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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Nov 1973, p. 2

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-t>RONO WEEKLY 'IMES, NOVEMBER 28th, 1973Kedlnw oronno eeklv ti mes Seconld Class Mail Registration Nuimber 6368 Pulblis Iled every Wedniesday a t the office of publication SUBSCRIPTION RATES Canada $3,00O...U.S.A. $1.50 TIME RUNNING OUT! Deputy-reeve Weston Banister of Hope Township has again wsarnied 'that time is running out for agreement in restructuring municipal governiment in the new area of Northumberland County. Port Hope and Cobourg were definite that they did not want to be part of the new Durham Region and were positive thiat in plain wvords, they could run their own show. Theyv won their'battle with the Province and were excluded fromn the Durhamn region but as yet have to show that joinly% they can restructure thir municipal govermein t'i Fron reports concerning the objects of their Task Force it is apparent that to this date the purpose of the Force is nult clearly definedl and local political views appear to differ greaitly to that of the Province. It could well be that this area east of the Durhamr trgioin mav well find that voluintary restructurjng of toiiipal goverinnent iý,nmost difficuit. This was a fact in the t1ora region where the Province hiad to finally set the area 11p and s-et the formiat of gov ernnment. Agreement between the vaýrloucs éentres wýas impossible and this could well be true to iw east W)UIIIANI (OUNCIL FALTERS Ili aii \lfirn of business and decision miaking there miust be a degoree of leadership and a source of reliable infrmaionA proper basis miust bie established on which to lormi opinions and on which to set legislation in any forma of 'l'le Durhami Regional Counicil was caught short last week wheni the, put the cart before the horse and Pife.eaoured to hire a personnel officer without proper study before Ithe fact. The actuat hiring was placed before thfe entire council m1d lc ikolobride there was no co-ordination nor aniy definite irection. Couincil as ia whIole, had previously clipped the powers )f the ex(cuii'e commnittee which they had appointed ;hm ile nd %wîthoujt direction from such a group the ïci>uit !!ý>a a\whole.w\\asset adrift. As a result the y bunigled !bw hiri1g. procedure and did themselves hltte credit, in s0 \uflt it mst be delegated by council to someone or to om comitte in order to give direction and purpose to iii thir polic\ and 1their purpose. Clipping the winigs of the 1vxcixe Commiiittee did flot imnprove thle performance of council buti ratheur crippled its decision miaking. CLARKE HIGHI NEWS by Carol Barnett If you read my first article of this year's series you would recal that 1 commented on school life something like this: School work can become very routine - however, extra- curricular activîties mnake the sehool interesting and excit- ing. I went on to list what was happening in the sports scene andi so on. Soon after 1 wrote this article ex tra-curricLar activities wvere withdrawn. The students realizeti how important they were to the morale of the school andi tried to protest. Our pleas for a settlement were heard. How- ever, we were forceti to stand back andi watch as any more portest would have only demonstrateti that we were irresponsible and immature. The board and teachers had started to negotiate a new. contract which is what we wanted. During the enforcement of the sanction, the students organized intramural games and-a few practices for sports. The Hexagon Theatrical Company from Ottawa paid us a visit. One hundred English students were taken to Cobourg on another occas- ion to a special showing of -Romneo and Juliet". Com- mencemient exercises were held as usual but not alI of the teachers ittended. Things weren't bati at Clarke but they, coulti have been a lot better with the help of the teachers. (For example - the disqualif- ication of the boys' volleyball and football teamns and the loss of our October dance.) These things are now in the past. The sanction was lifted over a week ago and things are returning to normal. Now I believe that the students realized the important of the voluntary work of the teach- ers and also the great part playeti by the extra