tLhat some Regional Government politicians at- tending a Toronto meeting at which the Hon. John White, Ontario Minister of Treasury, Economics and Intergovern- mental Affairs attended, stat- ed that they thought that Mr. White was sounding a. warning over salaries that Regional Couneiloers were voting themn selves. Last week, thze newly elect- ed R-egionýal Councillors for the Reg'inal Municipality of Durham' voted themnselvesa $10,000 annual salaiy%",The week bef ore the Peel Regional Councillors set their salaries at the same figure. As one of the Regiona Councillors of Durham w7ho voted in favour of the $10,000 stipend, 1 arn of the opinion that Mr. White should look into his own situation in Queen's Park and let, the Regiona Councillors alone to do the job they were elected to do. With regards to the job as Regional Couincillor. There are two alternatives. either it is a full time job or else it is a part time job. Looking at the magnitude of the position--it is without a doubt a full time job and a Councillor must be paid a fuil, time salary to get the job done. There are 200,000 people in the Region of Durham living in an area of 954 square miles. The responsibilities of the Council are the responsibilit- ies of overaîl planning, water supply and distribution, sew- age collection, and treatment,, police, mnain roads traffic ligb.ts and controls, refuse disposai, heath, and welfare services, emergency measur- es and financing of capital expenditures. A part time Council could not do the job of work needed. Flere in this district we have a fine example of part time elected. administ.rators trying fo do a very difficult job--this example. is our bard pressed School Board Trustees., The Northumberland and Durham County Board of iEducation bas a budget, of upwards of'20 million dollars and this money, and what it buys for the taxpayers of this district, is supervised by School Board Trustees who gather for two business mneet-i ngs-a monthin Cobourg. At these two meetings--bus- iness meetings--the Trustees1 Hamniltons Insurance 1Service Your Friehdly Agency FOR Ail Personal & Commercial I nsurance SNOW WILL SOON BE HERE' PHONE FOR FAST SNOWMOBI LE are faced wîtfl a pile of papers and a load of work that h as . daleNe s INSTAL AN,_ been assembled for the meteDhiaendvoet r ýsil ,NE ing by the civil seýrvants eof the bom1Ènai hi eut nBIE School-, Board. Aifl the Trustees ti GyFx a h it fo O AE can do is peek at the ple of oembserbut to-nighthmea papers and ithe load of work 1in fo recadtrosayth 0 eepr-c pymnsfrsi. l a tentative *anr-adtentuewl doto0dgrsVa! ýe rubber stamp the whole deal. and odeeahrisotteH rVEY PAR,1TNER Il Tbe deffhation of the word way. Farmners are busy doing Tu 8.SrieD~e t"Trustee" according to the the* falî ploughing and han- FRETE UE STIFMAýTES kt Oxford Dictionary is "a per-_ vesting the corni.983-5206 O o b ,so wh hld prpetyin On Tuesday nigbt we enjoy- . ,. trust for others." A fine lot of ed a wonderful giimpse of life. itrustee work a Northumrber- i aba h meeting Éland and Durham Trustee can opened with bymn 256 "'From do ntecus to Greenland's icy mountains, g-business meetings a rmnh. From Ingia's, coral strand". Il The question arises "h The presîdent Mrs. Ailan k- not moetustee meetinlgs?>, Dowxnes welcomed the vîsitors A good question,bu by la,.w from the other churches and t- a 'Trustee of the Nortbumnber- the many boys and girls. MissJ. ýr land and Durhamn Count Linda Downs took the devot- lf Board of Educatlin is paid lonal part of the meeting and $200 per mnontbfr i o e four girls sang accompanied o- lservices. This îawv is a law,, by Mrs. K. Wood. Then Mrs.