ORONO U.C.W. CÎHISTMAS 'MEETING (Continued from page 1) Post, Mrs. Wm.' Armstrong Sr. mnarched stately in solc- ier's uniformi complete with mnedals, and sword. Santa Claus was close by, and on hearing the tune. '.naClaus is Coming to vn", camne happily in with a bag of gîfts, fromi whicli eaclh ladly present r'eceived one. After much puzzling - the secret was out - Mrs. B. Cowan was the jolly chap in the red suit. Mlrs. Lycett thanked ai the ladies for thie enjoyable enter- tainmient. With _Mrs. Brown as pianist, everyone joined in singing several Chiristmas carols folow,\ed by prayer by Mrs. UNITEDJ CHURCH Rev. B. E. Long 8,T12, SUNDAY JAýNUARY 6(, 1973 ORONO U'NiTED CURC ChrhSchool - 10.00 a.m. Senio)r Dept. - 9.50 a.m. Wý,orship Service - 11.15 a.m. A nursery service is provided evvery Sunday for the conven- ience of parents w'ith very sniafl children who wish to attend Chuirch. KIR BY UNITED CHURCH Wior-shýip Ser-vice - 9.45 a.m. Cburch Sehiool - 11.00 a.mi. Dial-A-Thioughit - 983-9151e ST. SAVI0OURS ANGLICAN EstabJ.ished 1869 Regular Sumday Worship service - 10:00 a.m. HOly communion- F~irst and Third Sundays morning Prayer- second and Fourth Sundays Hoiy Baptism by appoirjtment %wLithý Rector 987-4745 Rev. Hl. Robert Hlayne, B.A.., L.Thi. (C(NFECTlIONERY NDN GIFTS ~Special1 PHENTEX . * KNITTING * YARNS 15 lcolours -3 pIy< *Skein 57c 0 Hours 7:30 a.m. to 9p. m.* Mrs. O. Chatterton ,on- ducted an "In NMemoriamn" service, in mnemoryv of fthe four 1àdies of Orono Ul.C.W. who g9 had passedaway during the d-year. th B fusiness was conducted. Reports fromn units an-d com- ititees were given. M.'rs. Ly\cett tbanked every- tO one for- t he support given to bhler during hier two'year term as OronoU.C.W. President. She said she had been given l help from all units and it had *been very rewarding in many wans One needs entbusiasmn and a' willing beart. She asked ,e that, the same support be -given tp the new president and ber executive. Mrs. C. Gunter paid tribute to Mrs. Lycett for her l eadership and devotion dur- *ing her term of office. This appreciation was recognized as a corsage was pinned on Mrs. Lycett. A U.C.W. pin and. earings in petit point' was- presenteýd by ber sister, Mrs. W. Irwin (ýalso4a past U.C.W. president) Mrs. Lycett grac- iously thanked everyone for this gift. Rev. Long was present ta *instaîl the 1974 slate of officers. Incoming U.C.W. President Mrs. E. Milîso'n asked for- the *support and harmony of ail Ul.C.W. mnembers and voiced a payer for faith and guidance in the days ahead. To close the meeting, Mrs. Milîson asked Mrs. C. Grant to read the Christimas story from Chapter 2 in the Gospel of Luke. EXECUTIVE FOR 1974 Immediate Past President- Mrs. F.* Lycett President - Mrs. E. Milîson First Vice President - Sec-ond Vice President - Mrs. E. Brown. Recording Secretary - Mlrs. K. Gamnsby Corresponding Secretary - Mrs. G. Carson Treasurer - Mrs. C. Gunter Citizenship and Social Action - Mlrs. A. Loucks and Mrs. F. Vagg Community Friendship an~d Visiting- Mrs. W. Irwin, Mrs. B. Long, and Mrs. O. Chatter- ton Finance - Mrs. C. McLaren Flowers - Mrs. C. Tyrreli Literature and Communicat- ions - Mrs. R. Chapman Me.mberships - Mrs. W. Irwin, Mrs. B. Long, Mrs. O. Chatterton Nomlinations- Mrs. R. Ross- eau Press and Publicity - Mlrs. F. Vagg Program - Mrs. G. Carson Stewardship and Recruiting - Mrs. C. Taylor Supply and Social Assistance -S Mrs. R. Chapman Social Functions - Mrs. H. Mercer, Mrs. R. Rosseau, Mrs. B. Cowan, Mrs. S.S Barrabail, Mrs. J. Reid, andc Mrs. O. Chatterton.a UNIT LEADERS f Unit No. 1 - Mrs. F. Lycett r Unît No. 2 - Mrs. E. Rainey d Unit No. 3 -Mrs. B. ong Unit No. 4 - Mrs. R. Black and Mrs. H. Blaschke f Unit No. 5 - Mrs. C. Biilingsv Unît No. 6 - Mrs, G. Jonah si KNUCKLE WRAPPING BY i PLANNING BOARD i (Continued from page 1) of councîil did legally have the right to pass the amendment. ti Kirk Entwisle statèd that t there shouid he a public- meeting held in regards tht ai Plan for Newtonvi île deveIopment uinvel1 led Mr. M.D. Brown unveiled a proposed development plan for residentiai developmentî~n Newtonville south of No. 2 Hwy. at the recent Clarke Planning Board meeting. The proposai came as a resuit of a number of applications for residential development in the Newtonviile area and a small Commercial area just north of the present Public SchooL., Mr. Brown emphasized that the proposai was only a draft plan and that many changes would have ta be made before it could be accepted as a final guide. Although the plan showed a total development for 380 lots soutb of No. 2 he said it shouid be phased over a period of years. The overali plan would mean an increase in populat- ion of som e 1100 ta 1200 people for the Newtonvilie Commiun- ity. The plan was received and passed on tu the new Planning' BOard for the new Town of Newcastle. Mr. Murray Payne of New- tonville aiso presented a proposed plan of sub-division for an area north of No. 2 Hwy. and east