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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Dec 1973, p. 8

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Xê4rooWeekIy Tints. tWednesday, Detcember 58h, Ine Ml9PORT EVERTIIINCI S ;OAT (1tONARENA Every thing is go al the Orono Arena wvith a fIl schedule of wnter events taking place especially in~ hockey and f'igure skating. The local hockey teamis are doing uelI in their- competition in the Unitedl Counties leagueso far this year. OltONO PEEWEE ll(>RNETS EDGE PORT HlOPE 52 -The <rono PleeWýee Hlornefs took a,5-2 win over a squad fromn Port Hiope during the wveek. Two goal efforts wvere produced hy Marcel Charland and Tomn Hollinger wvith Martin Vissers taking a single countier. Martin also wvas credited with two assisis and John West with a total of three. PE WEE ATI LEICSTIE MILLBROOK WtNGS-The Orono Pee tltc tied with the Millbrook Wings in Millbr.ook.ý The score was a two-afll draw. Stephenl Haynles and Waye Macl'ean wýcIeehe OronIogoal getters. (>WN ) VICE FIN ERS TAKE M1ILL- BHOOK «-ile Orollo Novice( Fly\ers like hircouniter part took a 61ictory\ over Millhrook ini Millbrook. Sev Stec netted heegoadý ls i hJohn Bolton close behind \ith two Pl ReedcounIitcd a ýsingle. Ddîî\ Bilo\xwa uii ficgainewith 01>0\0 PEEE V ERS EDGED B', MILLBHZOOK :»-- The IlorooPeW lyers were ntheshbt ed of a3 i sor \ith llbrook n Orono on Saturday Een te loal teamn gaeil a good Jfort thewere -Ïunable to pick up1th tic. The tx~ Oon gaI wrescored lby Patriick Williamls anid MauiceHîceV.Assts entf0Sam Ba;,ttams and PaKtrick NM 1,CF .TIII.ETiCSI.AN>,I, E C \S'i LE To complefe a dlean sweep thew 1Ihîrd (Oronlo Noice tateAheis took a ue ided xvin!oxr llillbook7. \lauWbstr ound the mairkon fourl occasýions for aý splendfid game on his part. DuianieMajor also in ioto form scored Itwo wýoih he seventlh ga oiigtoTer Hc(dges. In the assist deuparfment Kevin Phîlp and Jim M1offat1 notcheI(d two with a single asiýt to Stve ood. This game asplaye(d il Oronio on hlockey nmoih, L(N .N A ( 'AGLES T.V,ýIE NEWCrSTLE 8. S2. The Oronio on rIdalighfl. Grg iukey coedfwovgoals i team mae ichard Williams ,countîngI tw olng with an assst ilnPpdc onedasni olalong ufi t thee aissfor a flour ,point ight The other Orono goals were hy \ick PaipalazarýonGary Clpdor andIan iMolfilfatl he asis dparfmeni ScottWest s cedte i to as wa Chrs hip. thr ssitswel to BetNeeland Lennm. Mudy Jhntrine1d byJon ooCe and omwd hy MiIdd, John paceýd tfile Iin l2m0;.4. wih BetDve h driver. 1)IIIING IECO I)S XTKMA .RTWiI xea wih a38 avrag. He as ad 99stant1s this year. Junor etwîH 15 staIrts isitri fth lplace with a .302 avrae loe~ olowdby\eihWetin sifh paewt .30 aerae.Gerld Robinson asa 2 aea ge iin his 95ý drivs atthe rack thisyer S TLI1) 1VREst lTis AT K MX'HX.RiIA Vwirsl race Bye Bey loanuîe, wil jLori. shDat Thewsecond racwi as>won by CarmeniwiiComelaWii \hitby horse wichý is trainied and driýivenby Gord Irwýini of Oronio. Carmen- Comet 1raiug seven timeI(s 1thiýs year as a'tree earold has lafirst on four occasion1s, second auId third both onice. Ca1rmen Comet w\omu he rce in a timle of .0. aiuig $68U, $3 90 anird S$3 (;0o erad ohinson driv iug Iigh Attorney fiuished in seconid plein'the ,race pay ing $17,00 and $8,40 Third race CA. alTrisanna. Newton Star. 1 lII the fourth race to Oronlo diesfiuished in themloney iehiud NIOrfhw1ood Hazy ' driv inlu hy)Russ McQuaid, whIo paid $1280 fo or Ithe in. JuioIýr West plalced seconid ith Gýreen Acics ad udierk Newýman third \wifh (;GlnTnunsGolly Mini Vlly. Gpsy DanIce anid MoeadsGoldie in] the( titih. Seldon Miss took the sixth r-ace ith Keith West drivinig Eaýstw\ood Scot placing second. Jarck Williams wýith Harwill Shirleyv vcnded upI in thre fourth slot. Alwayis a brides-mi ard, neyer a bride may be flei ate of Ja De Glaýssford dndiven by' ýKeith West. in 38 outings this 'yeair the horse has frfishled Second on eleveni occasions and third eighit times, Neyer a win but very close. West rtepeated the second place finish again on Saturyick.ln the seventh race which was Orono Brownies Collclor s Badge Shlelley collfcced diffèrent assortmle- uts- ni spices and rmouutedi these ou cardboard opeulyv ,o