'.SIL i U :W. FRANK :REAL ESTATE: 234*ingUWStretE s F« prmpcurte ou efiin*srie w e * 234 ingtr eet Easnd$ e 0 * orono 923917 Roeficent stere 0h W uingloamseTingand*y 0ol Roe rtis n thaea * SaY.2r monuments end Family Memorials Our quality and service leaves nothlng to b. desired Ask the person Who bought fromn us, a neigh- bour, friend or relative. The Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Phone, coilect V. W. RUTrTER Office -885-5216 Home .8552 BYAMS PLUMBING - HEATING Sales and Service 24 HOUE BRNER SERVICE G .'LF FINANCING 19)w Interest Rates Phone: Tyrone 263-2650 Gi ORONO LANDSCApIç& SODDING, PLAzNTIN« AND SEEDING Phone 983-5598 (harles Reid- Orono's Licensed Auctioneer Valuator Specialize in Farm Fuirniture Sales Consuit me for ternis amd dates Phone O"ouo 983-5914 Clark. Public LIBRAR Y Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Frlday 6:30 to 8:30 P.m. DMonday, Thursay, D ýriday AMternoons 2:30 te 5:00 p.M. Saturday 10:00 to 12:00 a.m. eHerb and Gerry Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING Electrical Appliaiices T.V. - COLOURt T.V. RADIO - 111-FI WESTINGHOUSE RCA ELECTROIIOME Guaranteed Service Randy TIiompsori OrnoOntario Phone 983-5759 Carpentry Work Remodelling We build frof the foundation Up Box 133 Ph. 668-3552 Stafford B rothbers Limited Manufacturers of Cemetery Memorials 318 Dundas Street East WHITBY, ONTARIO WATSON'S Marine and Cycle Orono Phonae 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Ailouette Snow Mobiles McCulloch Chain Saws Repairs to ai makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Englues ALLOUETTE SNOWMOBILES Grant C. Wade Insurance Agency GE'neral Insurance Box 82 Tel 7862921 Newtonville, Ontario Box 61 Tel. 885-2288 Port Hope, Ontario HORTICULTURAL NOTICE CARD0F THANKS FOR SALE The Hiorticultural Christ- We sincerely wish to thank 1972 - 500-4 Honda in good mas Show will be held on our friends and relatives for running order. Must sel.hrdy ovme 9a the lovely cards gifts, and Phone 983-5832. TusaNvebr2 t8flowers and to ail wbo came app.m. in the Main Hall of the and belped to make our 40th aPChurch. Corne and bring your Wedding, Anniversary party entries or view wbat others sucb a happy occasion. Spec- FOR SALE have brought and enjoy carol ial thanks to Past Noble 4 wheel Farmn Trailer, 8' x~ singing and other musical Grands Club 62. ifi nlafor- Pn entertainment. Everyone wel- Clarence and Ila Martin JU) p.auor. ni' iinie UOUUit 21-28-c FOR SALE Antique Gun Shidw and Sa Sunday November Z5 - r Barn Auditorium, 172 Wa3 Street, Oshawa, Ontario fri 9.00 a.m. - 2.00o p.m. FOR RENT 2 Bedroom Apartme Available December lst, 983-5674. El mer' s Garage TEXACO SERVICE Mil St. North, Orono Phone 983-5130 PUIMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins Phone 786-2552 Newtonville, Ontario John DeWITH Real Estate Limited Rlealtor Bowmanville 623-3950 and 623-3111 For prompt, efficient service whien buving or selling Cona';.i Gary Hancock 98o-515 Joe Barnoski -,86-2202 Ross Davîdson 277ý-L23:!1 MAilison Insurance Agency 1 fo Al classes of personal and Commercîal Coverage Office: Corner of Church and Cobbledick Street 983-5032 Res. 983-5754 come. -a-p 21-28-a-c IN MEMORIAM In memnory of a dear .NOTICEhusbaa4and father, Spence ,NOTCE o1-onl&-,ho passed away Heather Social Club Bazaanl oveinbeir 16, 1967. a- will be held 'on SaturdaY Always a smile instead of a Red December 1, 1973 at 2:30 p.m frown, yne Homemade Christmaý Always a hand wben one was 'om Cakes can be ordered b> down, pboning: Betty Major 983-584,e Always true, thoughtful and a-c or Velma Watson 983-5343-. kind, 7-14-21-a-< Wonderful memories he lef t behind. NOTICE Sadly missed by wife Editb ent, The need for more usec and family. cail paper is urgent so we must -cwork' together to help this- HELP WANTED -cshortage. The youth groups of Curator for Clarke Museum, -E Orono will once again conduct O1rono. For further informat- Ma paper drive on Saturday, ion caîl M. Remington at November 24, and will be 983-39o D.Rbrsa Sholding them more frequently 983-5948 or D. Barnett at Lin the future. For more 983-5832 after six. information please cail a-c 983-5716. NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM COUNTV BOARD 0F EDUCATION I CARETAKER Applications wîll be receiv- cd by the undersigned until Tuesday November 27, 1973 for the position of full time Caretaker at the Bowmanville Senior Public School. Knowledge of cleaning mat- erials and caretaking proce- dure preferred. Ability to work fromn verbal and written instructions and with other people required. Reply in writing stating qualifications, address and telephone number to: M.A. Macbeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education, Box 470 COBOUTRG, Ontario. a-p TO GIVE AWAY Two loveable nine week old kittens who, need