Place your order now for KENTUCKY STYLE Chiek-en New Years Eve Party Don't B3e Disappoinited PHONE TODAY ( MOM'S K.ý. T. C. H. E N ORONO MAIN STREIET hope ai-d good spirits, are hligh, we express appreciation for your continued ~,loyalty, and wish y-ou the best of everythinag for Christmas as al1ways. Thank you. Hooper's Jeweller's Ltd. BOWMAMANVILLE, ONTARIO Junior gardeners excel at Christmas 'show The Oroffo Junior Garden- er's really excelled themselv- es at their Christmas Show on Tuesday, December il, not only in the creativeness shown in their entries, but t also in the delightful program ~,they presented. a stever hi entered was indeed difficult. In some classes she gave three extra prizes. In her comment, later, she congratulated the child- ren and gave credit to all for their work and especially Mr. and Mrs. Zegers. Mrs. Miller gave some helpful hints so, children, remember them for fifuture shows. A lovely Christmas atmo- sphere prevailed as members ,~and parents' sat at long, decorated tables, with cand- les, in white birch holders, mnade by Mr. Zegers, the only light. M%,rs. Zegers welcomed Al to the Christmas meeting as we precpare for Christmas and the g;ift of Gods son. AEveryone joined in singing the Christmas carols wýÀhich interspersed the numbers given by the children. Heidi Schmid sanid -I watched three ships corne saili»ng in", after wihich Elza Vogel gave a Chirstmas reading. Martin Boekee read the story of "Joyce's Gif t." Kathy Lycett- 's piano solo was The Christ- mas Sonig". We had two family groups to entertain uis. First Was the "Tate F'amIy". Arnold played a violin solo then, for the second was accomnpanied on the piano by Laura. Ruth and Billy joined themr and sang two numTbers and Arnold played again. Kareni Atkins con.tributed two flute solos , "olly Old st. Nicholas" and "hn-il" Jimimy Vogel1 read "A Real Christma s for Tommiiy" The "Colin fmit" ~'on~with THURS. DECEMBER 294 h ADULT Canada editors and Design- e-rs, Lorraine, Mo(_nk, Allan Fleming and Ernie Herzig (Stunningly\ beautiful photo- graphis) Wilderness Skiing by Lito Tejada-Flores and Allen Steck Biplane by Richard Bach (author of Jonathan Living- ston Seaguil) Paulus by Rollo M\iay (a personal portrait of Paul Tillich) The Fourteenth Point by Joh-n Ball (can there be a "'uriver- This novel explores the poss- ibilities) The White Pavillon by Velda Johnston,(Novel of suspense) JUNIOR Famnous Author-Illustrators for Young Children by Norah Smaridge Birds of Ontario and Quebec by David Hanicock and James Wýoodford A Dream of Ghosts by Frank Bonham The Wonderful World of Horses edited by' Ned E. Hfoopes (fifteen short stories) EASY READING AND PICTURE BOOKS The Un-Terrible Tiger by Miroslav Zaradka The Lazy Bear by Brian Wldsmith Madeleine Hadley Kelly Hall did "The Little Drummer Boy" with Debbie on the drums, Diane at the piano, and Donna Danny and Kelly singing. Daniel Zegers played "Angles we have heard on high" on his mouth- organ. This program showed what a versatile group of children we have attending Junior Cardener's. Mrs. Zegers con- cluded the program with a Christmas reading and wish- ing everyone a Blessed Christ mas and a Happy New Year and said she hoped to see alI the members out to the Ma rch meeting. The prizes were then distri- buted with some being books and other specials, because of the, generosity- of Mrs. T. Fairbrother and Mr. F. Les- age, to whom we offer our gratitude. Due tothe kindness ofsomie of our guests, each child who had exhibited, but did not receive a prize, was given a quarter. For som-e it was the first time they had entered a show so, children, if you did flot win a prize, -keep trying, for experience will help you learn how to win prizes. A lovely treat of cookies, i ce cream and hot chocolate topped with a marshmallow, provided an excellent climax to a very enjoyable evening. Orono Fuel & Lumber Orville Chatterton James Ard Floyd Nicholson Oxford B ricklayers O)RONO WEEKLY TIMES, DECEiMBER 19thi, 1973 - 5 QURSATURDAY NIGHT PARTIES ARE GRE AT F UN THE BEST IN DÂNCE MUSIC CONTINUOUS FROM 9 p.m. toi1 a.m. WIDE SELECTION OF RECORDED HlITS FOR ANY STYLE 0F DANCING INFORMAL - FULLY LICENCED PLENTY 0F FREE PARKING NO MINIMUM New Dutch OvenI 983-5001 for reservations Has your furnace been cleaned and servced YET!! e IF NOT CALI Harvey Partner PH ONEÊ 983-5206 ORONO, ONTARIO Trimmning the tree, lhanging up stockings, exchanging greetings.. surd oments for al of us at th-is festive rime. May we wish you uch mromnents, an)d a hiappy holiday. Hamiltons Insurance Millson's Insurance Orono Electrie Lloyd Taylor Orono Building Contractor NO COVER i