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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Dec 1973, p. 4

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Hleather Rebekahs hold most successful bazaar and tea Orono O)ddfello\w's Hiall pro- ved I0 be the most popular place in town 1l-ast Saturday Mien the ehemr Rebekahs held their annual, Bazaam and Tea. A latrg rowd 'anxiouisl awýaited the opening wbicbo, look place ai 2.30 p.m. when the conivenor Sister Violet Dunflop ifftroduced Sister Alfa Samnis, District Deputy Pre- sidentf fom Port Perry ýwbo officially opened the Bazaiar. Everything from 5 cent combs to beautiful cushions and deliciou's cakes were sold. The tea garden was also most popular as wvere thie many small and large draws. Winnems of flie blanket, sheets and pillow cases was Mrs. F. Glasbergen, Orono. The elctic cao opener went f0 Mms. Barbara Gilkes. Bow- 1973 1972 1971 1971 1971 1970 1970 1970 1970 1969 1969 I i <t f.-~" ne- ,<'tî<-î~'f h~ç.fiX 'î-alo< I ni manville -and thie Taffb'îng 1rene Muray was wonýt NiJms. E. Gatcheli, 01 on . -The.wbite dlog made and donîated by Sister Ellen Far- row wenf f0IoAima Watsoni, Or-ono. Mrs. Don Cochiranle wýas the winnier of the sbam- poo, eut and set donated by Oono Boutique. The cake madle and donated by Sîster Audmey Walker was wonî by Sistpr Velda Cowýan. Willie E. Coyote donated by Sisters Betty v insn, arilyn1 major, Doreen Swan and Violet Dunlop was won by Sandra Hudson. A great number of people went home winners from the Penny Sale and are f00 numerous f0 mention bere. Conservation raises O.F.A. concern velopmlet cmite rp Agr'iîcujlture QFA1 ,at t1w Pete Hanamcomimittee caraexpressed ialarmn atI the state of thecoera ion moveenit in Ontlarjo. He said thoemenironmnent alist movemnent has foucused attention on the preservation of wildlife areas, mnarshes, swamps and sfream, but has almost complet ely forgotten the preservation anId improve ment of prime agricultural land. Hle said many of the, conservation authorities in Ontario have becomie pre-oc- cupied wifh building dams, lakes, parks, trailer, and recreation facilifies, fÔ the extent they have lost interest 100 gais. GAS FREE (~1.XN'l')R\() 2 doîIlardtop ) V 8 Nii.lTo,$3580 lo d cr.Li.EO:2:. as$395 NOW V0111) CHATVEAXt' 8 passeniger Club UWagfon Alîis one is a real individual dreain truck. it lias air conditionin, stervo tai)v deck wuith ral<.v-8. autoniatie. powxer eupetaux. bo x aerhater, Ioxxmleg and lots mure.$99 Sodnwfor. o er $600.Lic. EX() I N' 3 9 i] xquPiste conIditionl.\V-S ,Xu1tonatic Powe r Stuvrillg and 1Brakes. Loix nîîleage. Just atrr ix vi(l nd l)i loal xx ier AIR$89. NOW OlV I>oxxer eqlliîped, V S .utonîlatic, Radlial ~lI;ICCIV OL.ONV P XCK \% (;()Naliltheopton iicltliigF<rds unique xx oodgrain siii.~as $259-. Lic E01.766 NOW »L',Vl TiUl Ft RV 1, 1-l)oor. Sedan, V-S .Xuoiatic. lDouble Po(mer, Radio. Nice Car ,U as 195..Xîal dgeal now ftor onîyý ýl.V 11 ICK 2-l)0(>I, G C iîder \utomatic. L, xceleîit gi gas,Just ini and lpriced at $2395 $2480) $2160 $2160 $1530 $1895 FOEDl11) iP.SSEN(,EIICUSTOM 0 S" "l\ W.GON illiinniacu-tlate condition. W as$2:Iîs.NOW ONIY tIÀ( - XMV796 $19-95 Btl('K Ll'ý S XIIE iii gleanîing gi-ev %xxth red ullosexand wxeil equipped. Just thie rigbt crfor, vlegant, depeîîdable diing W a%;s$18 $2195. O$1ON0 PONTIXC GRAND PRSEN STl XTFION WX\% -8Aitomlatic, air con<itionîn. o er x id",s a real Lic.FXW1- $1895 on the, basis of thisMr HanI1nam saiid that resour-ce fno~ eîpbah<aly dposed f0 th(, miov-e by conserv ation author'ities f0 assumie conftrol of land danaeprojeefs. we fecel drainaige i s 5 important to pIroductive agr- iculture that if wýould be unfair f0 have drainage proj- jed s controlled by people -who may have very liffle intereust in farming. said Mr-. Hian. He said that his commiiittee favors'the establishment of ant independent Environmiiental Assessment, ,Commission, whIose job if would be f0 inv estigaté fthe imipace of future environnment proJects. DURHAM AGRI. NEWS 1974 FARMMCHN Y OUtiLOO'(-K - An unusual mrarket situtafion brought about by, several factors has resultedi in the sale of farmi machineryv in excess of 25 Percent over 1972 in Ontario. Factors influencing the miac- hiniery market aren't cbang- ing quickly, so if seemns logical that in 1974, farmers will experience simnilar short- ages, notes Hall Wright, Secretary - ]Manager of the Ontario Farm MNachinery Board. Mmr. Wrighf points ouf that mnany mnanufacturers are e_,xanding their production facilities and or layving on additional w ork sbif ts f0 increase thieir