CLRE' FFICIAL ýý,PLAN SUBMTTE WTOMINISTRY iCotinued from. page 1) favouýr of the motion. A imiarnotion had been passed somi-etimne ago with the understandingtat the officiai planwod be sent to the Minstr btthîs move had been held up pending some changes such as the Rice Co ntruc tion proposai and1 aohrdesîgnatîng land as Plumbing and Heating 24 Hour Service New Installations Alterations - Repairs Specîalizing In Rot Water Heating storage and wrecking for Mr. Robert Stepehson south of 401 Hlghway. The plan is now to be sent to the Minsîtry in its original form with no changes. t was pointed out by the planners who were in attend- ance at the meeting that such changes would necessitate aniother public meeting, or at least should necessitate a public meeting. The plan does not note any area in the 'Township as Mobile'Home areas. If the plan were to approved it wouid then be necessary for such applications as Rice Construction and Howard Payne to be preceded by an amending by-law. HEGIONAL ARCHIVES PROPOSAL REVIVED Forced Air Heating (Çontinued from page 1) Septic Tank Work during the annual meeting of RR 1,Oron 9835624 the Ontario Museum Associ- ation and museums section of the Ontario Historical Society ***S *SOS,,* at Kingston last weekend. * i f u B Mr -McNîe's ministry is the M i BI U ~ one responsibie for museums. Bh refwl now be consid- B bNFCINEY.XD ered by the mimister. B * Meanwhile, plans are in the B (~I1'S Bworks to ensure the preserv- B B ation of the municipal records B GREE ING Bin the Durham Region which CARDSare in town or township offices B B scattered throughout the area. * B The Central Ontario Muse- B2 GiTàR P ms Association will meet at B B Orono Sunday to discuss the B B situation, and plans are being Bmade to contact regional * B officiais. * B Mr. Winter said he saw tLie B B meeting at Kingston asan * oportnit todiscuss the B cncept of regionai archives B, and obtain ideas on how to carry out the proposai. : m kn up ie :UinAMs for Gm * B Pct BforeChristmas B and (Con ,nuedrom Pagel1) B e theUnîted Stts voted Tues- B B ay to rcomend he 85ý,000 * We. an Sat' B ord atif a tntaivetree B B year agree entrached iast B B he uionexpeets ratific- PHON 98-522 Batin t becompieted b * 'BS B B 55C55C TIfREE TO REUiiONAL LCLMNIIAIIE rn ekyTimnes, Wedesdy POLCtnEd OARDa 1 TlO CONTINUE ý;PLANNING about negotiati,3us pr-esetî CNSU (Cotined romoag 1) (Continulefrom page1) nder way btensubdivid- PR ICES Donald and Zuiy of Oshawa. area muni cpa-iiesfor ayaesadmncplte.(otn Mr. Graham is presently Qpun. Mason added, becýause resientia, principal of the Cannîngton the committee was conce>ýrned.............payin g to Public Sehool. - Local municîpalîties can't ilb$2 The Steering Comfmittee has present chiefs wiii lose their "1exciusiveiy" enter in to agree * ecommended that the pre-- rtink but cannot be given -a ments with sîibdividers, said shan abelhe headquarters i reduction in pay. The act, Coun. Des Newman (Whitby). services to fOrhwa the eadlso tey establishing the regionai The region must be a party to ion couic for he egin. Aso heymun icipàaity guarantees ail subdivision agreements, he function, s suggest that the regional force t1 rdctonaded. 'I'iis i because some swr not take over the entire area in aa tardcin ees the beginning but rather make FO TH BE TM S TO N arrangements with the Ont- ario Provincial Police to ijook after certain areas. These recommendations are not bind A l~ A E R sR I~ ing on the newly appointed__________ _______ Police Commission."TneJiy"-Y ng ntroFrR stn(edrofPrin The regional force wiii beIl l run similar to the Metro Toronto force. Most existing It's the Flavour ta ons(EDRJIY municipal departments wiill b __ kept, but they wiiî be respons- L ~ I r R 1 ible to regionai headquarters. si~ There wiîl be no chiefs in any TneMat of these departments. The P "COUNTRYV STYLE" November 12. FAVOURBABLE MPELA"SetPcld(Cryovac 1/2,S) Generai Motors of Canada.'ýLý_ said today the climate for settiement is favourable, "MAPLE LEFYALBE" GM has been working hard to uu achieve a new labour contratI Lp v equally 'acceptable te the union and the company,, said AL EF oels MKDDNE W.E. Austin, director of public relations for GM. of Canadýa As far back as Decembaer discussions on a numberof MAL LEF issues were started in an effort to settie them in advance. Formai negotiation started on Juiy 18 for the, SITPEIU"A ADE 25,000 UAW workers employed c <Rgular, or Apple k by GM in Canada. About 16,000 J Fiavoured) men and women work at GM headquarters in Oshawa. Frozen ImpordNeZaln Considerable progress bas been made on the master B E S CP agreement covering ail plants, in Canada and at the plant cities on local negotiations," C1RN îS S - RO O 83520 siad Mr. Austin. ________________ wpem ber 70 ;-% MM, --, 1 ERS' ASHMEU UP iedompae1 ai customners are n3 $alig 33.37. yeýarly Nà55 or $12.18 morýe. ýgo into a subdivis- I be a regional such as roads and w ½-3/ lb.avg. Attractively Priced ( bcwmvUî raaworkshop presents by GEORGES FDA FIECElDuBY,; 4 >1 Novem ber 8,9e i Tickets avî a liale at Recreation Office 623-3114 Compilnntay Tickets available for Thursday to ail Senior Citizen s - w - ~ w - w w CHRISTMAS 1973 CHRISTMAS ART MART ROBERT McLAUGHîLIN, CIVIC CENTRE OSHAWA Friday November 9 .5 P.m. to 10 P. M. Saturday November 10 Sund&iy November il from Noon to 5 p. m. Antiques, Crafts, Gifts, Decorations 1FUN FOR EVERVONE A5SIO 0 CENTS "hilýdren ndr 2 Free if acmaif iedban iduitJ -- w - W W W - W W WHAT D OES Tom(OFiow îMFEAN TO YOU? A good education for yvour children? A trip across Canada? A1 secure and happy retire- ment? WVhatever tomorrow, means to you, you can Plan for it today wt Canada Savings Bonds. T hey're Canada's most, popular per- sonal investment. EASY TO BUY.: For cash or> on instalments at any Bank or New Canada Savi authorized lnvestment Dealer, Stock Broker, of 7.-54%ý a yearv Trust or Loan Company and Credit Union. $100 Bond Pays$S7 Andat work on the Payroli Savings Plan. $7ï.50 for each of They are available in amounts ranging from each of the follov $50 up to a limit of $50,000. for each of the last SIMPLE TO CASH: Canada Savings Bonds are instant cash. On top of this yot They are redeemable anytime at their full face interest and mal« value plus earned interest. GOOD TO KEEP: Canada Savings Bonds -M, 1s are safe - backed by ail the> resources of Canada. And the pa god iterst ave.rage annàual interest te maturity year after year.E ngs Bonds yield an average Nhen held to maturity. Each ;.00 interest for the first year. the next six years, $7.75 for Ning three years, and $8.00 3t two years. u can earn interest on your ý each $100 girow to $239.50 in just 12 years. So wha.tever tomorrow means to you and your famîly, plan for it today with Canada Savings Bonds. Youi"'U be glad you did. i. 1973-3 i -1 Il OMM' MP hop la passer wjj %cocci il -