Fire totallydcestroyS - Reild's Hardware r Fire totally destroyed the interior of Reid's Home Hardware in Orono on Wed- nesday afternoon 'of last week. Three departments fougbt the fire for somne four hours before it was extinguished around six in the afternoon. The fire not onlW destroy ed fthe hardware store but also gutted the apartm-ents above the store which was owned by MNr. and Mrs. Jake Reid and famnily. The blaze was first noticed somietime between .30 and L15 when an alarm was turned in. Almost imimediate- Iy Newcastle and Bowmnan- ville Fîre departmnents were also called ta assist the local, dlepartmnent. The three depart ments then poured water into the building until almost six o'clock. Dense black sm-oke poured from- the building the <entire time hampering ire- men and k-eeping tbemn out of the building. At times it was impossible tao see over a considerable section of the Mlain Street. Later in the affernoon botb Port Hope and Cobourg, Joinied the battle to fighft the fire. Their services were employed to pumup wafer fromr the park to the. fire trucks at the scene of the fire. Af ter somne two hours of pumping tbe main water supply of the village in the stand pipe had been depleted and it was necessary to supply water fromn the stream. the old 1933 Orono pumper was pressed into service the first in year to pump water to the Orono.truck from the streamn north of the business section white the Port Hope and Cobourg units set up a relay [romn the park. Ail contents in the store and apartment were a total loss. At the time of the fire the store was closed, being Wednesday afternoon and no one was at home. Thle firemen were able ta contain the ire within the walls of Reids Hardware, Conside-rable smoke dam-age did result ,in thle upper flight of apartments aboya Longs Fashion Store ýnd water did flood base.menits at Longs, Rolphs, and Armstrongs. ln speaking wýith Mr, Reid on Saturday he 'had not decided wvhat would be done as the damiage to 'the building biad not been evlalu-ated. The cause of the fire is stili under investigation by the fire masaloffice. It is believed that the fire did start in the volume 37, back of the building. Local firemen dlaimn it was Loan for the most stubborn fire> they new p la n have fought in a number of years and it is feit that the fire Superior _ did enter between false ceiîing uring Compar which existed above the apart performance ments, as many as three in help esta1isi somre places. Bowmanvillh ~Addtionto school first priority Principal E.G. Witherspoon fhev have f0 be vacated due ta of Clarke Higli Sçlool on the cold. opening fhe lith Anmal MVr. Witherspoon also mien- CommnnIcment - ttlie,,tine4 flhcformnation of the school on Saturday evening band a'thfli school lasf ouflined a numnber of events September 1972 stating they taking place at the scliool were proud of its achieve- dufing the year and placed as mients during the pasf few a firsf priqrify fhe need for an Tfonf ls. He menfioned fiat addition to fthc sciool ta bouse flie Minsfry had announced fhe increased numnber of fiat students graduafing ['rom stdnsatinig scliool must now have four s~ensaffenin~.credits in Englisb and fwo ife pointe<t dut thaf Clarke credits in Canadian studies. Tf *~Higli School was one scbool in was pointed ouf that at Clarke the district thaf bas nof 90 percent of flic students hadt wîtnessed a decrease in if alwavs faken math and ene- enralmient buf raflier that the lisi in their studies even on the student numbers ar the school volunfary basis. 11e feit th'af bas increased. He said tiere many wvould welcome tic was a great need for addition- compulsory aspects of the new al accommodations aI flic direcfion l'rom flic .Minsfry of schlool. The school now i ad Educaition. ciglif portables and if' is The principal sfated thait outside accommodation dur- educational standards hiad ing sformy and raining weati- remiained hîgl af flic school er and is disrupting during and poinfed f0 the [acf that fie class changes. The principal school last year had a record also said thaf at thaf fuime n umber of Ontario scholars, PrinipalE.G Witiersoontorian' Ann- Clark ()f 1ewcast o)f Clarke High Sch>ooî is , lewookeiat the Commen-a pictfre' above witb Vailedic- cerent exerjcies an Saturday ' veiopmnt ii nounced toda The firm, % cýd permissior Bowmanvillk facturing Con one and onie-] on SimpsonA Tbey intend jib cranes. ;Numiber 14. t -.rane Manufact- .ny bas received a eblan of $50,325 ta ýsb it plant in e, the Ontario De- Corporation an- îvy. whbich bas receiv- n to use the namne ýeCrane M1anu- nmpany purchased haîf acres of land Avenue. d fa manuifacture School band makes f irst public appearance The Clarke fflih School Band, in its first public appearance since its format- ion last September, played today on the occasion of the Eleventh Annual Commence- ment, held in the scbool auditioriumn. The four select- ions were introduced by 'O Canada', and other numbers included themnes from Brahms Acaderric Festival Overture (itiudpaýge 3> rai se ove r $700.O00 Lockhart Public School may The event which was carried only be a small scliool - (5 on at the sehool under the classrooms of grades 1 to 