Operation Orieintal cookir'g evening "Identfiîcation"r1 weIl attended at Orono Toronito, whio ont two previous "Operation Identification" JIMI HARE, Presidenit of the A capacity crowd of saine occasions served meais at wiii be launched in this area, Association 'said that the 230 ladies from Orono and theOonChr. by the O)shawa and District Board of Directors has been surrounding area were in Oostess fr he vnn.a Insurancýe Agents' Association studying "Operation Identif- attendance at the Oriental MrsoEsss rteee wgav it was annitounced recently. ication" for approximately Cooking, School sponsored by a detailed and helpfui coin- two years. After seeing the Orono U.C.W. and held in the mentary on each recipe used. resuits which have been Main Hall of Orono United Tempting aromas pervaded- UNTE CURH achieved in the United States, Church on the evening: of as Mrs. Kay Dellamoire UNITEDCHURCH and other centres in Ontario. October 29. This cooking prepared and- cooked 'ten Oroo Pstoalwe have decided to launch schooi is a division of "Lunch-Chnsrcis.Tserip Oroo PstoalOperation Identification' in con is Served-Canada Ltd" Cese re cntied in oné of the Wl Charge The Durham Regional Area, __ two cook books given 'to each hie said.- - _ We are hiaving discussions Statistics from Canada and lady on arrivaI. Mrs. Elsass- ýZ Minister with ail area Police Depart-. the United States show that er's husband and daughter ments and with the Ontario. burgiaries have fallen off SRev. B. E.-Long Provincial Police. They are considerably in those homes B.Th. enthusiastic about "Operation and apartments where the Cla rke Museumr Idenification," Mr. Ilare said. owncrs have participated in n rcie SUWNDAY N1OVEMBER llth Operation Identification is Oper-ation Identification. Ap- adAcie ORONO UNINTED CHUlRC I designed to put a thief out of parentiyv thieves, just don't Hours -2.30 to 5 p. m. business. To participate, a want to handie property which 6.30 to 8.30 p.m. Chuch ehol 1.00a.m. citizen engraves his drivers is readiily identificable, said rhrdyadFiay WosiServie'1. 95a.m. licence number oýn ail hojuse- Mr. Hare. T 2.oOts d.m.ay The- Rev.ý T.R. Normran, B.A,, hold possessions such as The Ontario Insurance sundfavý,s B.D., of the Canadiani Bible camîierasbiuas, portable Agents and Brokers Associ- diso:5cetsdils Soaciety 4iI1 cond1uct the televisuons, etc. He can hor- ation have- fuily endorsed Adiso35cnsdut sevie.row a special engraving Operation Identification and Yearly Failyý Pass $0 pencil, as easy to use as a bail have registered the namin n earîy Indiîvidual Pýis$2.00 KIRBY UNITEDI CHURCH point pen, from an indepentent the Province of Ontario. insurance agent or Police The indepentent insurance - ____________ WripService 9Aý .45 , Department. agents and the insurance Churcb Seýrvie 11.00 a.m. bI the case of a burgiary,.the industry hias a vested interest Cone to th thief will be foiied in his in the success of the progran.. Dia-aThogh 98-951 efforts to seil the 'stoien Burgiaries, particulariy in property because pawn shops urban centres, have increased _________________wil be iooking for the owner's greatiy durîng recent years drivers licence number. pol- and this hias led to increased. in STSAIORSice who apprehend crirninals premiuns to policy holders. It ANGLCANproperty in their possession ification wili hoid burgiaries Estabished1869 can check the owner's identity down thus maintaing present ~ Reua unçdyWos9ip w i thin a matter of minutes if it premium costs. The co-operat ~ Srie-1:00 a li as a licence number. ion of the public is anticipaited. Hloly Cmuin First And Third Suqndays A' Mornng nd ai-th A rt IM ad f-* -Free FI Sunidays, Hoy Baptism byý appoyintmentwih etor 987-47 45 RvLH.Rob)ert Llayne, 3-%, L.Th. PONTYPOOL Mmen: 705-277-2504 JACK àiR lCAitRD R EA LI1O0R 99 Kîng St., E. BOW.MAN VILLE When Buyin1g or SeLlin1g Cal WILF HAWKE Vour Orono Area Repr-esientative 983-5,274 Member of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board 7Durham County S a les-Arenal ORONO, ONT. LIVESTOCK SALE Every Thursday Evening 7:30 p. m. SHEEP-CATTLE HG-HORSES i BUSINESS 983-9363 HME: 623-4685 BILL MOs1,EY Last minute preparations are turning the Robert McLa- ughiin Ga lery, Oshawa, into a beehive of activity! The Annual Christmas Art Mart is about to, begin and the Womiens' Committee of [the Gallery are working dayv and ight uonder Presidenit Mrs. Anguas Dixon and Convenor -Mrs. John Mintiine to have al in readiness when 'the doors open on Friday evening, November 9 at 5 p.m. Exhibitors will bring anti- ques, hooked rugs, leather crafts, macrame, weaving, dried fiowers, African Violets. biown glass, wrought h-on tems, pottery, doils, candIes, decoupage, fresh flowers, paintings and drawings, hand made jjew,ýeliry and you can even