4-ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, JANUARY th, 1974 Ministry announces nursing home rates The Ministry of Health announced recently that Nur- sing Home operators are being advised of approved rate increases effective Jan- uary lst, 1974. The need for the increase is related to the new minimum wage rates, effective January 1, and to other increased operating costs. The per diem rates paid to Nursing Homes become $15.00 from the present $13.50 and for homes for special care intermediate care residents it becomnes $13.00 from the present $11.75. The Ontario Health Insur- ance Plan will cover $1.00 of the $1.50 increase in nursing home rates. and the eligible WHY PAY MORE?- SAVE!!$ On Premium Quality <e8 FUEL OIL STOVE OIL PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE CALI. resident over 16 years of ag will be responsible for thq additîonal 50cý per day. Foi children under 16 years o age, OHIP pays the entiri $15.00 per day rate. In addition, semi-privatg accommodation rates mn' increase up to 25e per day foi an allowable maximum limi of $3.50 per day. Privat accommodation increases ar permitted up to 50e per da, mnaking the maximum alloxw able limit $7.00 from thq present $6:'50 per day. KENDAL NEWS- The roads have been opei 50 that people have been ablf to attend aîl the New Yeai activities such as the mnau gural ceremony of the iiev council held ini Bowmanvilli Efigh School on January 3rd We aire sorry to report tha Mr. Mark Wagar broke his lei on New Year's night as thi result of a skî-doo acciden and is in Oshawa Memoria Hospital. Mr. Morris Bradley took thi Sunday Services on the New tonville charge and did ex ceedingly well. He choose as the scripturq readîng the twelfth chapter o Daniel. He said some of thi w.onders of God's great pli were being revenled to man Next Sunday Mr. Ralph Hili YSFASHfIONý I ,NG CENTRE Main Sta'eet t t j 505 0110! Phone 9"3» JANUARY- SALE COATS DRESSES PANT SUITS UPTO V0 O F F 1I te )r e 7e ýy )r t te [y - le w le 1.1 g le t al te 3f te Up and clown the--bookstacks THUIRSfeY JANUARY 1th, 1974 ADULT Australin by Hammond Innes Air Command by Air-Vice- Marshall Raymond Collishaw (a fighter pilots story) Practical Yoga by Masahiro Oki Ten Lost Yenrs 1929 - 1939 by Barry Broadfoot (memories of Canadians who survived the Depression) Death and the Dutiful Dnugh- ter by Anne Morice (crime Novel) Timne Enough, for Love by Robert Heinlein (science fict- ion) JUNIOR Energy in the World of the Future by Hal Hellman (how we will create energy as our fossil fuels are depleted) A Book About Pandas by Ruth Belov Gross The Phaedra Complex by Jeanette Eyerly The Great Dane Thor by Walter Farley EASY READING & PICTURE BOOKS The Painted Bird- by Max Velthuijs Babar Visits Another Planet' by Laurent de Brunhoff MADELEINE, HADLEY Ln' id Enniskillen who is a student ~or the ministry will take the, s ervices. Be sure to attend and encourage these young - mnen, a different one eaehI Sunday. Mr. Brndley said thist was an opportumity for thoseî who could lead to cornet forward and take a service. In Africa there were sevený young men going out from the one church of their village each Sunday to tell others in, neighbouring communities. Congratulations to Linda Grëenwood and Don Evans of Uxbridge who were married ini Toronto on December 22nid. The happy couple plan to live n Toronto. The United Church Wmen met at the home of Mrs. H. Foster on Fridny afternoon Jan. 4 with nine ladies present. 1Mrs. A. Downes our presid- ent opened the meeting with a prayer for guidance in the New Year and the hymn, "Standing at the portai 0f the Opening Year." 1The scripture rending was the parable of the mustard seed from Luike 13. The nominating committee brought in their report stating they felt no advantage would be gained by changing Our' officers around. Moved by Mrs. H. Poster seconded by Mrs. r. elliott that the. samne officers be re-instated for 1974. Carried. On Jan. 21 a workship will be held in Tyrone. Moved by Mrs. G. Cathcart sec. by Mrs. H-. Poster that we give $50. 