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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Nov 1973, p. 4

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The provincial governmnent- 's contribution to starting uip regional governrnent couldi reach$350, a treasury departmient memo distributed bo Durhamn counillors indic- ates. Spending of $225,000 of that amnount is closely controlled by the province, while the remainîng $110,000 may' vbe spent any way the region chooses. The document was çistrib- uted after council approved a motion by Coun. Allan Pilkey <shawai which essentially sought to find out 1hoW much money the region had and wVhat it coLd do %with it. He asked the question atter L ON G'S 41. ORONI NEW LADIES LEATHER LOOK GLO VES $4.O0tO $5 -O0 Ladies BRUSHIED S LE E PWEAR NYLION-ARNEL, MIT-PEACH BLUE PINK S+lM+L $4.98 f0 $7.98 SEWING Washiable Pyjama SElastic Reg. 35c Noi,. 25c -Quic~k Stitcb Sewing Kit Reg. 79e Now. 59e $365,,000 cou I c 'be cost to set u~ regional system ,j co)nfutsilng council dehale inv\olv.ilg spending $25.,000 in colnslfiant'5 fe ,es ti obtain an invent1ory of regional water and sewer assets. Thlat monley wul cîo trom the closel 'yvcontrollçi~ spending or Category 1. finds. These are dîvided mblt $1(t).0t)(0 f or conlsultants. $20,000 for Chairmllan Wa'lter Beath's expenses. $110,000 for the Oct. 1 election and $25,00C, for other expenses. Any\ amount not spent in those arýeas by, March M1. 1974. would be returned to thl( prýoincial governmnent While th'e Consultant s f e cornes from thec consultants accounit the cost of printing FASHION ICENTRE 0 Phone 983-9350 COATS FASHION COATS PANT COATS BOMBER JACKETS 'TOW JACKETS jSKI JACKETS SKATING TIGHTS n white, brown, na.v 6x to 1-1 $2.50 Gil's SWEATERS LONG SLEEVE TURTLE NECK PULLO VERS AND CARDIGANS ACR YLI1CS IN ASSORTED COLOURS S8-14 $5.98 ta $9.98 PURSES Wîith space to spare b inylbonbaknv $9.00 to $15.00 CENTRE I 36- Ve\veteen $4.49 :If" Chinlese Brocade $299 T -. Regional council to miake hirings p elhle f ihi ing f . f ou 1 1r 1mai i>!111 u .()wi Ilutee ( 1 1i depa rilment hleads iof 1t1hselicl i un o f il s coinmi L>uirhiain egion wmil be hani Io)bua 'il 10\ cy toui ed h)v tlo he u h( eiiel Mci whetercuîucil so COUIWcLil f as decided 1d o i il n t mesdlay. Ad ing l)tothe fjri The comifhijssioneswI.Wh( scnaypart of th( ~ill 1w responsible in 111( issue: how nmany cati are-as of thl(foj1-W'stand(in8 flor.t1w joh>s would 1w r cornmitIee~s-of counicd (Plan (J fuir 11w closcd- nlnig fijznnce, wvorks and socialiteves ser'. ics. will be slected b) counicil following iiltren (,The debate began il,( caddts10 1be rco Cun Rth BcýstW,ýick t medd yth setivifrre c<licil the coimmit tees. services com)mittee, of Th'le heat gcnerated during she is chairman, had ti decbate of this procedure was ed its selection down kindled over whether or not applicants. Wants- special dirop ouf departmn t obourg District Collegiate )ast. -Are thiese people goi ng fiore tbiey resign or after?" rustee Cy Johnson wondered reference to threats hy ýcondary school teachers ia they will tender resign- ions at the end] of this month )enforce contract demands ithe board. Teachers Plan to éach i n~ UJnted Kungdom ne ~ ~ ~ 1ý1( il r hjxe-iiae appticalloiniloi'a' t) hemn.1teachers il,îi t he tjitd King- e ws 0M <li ilt e 17 5school %year e sme nt on "br il ighti, trus- ididates tees enutdursed l Ihir applicat- ctinci 'lhefinal chloice, hiowevev. re(Imaîns MOIt a Toronlto or whnganlizatliu)in whfich majýkes Ith(, ý)shaWAa selection 1tromi siilarji appli- social catioîns across ontaio. iarrow- loderth(, terms tif'the to" tw-o arangmnent the teacher froîm the United Kingdom receives $500f plus the normal salary of the, teacher in- that area. Applyîing are Mrs. Roma nt Derry, of Dale Rd., Senior L1-ublîc Sehool, Siegfried Rin- asand James Stirling both of Chairrnain Oxford BRZICKLAYERS STONEMASONS WILLJE J. SCIIMAIII Phione 983-5606 Specializing i n ail kinds <fSTONEWORK and FIREPLACES We also do chimney Repairs A Northumberland Durham I.C. Wilson told the board CO rustee wants the sclhool board THursday night. F o set up a departmnent to look Schools are separated from alter high school dropouts. the commnunity now more than bel It seemis to mne schools are they shouit] be he added. Tri going 10 have to be the bridge I think the dropout has had a between school and the corn- the finger of scorn pointed aL se( rnunity to hielp the dropouts him not only by the public but thi findl their niche, Trustee Dr. often by the school and he lias ati a right to be honorably treatet] to and] the school has a respons- on the resulting reports will be ibility to try to fit hilm into thic borne by the, region