homes, dlean, healthy house-trained, free to good home. Phone 983-5396 or 623-3304, during the day and 'ask for Bob Benson. a-c HELP WANTED BABYSITTER for one year old, occasional, evenings or afternoons. Reliable and in good health, fond of children. Teenager or older lady. Transportaton provided. Re-, ferences please. Orono Estat- es 983-9125. a-p HELP WANTED Waiter or-Waitress to work 2 to 4 days" a week. Please Phone 983-5560 14-21-a-c WORK WANTED Snow Ploughing, cal Parry at 983-9226. Rick t-f Durhanm Agri-News DAIRY BREEDER'S FORUM-Dairy Breeders from this area will have an excellent opportunity to hear the latest information regard- ing breeding, production and feeding at a Dairy Forum to be beld at the Rock Haven Motor Hotel on Wednesday, November 28 at 10.30 a.m. NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION TENDERS for ClIarke Senior Elementary School Sealed Tenders (stipulated sum) will be received by Mr. M.A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer for the Northumi- berland ani Durbam County Board of Education at the reception desk of the Board Offices on D'Arcy Street in Cobourg, Ontario, or at the offices of Jackson, Ypes and Associates, 5382 Vonge Street, Willowdale, Ontario, until 2.00 p.m. Thursday, November 29, 1973 for the Clarke Senior Elementary School. Mechanical and Electrical tenders will be received at the Bid Depository of the Oshawa and District Construction Exchange. Plans may be obtained by General Contractors only, from the offices of tbe Architects, on deposit of $50.00 certified cheque, payable to the Arcbitects. which will bc returned wben plans and specifications are returned in good condition. Lowest or anyv tender not niecessarily-, accepted. Jackson, Ypes & Associates, Architects and Engineers, 5382 Yonge Street WILLOWDALE, Ontario M2N 5R5. A Grade 12 student at Courtic'e Secondary School is wondering if his part-time job as a service station attendant is worth it all after. hé was kidnapped at .g 1unpoint Mon- day. Early Sunday morning Ste- yen Hobbs, 18, of Trull's Rd., N., was robbed then kidnapp- ed and Inter released 30 miles away. But he was otherwise un- barmed and after a good night's sleep, he is back in bis, ,olasses again Tuesday. Steve, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Hobbs,-and a grandson of former Oshawa Fire Chief Ray Hobbs, started last Sept- ember as an attendant at the ShelI service centre on Hwy 401 at the junction of Courtice Rd. wben the incident happen- cd. This event is being sponsor- ed by the East Central Hoîstein-Friesian Association, but is open to breeders of any type of dairy cattle. Dr. Clinton Meado ws of Michigan will be the lead-off speaker on the subject, breed- ing and feeding for higb production. Max Drake from Ohio will speak on the subject, The Right Kind of AI Sire, while Georg e Clemens, form- er Secretary-Manager of the Holstein Friesian Association of Canada from Brantford, will speak on the topic, Purebreds for Profit Today and Tomorrow. SOIL SAMPLE TUBES- NOW IS THE TIME TO USE THEM:- Durham County Soil and Crop Improvement &ssociation have purchased an additional supply of Stan Steel'Soul Sampling Tubes and these> are lavailable at the Ministry of Agriculture and Feý,;d, 234 Kf6g St., F-st, R.. wmanvJîlle, as are the soil sample boxes. Unfortunately, the tubes, have not always been returned in the past, and the Soi] and Crop Improvement Assoc., Directors have asked that a deposit of $5.00 be made at the time the tube is borrowed and that tbis be returned wben the soul sampling tube is returned to the office. We cannot over emphasize the importance of securing soil samples at this time of year. We. also would point out that anyone who is not taking soul samples regularly, is g 'uessing and this can be costly business. At the present time, it would appear that there may bie a shortage of fertilizer available next spring; indic- ations are that the prices may again increase and this in itself warrants the time that is needed in taking soul samples. F«R THE HOME GARDENER:-We note in a recent news release from the Horticultural 'Specialist, Bob Fleming, Ontario Ministry o!- Agriculture and Food, the comment: "Every gardener knows a mulch is used for winter plant protection." He goes on to add: "That many fail to realize the purpose o a mulch is not to keep plants, warm, but it is to keep-tbem uniformîy cold during the whole winter season. " For this reason, Bob recommends that plant coverings should not be applied too early. Many dif- ferent types of materials can be used as mulches, wbether they use straw, peat moss, Wood chips, sand, soul, excel- sior, or insulation, do not arrange tbe material around the plant until the ground is frozen and winter is bere to stay. The late faîl exposure to normal day-to-day weather t 1