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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Dec 1973, p. 2

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2ý-ooa W %eekly Times. Wetlnesday, Deceimber.ith, 19731 orono weeklyCi mes .Second (iass Mail Registration Number 636(;;18 Iublislied e% ery% Wedniesday'N at the office of publication SUBSCRIPTION BATES Canada $:3.181......... S. A.$31.5o edit6--q WIIITuE RIGIIFOO>T FOR WARD In this week's paper the new Municipal councîl of the Town of Newcastle have placed an advertisement in whicb they are asking citizens who are interested in taking part in the administration of various comimittees relating to the new mnunîcipality are b notify the mayor elect if lhey are interested. Ini the past this corner bas advoeated this procedure in appointmeotfs to te varîous commnittees which are appointed generally on an annuai basis by council. The practice in the past bas generaliy been that of re-appointing th(, saine mem bers Ici the numerous boards whether or not the.\ stiil hold interest in the work to be carried out by the board.Appointed boards do become stagnant and are often in need of new biood to send themn onward. U"nforluniateiy counils do shy away fromn making changes in boards which lhey know should be revitalized and miainly on the basis they do not want to tramp on somneones tocs or hurt1 someones feelings. This is a tact andi is hard to overcomie. The new Counicil of Newcastle could at this time set a pattern where change could be miade easier in the future thus assuring flhat the boards do remain active and progressive. Look the list over you tnight find an area in which you eould be of assistance to your comimunity. 11Al. OR NOUGJIT Last week the conditions of the agreement agreeau pojI byý both the Secondary teachers of the area and the >N 1oriltumberiand and Dur-ham Counly Board of Educalion were reveaied. Thle resuits were somnewhat surprising in that no progress appears to have been miade by the leachers in <baining nyv orm of niegotiation of what tbey described as miosi oec-essaryý, the size of the classroom or student-teacber ratio. tJnder the niew confraýict classrOoom size is 'not negoiabl norhas ny trict standard been set. The Boar o the othier halnd has ýemerged wýith1 what appears to be a Mangemntights C,,lue which gives tbemi the pwer to f-gi siate condiis of \worknin1 the classroom.l Cranythe, teachers did nof wil, their1 point witIl Ille itdailofou fcbo services and the inconvenlience set bv, Iibip itdawibenefitednconne. Tnmonthisof niegotiafion for any contract is certainly. oui of ail rea,,-;0n foin this particular case the issue appeared 10 fai lfit ali the end. We stili contentl that theý Board must retain its, iegsliie jbwrsov er the( scbnol systemn. Il cannot be shared, twe n i)q twýo dive rgrups for this wvouid oniy resuit With bnh parte beingreasonable education wil ont suffer and we certa iniybeivtat both parties in this case La;si we the orono Homte and School Club beld a mneeting at wbichi itwuas the intent to discuss organized sports and fo ibis end the Association had in attendance two nol ed sporus celebraties. Atendance by parents and ynuth was raliber sparse for this type of meeting and. somewbat disappointiivg. The point thiat itereýsts this corner is what does happen Io u at \\e woid cal "Recreationai Hockey". Boys jam the airenas in Ilhe PteeWee( and Bantam age but do thin out wben it cones Io Midget age and thaf above. If the sport is strictly reCreatIionIal and this of course includes, a degree of organizationo iere should be no reason for boys to drop out fnlou ing their stint in Bantamn hockey. The value of fun and recreationi should stili be there whether its at age ten or fourteen or fifteen. But if appears not to be and the sport at thle M idget aige group seem s to lose thle recreational feature., is it a miatter 0f attitude of the, parents, the boys or the organizatino. We have deveioped inijurious attitudes in other liolds such as education wheni a price tag was put on a bigher torm 0of education and madle that cerfificafe ail important. We( cou),ld] w\el] bedig this in our sportiog activities and ont 1eiog aware that it is being done. TeimiportIant fing b-las always been who scored the goaýls and wbli) ono. This paper like ail others fail into the trap ln ivbonour to the goal scorers. We create heros at play as asat ws on Sunday in Ithe Grey Cup. It cnuid well be thi bi retindoes stýamjp nut those