out of its community. $i1 1,000 general or Category2 A department of the school funid. should be set up) to deal wvitl-i Those generaî start-up ex- this, hie urged. penses (Category 2) are based The suggestion will corne up on 50 cents per person on the next agenda for thE estintedto live in thieregion. boards curriculum commit- Durham blas about 220,00( tee. people . Last year 681 studenits The ,ounicil hias comnplete dropped out of the secondaryý discretion on spending. For sehool system over tfeif examnple, it mnay use the month term., provincial pur-chasing systemn In October of thi s 'year, flic or buyý directly. sehools lost 158, students. There is no time imiit On KENDAL NEWS the mnoney, and if any remnains On Tuesday morning Nov- after essential organization emrber 6 we awakened to a real expenses are paid, the region -"Squaw winiterý". Ail the fields keeps lit. By the samne token were completely covered with my ovepr-spending miust -orne a depth of sniow. The farmers fromi the local la\T dollar. had to take bales of hay to " In Ilhe pas(, provincial their cattie on the pasture aissistance towards the organ- farms. zation costs of new regions It remained in the twenties waJccompanied by close at night f'or about four days. administrative control and, By Saturday all that was left was only available until Jan. of the snow was the snowman 1. _ -on Lynn Couroux's lawn in "As a resoît of experience Kendal. \ if h other regions, il was Now this week we are fýeided to use a formula expecting "Indian summer". Ipproachi, based on population The temperature at th e time for somne of the miore common of writing is 50 degrees.1 start up costs'," the mnemo On Wednesday November 7 said. several of the Kendal ladies The expenses 1that faî1l under attended the Shiloh bazaar. Cafegory\ 2 include iregional, On Thursday the institute of staff epne such as salaries West Durham held a pro- relocation and other costs gramme and demonstration ofA prior to dan. 1. crafts at Solina. Attending this Furniture, fittings, office event was our pres. . J renovations, rent and other Henderson, Mrs. A. Low, MNrs. runinig epne as well as M. Manders who showed how printing and] advýer-isinig are to make liquid emibroidery. ailso covered. Miss C.W. Stewart with hier ,STUDY, MONEY needlepoint and MIrs. R. The consultant's tees in1 Elliott who dernonst rated hiow ('ategory 1 must be used for to crochet an afgahian. s.udies to determine the On Saturday the 'Kendal organrization structure f'or the U.C.W. feld 'their Harvest region. and service facilities lea and bazaiar. Thecre was a like water and sewer to be lot of very lovely articles tiken ov\er by the region. however the attendance was Termis of reference for thèse small. perhaps due to the s udies are set by the Kendal recreation club dance province. held in Newcastle Hall that T'ieech irmnan's expenses in nightwhich had a large Category' \1, include a pur- crowd. chase of a car, and M.Beâth' Sympathy lis extended to now hias an Oldsmnobîle. , Mr. Vernon Peacock whose The more general expenses brother Mr. Victor Peacock in Category 1 include fleic ost was buried in Oshawa on of' the inaugural mieeting Oct. Saturday afternoon Novemiber 15, provincial staff trav'el'u9 10 atter a long ilmniess. andacomdtn expertses (>ur store keprNr. Mu Thle othier r egions estabIish- rice Bradley has been away ed at thle samneinie as deer hunting last week. Durhiam were financed on a Several from this area simiilar hasis,. attended the funeral ut M1r. Peel received up 1I$7500 Will Moffatt on Monday Nov- Halton $:300.000 and Hamnilt.on- ember the twelfth. He f .armied Wentork 545.00.on the tif th line of Clarke,.lHe These amiounts dîffered came to tbis farmn at the tiime sOmnewhat fromi the amnounts of his miarriage to Ruthi originallv approved by, the Sciiua,'irTeyý had four sons. Hie provincial board of mianage- wasfpredeceased hby is wife Ment. and son Neiil. Svmpnjathvis OshwaTù'ie excnedf outhe .iest of, thle SER ONO kVICES si N(ý lil' BXES ASSOIITEI) BOXES ALL AT Sensational Savings STU1TT'S PHAR nM A CY PIIONE ORONO 983-5009 IF' VOLT XI IN NFFD 0F HALE OHI)ER NOW! 786-29?72 LIR(,E OR SNMALL QU.XNTITIES MACS IN SEASON Bart letts and Flemnish Beauty PEARS Plums, Gsrapes, Vegetables Ice Creami and Fresh Cider F IRED'""S FRUITMARKET HIG.HW AV115 SOUTH 0(F ORONO KITCHEN KENTUCKY STYLE CHICKEN CHARCOAL HAMBURGER F!ISH AND CH! PS SCHRIMPS ANDCHIPS ASK FOR PARTY SPECIALS %I NtI lH'. 'ol- , I3i'i'chhm isfe s ins of is i Iiso he I<giiiii;il .'\lucîply .of 3), 1973. ',vff îeiftfhS(<4 PIiii i>S l iils, for a suggested :id $ r., terBet 1 MAIN STREET OR( Phonie 983-5310 FOR FAST TA KE OUT W , -

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