ç-Oronlo Neeklv Times, Wednesday, November 140. 1973 Regiaonal system wîII increase taxes buspicionls of the skeptics of fallowing bis address ta nearly regional gavernment were 50 members of tbe Bowman- confirmed officiallv Wednes- ville Men's Canadian Club, day night b? thie Durham Mr. Beatb admnitted that Region chairman, Walter regional government is going Beath. ta increase taxes. In reply ta a question "It's gaing ta cost you more," be told bisquestioner, "but, hopefully, it will be wartb mare."1 He had told another quest- ioner who asked about the condition af streets and side- walks in Newcastle and Bow- manville that the new council- lors, wbo last week voted themselves a $10,000 salary as regional council members, will be able ta devote full time ta working for their constitu- ents and bene be- mare available fa answer questions &bout bad side\vëlks. Mr. Beatb tempered his admission of igher cost by explaining that if we kept an going tbe way we were going, it would bave cost us a great deal more anyway. During bis address earlier, *be bad cited two instances in wbich bad planning will even-, tually came home ta roost. One of tbem was the ruling of several municipalities to permit bouses to be construct- ed on rural 10-acre lots. When it cornes time for services, he said, it will be. well nighi impossible. He also cited recent decision to allow a subdivision to move right ta the edge of Oshawa airport. Some day, he said the airport will have to-be moved because of such plan- ning. As he opened bis adjress, which lie descrjbeÇ at one point as being part of the public relations of bis job~, he explained that the way Can- adians travel, dress or eveni worsbip has changed in the laàt 150 vears. SKI CLUB SETS TIMES 0F OPERATION The Oshawa Ski Club will operate four days during the winter season. Saturday and Sunday fromi 9.30 ta 4.30 and on Wednesdays and Thursday from 12.00 noon lintil 10.00 WE CAN ' TAXE IT FOR TDOE Recent events in the Middle East have underlined just how essential a dependable supply of energy is to the way we live. Present indications are that supplies of imported crude oil n Eastern Canada are barely sufficient to meet demand. If we can't maintain imports, real shortages of gasoline and heating oil could occur here in Ontario.. But uncertain import supply isn't our only concern. Canada's own oil and gas supplies are being depleted, and cannot be renewed. To make sure we have enough energy for thè future, a.nd to give us time to develop alternative energy sources, we must make the best use of the sources we have now. Nobody has the right to waste fuel, or any other form of energyThe time- has corne to take a good, hard look at the way we use energy, and to use it wîsely. 1 Good energy habits Iearned now, especially by our children, will bring us comfortably through the winter, and pay off in years to corne. Let's get to work. r thermostat down at night ul If you use El Prolonged idling wastes gas EL Can S471lth ngsyolu a humidifier, you'Il stay comfortable you use the bus? Or ride with some- jit candotoEIfthres Shivery one else? l Does your size f car can otoSam in the family, suggest he wears really fityour needs? a sweater. El Over 50 mph, economy decreases I co s r ee eg ,El Jack-rabbitstarts waste gas - I Your heating system. Clean forced-air filters once a month I 1El Bleed air from hot water radiators,I fix leaks E.] Empty the flue clean-out I nl Have 1t he system checked by an expert[El Insulate ducts and pipes in I areas that dont need heat L Glossy w hite radiators heat best El A gravity 4 - 4Aonteam air system wvith a single return works 18 2 otwte. wl-tundraor unth arn 0 .es j j bst it inerir oor opn.Insulate exposed hot water pipes fuel El Underground or pressurized IEl'If your water heater has a dial, try storage tanks reduce vapourization setting it lower El A dripping tap loss El Reduce tractoir wheel slip and a month [D Don't use dishwashers till engines wastes gas El Can you turn they're full El Generally, a shower yard lîghts off earlier? I ~~~~uses less hot water than a bath. 4 7A ok I23-'32 Around the house., Can the thermostat be turned dlown? Are the door seals on your oven, El Can you turn off any lights? El Has refrigerator and freezer good? your company got an Energy El Dont use the oven if a toaster or Conservation Suggestion Scheme?9 Keep the heat in! fry-pan will do the job El If you buy an * Insulation pays. especially in attics. electric heater, make sure it has aWi tknouowadce El1 Fit Storm windows, weather-strip thermostat El Use îower wattage W'etkn u w due Ag I outsde oor L71 Kep frepacebuls i youcanu Ue CrismasAil Ministries and Agencies of the outsde oor ElKee fieplce ulbsif ou an l Ue CrismasOntario Government are daing their damper closed El Use range hood lights from 6 pmn tilI bedtime Eli Use bit ta conserve energy. Lighting and * ventlators only when necessary El1 If pots that cover stove elemrents heating levels are being reduced* In * you sleep with the window open, El1 Thaw frozen food before cooking government buildings; a new j close the door El1 Close drapes at El Defrost freezers regularly El A emphasis is being given to economi- night.cal operation of vehicies; Ontario nibt pesur cokr avs negyas well Hydro and the Ministry of Education g a tmeare encauraging co nsu mers and 1 4 1 7 se you w r te t hrm o sta .t3 O n the roast- Each degre you wrt thermo-a 33 schoaichildren ta learn good habits 33 3 O h ra.in the use of energy. And thats just- * stat cuts fuel consumption about 3% A wveil-maintained car is an economi- a beginning! j El t's possible to save by turning the cal carEl Check tires and alignmrentI Lan -m - M -nu- - - -mu-- -m -m-M-M-M-- - - m-M-M-M- Save this check list .. and save energy!l lnidustry, business, homeovvners, agriculture and government Must ail work together to conserve energy. If we each save a itile. ..we'II ail save a lot. Gioveniment of Ontarlo 4