that cveîx ' \kind could he snieifed 'rs Baiuhiik test- ed ohl-nu fhis. Tox maens adge andthi Gond wnn irls. ilcthw ei ade, Ocopii. TheBnonie lfom last x arfiis t th1e(iri craff Be sure Brw nies 10 haVe vniîr gond f uru wrifteni on a pîcce of> paper for' the box as these will bu rcad. On u Dcember 121h the Tweenes w ich onsist of LOCAL NEWS ý\wlî ci tlic ep iut w a 1s liere omus bi nidy omeiw t he f ciehnpcrs f oILlncd im 1,1 nnsoepart of' a wck nlecig nmbrof oufif l ioBu. xxhîh I eceied ageneni nusý pnrioil The fý ouud nut' thex, w iliiuch ton large for thle spr sor their potted pIflut1o uwhin asigchic- keusi ýatch fifor future iresulfs. Onlooker Exercise caution wvith snowmobîles %NINTER fSN'T IIERE VET, lu ail paýlrts of Ontario, the leax es have long ago fallenl froniflthes.and., most plcshaie alreadý enh f '114mnu fal utthe pcnun w llitr scasonl. h lu o- or ;lx ats of fllec pro 1-100 agod co\vi-of s11ow i> mnic grounbtill îd dapcîto 41c.flicre fo ayWhveaie liowex r. an~people who aren't 'etradý1for ui inter, as the liiv t etadpa d Something f( alîcad. liýod0finte r crafion is fleliiotoiid snm. vehicle, Or sho iMohile. as if is more ferlu iow mliliohues ha,, incre- ased dramaticall'N dunîg flic pasît ti cii ' \ *cars, and flc iuibrof accidentfs lhas iîicreased just asfstor lici-Illsfsten. Ihi maüy (-aies, lic how nobuefias c-lickcd anîd adjustc-d his îî lîî or use, but has faild t clîck us hin)king. t10 lic ureci i",flîîîgis rea(f) Fwpe-ople revaiiow r a shommo iafravýet in a silor tfinie. anld 1hmlong if fakes ',f(-gefhbacukto a tcc>i)ie or oter souirce of lepo oot if an acdn doucs ucl-\of oly shoufld a person kuiow the ai-ca ini xx hieli lie miiilie fav hlng bfalso liieagood nîilap along in aj l)ocket or pack sack as w cafluer Conîditionîs calî Play an importantf pal-f in the s1UCCcsIS 0o failure of aîiy Two of flic nîost commoi iisfakes niade by snownînob- ilers imiolve lack of proper dress for oîîfdool- actify. aîî'id îînxxisc attenîpfs fo cr-oss" n stretclies of fhinu ice on sinîaill ___ takes or ovvr sh-ea las. We sýjjuggsa o stuifIc chenin -i clîarts îelating f0 ind chili , e J anîd ice f ickne(ss .and be suare pni ou-. tinkimg is poel OSlAWA, C adjusted for militer! l>RONO rFALCON BANTM$BI'TJ>DBewdfr..The Oroiio atain Falcon were defeated by Uewdley Sund&in Bewdlley b-y a score 0f 4-1 Bill Hidgins ,.corýed the lone Orono goal with assists tg) Paul Yeomnars and John Malda. N'rOVICE WIN q01ER NEWCA1STLE-The Oirono Mr-. Roast Beef Noice teamn took a de %sve5iwn over Newcastle during the \%-,(k. Bruce aLm and Todd Hiaynes both netted two goals, with the fiff h coming olf f he stick of Don Fray er. Robbie Taîsmna in the Orono nfets earined his shuf-out with somne fine goal tending. Assists went to D)avid Elliot. 2. and Peter Krukberf. ()NE-' <OAI. EFR IOON)MDE NOT ENOUGIL TO) %%GSTRIN WITII PORT 1IIOPE-The Orono Mlidgets wih h a onle goal effort were defeated by Port Hope 2-1 during the week. KnyNeal wifh assisf to Jason Lee scored fthe lonie Orono goal. KendaI news Each seasot n mis eafr has lia d temperaitires away above average. Now Decein- ber seemns f0 be following the sanie pattern fai-mers can stil plough and dig post holes for new fences. Mr. Fred Winn attended the wedding of his neice Miss Plearl Winn of Orillia f0 Mr. Cla rence Ward in Calvary Penficostal Church, Coîbour- ne Strýeef, Orilliat on Novem- ber 30th, 1973. Miss Velma W'inn sister of the bride was bidesmaid while Mr. Murray @W HYPAYMOR E? * SAV EON 93 s DIESEL FUEL * pg~ e MOTOR OIL .GASOLINE w Pt Premium Quality* g Farm Tanks and * Pumps Available * Pono668:-3381 -CoiIect, m'ODX Fmue " L 0 111 I For Prompt Courteous Service I M de 1-1, - - - 1 - - j 1 MI i INQ i Winn was groomsman. The reception was held at the home< of the bride's mot ber Mrs. George Winan aftevfthe wedding. The happy couple plant to live at his home in New Carlisle, Quebec Congratulations fo Mr. R. L. Bullen who was married on December the fifth and plans to visit bis dlaughter in England on his wiedding trip. White gift Suniday will be held in Kendal Church Dec- ember 16f h. The Christmas free programme will be December 23 af seven p.m.

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