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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Nov 1973, p. 3

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cc 1c rom iCMH1C lforthe Tho Senior C'itizens group intend fl to build a senior -iciies cml both tn Newcastle and ini Orouiî. In speaking \with both thle Reeve and Mr. R. Moffat it -was flot known wbethier or flot CMHC had given-i approval for the Newcastle project but it was fIct if wýould receive approval as flhe Village hiad both water and sewers. The Orono site would flot have sewers as the VillaIge does flot haive such a s[en]. Reeve Woyadstat ed that the Provincial goverfi- ment had givef ltheir approval to council f0 seil the 6.49 acres of parkland f0 the Senior Citizens Group. LEISTELLS SUET MINEIMUM WvaE T, L (Conii1(t inue fom page 1) should ive themn real support of the whole blessed commun- ity is going down fhie drain. WVe have got fo get the governmnent behind the agri- culfural commulnity, he said. Mention of the airport opinion about the need for an airport in) Pickering, Ive no symnpatbiy, with the ai-port at ail, he replieci, nof, one, molecule. I've neyer been able to find a-ny justification for- it. It's an altrocity thiaf if should be on file edge of Metro Toronto. If ineans the M/etro comiplex is Just going f0o continue f0 grow, he said Hle added thaf hie fhought if nimadness that somne planiners bad aimied af a populatioin of eighf million for Metro by the year 2000 wifhi a quarter mnillion in Cedarwood ini Pick- ering. Where does if aIl end"" he asked. We could handie if ail beffer at Malton wtifb an addifional rlinwaY.'lThe airporf af Pick- ering would be tabulouisly destructive of good farm land, somte 18,000 acres of if, and if is going f0 have quite -a Bob Yeomans Plmigand 1Heating- 21 Ilour Service New [installationsý Alteraitioi's- ear Specializîgini, i [lot %Water ileating Forced A»ir Heating Septie Tank Work RR 1, Orono 983-5624 1I New ! ItON epartment' Il u s7: a i. 91111 d.*ndea ::WCaNDLES da niagi i ig tiet t, i Ile Ilic coniii i<n itics ai ong the way. Nx erx uie 1go to Malton i a- iniinîare, lie contintied. I fo fti ake a tranquilizer. lu ge lw pheiew terminal 2 von nieed lu b(,in lraiining. The problcm there i-, 1ie structure and the road.- Put we -houldot' be conned into( a ncw airpoi ju because that one is badly designed, he sa id Ife old tbc students that bis sý inpath ' %lies \witb the teach- ers ini their- dispute wýitb the board but adittled he was speaking mwi myprejudice, rallher than fromn information oni wbat the dispute is al More power f0 the teachers wbo are fighfing7the figlit on the basis of quality of educaf- ion tbat is being undermined by boards who are uIsing fhe ceilings f0 diminiishi choices in curriculumn, he said as he urged the students to support the teachiers. Sfudenfs af the scbool have walked ouf fhree times, in recet days to objecf f0 the teachers' withdrawal of vol- un1tary services. Instead of an across the- board ceiiing, Mr. Lewis said, the province ,sbould apply guidleine sélectively, area by area. Later in the day, Mr. Lewis met witbi the secondar-y sebool teachers in Cobourg. Times DIRECT,-,A'1'EII QUALITY OF WILMNOT SATISFACTORy <Confinuied from page v dissolved oxygen concenitrat- ions higli and bacteriologicalt levels generaliy satisfactory. Mr. Salbach points ouf that deveiopment within the wat- ershed is sparse, the onlyt commiunify being the PolicE t Village of Orono. A represent- t aiv\e of the District Engin-M eer's Branch was also con-0 facfed and indicafed thaf any l pr-oblemns with malfunctioning0 sept ic tanks wifhin tlie muni- a ciPjaljav'e been adequafely dealt with by the minisf-ry.- If if is in order, may 1 SUgge'St in support of the resolufion, which I undersfand was the resuif of tests being i made, that information as ter whien lic tests were made and by whom and whaf the report h indicafed (wbaf degre of d pollution and what typeé) bce made available.w Please bc assured of mny interest and co-operafion in this rýesp&~t. fh horticulturists attend Peterboro meet A iliost infercsting educat= ional and enjoyable day was spent ai the R)'ock Haven, Petcrboro. on Sat, October 2Ï7Ib when two carloads from tbe Or-onu Horficultural Soc- iety motored tber 'e f0 attend the Annual District Convent- ion. Tbis is an event we feel more people w\ould enjoy and benlefit from, because if dloes, show us ail hob o beautify both our village and our own homnes. 