*1 s e e e s e o e e o e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e u Q e g e e e e e e e e s miDTuO0 N '0 CO NFCINRYAD Stoeking: Stuffers Check ouir shelves for - GiIFTliS AND The selection is 0 varied and complete 0 happyhoiasas. Hours 7:30 am. to 9p.m.* Wý,ed. and Sat. 7:30 a.i. to 5:31)p.m. *e ORONO, 0ONTABIO PHONE 983,5242 e OltONO WE YTJMES, DECEMRER l9th, 1973~- Çoun. Gordon Attersley as regional councillor.? wondered how the four chair- Severai couincillors such as men, "as fulltime mnembers," Coun. John Hlowdien (Oshawa,) though of receiving extra pay. and Coun. Carl .Puterbougb Is this overtime? he asked. (Uixbridge), said the extra Coun. clark M\,asoni (Ajax) work done by their chairmen who is a planning committee mnade the extra money deser- chairman, said hie was full ving. time by irture of' bis own Whien the vote came only a jobs, one as mayor, the other ý(Continiued page fi, lnelude-d in the bijinks last Mrs. Bertha Touchbur week at the UCW party were father time wheeling Mnay not have: to ta ke $1O.',OOO sa lar y and in [the midst of ail the menýrry- %nkng e'd d L o exteid es wises nd reeing toour friumds. ORONO HYDRO A N D MWATE1Pt (UIIARLIE PEARCE AND STAFF Regional councillors who tee] uncomfortable with their $10,000 a year salaries may soon get a chance to refuse their pay cheques. What began as a debate on councillor's expense accounts atregional headquarters Wednesday ballooned into a slugfest on total salaries. Couin. Alan Dewar m6'ved a surprise resolution to deal with those councilIoirs whose "iWender consciences" were at the salary levels. His motion, which received, near unanimous approval, directed the executive com- mnittee to investigate rnethods by which -remuneration can be refused in whole or part"' b.y regional councillors. Coun. Allan Pikey (Oshawa had earlier suggested that such a policy could be "quite, quite revealing," and possibly "shorten these meetings." Although Coun. Dewar na med no-one his rernarks brought fiery reactions fromn Counc. Margaret Shaw (Osh- awa) and Coun. Christine Thomas (oshawa) SO-ME PAIN lis motion would correct circmstace wich ay be Coun. Dewar suiggested. Both Coun. Shaw and Coun. Thomnas have been vocal citics of the$1,0 salaries, and hiad opposedi a numjber o.f itemrs during t h~e expense a.ýccount debate. Coun. S1haw said -I know whtAld. ea is referring ta", and counter-attacked by asýking if it was legal for hlmi- as a publicý servant (teacher) to vote on mnoney matters. Coun. Thom-as saîd if she djeclined her salary the tax- payer as a xl-ole would benefit, aind she preferred that thlose in the lower income brackets reap the reward instead. 'Il give to, charity", she said, but not back to the treasury because, -1 want nonie of you to bnft"a reference to other councillors. Coun. Dewar had already clashIedi once with the pair Wednesday over anothe.r nlney itemn. The, execuLtive cormmittee re!onmmended chahimen of the for standing u'cinittees Wf council be paid an extra $500 each hecause of thieir heavier workload CounI. Dewar heads the ýýork commnittee. Suiggesting ,-counicillors wer-e "still alter the almnighty dollar-," Coun. Shaw mioved that the amount be $100 irn as Thelma Forrester, the New Mrs. Years baby around the stage. Electric Fry Pans Electric Ketties Steam Irons Electic Clocks Portable COLOR TVs Enjoy perfect colour We have a good seiction on our shelves many others on display Ready for under your Tape Recorders SRadios Stereos Record Players Records and Tapes ORONO, oNT lArO