Bob Yeomans Plumbing anîd Heating 24 Hour Service 300 ATTEND FINAL, WARDZIEN'S BANQUET (Continued from page 1) and Durham has been ini existance for a period of 123 being first formed in 1850. The United Counties are also to hold a dissolution banque~t on Decem ber l2th.- Warden Western B$nster, wýho also holds the position of Deputy-reeve of Hope Town- ship stated at the banquet that this year hadi been most exciting interesting and frust- rating. In looking into the future the warden said that thie year 1974 will be Mnost dit>fic'uit as the new county will have to resolve problems of re-organizing and restruet- uring. He also pointed to pressures from developers but stated'that the welfare of those in the new area must corne first and spoke strongly against a hodge-podge arranl- gement of development over the area. Land use planning obîectives adopted --- -- - V -U. bu-v-jmt-C- :The F URIrdm1TU RE, j~~~ ' (4îXX15,B R&lN \FW( ASTLE We're hiard to BeatI HUGE SAVINGS ON CHESTERFIELD SUITES j A N D BEDROOM SUITES in ime for Christmas LAI; ELECTIONAIN ASRE OOS0 RECLINERSand ROCKERS Lams -Pole, Table, Swags, Etc. *JUS ARRVED LARGE JUST ]ýR1ED. ý,AsS4<)RTMENT 0F Coffee Tables, Hexagon, * Fnd tables I From as low as $15.88g g Open 7 days weekly everyone to corne and see what the Orono Juniors are doing at theýir Christrnas show on Deember Il around 8 o d.oc.k. Followýing sing'-ing of The1 Queen eve ryone viewed the exhiibits and enjioyed the lov'ely lunch of Christrnas cake and shorthread cookies provided by- Vilda Cowan and her lunch committee. CAXFETERIAXS PCont oued lroni page 1) compared with 1972. The deficit was eut from $1.713 to $221.' Port Hope sales arnounted to $J,552.00 compared with $2,667.OO in 1972. The deficit was reduced from $85559 to $25ý643. Courtice cafeteria salesý totalled $5--,175.89 with a deficit of S$579.18. lThe deficit in 1972 to the end of Octob)er <C'oninuedI fron page 1) wvill be necessary in the firsi part of 1975. it was pointed ouf at the meeting that even witli the rate increase Orono has one of the lowest rates in thic district. r FOR THE BEST MÉATS IN TOWN' Fresh Picnic Stylef Pork Roasts Mol veael. 79e- 'îou Save Twice wt rmnPie(otnSye .Pork Butt Roast lb. 89ecedrTs' -WI rme Butt or Shoulder Chops $1.09 Ground Pork . Fesh minced lb. 95e B ologna Canada Packers Mild lb. 58e Rindless Bacon swlft lb. $1.19 I ssx\iagara Brand Polish Sausage lb. 89e Blut ns lýýI a mihPak -2 ounce Beef Steakettes 2 lb box $2.09 Bur ns IdSeasoned Skinless Wieners Mt.. L. Bon ewssSmoked Dininer Shioulder Chopped Suet n lb. 88e Mb. $1.49 MI iS l. 55e il Bananas Christmas Turkey Now CORNISH'S - ORONO 983-5201 > - .1 Orono Weekly Times,WeesaDcbr t193 of' wilful damnage, one invest- use the low beams instead. igation involved the finding of Th'le low bearn in ydu 'r property. headlights lights the road Seven charges have been ahead below the falling snow. laid uinder the Liquor Control High beamns hit the white ýet Act and five charges concer-f- snow flakes and creates a ee ing driving offences have vision reducing dazzle effeet. been laid Linder the (7rhiùhlal Sd, 1'eneriber .. in faliing id Code. snow at night, always use io Drivers: When driving in your low beamns to give better fer falling snow after dark, turn visibilitY and help you see br off those high beamns! Alwavs better what's ahcad.