in Newtonville. This plan involved sôme 64 lots whicb as of Thursday of aist week brought the total lots ta be considered in NewtofIvilie ta a total of 444 lots. The plan was also received and passed on to the new planning board. It wýaS reveaied at the meeting that the Council of the Township of Clarke had received a report from their engineers in regards water for the Newtonvîlie commun- ity. The total cost of sucha project ta service the existing haomes and those proposed south of Highway No. 2 amounted ta $728,000.00.' It was proposed that a standpipe be erected xlorth of $10,000 DAMAGE PIRE GUTS TYRON SHop (Con tinued fromi page 1) Randy Pbillips and Rory Gibbs were ail present. Mr. Vivian said a futile attemnpt was made ta put the blaze out with an extinguisher Then they evacuated the sbop witbout injury. John Vivian was singed in the blaze, but remnained on the scene. Invoived in the buggy repair buisness, Mr. Vivian said he lost $3,000 worth of carriages in the fire, as well as parts, tools, equipment and the building îtself. There was no iilsurance. Asked what he intended ta da next he said "start over - It had been a bad Christmas or his department, Bowman- ville, fire chief Jixn Hayman said, with severai major fires inciuding the death of a man in a motel blaze Tuesday east of Oshawa. The Vivian tire was the third major blaze in Tyrone in the past 45 years. Iny change in nmade. At the present time the )roposed Officiai Plan of the rownship of Clarke is nat on 'cord as being officiai. Lt lbas t t received the appraval of e Ministrv. No. 2 in the west of the community and that a well be established in the soutb-east- ern part of the centre. Costs were estimated for the various areas, with Kirk Entwisle pointing out that the propasal had existing proper- ty owners paying more than proposed development. He stated that the cost per lot for existing lots was in the neighbourhood of $-220000 a lot while this figure dropped considerably on a per lot basis for new developmeni. Last Saturday Mr. Douglas Simpson chiairman) of the Orono Public Trustees board received a leter from Reg- ional Chaiirman Walter Beath, that for the time being the Village. mnake arrangements to continue with t he operation of the Orono-water system. The operation of the water systems in the various com- munities in the region as of Janiuary lst become a respon- 3ibility of the regional Council1 It appears that the region is aot equipped at this time ta. take over the operation. In the case of the Orono Water systemi it bas been operatedl under the supervis- ion of Orono H-ydro and will continue as such until the region takes over sometime in 1974. t is possible that the take over may be instituted in at least two phases with collecing of bills being the last item ta leave the muni- cipality. The request by the regional chairman causes no problem as Orono Hydro continues ta aperate as a single identity witb the three present com- missioners, Harvey Partner, , (MONO WEEKLY 'IMW( IN RACE FOR4 WAVDEN -TIIIRD MIAY ENTERà The honor of becoming the(- first warden of the niew Northumberland County is the current goal of two neighbors. Ed Roddy, ree>ve of Haldimand Township, and Delbert MëLaughlin, reeve of the Village of Coiborne, are the two leading declared candidates in the quiet camp- aign for the warden's post which is preseiitly going on among reeves and deputy- reeves wbo now make up the expanded Northumberland County.ý The leaiding "undeclared" candidate is Mrs. Dorothy Brintnell, reeve of the Village of Brighton. Mrs. Brîntnell, attempting to become not only the first Doug Simpson and Roy For- rester. These three commis- sions were appointed by the Province ta carry on the, business of hydro in Oronô. TIMES, JANUARY 2nd, 1973 - 3 Warden of Northumberland Countyý but also' the first wolman tIo hold thcý warclen's titie in this ar-ea, hias flot been available for- commetfupon the reports that she is in the running. This wiIl continue until such time as a resftructurinig of hydro is undertaken. There is no indication at the present time that this will happen in the near future. JACK RI1C AR D i REALTOR I 99 Kiag St., E. BOWMANVILLE When Buying or Seling Cal] WILF HAWKE Your Orlono Area Representative 983-5M7 Member of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board ýW. HoIpYe Sfay Healthy And Happy Whatever you need to keep in'gQ,çod shape . .. medication, grooming aids, vitamin supplements . . . consuit us! STUTT'S PHARO"MmACY PHONE ORON0 983-5009 lb. $1.28 16 oz. pkg. 89C "MIAPLE LEAF" Ail Beef Skinless WIENERS lb. 95c Bologna (by piece) "CANADA PACKERS" lb. .5~8c CORNISH'S - ORONO 983-5201 Orono to continue operating water FOR THE B EST MEATS IN TOWN Value Chieck'd-Branded-Bonelcss RO UND ST EAàK (LEANlb$.5 TENDER) l 15 You Save Twice wvith Trim and Price RUMP R %A TBON EIN) IoSl4 The Cool Weather Favourite BQNELESS STEWING BEEF "BURNS" Mlild seasoned BOLOGNA **BURNS" Triple Pak LUNCH MEAT MMUMBRUMUMM