4-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 7th, 1973 F54arm tax reduction OSST F executi"Pve to program announced negotiate for tea cher Jin a news release on mi-ittee of the Ontario Secon- Monday, James Breekeni- dary Sehool T'eachers Federa- ridge, public relations officer tiOn has accepted a request for the negotiating co(mm-,ittee from the coutachers and of the 428 teachers in Nor- wiII represent themn at the thumnberland -an d Durham n.ýresumipion of n egot,,iations.l, areasaid he excutiv .c.m- The(e, esan h or Attention VETERANS THE ROYAVL (ANADIAN LEGION and EX-ERVCE ENAND WOMEN m 'Iii hold their annual -j Ari s tilece Paàr ade o ll th e ve ing 0f Sunday, November ilt at 6.30 p.. AIlretrne ieniand wmien and other Service Clubs Iare asked to metat(heOdf llo aillat 6.1;5 p.m. to piarch fo the Cntp to lay wreaths. 4'oÉiee. do-iîuts and chocolate milk will be served to a Il those tlaking part in the parade. George Dunlopl, Orono Nursery Sehool O:penin,ïg Dée. 3rd, 1973 M N DA Y, WýEDNESDAY and FRIDAY MORNINGS 9.15 )a.m. fto 11.45 a.m. 3 and 4 vear olds O0ronolUi-ated Church CaI 983-91i32 Owners of farm properties in the Province are urged to acquaint themselves with cerfain changes in the Ontario Farmn Tax Roduiction Pro- grami for 197.3. These changes, and the iplemenfation of the 1973 Program were announceci jointly b1y Honourable William A. Stewart, Minister of Agri- culture and Food and the Honourable John White, Min- met on Octobor 28th in a two hour session atthe Holiday Inn that ended with no change in the current sifuation. The teachers are continuing theéir withdrawal fi voluntary ser- vices with the board also continuing ifs refusal f0 make woýkinig conditions, or class sizo, a bargaining issue.. Now, said, Mr. Brecken- ridge, who is a foachorr at Clarke High Sehool, the stu- dents appear f0 have taken a neutral position and walk-outs have appearéd to have ended. The feachers. said Mr. Breckenridge, are seeking a working condition, confract similar f0 that given instruc- tors at the provincially-opera- ted community colleges. The feachers have charged thaf the board released con- fidonfial informnation, to repor- ters at a press con-ference'on October 24th, their first since negotiafionis openocd. Mr. W. H. Carman, who headed the negotîating com- miftee for the Board of Education states that to his knowledge the board had not broken any confidentialify and said this was also stated by the provincial conciliation officer, W. J. McGuire, in a recent interview. Mr. Carmnan also stafed that he wais unaware of any meeting beýing held this week in reýgar'ds f0 furfher nogotia- fions. Mr. Breckenridge was of the opinion that a, mee2ting would be held sometime this week. FREE!I Trd Sarter Froiki io\v until No\ embetr 30 you niatically whien-the safefv handle is can get a free ceccric starter 0on an>' releascd. And fhere's ftvo-stage ac- Toro t\vo-stage nwhrwr A fion \Nhichlo ts the langer models nice feýature fchav on those sîib- hunli- up tii a ton of siiow~ a minute! zero morn011illgS when yvou dis-cve a Caýsh in on oun- $69.95* savings and foot of fresh siio\\ 01 yoiir div e\%ay.dsc rthe di-flfennCe Toro engi- Ili addition f0 electnic sfarting, neering can mnake. there's flie 1,01o "saifetv grip ssfm \'isit výour Toro Dealer 5000 xvhich Shu2ts fdue 1macinie off aufo- cao f ild ii nth' de Yelow Pages. H aveni you done wNîtiotta Toro lig ,eniougli? Offur expires November 30, 1973. *Manfactrers sggested rctail pricefrFar ra State, o1AI Raoph Hardware (Contrnuted from pagely Kendal Harvesf Tea with a bazaar table wiIl be,,hLd this Saturday Novem-fber 10 at 2 TOWN I0F DUHAM Mdayor K. MacDonald of the T.vvÂw, tnin.liait, 3Gonv J iIC p.mY. Will the ladies of thle counicil will d!iscuss the possi. ister of Treasury, Economnics commrunity please bring hiome biîity of going to court to kee andînfrgvermeta,î aebaking, b and111mado onnebrad- cakes, the regional municipaliry of Affairs. pies, vegefables, fruit sewing Durham from, using the s'alli The Program is aimied at and articles for sale. namo. relieving the, municipal tax On Sunday wo were pleased The fown is 29 miles south of burden on land usod actively to have