'l'lie Or-onu ocitagalin br-oughi holme ibehoniour -by wiîîning th(, Silvýer Tropby Cup. Tbris was through the ef forts of Mrs F'r-ank Zeggers. Thank you Min. This is the 2ndI Consecutive Year the Society has br-uught Ibis trophy home I)y hav'iing the best entry sbown. The mcm bers dIo feel ibis is a'n bnour and sincerely hope-our village folks (do also. Christmas meeting and An- nual show is November 29th af 8 p.m. Hope fo see you there. According f0 a report made, to ftie Regional Council lasf week the operation of water systems within the regionwill remain -as fhey now are for at leasf a period of fhree monflis affer the new year. This means thaf the operaf- ion of tbe Orono sysfem wbich differs from many others will, remain with flic Orono Hlydro systemr for at leasf the fbree montb period when some changes will be made. If is not expecfed thatthe enfire oper- afion will leave the Hydro system this year 'but' somne aspects will and certainly the billing and collection of mon-. tbly charges. Last week at a meeting, of Hydro Commissions within the regional area if was poinfed ouf that Hydro would lose the wafer account and thie Town of Whitby stated that 4his meant- some $70,000 te their commission. In Orone the sum could r eaceh $10,00CJ wbich would have a big effeet on flie operation of the local bydro systemi and a loss in revenue wit h a possible affect on increasing hydro rates ibove the yearly increase. Consuifing engineer Peter Eberlee, wifh Totten Sims anud H-ubicki, said if would lie impossible te centralize bill- ing and ac counfing for flie region by Jan. 1'. He nofed every municipality had a different sysfem, with lifferent r-ates, and because if vas an on-going operafion, if would take f0 sort ouf the possibilities. Mr. Eberlee also mentioned the possible need for a Yours ver-y truly. uniform policy with regard to Alex Carrufliers, M.P.P. waler rates,,' a contentious Durham ioniudfrom-I page 1) i for regional chef of police.j COnsideration lias to be given 10 aIl applications, lie said. The board also diSCuIssed4 whlai areas of filie region are f0 lie policed injifiallyý by the1 regional force, but no decision was taken. Thle fiv-e nmembers of the board were presented wif h the recommnendafions and work of the operafions commiiittee and1 steering comit tee. The first task of the board w-ill be 10 study the proposais of Ille two comimittees, said Judge Kelly,. Atý the end of the priva te board Meeting, Judge Kelly and an OPC adviser fieîded questions fromn the mecmbers, Mleetings of the board will be bceld frequently said tf li iudge. The board room 0offthea Osbaua Police beadquartersP bas been mnade available for the( nexi mleeting, Nov. i4. Aý counlt ' Vcourt judge sinicer 1965 in Tor-onto, Judge Keilly \was aPPoýnted as ontarioa Coun t\ court .iudge in june 1 197 1S île tîis be n inelber- 0f b îîn'poiceconi ssions ilr; iissue that broughf smiles f0 commiiit tee member faces. Comimit tee chairman Coun., Alan Dewar (Oshawa) agreed fliaf was a "'major decisi, on" for' fle committee. Totten, Sims and Hubieki were hired to do an inventory of A regional resources in flie area of water, sewers, and landfill sites. Problemns areas would aIse be identified by tlie inventory., Four areas of concern would be covered. There wouid be a complete package of names, classific-, ations, biographical, data or m.ost personnel going, to th( region. This would be available> within two weeks.' A second area would be the administrative sysfemns in- cluding ftle bulling and servic- ing functions. The ollier two Would lie an inventory Of the physical assets sucli as plants and Pumnps, and financial data chaîrnman 0f the Oshawt. police commliission. "l'd like f0 reaIl see th£ ar-ca p<liced as wvelI as i th( psbut il"s going 10ta some 1good hak."besatid. ('ilizens >sbould lic proud 0f dJ1 lle po lice in the regional :1le;, .ldge Kellyaded such as budgets; and delif. Every municipaltfyha d been confacfed, Mlr. Eberlee said, and gradually since theni data had been flowing back. 1Tbe problem was one of time in assimilating informný ation and making decisions on if. FOR THE BEST MEATS IN TOWN Value Check'd -Branded lc, edr ' Round Steak -1% Boneless I bo$10.49 ~iN % ~ You. Save Twice wîth Trim and Price 0 ciRump Roasts lb. $10.39 AIHinds of1 Beef sl.oe The Cool Weather Favouril j-. I FREEZ FI I I, PORK LOIN b.$1 .09 ~. $1.55 Itjndlei~s -SWIFT PRIIMI ,MNI lteg.9 or .%pfle Flavourec- S A U S A G E:;5b.$109 Friozen, lmpoî ted LAMB CHOPS lb. 98c Corned Beef Roll il Water operation, to- remain with hydro Stewing Beef lb, $1.18 ILcas, B3ACON i mommmm 1 - - 1 1 1 - 11, Il -- Il < ýte $1.241

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