00 each to two separte live-love projects. These are Sto be chosen before the next meeting. Carried. Ten dollars was given to the bursary fund fo r students and Sfive dollars for Presbyterinl Iexpenses. The minutes were read. The offering was $9,70. Eight Imembers paîd their dues. Mrs. H. Poster provided a delicious lunch. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. R. Elliott. PARTIAL AGREEMENT WITH BOARD At the last meeting of Council of Clarke Township the council accepted a portion of a recommendation from the Clarke Planning Board pertaining to an amnendmnent 01 a by-Iaw to rezone for the Clarke Fish and Conservation Club a parcel of land fromn Agriculture to open space. The rezoning was to allow the Clarke Fish and Conser- vation Club to construct a Club House and five chalets along the Wilmot Creek north of the seventh line. The Planning Board had stated that the site plan was flot adequate to which council did agree. The Board also recommended the council repeal the original by-lawý. This original bylaw if it had received 0MB approval would have allowed the plac- ing of ten chalets along the Wilmot. Clarke council referred the Board's recommendation to repeal the by-law to the new Council of the Town of Newcastle. The hoarder hazard Motorists. who, store extra ,asoline in their cars are courting a fiery accident, states the, Ontario Safety League. It's like playing with ,ynamite! This summer, two snfety experts in Winnipeg placed a safety can full of .gasoline in the truck of a car. Lýeving the engine running, they stood at a safe distance and waited. Within 20 minutes the entire back end of the car exploded. The safety can is designed to breathe and as the trunk became warmer the gaÉ generated enough pressure to force vapors out past the cap. These soon reached explosive proportions which needed on- ly some ignition source such as a short in the electrical systemn or a defect in the tail light circuit for detonation. ' Granted, with wïnter temp- eratures, car trunks will not heat up at the rate of, the Winnipeg- experiment. Nor will there be such a rapid build-up of vapors.,1However, a ruptured gas container in the trunk could turn even a minor collision into the most serîous conflagration.' With the current fuel crisis, don't try to "best those hoarders" by. stockpîling gas in your vehicle or at home. More frequent refueling is the solution. This added warning fi Canadians travelling south of the border: it is against the law in a number of States to carry spare cans of gasoline in your car. p ~ F-1REE!O 6 95l Tord Starter From niow unitil Novemiber 30 'y-ou matically when the safety handie is cau get a free electric starter on any released. And' there's two-stage ac- Toro two-stage sniowthirower. A -tion which lets the larger models nice featuire to have on those suib- hui- up to a ton of snow a minute! zero miornings whený you discover a Cash in on our $69.95* savings and foot of fresh snow on your driveway. discover the difference Toro enigi- In addition to electric starting, nieering can make. there's the Toro "saifety grip systern" Visit youïr Tor-o Dealer soon. Youi which shuts the machine off auto- can find him in the Yellow Pages. H1aven't you dloniewithout a Toro long eniough? *.NManufacturer's suggested retail price for Fair Trade States onily. Romlph HrPare ORONO, ONTARIO PHO>R 983-5207 KITCHEN IKENTUCKY STYLE CHICKEN CHARCOAL HAMBURGER FISHANDCHIPS i SCHRIMPS AND CHIPS ASKFOR PARTY I SPECIALS MAIN STREET ORONO Phone*983-5310- FOR FAST TAKE OUT SERVICES Park your car and travel MOTOR COACH TRENTWAy TOURS LTD 10 Florida, Californiai, Mexico FOR DETAILS CONTACT TRENTWAY TOURS LTD. P.O. BOX 772 PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO PHONE TOLL FREE 1-80461-i6l5 INO