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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Nov 1973, p. 2

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2 roi>Xýekl.N hues. 'êXednesdaý . 1Nov.éinber oron011o w eek 1yt i m es Second class MaNiil Registration Number 6368 Publishied e . hrdvait1the office ofrpublication THE VFUEl, Sl>TGE Who of Johin Q public a few «years ago, even thoughi som'e Warnling signls were being voiced, would have realized Ihat in CCanada ve would bé facing the tbreat of fuel shortages to heat our homes or to miotivate the transportation s 'vstemis. But we are faced with a realistic problemn, if not todaV. ini the near future. Like many' of our non-renewable resources oil and gas hias 4een takeiï for granted. The thought has been that the suppiy is unlinited and as long as we are flot personally inconvenienced the devastation of the resources can continue. In recent years however, we have corne to learn that natural resources have a limit. The Great Lakes can, only consume a certain amount of sewage, thé streamns and waterj sources cari only stand limited tampering and nature itself canniotw%ýithstanid an uwçontrolled devastation by man. Thei fossil fuels are also limited and it is quite likely that this generation through want and waste bas dipped into the resources of future generations. We are borrowing from the future to continue the life of "Riley" today. The fuel crisis in Canada is not only a form of shock1 treatmnent over supply but couid well e ter the political stage. At present the province of Aberta is at logger beads witb tbe Federal government over oul policy and sale. It couldt resuit that the fuel problem will bring to the forefront a great constitutional batfle. For years we bave contended tbat too much autbority1 was Ieaving the federal governiment and being taken by the provinces. On national issues tbe Federal government miust retain control and be able to goveru on a national scale. A resident of Newfoundland is as much a Canadian as is one in Alberta, Ontario or lritichi Columbia and is entitled to ail the benefits of this nation and this includes its natural resources. We in Ontario bave throughi a federal scheme of re-adjustments bave contributed financially to other provinces over the years and altboughi we do not favour an eye for an eye we do con end that the policy of ail Canadians sharing in our vaste wealth is proper. The federal governmnent and this includes ail parties, must see that all Canadians do beniefitalike in this nation. * ATTNTIONFARMERS08! WH1Y PAY MORE7 SAVE ON * 6~- eDIESEL FUEL * Premium Quality * - g -Farm Tanks and g - Pumps Available P..668-3381 -C.Ihcut DX FUEL01 I For Prompt Courteous Service I Cali Us Today MUSCULAR Dear Sir 1 read with great concern in your last week's edition, Mr. 1,'ya]]'s,;attempt to justify his support of Regional Council members voting, themaselves (MIr. Lyall included) an an- nual salary of ten thousand dollars, as members of the regional Council of the newly formed Region of Durham. In bis attempt, Mr. Iyall makes several comparisons between the Regional Govern- ment and the Northumnberland Durham County Board o Education systems - to this I take exception. The County Board of Educ- ation systein is foreilinner to the Regional system of govern ment both being set Up structurally the same, with the exception that the Board of Education is a one tier system whiie the Region bas both municipal and regional coun- cillors, or in other words is a two tier system. in both cases the areas were divided into wards for the purpose of representation and elections, botb have chairmen - the B3oard of Education chairman, being elected from the trustee membership by the trustees, the Regionai chairman being, appointed by the Provincial Government. In both cases the role of the councillor or trustee is meant to be that of a policy maker - not one of a nuts and boîts sorter. If this is; not so, then for what reason do both groups employ a large ý number of highly professional and experienced people to administer the system. Mr. Lyall's lack of comprehension of this point is probably the reason that bi- brief Qthýtasa AOULT COUNSELING SERVICE If You want to do something about your education Xyou probably ýa n see vour Adult Counsellor EVERY WEDN ESDAY EVENING' 7 to!) p. n. at th e BOWNM XA\VILLE lif(;Il SC'IJO(OL G(VI1) XN CE OFFICET- The service isfr- cout idetîtial - aud nu appointin eut is necessarvN Hamiltons I nsurance Service Yotur Frie«idly Agency FOR Ail Personal & Commercial Insurance PHIONE FOR FAST SNOWMOBILE school trustee was -such an LCLNEW'S .ISA L unproductive and demloraliz MN"(.