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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Nov 1973, p. 6

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n( v k1\i Il t Le ~s, l o Il)ber 1Itl, 1971 Co0 un tY -to #a ssi s t with snow SlN% (LEM '.F\ANCE lISSRuE l~SlVIî) BY ltECON People using oulyroads in Ible Townl of.Newýcastle, estaib lishied by regional gvrmn should hlave nofer Th'ley will be plowed <is winter by, the saine United Countlies' crew who bave done it in thec past. Trhat wais the effeet of a regional counicil resolution passed Wednesday <o take car'e of those United Countiesi roads t<bat go fto Durham Jan. Road maintenance and Win- ter operations presently in for-ce will continue for ,a transitional period into 1974 witb the region assumning the costs. ploughing A's regional works Commit- tee memeilber Coun. Gerry Emm (Whitby) said, <bey wanted the changeover done so smoothly people wouldn't notice it. The best time for <bat would be in the spring. Coun. Garnet Rickard (Newcastle), said be was glad <o bear this since there1 had been talk in the United Counties <bat the region would not be eligible to such an arrangmient. Whether there would be employee problems arose twice durîng the discussions. In committee, Ontario Çountly engineer Bill Twelve- t rees sa id a poli of those at the O0rono depot asking hem N0I{TIîtMBEBîIAND AND DURI-IAM COVNTY BOARD 0F EDUCATION 'FIl BORD S STUDYING THE Feasibility of lntroducing French at the Elementary Level T1e pu li sivited to a meeting to be held in Lord Elgin Public School 1HIGH STREET BOWMNVIA~EONTARIO Tuesday November'20th at .30 P. M, At this time the Boar-d Committee wilI seek opinions, and aniswer questions regarding -the ty'-,pes of programs available. the amUountpf time per day that should b e devoted to French instruction. -the best age at which to begin instruction. ALL,1 INTERESTED PERSONS ARE URGED TO ATTEND TOWN S HIP0F C LA RKE F inal] Inst'almetont' of TAX%'FES DueThrsdyNovemiber 29Ilth, 1973. P'ayable at the Branch Offices of the Canadian lmperial-Bank of Commerce at Orono and Newcastle, and the office of tbe Townshîp) of Clarke. 1l1.)eWith, Treasurer and Tax (ollector. The FURNITURE: * ll(,IIAYiI, BA R N NEWCASTLE HUGE SAVINGSi *QUALITY FURNITURE 1 BRAND NAME *BOX SPRINGS andMATTRESSES I I ~(No FINANCE <lA~S open 7 days weeklyI where they preferred to work. split the -right way." About 14 would be going te Durham, the remainder te Northumberland, Peterboro and Victoria counties. The personnel were "rea- sonably well established," he said. But wbcn the recommend- ation on waiting until spring reached council Coun. Des Newman .(Wbitby) said he doubted Durham had the autbority to delegate the snow clearing job in <bis way. He, thought too the employ- ees might lose their one-year guarantee of employment. Coun. Riekard said the committee's plan was 'the "logical and reasonable thing te do," and that the United Counties had the same type of agreement with Peterborough and Victoria counities. Botb those areas gain Unit- ed Counties townships as of Jan. 1 as well. Two other worries were touchied on by the committee. Cou~n. Emm learned from Mr., Twelvetrees that the equipment would be distrîbut- ed on an assessment basis. In practice <bis meant about 29 percent of the assets at D~rono depot wovuld go to Durham in either equipment or cash. The building, an automatie transfer, was not included in this figure. The commnittee also decided to ensure that liability insur- ance covered their winter operations one way or anoth-er after Jan. 1 0. P. P. NEWS The Newcastle Detachmnent ýof the Ontario Provincial Police investigated the follow- ing ýmotor vehicle collisions and occurrences during the week of October 29, 1973 to Novem ber -4, 1973. Ten motor vehicle collisions were investigated in which five persons were injured. As a result of these collisions four charges have been laid under the Highway Traffie Act. The Newcastle officers aiso completed 106. investigations of a1 general nature. Some of these occurrences are as follows: Six investigations involved the offence of "Break and Enter'?, two investigat- ions involved the offence of ;bef t, one investigation invol- ved the thef t of an automobile, and one occurrence involved the offence of assault. Tbere s'as one report of a robbery, :wo complaints of wilful damage, one domestic corn- plaint, three trespass coin- plaints, and four hunting complaints. One investigation involved the loss of property and one investigation involved the find ing of property. Seven charges have been laid relating to Liquor Control Act offences and fîve relating oe Criminal Code offences. rive persons have been charged with driving offences under the Criminal Code. The following is a brief report concerning a robbery whie h took place on November 2, 1973. A Stouffville area man, who had agreed <o drive two male persons home froni a tavern in Vlarkham, eventually travell- ed into Darlington Township. (m the 9th line of Darlington I'o.....shýip, jut wetf Enni- Regional garbage problem 'critical' Wbat C oun. Garnet l-tckard (Newcastle) called the "criti- cal situ~ation" facing Durham region in garbage disposai will be taken up with the provin- cial government, the regional works committee decided Wednesday. Council later agreed. Consulting engineer Peter Eberlee told the comimittee that waste disposal would be a big problem for the region in the next few years. Whitby's dump bad only two years of life, and Oshawa only five lef t. Others were quite small and many were near <o closing. There was also the probelm of Pickering-Toronto discuss- ions about a landfill site in Pickering Township <o handle Mero's garbage, and these were stili up in the air. (The Liverpool Rd. site, approved by the provincial environment ministry, is good for only five or six years.) Coun. Jack Anderson (Pick- ering) wanted <o e.xplore with the province methods of waste disposaI other han landfill. H1e was an advocate *of a recycling plant. The committee decided to seek a meeting witb the environment ministry to dis- cuss the matter. At the samne time the proposed York - Pickering sewage treatment plant, a plantLs already* existinig sho)uld be- expandd o han"Idie the pr.oblem Or whetber thiey project. massive projeet coering twô The commitee* also sought regions, would be discussed. discussion with the ministry Coun. Anderson's worry on the provincially owned and here \vas development pres- provincially financed sewage sure, whether the treatment treatment plants in Durhiam. Clarke Township Progressive Conservative Association POT LUCK SUPPE.R EL ECT ION 0F OF FIC ERS Saturday November 24 at 6.00 ) ODDFELLOWý'S HALL, ORONO Speakers; ALEX CARRUTHEfRS M.-P.P. AAL IAWRENCEM.P. GARNET RICKARD, Reg. Gov. Mayor BRIN(, HOT DISII 0OR PIE EVERYBODY WELCOME Cascade gives you hot water. And nothing else. There's no flame, no noise, no flue, no fumes, no diat, no smell with the Cascade water heater -because if's electric. Cascade gives you lots and lots of hot water so efficiently you hardly knowv it's there. If hot waler is ever a problemn in your family, ask about the economnical Cascade electrie water heater. yorhydro,

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