Set area councîillors salaries at $5,OOO0. Councîl salaries were set and some commiittees were formed at a gatherinig of the New Town of Newcastle Counicil held in Darlington Townsbhip Hall at Hlampton 'ednesday. Councillors salaries were set at $5,00 per year and the Mayor's stipend will be $11,000 per year. This will resuit in Area Councillors AUD Wearn, Donald W. Allun and Kirk Entwisle receiving $5,000 per year. Regional representatives Hobbs Lyall and Tink wili receive this $5,000 in addition to their $10,000 Regional Councillor.s' stipend for a total of $15,000. Mayor Garnet Riekard will be paid $11,000 as Mayor of the New Town and $10,000 as a Regional Councillor for a total of $21,000. Salaries paid to the Council members will approximiate the amouint of salaries paict to ail the members of the former Councils of Bowmianville', Dariington, Clarke and New- cýastle. lit commiittee appointments Keith Ormiston and'Lou Hal- lowell were named as Live Stock Valuators. Committee of Adjustmenf- nmembers will be Thomas flEhder, Bowman- ville, Madeleine Williams, N Sewcastle; Wvesley Yeîîow- lees, Murray MKghMauir een Remnington, Orono and Russel! Decoe. Counicil's representatives to the PIarnIýing Board were named. These are couincillors, Allin, Entwisle, Lyail and Wea. ,. Six non-Counicil mein- a forthicoming Meeting of council. Fourteen applications for the position of Town Planner for Newcastle wvere examined by Counicil and it was decided to send the applications on the ý iIliam MICAdarps, Region of Durham Planning Commiss- ioner for review witb the request thiat hie recommend a short list of five applicants for Council interview. The followi'ng Standing Commîrittees weeappoint'ed. Works Committee C.ouncillor, Entwisle, Hobbs and W,ýearn. Social Services Commîrnttee Couincillor, Alflia, Lyallf, and Tink. Finance Committee will be a Comititee of the Whole Counci. MNayor Rickard is an ex off icio miember of al! Commýittees. Discussion was beld con- cerning the Inaugural meet- ing of Council that is to be heid REPORT STATES WVILMOT SATISFACTORY A report bas been received by the township Council of Clarke in which it is stated that water conditions are satisfactory in the Wilmot Creek. The report is a summiation of findings from samples taken in October in the horthern section of the Wimnot along with findings from the Monitoring Station near Hwy No. 2. The report was submnitted to Cuncil by the Ministry follow- ing a requeýt by Coun.cil earlier this year. Boa rd wra re mobile The Clarke Planning Board ,at their last meeting beld oi Tbursday took a last crack at the Council of tbe Township of Clarke over amendment No. 1 to the proposed officiai plan of the townsbip wbich is now before the MiEnistry for their consideration. Amendment No. 1 to the Officiai Plan would include in the Officiai Plan approval for some 2,000 mobile home untis to be constructed by Rice Construction and by Drbamo Rietiremenit fHome Park. The Rice proposail is west of Newcvastle along the lake- shore while the Durham proposed site south- of New- tonville. Tearnendnent bias been passed by COuncil by a majority vote witb Council- lors Chater and Reid along vvith Reeve Woodyard in favour. Deputy-reeve Kirk Entwisle and Couacillor Gary Heykoop wvere inoppostion to the amieadment. The Planning Board agenda coninýcied the information on the amendmnent an.,d a motion wvas moved by Kirk Entwisle thlat Couincil of the Township, of Clarke be adised that the passing of Amendment No. i to amend the proposed Offi- cial Plan of the Township of Clar-ke is considered by ti"s Planning BEoard to be a breacb of public faith. The motion was secondcd by lydL in the Bowmanville High Schooi Auitorium nTbursday, Janu.ary 3rd at 8 p.m. The public is invited to attend the event. Thie December General VIeting of Orono U.C.W. was préceded by a noon pot luck hJnpcbeon beèld in the Main Hall On D)ecembtler 13th. With an attendance of about forty persons, everyoae enjoy\,ed a deliclous imeal The table at the front of the hall was miost impressive with Cbrýýitmas decorations, es- pec-ialy the lighted candies of vary,%ing heights. The meeting openedvwitbý a s'kit when ladies of Unit 2 portrayed eacb) montb of the year. Mrs. A. MeNally acted as tLhe coin- mentator, and Mris. E. Brownl, as pianist, played appropriate tunes for each mnonthly eatry. 'Out wt the oid - in witb the inew-' was .Tnuary's themie as Faither Time (Mr,-s. E. Toucb- humn) wite-bearded and dressed in top bat and tuxedo - wheeled in a carniage tbe littie New Year baby, la the person of MIvrs. J. Forrester. Mrs. Betty Stiason, in white dress witb red bea\rts, came waltzing across tne room briaging a Valentine for February. St. Patrick's Gre- etings were brought by -Mrs. E. Caswell in ber sbamnrock - hedecked dress. t was evid- ent that April is the montb of showers- in observing Mrs. E. White witb ber raincoat and umbrella, and carr.ying a pretty bouquet of dlaffodils and tulip§. ,Mrs. M. Chatterton la regal robes reminded tbat the 24tb of May is the Queen's birth- day. As Mrs. E. Brow,ýn sang -1 Love You Truly-, tbe happy June bride (Miss E. Davidson entered on the arm of ber fatber (IMrs. L. Patterson) foilowýed by bridai attendant (Mrs. H. Morgan) Mrs. McNally portrayed tbe imin- ister. Mrs. C. Taylor iooked very patriotic for Canada 's July 1 birtbday, la ber gown of white with appliqued Maple leaves, and carrying a Canadian Flag. To the tune, "By the Qid Mill Stream," Mrs. E. Raiaiey dressed in old-fasbioaed bath- ing suit and cap, brought much iaugbter as she houneed ber beach hall about. September mreans a retura to scbool, and Mrs. R. Rosseau looked the part of a Propose shopping plaza for Orono V'olme 37, Number 40 $10,040 fire dlestro'ys RECOMMINIENDS SPEED ý,r0nn shop LIMIT FOR IVARIOUS Bowman-ville fire depart- TOWNSHI1P ROADS ment answered their fifth cal The Ministry for the Pro- since Christmnas mnorning, vince bas mnade recomm.