production. Any gains imanufactumers mnay make by plannied expan- sion could be offset by a eniudshortage of raw materials, strikes and ani incereasing demand for ma- cbinery from export markets. These and other- factors combined wifh increased farm incomie, meduces avail- ability of newý units and could brmit mnachinery production in 1974. Mr.,Wrighlt advises farmiers f0 order their 1974 mac.hinery requiremnents four f0 six months prior f0 the da te of need and f0 miake a firmi commifmeinltof0Oie dealer with a doxxn paymnenf fo ensuredeiry U1sedmabnr has also been miovinig well, but even good, LIud eupethas become i(,hard tf0lfind wifb some dualers lots practicallyv empty. The onyiltentiefor farmners consideming b)i.uig new farmim llplemlents 15 f0 plan ahead. Order your equipmient ealy f0avoid costly delays, Continuing education courses inicrease 111l SAN FORD FLEMING ENIIOLMENTICEAE e'ducafioni courses at Si r Saildford FlemIlingÏ College bias gilwn by25 per cent ti 1973i for a total of 4,711 af al campuses, according the- col- lege's continuing education dirctor Fred Anderson. A further increase of 600) people is expIected( in the coorses offered in Januay,1v brb-îging the to)tal f0 a Possible i .~ Y ~i1 "-s -~ 1'~ .11 for, the acadeie y ear. "A - 'lrgepart of Ithisgrowýtbl is atribued f a q40 per cent regitratonsxvhili ent 1fromni79Last 'year to 11 i2," Mr. Aniderson 'said. A sigiican.Ilt factorI i this statistic ae;il,(gtrtin frorn çourses ýoffered for- the Unds'ay, including Bobcay geon, Coboonk, Fenelon FaIls Kir-kfield, Litle Britian and Okod Credit coursesiait the Co- bourg ýcampus hiave attracted 1h- bulk of students there in pastyeas, aind this-paitern was epeated. Total Cobuurg enirolni tof0date is 390, compared f0 356 in October 1972. WX IITIIAT XMAIS TREE Fire Chief Ross Mercer, points out thaf tests have proved that the safest tree is a tree w\ith ifs butf set in water. However, if a tree bas dried out before il is set up, it cannot regain its safe moist- ure level. A Dry tree can be ignifed by a single m 'atch, f0o hurn xiolently f0 a charred state in a few seconds. Evýen artificial trees can be serious fire bazards. Mletallic f rees arè conductors of elect- rcyand sblould not be decorated with strings,> of lighfts. but illumliinated w'ýitb floodflighifs. Some plastie trees made from lsty\rene im-aterials, are flamimable, unlike th0fse 1made fromi polyvinylIchloride. Ail frees shoul be remnoved from thei horbe as soon as possible affer the Christmas celebraf ions. D)ui7RIIA HQ MXV 'BE (CR, XMPED) When the- l(,Duiham lregion assues wnerhipof its Inew haqaters Thlle Ontario Couinty uld"S - ,1, 1974, if wi]llhvaou 10,000 sq. ff. nfofofice q)act aaîabe hwIeadq uarters choice xvsmade Wedneusday at Ithe mleeting of thle regional coun- cil, Whienl regionail chairmnan Wate eath, at the(,outset of debate on thie matter, said the finance commilissioner had predicted he( would require 4,000 sq. f t. for bis deparfrment Coun. Mike Blreaughit (Osha- wa) repl ied. 'Using finance commissioner as a rule of tbumb, you're already talking about an expansion programn.' Some space could be tutiliz- ed as is, said the chairmnan, others would. require renov- ation. William Manning, the re- gion's chief administrative officer, told council that th~e courts and related offices still have five years to go on a 10 year lease xith the Pro- vince. When Coun. Ken Lyail (Newcastle) asked openly if there were anyý other more suitable sites, Coun. im Potticary O)shawa> replied, -We can find y \ou 42,000 sq. ft. iin Oshawýa." Hle was ref'erring f0 office space which 'will becomne available in the new Bank of Nova Scotia building and other Oshawa sites. Coun. Christine Thomas H(Qshawa) was not fussy about that, idea. She was in favor of having the headquarters in the county buildings. Orono Nursery Sehool ~I(\l ~' EI\ES) X. ad FRIDAY MORNINGS Orono United, Church l'I own of Newca.stle (Formvrlvý Clarke. Darlington, Bownmanville and Newcastle) Xjipoinitmnits are being made to varlous Bomaids aîid Comnîîttees to commence duties at the beg-iiinig of 1974I. If * vou are intier-ested in servicing i any of the position]s below please write stating your preference to the undersignied flot later than DECEIMBER 14th, 19¶7:L Local Plaingl" Board (oloîmuilit\ etrsBoard iloqpital Board MuemBoard L.tbrarxN Board 11i1dwstrial (Conmission (ecexBoard ixtokValuers- I>evreatioli Conm itvee G. B. RICKARD MayNor Elect TownI of New Castle Hlampton, 0Ontarlo Bowmanville's Friendliest Car Dealer I I 623-4481 1

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