activities in cultivating a good school spirit. However, the teams have a month's worth of steady practicing to catch up on and those misseti tourna- ments are gone forever. Our first term of 1973 is over. The 'students' marks have gone to Toronto for tabulation by the computer. t is my sincere hope that this next term wll re-establish a wavering school spirit anti will not be as distressing as the first. Last week was 1mýiwithf heaivy rain on Wedneî;day, two beautiful Indian Sumimer days Thursda 'y andi Friday withi ramn again on Saturday. The weather stili continues warm. ,Mr. R.L. Bullen has sold the front forty acres of his farm including the buildings and has gone to British Columbia for the winter to be with his daughter. On November 21 the Kendal Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. M Manders with only six members presenit as it was a very rainy night. They discussed the Xmas boxes for the shut-ins and the Institute Christmas dinner which will be served Wednes- day December l9th at 12 o'clock, in the Sunday School room. The ladies will pack the boxes after the dinner. Ail members are to make cookies or candy for the boxes. Our group was in favour of making the fun) tea that was held at Solina a yearly event. The quilt for the Penny Sale was dîscussed. Should we buy one or make one ourselves! The topic was given by Mrs.' W.Turansky. She gave a most interesting talk on Mla Murray Lunchi was served by Mrs. Allen Foster. The meeting closed with the singing of The Queen. The funeral of Mrs. Luxon Burgess was held last week in Lucknow Mr Jas Ard and Mr. Sid Rutherford were the only relatives that went fromthis area. Visiting last week end with Mr. and Mrs. T. Stevens was Mrs. Marsh wife of Bishop Marsh of the Arctic. We were, very sorry to leara that Bishop Marsh had passed away in October in England as the result of a car accident. He spent his lite serving the needs of the Eskimos in the far north. At this Thanksgiving time of year let us remember the grace that Robert Burns said: Somne hae mneat and canna eat, And somnewad eat that want it, But we hae mneat, and we can eat, Andi sae the Lord be thank Sympathy is extended to Mvr. Minne Wybenga whose sister passed away suddenly in Holland last week. 'aur store s IoaddUUwirt everyone in the family. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES + SPORTS EQUIPMENT + T - BATTLEBOARD l'ie strategy attack gar Our Speci 'UN BEAUTIFUL CRISSV Beautifut Crissy with swirler curier. 18" doit wvith hair that growvs and grows. .0ly$.9iFO R SMASH Up DERBY The wldest action set of the year. Cars collide in mid-air and fly spart. Snap back togettier in a jiffy. Our Special Price OnIy $599 Rolph HARDWARE O Durham Agri-News NEW STAFF MEMIBER JOINS BOWMANVILLE -OFFICE: -Mr. Bob McNaugh- ton bas-joined the staff at the Ontario Ministry of Agricul- ture and Foodi Office in Bowmanville as Assistant Agricultural Representative. Bob comnes to DurhamirCounty following graduation from the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph in the spring in 1973. During the past summer, Bob has'been workinig with the University of Guelph on a research project- regarding Land Use in, various parts of Ontario. Bob is orîginally from Mididlesex County in Southwestern Ontario, com- îng fromn a beef farm in that County. Before attending University Bob was an active 4-H Club member in Middlesex County anti part of bis responsibility in Durham County will be as 4-H Coordinator for the upcomning 4-H year in 1974. We do want to take this opportun- ity to welcome Bob to Durham County anti we know ahl County farmers will want to meet him during the upcom- ing winter months. INSTALL AN O FURP.NACE BOILER CSSO HUMIDIFIER orHOT WATER HEATER No payments for six months; 'Cal HARVEY PARTNER Your ESSOService Dealer FREÉ'ESTIMATES Cal) your licensed Plumbing & Mechanical Contract who seils, instali and 9uaranteoe CARMAIN Plumbing and Heating Phone 983-5207 Orono 31 .-~ I RESTAURANT SNOOPY TOOTH DRUSH ... Hflgway 115 and 35 ns a genwine electric toothbrush set. mieHONE 98of5651. Made with children in minc. Kids love OPEN 7 DAYS À- to use it. WEEK SpecialPrice $599Spedahùniig ln 983520 Pizza - meule 0110, 3*52 7 Aise Week-End Specials à m

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