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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Nov 1973, p. 7

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REAL : Oe ronoL1 -à 234Kî*gFtreetEasre Torltor Phone Oron eâ Qr ______offic_________ý *e Toro0too2389174, For prompt, Oý e-UU rteu,0 Monday, Tue 0 C Friday Afterïm @ for the Iargest selectionQ 2:30 o te :0 0*of prupertles in the area S10:0 îtr12:0 *olte em * Oronio 1Area * Representatv uu * eHerb and Gerry * s 983-5108 * Charlie Reid ELECTRICA 983-5914CONTRACTE 983-5914ELECTRIC 'HE * Electrical Appi * T.V. - COLOU * Roy Foster , RADIO - HI * 983-5801 e WESTINGHOI * s RCA * S ELECTROHO * S Guaranteed Se a William Turansky: * (Kendal>1) Randy Thoil * 983-5420 * e Orono, Onta * e Phone 983-t * Dane Found @ Carpentryï * Remodellir * Ro Strng * We build from :Betha ny 52r 11: and FamiI'ly Our quality and service leaves nothing M) be desired Ask' the person Who bought f rom us, a neigh- bour, friend or relative. The Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Phone collect V. W. RUTTER office -885-5216 Home -885-5223 BYAMS PLUMBINIG - HEATING Sales and Service 24 HOUE BURNER SERVICE G. LF FINANCING I ow Interest Rate@ Phone: Tyrone 263-2650 Gui ORONO LANDSCAPING SODDING, PLANTIING AND SEEDINGx Phone 983-5598 ,or Sales or term8 tes RY TENDERýS NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM COUNTYý BOARD- 0F EDUCATIOIN Applications will be receiv- ed by ',t ndersignod until 4:00 p.m., Novomber 9th, 1973 at the Board Office for a school bus transportation route. The successful appiic- ant will be required te supply a 66 passenger sehool bus and dr!ier for the transportation. of pupils f romYr a part of Alnwick Township and a part Y~OUNG CANADA'S BOOK W EEDK Clarke Public Library invit- es al.children to visit us during the Young Canada's Book Week, Novomber 151th te 22nd. Classes fromn the Orono Public Sehoel wiii be given a tour of the Library, shown a film and given "Read on, Canada" stickers prometing this special week. Books on display wili feature Canadian of Haidimand Township te the ________ Cebourg Colegiates. Specifi- NOTICE cations regarding the propos- The Orono United Church ed school bus rout-ie must bo Hi-C's would Ilke te thank al -ecived from Mv.A . rMacLe-od, these w,;ho centributed te the B;usiniess Administrator and C.N.I.B. cause. rreasurer, Northumiberia'id a-c and Durham County Board of Eduacation, P.O. Box 470, K9A NOTICE sdy, 4L2", DArcy Street, Norlh, Heathier Social Club Bazaar Cobourg! Onitarie. will bo held on Saturday, p.m, December 1, 1973 at 2:30 p.m. t Hememnade Christ-mas amCakes can be ordered by I - phoning: Betty Major 9835842 or Velm-a Watson 983-53413. VERVR, ~FOR RENT y DuvH W~ TER CRFL 2 bedirom apartmonti Duval 8/V/N PO ER vailable Docemnbor lst, cal] 983S-574. 'NG [EATING Iiances UR T.. i-Fi OUSE iervice )mpson ga m the up Box ~ MI 13 P.668-3552 Manufacturors of Cemetery Miemorials 31s Dundas Street Eat WHITBY, ONTARIO WATSON'S Marine and Cycle Orono Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS AHlouette Snow Mobiles McCuiloch Chain Saws Repairs te a U makes o! Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Englues ALLOUETI'E SNOWMOBILES Grant C. Wade' Insurance Agency' General Insurance Box 82 Tel 786-2921 Newtonvlle, Ontario Box à1 Tel. 885-2288 Port Hope, Ontarîlo - Elmer's Garage TEXACO SERVICE -m Mlil St. Northt, Orono Phione 983-5130 PUMPING OUT 1 SEPICTANKS - Bert Tompkins< Phone 786-255%2 Newtonville, Ontariný John DeWITHI Real Estate Limnited Bowmanvi ie 623-3950 and 623-311.1 For prompt. efficient serv1%ice Gary Hancock 983-5155 Joe Barnoski 786-2202 Ross. Davidson 277-2321 Milison Insurance Agencyý for AUl classes of personal and Commercial Coverage Dffice: Cornier of CThurch and Cobbledick Street 883-50312 RoZme. 983-5754 COMIING EVENTS Bowmanville Dramna Wiorkshep presents A. Gown for His Mistress Novomber 8, 9, 10 - 8:15 p.m. Bowmnanville High School Theatre Aduits ý2.00 Students $1,00 - Phono 623-3114 for tickets. Cern- plimentary tickets- avail- able for Thursday to all Senior Citizen!ý. CONG ?ýSOON Mother's Day Out, on Wed- ne(sday, November l4th from 9:30 a.m. te 11:15 a.m. in the Mlain, Hall of the Orono United Church. a-c p COM6IifNG E VEN T-ap Plan te attend the U.C.W. THANK YOU "Song Service" at Orono 1 would iike te thank ail the United Church on Sunday friends and neighbeurs for ahl Novembher 25, at 11.15 a,.m,. the gifts, fruits, flowvers and Guest speaker and conductor cards that I received during of singing wili be Mrs. Leroy miy stay in Memoriai Hospital. Telle, Immediate P ast Pro- A special thianks te the Night sidenit of Tconto Cenference. of Columbus, Heather Rebe- - kah Lodge No. 334 Orono,- and NOia HreTI EaNv the nurses on the third flioor Kenal arvst ea ov-aise te Drs. Mescenko and ebr0,from 2-4 p.m. with a McKenzie. 