ELEMENTARY TEACIIERS WITHDRAW SERVICES <Continued from page 1) who did walk off the job on Tuesday did not violate any condition of their contract. "The teachers", state a letter, "believe this to be a denial of basic rîghts and wish to protest this legisiation by the minister of education. We have no quarrel with the Northumberland and'Durhamn Board of Education. This protest is not concerned with higher wages. -We are -protesting the denial of basic human rights by the present Ontario govern ment and will therefore not be available for teaching on Tuesday," the letter states. SECONDARY TEACHERS q-0NOURING CONTRACT (Continued fromi page 1) Northumberland Durham branch of the federation and Mr. Johin Sylvestervitch vice principal of the Clarke High School that local secondary teachers \would 1e îhonouring the conditions of their recent- ly signed contract. In the agreement with the Board the Secondary teachers are not t6 impose any sanction against the board and the board on the other hand is not to conduct any lock-out of teachers. Mlr. Sylvestervitch stated on Monday that the Secondary teachers in Northumberland, and Durham would be hon- ouring their contract and felt it was their duty to, do so. Teachers across the Pro- vince are bit terly opposed to pending legisiation introduc- ed by Thomas Wells, Miiister of Education which initially would have invalida ted threa- tened resignations in areas where contract disputes exists. Teachers also will be per- mitted to withdraw their resignations up to 30 days after compulsory arbitration resuits in a settiement, Mr. Wells said. He made clear that teach- ers resigning for other rea- sons than "as a bargaining alternative to the right to strike which teachers do flot have," will be able to do so. When approved, the legisi- ation will force compulsory arbi tration in 16 sehools areas if contract disputes are not settled by the new year. Following meetings on Sun- day Mr. Wells has stated that he will not withdraw from his present position. 'The Northumberland and Durham County Secindary teachers instead of withdraw- ing their services on Tuesday, held a protest meeting in, Cobourg on Tuesday evening. The meeting was held in 'the Cobourg Pavilion to which Union leaders, members of the legisiature, board mem- bers and the press were invited. REGlON COU-NCIL TIMIETABLE (Continued from page 1) Later he moved to put the committees on Tuesday .and Thursday. Coun. Garnet Rickard (Newcastle) was most insist- ent Mondays be left clear for area councils to meet. He cautioned too that re- gardless of how busy council was going to be it could not performi efficiently if council- lors spent A their time at mneetings. Couin. Alan Pilkey (Osha- wa) echoed these commnents, while thinking of Oshawa comimittee meetings and council being piled on top of the thiree days a week for regional work. Coun. Keith Ross (Oshawa) said he had the feeling things were being rushed regionally at present, and mistakes had been made. He wanted meet- ings every week to prevent this. RARE BIRD SPOTTED The bird watchers from Port Hope and 'Cobourg lined up over the week-end counting somne-4,794 birds in 56 differ- ent species. The watchers wýere on duty from dawn to dusk. One observer caughit sight of a LtIaaer A MERRY% CHRISTMAS The sounds and scents of Christmas fil the air with joy, and mierriment. -May youir Day be filled with these pleasuires. DURHAM FARMýERS' COUNTY Ve wilI be cosed C0 OPE RATIVE JNONAI i]berl 2.)(11and 2thPHONE 983-5102 ADDITION AT WARIIWORTII Ottawa - Additions to four celi blocks at the Warkworth, Ontario penal institution are to be bujît under a $119,537 contract awarded to Miron- Wiggers Construction Ltd., 0f Trenton Ontario, Public Works Minster J.E. Dube announced today. The contractor td the only teiider iJeé1in response to publie ad'çertlse- ment. Departmental officiais ruled that bis bld met contractual specifications. The new additions are to serve as meeting and lecture rooms. Undertaken at the request of the Canadian Penitentiary Services, a Branch of the Solictor Gener- af's Department,"the work is scheduled for completion in late May 1974. Plans' and specifications were prepared by the Ontario regional office of the federal Departmnent of Public works in Toronto. Project Manager is Charles Bantin of that office. ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, DECEMBER 19tb. 1973 -- POITICAL DECISIONS TO BE MINIMIZED Çoun. Clark Mason (Ajax) a)opes to begin moulding Durham's land division cern- mittee today. The region's planning and development committee chairman told regional coun- cil Wednesday that he wanted nominations fof the eight member land division com- mittee in by today. Applications have also been sent to regional chairman, Walter Beath, in response to newspaper ads. The committee, to De corn- prised of one appointed mem- ber of each of the region's eight municipalities, will ho responsible for considering land severances in the Dur- ham region. Coun. MUason said he wanted the candidates for the eight positions by today as his committee cou.ld prepare a bylaw for next Wednesday's regional cQuncil meeting - te last before 1974. Coun. Ken Lyall (Newcastle objected to the planning commitee making recomm- endations forthe committee, clainiing fila!'area-municip- ali 'ty power was being eroded. (Althoutgh an area mu nicîp- ality may recommend a person as a candidate, other applicants frorn the area will be considered by the planning committee .' Coun. Mason told bis col- league that regional council -makes the final decision and the bylaw could bc altered. Coun. Alex Robe7rtson (Pickering) chided Coun. Lyall's suggestion that the area municipalities,' choices be followed. The reason the planning commiittee was making the recommendation was so the chances of political decisions would be minimized, he said. Ce&t el:::- From the friendly people 219 King St. E.,, Bowmanville PHONE 623-4481 FOR THE BEST MEATS IN IOWN MAPLE LEAF Choice Plump, Canada Grade A TU1IKEYS Eviscerated <Over 2'0 lbs ATTRACTIVELY PR ICED canada Packers or Burns FuIIY Cooked s Smoked Ham hSa. BUTT Skinless PORTION Lb $1".08 Ham Sluces FuIy0OCdlb. $1.29 *, MaleeaMl. 88c.Tsy S ausage Meat Pure Pork lb. 75c Polish Sausage NMale Laef lb. $1.09 Maplle Leaf Bonieless Smnoked 2'1 to 3 lb. avg. Dinner Shoulders lb.$i.45 Geese Roasting Chi-tckens CORNISH'S - ORONO 983-5201 i JM&M V ariety WE WILL BE OPEN FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE ON XMAS DAY Io: 00 a.mn. to 8: 00 p.mn. 7' Decei j: I