EKLY TIMES, JANUARY 2nd, 1973 WI tr rn ipORTwith LIP grant The Vincent Massev me- "Hamilton towns ORONO TYKES 8-1 OVER BOWMANVILLE -The Orono Tykes took a decisive 8-1 victory over a visiting Tyke team from Bowmran-ville in an exhibition game on Friday evening. Bd King and Rod Armrstrong both helped the Orono teamn with two. goals each. Randy Tennant, Mlurray Dennis, Jeff Mitchiell and Peter Bolton shared in the remnaining four goals. Derek Hedges, Derek Newman, Bob Hlutton and Don Stevens al were credited wîth assistp ORONO ATHLETIC ATOMS 2-0 OVER ORONO FLYERS- The O0rono AthIletic 'Atoms took a 2-0 victory over the Orono Flyer Atoms on Friday. Jimn Moffat and Duane Major scored the two Athletlic goals wit,îh Neil Rouseau picking up an assist. Danny Mý'itchell scored the shut-out for the Athletics. ORONO PEEWEE FLYERS TAKE GAME BY COMFORT. able edge-Th"Ie Orono PeeWee Flyers took a 7-3 win over their counter part in the village the Orono PeeWee Athletics by a score of 7-3. Patrick Williams netted a hat trick for the night wi th Darreil Zoschke netting two goals The other markers for heFlyers came off the sticks of Bruce McKenzie and Stephen Clark. Stephen, Clark'also enhanced his night with two assists. Ron Taîsma, JoeySeneco and Kevin Hogg also gained assists. The three Athietic goals were shared by Ross Stutt, Ken Evans an-d Danny WVebster. Assists went to Stephien Haynes, Brian Lin-dsay and D'onald ljedges. ORONO P1EFýEWEES D-EFEAT BEWDLEY 4-1-The Orono PeeWÂees in, a Friday night game defeated Bewdley 4-1. Jolhn West scored two of the Orono goals with the others by Marcel Chradand Tomf H1ollinger. Jeff Nicholis came up with a strong gamne picking up two assists. Marcel.Charland added another point to his goal with an assist. ORONO BANTAMS TIE PORT HOPE IN EXHIBITION+ The Oron)to B3antams played to a three-all tie on Friday evening,,ith Port Hlope. Nick Papalazarov was the main key for rono it two goals as weIl -as a single goal by Brett NeweIl. Brett Newvell also enhanced his position with an assist. Gary Claodorp also, was credited with two assists with Scott West picîçing up) an assist. ORONO BANTAMýS TAKE 4-1 VICTORY OVER MIILL+, BROOK-The Orono'Midfgets took a 4-1 victory over Millbrook Saturday in Mlillbrook. The four Orono goals were shared by Mark Charland, John Malda, Paul Yeomnans and Mathew Robinson, The following were credited with assists in the scoring, Charles Quantrili, Bill Hudgins for two and John Malda. ORO1,NO MIDGETS DEFEATED BY GRAFTON- The Orono Midgets were edged by one goal by the Graf ton midgets over the week-end with a final count of 4-3. The three Oronoý goals came off the sticks of Chris Robinson, Jason Lee and John Nanninga. Assisit went to David Brown and Blaine Barnes. ROAST BEEF ATOMS TIE WITH 'BEWDLEY-Sunday afternoon in Bewdley the Orono Atoms and the Bewdley Atoms played to a one-ail tie. The Orono goal was scored by Todd Haynes. Weln teur Rcr e a tio0n in Lindsay district, Snowmnobilers, ski hikers, skaters and tobogganists can find many places to enjoy themselves in the Lindsay Forest District this year. The fîve Provincial Parks, namely Balsamn Lake, Serpent Mounds, Emily, Darlington, and Mark S. Burnham, along with Kendal Recreation Area and thè Durham and Ganar- aska County Forests are al open to anowinobiling. Travel is resticted to internal road systems at aIl parka except Balsamn Lake. The County Forests allow travel along established fireguards, while Kendal Recreation Area bas no restrictions on machine travel. Balsamn Lake Park bas a marked loop trail, 12 miles long, which travels through a very interesting portion of the park. TIo prevent damage to grounds and roads snowmob- iiing is allowed in the above areas only if snow depth is at least 6 inches. )ther outdoor enthusiasts can hike ski hike, snowshoe or just enjoy the scenery at all of' the areas in the district. Darlington, Balsamn Lake and Serpent Mounds Provincial Parks ail have his suitable for tobogganing, Sledding or downhill skiing, although no uphifi tows are lifts are availabie, Northumberland County Forest has a public ski hll with a lift and chalet available. The Minstry will try to inaintain natural ice surfaces at the Kendal Recreation area and at Darlington Provincial Park for outdoor' skating. Local climate will control ice condition. Therefore quality of the ice surfaces cannot be guaranteed. GOOD SKIING CONDITIONS AT OSHAWA CLUB Excellent skiing conditions have existed at the Oshawa Ski Club on week-ends and the crowvd is beginning to increase in size following the holiday seasonl. morial centre, in Bewdley wil probably go ahead as sche- duled despite the fact that the $10,237 LIP grant received was less than a quarter of the funds applied for. 1 The community centre board applied for a grant of $47,880 which would have taken the building to stage three which includes the steel superstructure. Chairman of the board David Gray said today that the balance of this money would have to be raised before mid-January, but he was "Fairly optimistic" that it could be done., Darlington Township coun- cil has approved the final set of drawings for Dariington Sports