whn would like f0 play' for the seer un ti ipiay\ing and thie association which if cnuld hin Tre dfintel is a breakdown in the'recreationai xau f hockey Mwen it goes above the age of Bantamn and ibi is uÀrýiorate. The same of course happens in other spo rl(and istruc iiibasebaîl. T'he nsxe e don't have but is interesting to tbink aboitad imai\ be somendax someone xwill have the answer. Wedding Gi\vei nimarriage 1byvher, father, Rev. Long,,united in marriage, Doris, daughfer of Mr. and IMrs,. Wiili Schmnahl, R.R.2. Orono, and Arthur, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex McKen- zie, Oshawa, on Friday, November 16, 19731in Orono UInited (Chu rch. MVrs. Stella Morton wýas thie organist. The bride wore a fuliength gown ni satin and embroider- ed chiffon, the puffed sieeves andl high neckline were inlade lie Hegional ( overnment At this time, I have some opinions 1 would like f0 express in regard to the above-captioned subject. 1 arn o f the opinion that the citizens of the Regional Mujn- icipality of Durham should commence immediately to respond with constructive cri ticism. to any actions of the Regional Council and or Area Councils which the citiz.ens believe are flot in their best interests. I believe we now have an action faken that requires the -attention of ail citîzens. The action taken is that wherebyv the Regionai Counillors hv voted and confirmed for themselves an annual incoiije of $10,000.00 plus whatever the annual incomne is to be for the Area Municipailit *y Counciliors, -PIlus TavExpen'ses -Pdls Convention lExpelises -.Pus Who knows whiat,,1 In niy \opinion'No AMN1(Tw 0F HOGW\AsH anjst such an actii.Thseece positions are a part i me job NOT a full 'urne job, 0f one thickness 0f siik chiffon with tiny nnsegays embroid- ered on it. Her veil wa.s a tradifional fingertip lengfh cnmpletely encircied witb lace flnwers. She carried a dainfyv hou- quet of gnld daisies, yeliow roses and orange, carnations inierspersed wPibfresh b lea- ther for gond luck and sprigs of myrtie leaves. The bridai attendants were Maid of Honor, Sophie Scott, The- work-load wiil not be establisbed until the complet- ion of Ibeir first year's operatino and thaf would be December 31, 1974. Cerlainly, there is an initial rush of work organizing, etc. - but this was expected. Agaîn, 1 say, these elected positions are part lime jobs and must be considered so, at least uintil if cao be proven otherwise at the end of their first year-'s operation as stated above. I believe that the foilowing should be the basis of Annual Remuneration: - Regional Councillor - 1 Regional Council Annuai Remuneralion - $5,000.00) and Area Council Annual Remun- eration-$2,500.00 -3,600.00o Therefore. if a Regional Councilior were receivinig a total annuai remuneration of between $7500,00 -$8960000f m my opinion be wuld e properly paiid at thislie I would state that I am ont refeîiring hbere to tme yr thf ieAreaMuipaies There are additionaýl resp)on- sibilities involved in ibieir Positions. iand Mne bridesmaids Misses Sheryl Stadeand Katharina 'McKenzie, sister of the groom, 1 The best man was Mr. Keith Darling and the ushers were Messrs. Jan Hrdlicka and Tom Schmahl, brother of the bride. A reception followed at the Holiday Inn. The happy couple are now residing in Oshawa. 'lo aIl citizens I say -Ibis is your money and mine thal is being paid out - if fh'i n,, ; the attitude to-day, we had bel fer watch out for fo-morr- 0W. Af this lime I cali upon: 1. Alil the citizens f0 tbink seriously about Ibis matter and voice their opinions about it to the authorities involved - in the newspapers, etc. 2. The Senior Officiais 0f the Regionai Municipality of Durham f0 correct this mat- 1er immediately. 3.The Ontario Provincial Governmeot Aulhorities dir- ectl y responsible for Regionai Goveroment 10 correct this mnalter immediateiy. I \ would ask ail thle citizenis - (las Ionont Iet APATHY slop* youx serinus coniside'raf- ion and action on maffers ,uch as Ibis that milî bave their effeci on yoîî and your cbiidren. Sincereîyý. KEITII D. BARR 983-5441 Oronol Orono Towing GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Orono Building a House? or remodefling your present oee Then Contact Floyd Nicholson Phone 983-e649 Orono VENIEZIA RESTAURANT Righway 115 aiud 35 Effmle South of Orono PHONE 983-5651 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Specializing in Pizza - Meals AISo Week-End Specials

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