\W. Rolh is a patient________ LzR-L NC ing experience. in th1e imemlorial Hlospital in F NC Hle states that the Board of Bwmianvillc OI.E Education bias twvo businesýs "01' FATN OU olOT WATER mee'(tinlgs Per' mlonth. This i SEAT ELT" No payments for six months truc - they' vdo bave two formpai Mojtoriýsts! Its an estabjish-Ilî btisiness meetings mnonthly cd fact that-seat belts reduce wbere official business and the chances of death or serious HARVEY PARTNER formal motions are passcd injur'y to the occupants of a Tour ESSO Service Dealer and new policy is formed or car in the event of a collision. FREE ESTIMATES old policy is changed. He Extensive research- is sup- 983-5206 Orono neglects to mention that mnany ported byv the mnany people meetings are held in commit- who, when wearing seat beits, tee in the interim wbere policY eitber survived a serious and recommendations are collision or escaped serious....... formulated. Most- Trustees of injury. tbe Northumberland Durham Boar t-ysef idudd) avesents the people of this ward -on Regional Counicil for the attended upward of 100 meet- ings so far this year, flot to next three years. menioftkeman liurstalen Mr. Lyall states tiiat thie up duri. g the ,normal working School Board is run by Our ful day listening to the problemstiecvlsras.Ainfo ,of parents, students an so. The FEducational System is - ordinary citizens.-1 administered by our profess- Callou As trustees we are happyt ional staff under policy dicta t-aj r do this and are grateful 'for the ed by the elected trustees who ifcensed Plumbip9g & $2400.00 remunera-ti on wenowact tbnguidelines laid 3Mechanicai Conractor receive each year to belp by the Ministry of Education - hseIital defray our out of pocket down by the Ministry of wh e1,nsli expenses. F'or many years Education - a big difference. and Suarantees scbool trustees received representatives. This step was practically notbing, in the way a big difference. A~ of money, for their efforts and It will be interesting to see C A R MtjV f i most would stili be wiîîing to what position on salary Mr. sere o tis ass. ftr alLyall will take wben the Plumbing and Hletting serv onthisba se owe ra thoueiof the Municipality of Phonie 983-5207 does not each one ofus wath new area of Newcastle sets Orono great deal to our communt th eurai fr hs and fellow man. nity tormunrathion fb tis _______________ *Mr. Lyall states that at eipos ditionic e, is s these meetings ail a trustee reiobl inaddtont hsy.uldn can do is take a peek at the reginal aBarildingu pile of papers assembled by Ianotgisteîna ouradmnisratve taf an Government and the elected rubr mstativest aadrepresentatives. Tbis setp was C nw .~ Agaibe tnpegîts ot so.long overdue and wé should contacte that the agenda . se mnyimroemnt g topcs o b delt oveinglocal government. Many con- Brick - Block - Concrete give metin, ~hat ~w~scientious and able people pietinencgr on im have been elected to these . SaeWr atinisent tkgouneachtrste councils and my fervent hope SoeWr several daysen aanchreeinis that Mr. Lyall, as our order tat acb item a e n representative, willî,apply Carpentry - Cabinet stdedtand any iteseahdoe imself in a constructive -Work pruir todthey-meeng. epsrather than a destructive pir Mrth L etn g. bad apedmanner, and to this end I wisb los u ief in tlh mane behim and bis colleagues well. For 'l woul nthve bee rbeWm. H. Carman woldno hveben 'uber Trustee - Northumnberland 983-5441 Orono stamp' trustee. Let us hope and Durbam County Boarao uI that he sees bis obligations Education - -- differently while lie repre- HUMIDIFIERS Enjoy ail the cornforts of your home this winter in a properly balanced atmosphere. Pick, one of these huinidifiers to, obtain,' that enjoy'ment. They are reasonably priced for your budget. ELECTROHOME H18-This unit uses the new Humnidi-Pad method of humnidity distribution witb variable speed control and removable wa ter bucket. 23"Wxll'2"-Dx25"H.$ 8. t It is electric and attaches to e'ither 'e of your furnace, :oooecu. ft. capacity iallon perhour. RQIph aH&ardlware Orono 1Towinig GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249: Orono ( 1~ s VENEZIA RESTAURANT Htghway 115 a"d 35 'kmile south of Oron.o PHONE 983-5651 OPEN 7 BATS A WEEK Speclalizing in Pizza - Meals Aise Week-End Specials Building a House? or remodelling your present eue? Then Contact Floyd- -Nicholson Phone 983-.5049 Orono

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