Rev. R.C. White Owen Sound in Western Ontar- for farming purposes and conduct the morning, service. io and the new region of farms that wiîî remain in He told the children a mosf Durham is just east of agricultural production in th-e interesfing story of the lit tle Toronto. future. It is nof intended f0 Indian boy who visited fhe provide relief for lands boing cîrcus with his grandfather. muit al n Sunday after- hold for speculative or develop He was surprised that thero.noon November 4. This was a ment purposos or for propert- were so many "pale faces in well planned event by the ies being kept ouf of roduct- the world". Thon Rev. White children and grandchildren. Application fermas will b mailed f0 all owners of property in Ontario-assessed as "Farm", wifhout regard f0 the size of the property. To qualify for the Farm Tax Rebafe, the applicant will be roquired f0, complefe and return this application formi describing the main farmnýingý enterprise, certifying thaf afý' least 50 percent of the 1973 Municipal Taxes have been paid, and demonstrating thati- the current farm operaftions., wîll generate af beasf $2,000 in annual incomo. In previous years, the own- ors of farmr property less than il acres in size were required to file such an appication and demonstrafe an annual in- come from farm operafions of $2,000. In effect, the new regulations extend this re- quirement f0 ail farm proper- fies. This move is in response f0 a recommendation contain- ed in an Interim Report byth Ontario Farm Classification Committee. The Ministers announced plans f0 appoint a Committee of Appqo)ai which would hear appecals wth respect f0 appli- caion for the Farm Tax Rebafo. Property owners whio feel they'ý should bo eligiblo for0 the Farmi Tax Rebafe by the nature of their operations, but who reside on lands assessed as other thani "Farm" should appoal f0 thle local Assessmnent Revie, Court.Where propor- fy becomies assessed as "farm-i" following a successful appeal f0 the Assossment Review Court, an application for the 1973 Farm Tax Rebate would be- eligible, regardless of the deadline for applicat- ions established for other property owners. Those applying for,' and receiving Farm Tax Roba tes are romind ed that the grants are considered repayable with interest of 8 percent per4 annumn should the properfy assossmenf status he changed from "farmn" f0 "Residenitial"4 "lndustrial", or "Commnercial by reason of developmenf prier f0, or during 1983. To sumi up; th 1973 Farm Tax Rebafe will ho 50 percent of the nef farm fax bill; if will be available on.ly on applicaf- ion, with applicated mailed f0 registored owners of !and4 assessed as "Farm", there will be a minimum income requiremoent of $2,000 per4 farmi; and a "'Com-mittee of Appoal" wHi be established. BRICKLAYERS STONEMASONS WILLIE J. SCHMAHL Phione 983-5606 Specializing in ail klnds of STONEWORK and, FIREPLACES We also do chimney Repairs GF YO R NNAD0 LREOR SALQUANTITIES MACS IN SEASON Ba rtietis and Flemish Beauty PEARS Plums, Grapes, Vegetables Ice Cream and Fresh Cidler F DS FRI MRE HHAY15SOUTH0FiRON ion for other reasons. chose as his sermon topic "The Race of Life." Affer the The mosf signiticant change service Rev. White and his in the 1973 program- is the bride had dinner with Mr. and increase in the rate of Farm Mrs. G. Cathcarf. Tax Rebafe from 25 percent f0 On Saturday affernoon se- 50 percent. This increase was veral Kendal ladies aftended announced April 12, 1973 by the Kirby bazaar.* Honourable John White in his They are f0 be congratulat- 1973 Budget. ed on a fine bazaar. Another important changeHar.an heg glon f0Pons relates to the mnethod of alnhvegetoPws administoring tho- 1973 Pro- san f0 hunt this week. There is gram Inpreiou yers armno open season f0 hunt deer in gra - n pevousyeas FrmClarke. Tax Rebates were paid*auto-Mran s.AlnFte matically 1f0 ah registered hvM r nd Mr. Alle Fotr owners of land assessed as thaveretnedfomtei.n "Farm" and consisting of il10 Vrgianiar.G Ctcr acres or more. This year -the Mr. nd mrs. G. Cathcarf rebafe will only ho paid upon attededr te oden w. aedyn receipt of an application from of Mr. nd Mrs. Harveym the property owner. Akn nPnyolCm