- - -~ 6 -OROO EEKY IMESDEEMBER ?lt, 1973 na per, as nat om hs bten wth us brostgshneW tng *anof mantl, HLrt ha Ors '.itIans orce wîs iç1e sfrferins ato nthewert Puppetry i h ws a early segînns oin the Med tencue ea tion. iis isad prove iby fllgs, cog nv'J atdwo1rs n docents. L safurdaher roetrough wthe tm, Platornan HoraceUwhid make refere[nces t oeart o puppciety. r tee, s Modem ý.,use s po pupetry inhe edcat'imonuss:ad- Thies'anadia cn Pper stor- is will prtesWoen Pnoch,), ofthe Osawa ymphoymO- chera.T cocr i pn Up andf down the bosak THURDAYDEC. l5th ADULT Wilderness Man by Lovaf Dickýson (The strange story of Grey 0Owl,) The Warmfh of Chrisfmas by Terry Rowe (poetry) Cornelius Krieghoff by Hugu- es de Jouvancourf (Bîography and paintings of one of Canada's famnous arfisfs) The Gold of the Gods by Erîch Von Daniken (more mysferies from flhe authlir of Chariots of the Gods) The Midniglit Dancers by Anne Maybury (suspense) J WorersandGenierai Motors of Cnd was reached on Th eteent came after ffixe months of üknegotiations and gives the 23,000 hourly-ra- ted workers of General Motors across Canada some major gains over the paàtterns con- traot reached wîthý Ford of Canada. LJcalI 222 of Oshawa will meet on Thursday-. at 1.00 p.m., at the Civie Auditorium todeie whether f0 ratîty me Thie settl' em-ent mrarked the fîrst time in the history of colective, bargaining betwveeni thetw that accord was reached without a strike or the flreat of a strike, said Anold Stapleton)ï, GMI personnel dir- ector. The Villa.in of the 'Pi>ece by Lane Kauffmnann, (novel) J uNP-iIOR Wtcacks by Alvin Schwartz (Jokes fo American folk- lore) Agriculture by Harold B3. Swanson (careers in agricult- ure)' The Sfory of the Iroquis by Marlon E. Gridley Hockey Fever in Goganne Falîs by R.J. Chlderhouse EASYý READING & PICTiURýE BOýOKS Good Morninig Suri's Up by Stewart Beach (beautifully illustrafed) Did I Ever Tell You -How Lucky You Are? by Dr. Seuss O.P.P. NEWS Polienvsgte th fo lowingedmofo riviclofe co3i ionsared woccurrnces during ce ney-the Ciflot Code. Th Nih1 ercsties w iers alsd Ahse resu f tesecls aras seven pOn neso gation inharged wthdrivîng enBeak Aand ne" pesihatiben chargved tha dring offBe ce, under] The Crimian Cde. cometed 79 lsinvstigationeo a eneral ntue. S"oe b0fn thestel ,ofccurrees re a 3follows: One 'investigaio involved theoï-offence "Breakth iffnv ýo'd the offenceaof?"Be- aineigatons volvted)thec the thref tof atte.There were4 3 inveigations involvi-ig the aûnd oneinv olving heoenc ers. the reporte,' loss of prolperty. Two stolen autos have beeni recovered duingthepast. week. Five charges have been laid relating to Crim inal Code offences and seven relafing to Liquor Control Act offences. DRIVING TIP: "Theres more to braking than, meefs the eye". Once you've spoffed a dangerous traffic, situation, it fakes fime befween making up your mind to brake and getting yourfoot on the brake pedal. That's called "Reacti"on Time", and~ for the average driver that means if takes three-quarters of a second f0 begin braking. Af 20 m.p.h. if means you will' trael22 etbe r9yug br -akin; t, 6 b h yu,àl trvel6 ee efrryuyfo distsn ath re. Swr eat ion fet, ime , delyed1-recogit- i0n fet. hisger Fvi furher ca', al 'gsto e" dstance aeI a0s w: n ro47feed aond to 60eatph-, raks,66res ad . one Frha upassrger car or dtae vhceat0h aergeso 25u fewle at 60 m.p.h. if is 300 feet. This medos"that th ca' o tping distance avi r accde.p. ti 6 et "The furthe you dareein them vehce1ahi eadtheles o by thatvehc. Driv teisc yo retin imeand ba accident.n "Tenwe ud n eecsar acs, Golden ~e~kious yàk 15 cus ;FrthofNCV stc \G(CDSeC OiNg. Higwa 8 an 15,Aut nth o estlenb Prices Available ii ny quantlty Phone 987-4215 IF NOTCALL Hr veyPa rtne r p HON E 9K83-52064 r v