Centre. Council yesterday approved the drawings and authorized the calling of tenders for the centre. The centre will be located on a 12-acre site just west of M.J. Hobbs Senior Public School in Hampton. The sports centre wili consist of a regulation size arena, with seating for about 900. "What happens now in regards to our arena," asked Deputy Reeve Bruce Tink aftcr council hiad approvýNed the drawings. He questioned how the new Town of New- castle of which Darlington becomes a part on January 1, would proceed with plans for the centre. "I don't know what the procedure will be," said Reeve Garnet Rickard, may- Ïor-elect for Newcastle. "We will just have to wait and 3ee." Darlington residents now use the Bowmanville arena the sports centre will provide the township witn its first arena. The cost of the arena, as yet unfinalized until the tenders are opened, could possibly be shared by Darlington's new partniers in the new Town of Newcastle, or it could be cost rated back to the residents of what is now Darlington. FIRE LEAVES COUNCIL IN UNUSUAL SITUATION A Tyrone fire has lef t Darlington Township council facing an unusual situation. Wilson Vîvian's carpentry shop was destroyed by fire Wednesday. Vivian asked Darlington council if he could build another shop on the same site - and council didn't know. The shop is in an area zoned as residential and was being used for non-residential pur- poses - a non-conforming use aliowed because the building was there before the by-iaw was passed. But now the residential zoning is here and the building is not. "The by-law doesn't refer to what happens if a non-con- forming building is lost by fire," said Clerk Walter Rundie. "This is a matter for legal interpretation." Mr. Vivian toid council that what he wantedLto know was Park board lets. Iencing contracts iship is in- vestigating the possibiiity of giving us some short term boans and we hope to get some promisory notes", he said. "If we couid get another $80,000 the project would be well over haif way and than we could qualify for a $30,O0 community centre grants." Mr. Gray said that com- munity centre grant would only be awarded after- the money had- been spent.L "They like to see something up before they give out the money", he added. Mr. Gray said he was no longer worried about the steel price increase which would Darlington arena plans approved IV. Beath, Chairman Oxford BRICKLAYERS STONEMASONS WILLIE J. SCHMAHL Phone 983-5606 Speciaiizing. in alil kinds of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES We also do chimney Repairs The Orono Memoria. Com- munity Park Board at a recent meeting accepted ten- ders for certain wqrks to he carried out at the park this have'raised the cost of the steel superstructure by $5,000. The steel price was due to have gone up on December, 15th but Mr. Gray said he had contacted another steel cont- rator whose prices were not going up until February .lSth., could he build another shop and did he have to use other materials than that which were in the building that fire gutted Wednesday - basically wood. Council decided to get a legal interpretation and in- form Mr. Vivian of that interpretation "as soon as possible."I coming spring. The Board took the action as they had monies lef t over at-the end of the year due chiefiy to the slae of land to the Senior Citizens group. The contracts include c-ý plete fencing 'of the tii court and extension to the fencing of the bail diamond. Work is also to be completed with work on the diamond itself. Bob 1Yeoucanî Plumbing and Heating 24 Hour Service New InstalIatious Alterations -Bepairs Specializing la Hot Water Heating Forced Air Heating Septic Tank Work RR 1, Orono 983-.3624 ENJOY THE BEST Macs, Golden Deliclous and Spy Bosc Pea rs Ice Cream end F R ED'S FRUIT MARKET HIGHWAY 11.5 SOUTH 0F ORONO Rc%egiounal Municipality I of Durha m PUBLIC NOTICE AUl concerned residents of the Regional Municipality of Durham are hereby advised that on and after 1 January, 1974, ail applications and enquiries with respect to the provision of Social Assistance benefits, shouid be directed to one of the offices listed hereunder: Area Municipalities of the Town- ships of Brock, Scugog, Uxbridge and the Town of Whitby. Area Municipalities of the Town of Ajax and the Town of Pickering. Area Municipality of the Town of Newcastle and the City of Oshawa. Depnrtment of Social Services, 105 Coîborne Street, East, Whitby, Ontario. Telephone: 416-668-5803. Departmient of Social Services, 22, Sherwood Ave., West, Pickering, On tario. Telephone: 416-942-2930 or 416-839-5433. I)epartment of Social Services, Oshawa Civic Administration Build- ing, 50 Centre Street, Oshawa. Telephone: 416-579-0622. W.D. Johns, Commissioner of Social Services 6-ORONO WEI Social Assistance benefits generally include, but are not limlted to, any benefits which may be availabie to residents under the provisions of the following Acta of the Province of Ontario- The Generai Welfare Assistance Act, Homeniakers and Nursing Services Act, Day Nurseries Act, Homes for the Aged and Rest Homes Act and Fainily Counselling Services. REGIONAL MUNICIPALITYOF DURHAM Ce. Ill