-enid- Wednesday, Decemnber 2thj at ations for speed limîts for Tyrone. yarious roads in the Township They extinguishied a fire at of Clarke wbich have corne Wilson Vivian's carpentry dnder study. sbop that virtually demolisb- Recommendations have ai- ed the building. Estimated so been made in regards the damage mnay rua .as high as installation of "Stop Signs" at $10,000. certain intersections in the Paint in the shop caugbt fire Township, t was pointed out wbiie Mr. Vivian, bis son John t1at in somne cases if an (continued page 3) àccident did occur that the township could be held re- spousible for the accident as r C u c t was proposed that a 40 mlie per hour, speed limit be ho m e posted on a, built up portion of tethird uine and along the ery who stated lie did feel that Leskard road north from tbe counicilj bad not considered the Taunton road to tbe seventh opinion of the planning board hne_ in the Rice Construction .It was also recommended proposai. He also saïd the fihat a :30 mrile per hour speed- Board bas spent considerable fimit be posted la the built up timne studying the matter. area of Leskard. E.R. Woodyard and Roy 'The rýecommnendations are Forrester voted against the t be sent on to the new motion witb cha-irman Sid çouncîl of the Town of Lancaster then calledL upon N~ewcastle. the break the dead-lock. The cbairmnan supported the mot- 'considering tbe proposai. R. ion stating hie feit thiat council F'orrester stated altbough be should bave supportêd ithe Way n-ot agree witb thx View of the Board and that the dlecision of councl it was not a board bad spent maay bours Weach of public faith as S (Continued page 3) Mrs. MiIIso'n heoads Or-ono-U.C.W.: group Miii Street over two existing rigbt-aways. Lt is alo proposed that tbey would seek an entrance off HighwayT 115. It was stated tbat tbe new plaza wouid bire some 40 to 50 people. Tbe Board received the proposal and referred it to the new Planning Board for the new Town of Newcastle and recommended that they seek the opinion of tbe Conservat- ion Autbority regarding this developmrent on the designat- ed land wbicb on the Officiai Plan is shown as Environ- mental Protection land. Mr. Armnstrong said there was a need for a plaza in this area and that business was bere if it could be directed away from Bowmanviile and Oshawa. Council inaugural this Thurs The Council of the Ný,ew lTown of Newcastle wili be sworn into office on Thursday evening, January :3rdi at a ceremony held in the auditor- iumn of the Bowmianville H-igh Scbooi. The ceremnonies are to commence at 8:00 p.m. MVembers of the îlew Couneil will incluide M~ayo Garnèt BW Rickard, Couriillors Don AI- lin and Ivan Hobbs of Bow- -manville, Kirk Entwisle and Keaaetb E. Lyall of Newcast- le-Clarke aad Bruce Tfink and Don Wearn of Darlingtoa. The sweariag in ceremoay will be conducted hy bis Honour JudgeJ.C.N. Currelly Greetings will be presenited from the Province by Donald Irvine M.P.P w;îth invocation by Rev. Basil Long and Rev. Boagrd Oppi Sday Father Frank Mibelic. During this programr form- er Reeve E.R. Woodyard of Clarke Township will present the miâtie book wbile the Corporate Seal wiillbe pre- seatedi by the former reeve of Bowmanville, Jamecs Belil. -Fortniýr Yeve ALP Gray of Newcastle will present the gavel and the Mayor's chain will be presented by former councilior Tom Baker of Darlington. Mayor Rnickard will present bis reniarIks along witb the introduction of bis couacil. Tbe program will also include musical selections by the Courtice High School Band, as well as the bands fromn Clarke and Darlington. oses conservation club dlevelopment' The Clarke Townsi-,p Plan- and this propsoed came ning Board is one of its last before council la December recommrendations to Council who recommended that Mun- opposed developmnent of five icipal Planning Consultants chalets and a club homne by prepare a necessary site pl,)an the Clarke Fishing and Con- by-law. The contents of the servation Club Limited. The by-law and site plan were proposai by the Club bas been preseated to the Planjning before the Board and Couacil Board on Tbursday wbea they for a numnber of years witb the recomended that the plan be original proposai beiag for a turaed down by Council when number of years witb the they hold thier last meeting on original proposai being for a December 3lst. total of ten Chalets along the Roy Forrester stated be baaks of the Wiimot Creek in could not see the advent of lot 32 concession 7 south of conservation in the plan witb Leskard. a clubhouse and five chalets The original proposai of tea being built accordîng to a site chalets was approved by plan that glave no details. cnjni l n --7 --Moved hv Rov Forrste.r an .. ..... ... .. Last Thursday eveniag a proposai was presented to the Carke Planning Board , in wbich it was the intent to establisb a new shopping centre for tbe Village and district. The proposed centre would be constructed on property owned by Mr. Wm. Armstrong whicb lies west aiong wy 115 in the north of the Village east of Miii Street. ILt is aiso north of the extened Orono Public School play- grounds. The presentation to, the Board was made by Mr. Harron of Harron Construct- ion of Richmond Hlli and Mr. Wmr. Armstrong of Orono. The proposai included a pl an for some fifteen stores of varying sizes and parking facilities for,290 cars. Entran- ce to the plaza would be from