-UNITED CHURCH 1c0 Church Scboo Senior Dept. Worship Servi4 The Annuai ME Orono Congres beld on Tuesi 22nd at 7 p.m. Il the Congregatio a family and ma group parti A nursery servi, every Sunday ft lence of pareni small children, attend C KIRBY UNITI Worship Servic Church Schoo Dial-A-Thoug 'ST. SAIV ANGLIl Establishe Regular Sund IService -1 B oly Commun First and Thii Morning Praye Second and j Sunda Holy Bapi appoinitment V 987-47 Rev. ILRobE 3IAC REALI 99 King 1 BOWMAN' Wen Buying JWILF Hi FIVE DIE (Continued from page 1) Ir0no Pastoral was taken to Bowmanvillè Charge Memorial Hospital suffering multiple injuries to tbe chest and face. He was described tc, Minister be in satisfactory condition. It is believed tbat the ,ev. B. E. Long HeYkoop'car backed out onto B.Th. the Higbway infront of tne il 10: 00 a. m. bouth bound Brown car and L9:50 a.m. was bit full broadside. The celIl: 15a.m. impact drove tbe side of the eeting for the car well into the interior ation will be where ail the victims were rlay, Januar3' trapped. It is -hoped that Mr. Brown following the n wiIl corne as accident went to Noone's Res- ake it a time of taurant where hie knocked on icipation. the door of tbe restaurant to ce is provided which Mr. Noone answered or the conven- being awakened by the bark- ts, with very ing of the dog. Mr. Brown 1Who wish to asked for belpi stating there 'hurch. was a serious accident. ED CHURCH Wincbes were required to ce -9:45a.m. gain entrance into tbe car to A 9l:45n a.m. release tbe victims., I 1100 .m. Mr. and Mrs. Heykoop and their children' were to meet glht 983-9151 Mr. and Mrs. Hoerst Hoensch in Orono who were also IO RS raking thetrp ote ICAN Mr. and Mrs. Hoensch wee d 1869 waiting for tbe family in [ay Worship Orono and only learned of the 10:00 a.m. disaster when tbey cbecked don- witb tbe fire department erd udy whicb had been called to tbe 1 Fourth scene of the accident. ays Mr. and Mrs. Heykoop bave ismi by owned and operated the 745 eco Coach and Four Restaurant ert llaynEý, for a period of some six years., .Th. Mr. Heykoop was a mnember of tbe council of Clarke during mgevmmvmm the.year 1973, was a member of tbe Orono Masonic Lodge, K tbe Orono Chamber of Comn- merce and a director of the ~ ~ Great Pine Ridge Tourist Association: The fam ily is at tbe. TOR Nor-thcutt-Elliott uea St., E. Hlome in Bowmanville. Tbe iVILLE funeral service will bie held Wednesday,- to-day, at 1.00, p.m. at the Maranatha Re- or Selling formed Church, Bowman- ville. Interment in the Co- bourg Union Cemetery. ýAWKE SCHOÔOAR Vour Oroiio Aiea Representative 983-5274 Memiber of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board Bob Yeomans Plumbing and Heating 24 Hlour Service New Installations Alteratioes -Repairs Specializing ln Hot Water Hleating Forced Air Heating Septic Tank Work RR 1, Orono 983-5624 Oxford BRICKLAYERS STONEIMASONS WILLIE J. SCHMAHL Phone 983-5606 Specializing in aIl kinds of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES We also do chimney Repairs (Continued from page 1) the- Peterborougb Board ot Education as tbe area whicb he represents bas been joined witb the Peterborougb area. HERE'S TUE LOWDOWN ON NEW POLICE FORCE <Fromi Page 1) Village of Newcastle bave h)ad no chi.nge. In those areas under tbe regional Police Force ail calîs mnust go through the regional office in Oshawa but there is no delay in the service caused by tbis procedure. .Ac tually, tbe caîl is put into headquarters, the message taken down, and relayed mmediately to the division in question. Calis can be made to the local divisions by first telepboning headquarters. The switchboard operator just dials the extension giving tbe division and - bingo! - You can talk to tbe local officer in charge. One thing, however.' You can't telepbone . your local nearby police station directly It must go througb headquar- ters. CLOSE DOWN' Another tbing, The Bow- manville, Ajax and Uxbridge police stations close down at1 night. The other four stations1 which will be manned, Osba- wa, Whitby, Pickering and Cannington wili