__ created by Queen's Park., od trdcdMr orsCallyour ScholBadTute Bradley who had gone out to llcensed Plumbing bave to work for aling a Zambia in 1968 with bis famîly Âechaiical Contractoe 1 Trus tee can't put the full tî me L ntuttentvsi h oneeded to supervise this 20 building of a hospital to train who seils, instals 0million dollar coporation on a nurses. Mr. Bradley showed andgfuarantcen n part time saîary. movies of the work and the D The resuit? ceremony of the laying of the C s The School Board is run byconrsneHeswdte 1 tbe Board's ful time civil completed svhool and the )servants on, direction of -th-e graduating ciass of young Plumbing a-1" Hçeting Ontario Department, of Edu- nurses who had been trained Phone 983-5207 scation in Toronto wbile the by two nursing sisters of theOon elected trustee bas a puzzled Cathoýiic faith. The boys and__________- look on is or bier face. , girls were most interested in r Counillors of the Durham the curios lie showed tbem O on Regiona1 Government could sucb as the huge sbields the DUIUfl b ave gone the part time route canes witb concealed daggers iand voted themselves a $4,oo inside, tbe benutiful carving of 1annual salary, attended two elephlants etc. 1meetins a month and in turn Mfiss C. Stewart thanked the ilet the Regional Government speaker and anl abundant civil servants and the civil lunch wxas. served to alV, Bric]k Block Concrete iservants of the Ministry of present. Treasury, Economnics and In- On Thursday afternoon a SoeWr tergovernmental affairs run large class of people gathered SoeWr Durham. in thé nmuseum to learn how to « The new Durham Council- cane a chair, like it was done Carpentry - Cabinet -lors refused to do this and fifty years ago. Work chose to go the full timne route Last week I said- Kendal and pay tbemselves a full tîme Suinday School chairs wouid be Floors -Tule saîary. sold at the Newtonville auct- After ail, when one analyses ion. However, it was decided 9354 rn the condition of education to keep them awhile longer till 9354 rn across our province of Ontario the new ones were ordered _____________ 1(rend "Are teenagers wasting somnetimes one bas to wait their time in scbool?" Toronto several weeks. 1Sun, PPm5, Novem ber 4,1l973) (Continued pagetý 1and wben one analyses, the mess that civil servants have ,e got us into at Queen's Park (Moog and Company, Darcy McKeougb ani Umay t. C IUNs EL etc.) and wben one analyses the messes thnat tbe Federal civil servants bave got us intoSE VC in Ottawa (do you need a iist?:) then the tinielbas def'initely want to do arniveti for local governiment somehingabouî your into their own bands--on a fuil ca n MID DI AGEVAaEL , BAL time basis at a decent sa]ary eeyor NES-DU GEAM k-- and make local governmnent AdilCouslo BFC- BAY WIND work for the benefit of ail of EViCanEllRYo sADSNO , This is the rond that WEDNESDAY Durham Regional Councillors EVENING took last Wednesday when EN G they voted themselves a full to9pm. at the GENERAL REPAIRS turne snlary of $îo,ooo per BOWNIANVILLE Phone 983.5249 Orono yenr. IIIGHI SCLJOOL SIncerely, GUIDANCE OFFICE Kenneh E.Lyal The service is free- Regional Councilior ci VENEZ I Aan Newcstle Orno adClrke no appointmenlt Newcnsle, Orno andClankeis necessarv ID ~ AIA Hlghway 115 anLd s5 mile south Of Orouo ]PHONE 983-5651 OPEN 7 DATS A WEEK Speclaizing in Pizza - es A,». Week-End Specials Building a'House? or remodefling your presexit one? Then Contact Floyd NîcholsoB Phone 9354 rn A ATTENTION FA RM ERS! i WHY PAY MORE? I SA VE ON *DIESEL FUEL I * MOTOR OIL 0eGASOL INE I Premlum QueIIfyI * Perm 'Tunksanmud I Pumps AvollobleI :Phone 668-3381 -Collect m IODX F UE-.L 0DIII * V~rePr o CmreuaSw i

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