1 bazaar table filled with home Elsie Koropatwa ba king vegetables, sewing etc. Adults 50c. Chiidren 25c., l'ut <o y tne IJ.C.W. in' -ac clrh PRESS OPE RATORS' Good incentive wages Apply South Plant Curvply BOOKKEEPER Experienced. apply Stan Byers North Plant, Curvply TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE SENIOR STAFF POSITIONS the mm 1 The neýw Ton f Newcastle, comprising the Towni of ,Bowmanvillte. the Townships of Clar-ke and Darington and the villages of Newca,>istle and Orono require the services of' pesons for the foliwing po;sitionis: Clerk This position requires an, applicant with the ability te, maintain legal records of the mnunicipality, record minutes of council, provide services for couincil, and committees, ensuring that the munticipality mneets statutary requirements and communicate council decisions te those affected in appropriate form. Treasurer This position reqires an applicant with the ability te determine the capital requiremnents of the mnunicipality and develope relevant programs of financing. Acting as a financial advisor, co-ordinating budget comxpilation and develop suitable accounting and budgetary control systems. Director of Public Works This position requires the services of -a quaiified person in the development and direiction of programs for ail public works uinder the jurisdiction of council. Responsibility will aise include development of an effective staff organization. Experience la the field of municipal public works is essentiai. Applicants should be thoroughly familiar with municipal road systems, sidewalks, drainage and related activity. knowledge of requirements concerning land development is desirable. Pire Chief This position requires the services of a person with the responsibility for the organization an-d development of a Fire Fighting organization within the muncipality and te co-ordinate with other municipalities as required. Exper- lence in fire fighting is essential. lnterested candidates for the above positions are invited te submit applications ln confidence, stating background, qualifications and experience, net later than November 15, 1973 te: GARNET B. RICKARD, Mayor Elect Municipal Offices, lapoOntarlo. îe CARD OF THANÇKS The Orene Amateur A'thletic Association is pleased, te jannounce that they were able tp pay off the boan fer the purchasé of the Ice Flooder, te the C.I.B.C. in Orone. The Association would like te thank all the people who helped in obtaining this boan and especially the Orono Hockey Mothers whese donat- ion made this speedy repay- ment of the boan possible. POPPIES Your poppy contribution helps the Canadian Legion fight humnan misery am-,ong Canada 's disabled veterans and dependents. Yes, for seme. there are pensions. But ne pension covers sucb emergeni- cies as family illness, medjical bills or a fire. Yeur peppy contribution means quick hbelp when it is needed most. Give geneously this weekend. a-c George Dunilop HELP WANTED Student te pump gas, part timre ne experience necessary. Phone 983,-5094 before neon. b-p HELP WANTED Ca *retaking positions open, suitable for man or woman, for OJshawa Ski Club, club bouse. Phono 983-5772. a-c WORK WANTED Snow Pioughing, cali Rick Parry at 983-9226. t-f WANTED A homo for a friendly collie dog, preferably in the country. Phone 983-5972 after 4:30. FOR SALE One pair of Ladies Figure Skates, size 5, Jeienik, brand new. Askîng $10.00. Phone 983-9301 evenings oniy. a-p FOR SALE Free standing Firepilace. Black sheet steel body bas jIolishied Swedish brass tr.imi and side pvu lcain mnesh cuirtain sparkguard. Heat shield ai raer and under hearth. Fire basket inchuded. Like new. Phnoe 983-5157.- a-p 1 eWnesday, November 7hl973-7 MEN WANTEfD PLEASE7 VPP4-INPERSON TO % jHERVY PART1E% PLUMINGANI) HEATING. ENGAGEMENT EmIîl anid Helen Schmnid, Orone, are pleasod to an-, nounce the engagement of their eldest daUghter Elaine to Ronald Reffle, Orono, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Re ffle of Weston. a-p. RECEPTION Friends and relatives of Clarence and lia Martin are invited te an open house in henour of their 4th Wedding Aýnniversary, on November l7th from 7 te 9 p.m. at the Oddfellow's Hall in- Orono, Best wishes only.

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