6 supervision of the teachers pupils) - but if, is certainly big and some parents proved very in determination and effort. successful. Sligitly over seven This past September, when hundred dollars was raised. it was found thatf there was no Playground equîpment con- money in the budget for sisfing of swings, teeter-totter playground equipmnent the and a climber was selected pupils decided ta do something and ordered. about it. Af ter careful consid- Last week, this equipment eration the pupils of grades 41, was installed and the pupils 5, and 6 planned a 'Run-a-thon' are now enjoying their mucli and began collecting sponsors. împroved playgroun.d. Cia rke High Schodol commencement Higli School Copunentment scbool witbi a capacity1 crowd in attendance ta take part in - the programn. The evening consisfed of a programn of music by the school band along wifh greefings [romn the Board of Education and the presentafion of awards. Miss Aune Clarke, valedict- orian, outlined the learnîng experience at the school witnessed by the graduating class during their five years at the scbool. She pointed toaial aspects of school life as the learning experience f0 adult- ~-s hood. She sfated it was during the secondarv educafional -«period that miost growth ta be an adulf but fiere is not time af flic University level of eduafion. She praised fthc sebool inits at[tiude and for ftic experience if had mitic liv'es of tegaufs"o appeiewatyuhv bere vwn you bokin irom the outside" esaid.ý The fobwn s a 1sfo .vnig Anews npes nai and avards: froi (lake Ont yara Clarke, Lydia Groof, Blain Md ispreny atfending Mfat, Richard Bunfing, Yenf Uniersity. Contintied pg~ 1 rono WeekIy Times, INovenb IIJ t , 4 i Awaitring ptodt re port on Wim T A report [rom Durham, MPP Alex Ca rruthers that Waters ofi Wi',lmof Creek are "Generally very satisfactory" is based on data collected on Marcb 26,' says Clarke Township Coun. Gerritt Heykoop who is spear-.i heading an investigation into1 why there is such a high fecal count in the beadwaters of the creek. Late in September, Coun- Keykoop produced results of water sample tlests made a the hieadwaters of the creek, riear Mosport Park showing riigb fecal counts. Such bact- eria originafes only in the intestines of warm blooded animaIs. lie piloted tbrough Clarke Township counicil a resolution calling for, ministry of envir- onmental officials ta investi- agate the situation. Copies of the resolution were sent to varions people including Mr. Carruthers. Last week, Mr. Carruthers replied that S.E. Salbach, supervisor of the water quai- ity brandi, had [ied a report thaf stated the water quality of the creek is generally satiisfactory, "wýith the level of organic, nutrient and solid mateials low and dissolved oxygen concen trat"ions higli and bacteriological level gen- erally satisfactory"*. Councillor, Heykoop upon reading Mr. Carruthers letter stpfes lie has contacted the Mînstry and found that the information in Mr. Carruther letter was based on tests taken in Mrcb of 1973 at the 'water testing station near Higbway No. 2 some 6 or 7 miles from the source of the stream. Mr. Heykoop also states that a Mr. McConnell [romn the Ministry hias made extensive tests in fthe northrnprtof fthc Wili.not systen and Ilfaf the resuits of these tests are not as yet available. Mr. Heykoop also said that it is quite possible that tests will have ta continue for a year ta mnake sure of tic quality of the water and that it is not being contaminated somewhere at the source. Mr. McConnell of t he Ministry lias also travelled over a good portion of the sfream ta study the condition whicb exists at the present timne. Councillor Heykoop points out that the tests he had taken ta council were madle in August and Septenmber and were made in the area of the beadwaters of the system.They did contain more than a nor.mal count of fecal. The tests were taken by a propety owner wbo was about ta bottle wafer [rom the Wimot for sale in the city. I happenings -I WINS TROPHY THIRD CONSECUTIVE VEAR -Students of thec Clarke 111gh Sehool were presented with the'Red Cross Blood Donors Award onSaturday at the Commencement Exc'rcises of Clarke High School as the school had given the most blood donations during the year out of three schools, Courtice, Bow,ýmaniville and Clarke. This is the third year that Clarke has won the award. COLLECT $318~.00 IN CANVAS --The Orono Firefighters Association on Saturday collected a sum of $318.00 through a canva\,ýs of the area for 'Muscular Dystrophy. Mr. Sterling Mat1wr-s expects that the Association wvill contribute enough [romn their own funds to imake a total cýontribu1tion of $400.MO ,heIloca group donated $40000 ta Muscular Dystrophy last year. 'I lE LST WRK --The Orno o ice Trustees are cope ing he ast o1 hirpblcwok his week rior to takeoverby te rgion in 19740Curenty Mr F icholson is comlein smesidewaflk wýork whle O(shawýa Pavinig are to surfacewas and cub in i the business section. Bennett Paving are ta make improvemients to the Park Hill this week and wýork of renovations have been completed ait the con) ni ty roomi in the back of the Hydro Office. >9ýI t zx, 3,.Pýeg ç Kk . Kàe M. ne gr: 1 1 1 , i