have y our portrait done in pastels to g.ive that special someone on Christmas moro- *ing! The Womens' Committee wiii seil unique crafts, iciuding jwle plaques of the Magi, stockings to hang by the fire or on the door, aprons to work or party in, doils baby c!lthes and other unusual items. The Country Store wiii be stocked with homemade candies, preserves and baking to give or use at your own Christmas festivites. The Hock Shop is just the place to find that rare 'treaisure' - doni't you know somneone who have aiways wanted. a bear rug? While you are browsing and'ý.. buying, the children, will dihtin the Fish Pond and .. husbands will deiighit in the _ Sherry Shack! The Gallery $hop wili be open, and a very special spot wili be the New 4 Book counter. Refreshments ~ wîli be ava-lable in the Food Shop. Speciai features of the 1973j Art Mart wili be the hourly* draws, with a winner every* hour! A gorgeous bejeweied* Christmas Tree wiil be raffied with tickets availabie ait the Mart. If you wouid like to help at the Art Mart, please caîl Ruth Sdeikat 723-8781, There's alwuays room formoe voilunteers. Coîrne itothe àRobert McLaughIiýng Gailery annulal Christmjas Art Mart on, Friday Novemiber 9th from 5 p.m. il 10 p..; Satuirday Novemr-l 10 from Noon tii 5 p.m., and Sunday November il from Nooni til 5 p.m. Admission is 50c. Chiidren accom-paniied by an aduit wili be admitted free. Further info: Margot Samuel 416-623-2473. Fertilizer shortage pred icted There is every indication that in the spring of 1974 there' will be a shortage of certain types' of- fertilizer for field crops, according to the minis- Orvilte (Chatterton Eleetrical Contracting Electrie Heating and Service Phione 983-5546 or 9831-5940 Oroino, Ontario try of agriculture and food, The minîstry urges al farmers to get soul samples taken this faîl and send them to Guelph where tbey wil be analyz ed. If the samples are sent'in now, says the mninistry, the results wiil be returned in time for the farmer to purchase bis fertilizer ahead of the expected spring rush. Don Gaiagher, souls and crops specialist wîth the ministry, working out of Lindsay, indicatcs that cert- ain fertilizers wiil be in short supply and others may bc in short supply if there is a rush, by growers to purchase them Laè GRIE1 During intermission, Mrs. Everett Brown added plea- sure to the evening with several piano selections. Also, at this time, everyone had a chance to file past the front table where the savory dishes were on dislay, to have a dloser view of the finished products. In the ticket draw, 40 lucky winners received packages of househoid cooking items, and an additîonal 14 ladies took *Mr, 1-Ly JP'orrester o unie Orono T.mes was present to take photographs of the cook-, ing area. Grateltulitanks is aue Lo Mr. Orville Chatterton for bis kindness-in providing electr- icai outiets necessary for the cooking appliances. .lviany tavouranie repons came from those -ittending this ýevent, which may weil recur at a future date. DX SERICE STATION Ilighway 35 mnd 115, just north of Newcastle Featuring: Premium QualIity Products i At the, Most Reasortable Prices -~ Stove O011 4 Dieel011y Available in any quantity Phone 987-4215 eParty DA"-N cE AXND)EVERV SATURDlî AY Iowers for the 1sf 501 Ladies iies' Drinks HIALF PRICE 9 to 10 EAT DANCING TO GREAT MUSIC. 4TINUOUS FROM 9 p.m. toi1 a. m. ENJOY BUBBLE IIOUR" WIDE SELECTION 0F RECORDED HIITS FOR ANY STYLE DANCE Informaî - FuIIy Licensed Plenty of Free Parking Normal Prices No Cover No Minimum" COME TO DINNER STAYTODANC È THE NEWDUCOVEN Ilighl4ay 115, Orono Phone 983-5001 for reserva fions GI1RL' S COAT S Plaids, tweeds and acrylie pile coats for girls in 2 to :;X and 1 to 6X age groups. Priced $11.98 to $19.95 CH 1LD REN VS SNOWSUI1TS Attractive styles i one, two and three-piece snowsuits for children up to, 6X tears. Weather.Bar process'nylon, wvarmly linied. Several colours. Priced $9.95 f0 $ 18.95 KNITTED HATS AND MITTS A good selection of scarves, nuits and gloves for women and children. Boys' toques, beadbands for boys and girls. See our ladies' k-nitted hats whlich are in the fashion news for winter. Priced fromn 59c to $3.19 each. Price .59c f0 $3.19 each GI RULS PULLOVERS Girls' brushed r acrylic pullovers with sleeves. Pink, blue or Sizesz2 to 3)X Yrs. - $3.50 Sizes l to 6X Y rs. - $4.25 Sizes 8 to 11 yrs. - $4.98 GIRULS TIGHTS . . .. . .....For good qaulity, try our, stretch nylon tights by Mandor. Seamless and mun resistant. A godselection of colours. Siz6 t 18monhs $l79Size,3 to 5, 4 to 6X - $2.19 Size t 3XyeaS -$19 Size6 to 8, 7 to 10 - $2.49 Size lOtoi 12, 12 to Il4- $2.79 i 01-o1nj Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 7tI, l,)73-5 assister, in setting up displays nomne the dishes of food cooked etc. îeariier.