remaîn ac- cessible, except Cannington will be taken over by tbe Four cars in single accident Blowing snow, from a drift bit by a snowplow contributed to a four car accident at Taunton Rd. and the new Scugog Rd. early Friday morning in wihich five persons were injured. Newcastle OPP said today a car driven by Thomas Shau- ghnessy, -of 234 Bennett St, Peterborough, was east bound ron Taunton Rd., at 7:45 a.m. bebind a snowplow wben Sbaughnessy's vision was ob- scured by blowing snow. e The car apparently' drifted into the eastbound lane and collided head on witb a car odriven by Gary Bentley R.R.3 :àBowmanville. The Bentley ricar rolled on its side and was struck by another car driven by Hughie Little of R.R. 1 Hampton. Police said Shaughnessy's car slid back into the west bound lane and was struck fromn behind by a car driven by Larry Weatherilt of R.R.1 Betbany. Sbaughnessy, Bentley and Little were taken, to Bowman- ville Hospital along with two passengers, fromn Shaugbnes- sy's car, Sidney York of R.R. 3 Omemee and David Brown of R.R. 2 Peterborough. DISCOVER WINTER CAN BE FUN TOO _Large crowds are expected to be out at the Enniskillen Conservation Area this week- Send to take part in a winter program opçrated by the Centrpl Lake Ontario Conser- vation Authority. Dave Smitb, conservatior services supervisor. reportedI more than 500 people turned out last weekend for cross country skiing, skating and 1tobagganning. 0f these 400 were there on Sunday includ- ing 65 members of the Pine Ridge Ski Club. 1The cross country skiing is the most popular activity according to Mr. Smith, with tobagging and skating being close runners-up. There bas also been some novice down- hill skiing be said. "Everybody thought it was great", said Mr. Smith. "The only problem was not enougb parking, but we will plow out a larger lot this weekend. The winter program, the first of its kind offered by CLOCA began after the first snowfall in late December. The Ennîskillen Conserva- tion Area is reached by travelling east on Taunton Rd., fromp Oshawa and follow- ing the skating bird signs._ Ontario Provincial Police during tbe dark bours. There's solace, bowever, for those residents wbere the three stations will be closed. A' direct telepbone will be plac- ed otjtside tbe stations for use at night. Depending on studies wbicb still bave to be carried out, some of tbe seven stations will be phased out completely in tbe future. FRAUD SQUAD Det. -John Kay bas been gîven responsibiîity for fraud investigation throughout thE region and a four-man idený tif ication squad, again for tbe region, has been establisbed. Tbere are il uniformed personnel stationed at Bow- manville, 80 at Osh awa, 25 at Whitby, il at Ajax, 24 at Pickering, and six at Uxbrid-. ge. This excludes admoinsitra- tive personnnel and detect- ives of wbich there are 53.- <)RONO WEFKLY TýIMES, .ANUARY'l6th. 197:1 -3 ca.c~t Cacade hot water. And nothing else. There's no flame, no noise, no flue, no fumes, no dirt, no smelIl with t he Cascade wvater. heater - beca use it's electric. Cascadegives you lots and lots of hot water so efficiently you hardly know it's there.' If hot water is ever a problem in you-rfamily, ask about, the economical Cascade electric water heater. your .hydroQ FOR TH E BEST MEATS IN TOWN Teder .Iuicy - Young Ontario for Roasting LOIN "OTO K Tenderl'oin Portion 1 b . 9 5C. It's the Flavour that Counts LOIN PORK CHOPS (TENDER JUICY) l 1b. $1.28 Tender Meaty Country Style PORK RIBS Burns'Boneless DINNER SHOULDER Smoked Lucas and ARthur Brand SKINLESS Wieners 2 lbs. $1.58 Lucas and Arthur Brand Bologna l.79c. lb. 99e.' lb. $1.45 1 Lucas and Atbur Brand (bY the piece) SBrawn lb. 79e Super Value - Mild Cured RINDLESS Bacon lb. $1.09 FREEZER FILLE R SPECIALS- Branded BEEF CHUCK lb. 97c. 65 to 75 lb. average Contains BLADE STEAKS, SHIORT RIE ROASTS, BLADE ROASTS, GROUND BEEF. Ail bone anid fat included la weight Chicken Leg or Breast Portion 5 lb.- $3.95 Fresh Cut - Family Pak - Backs Oîn GOODJi SIZF, SUNKIST> ORANGES' NAVEL doz. 69e. CORNISH'S- ORONO 983-5201 Sq K, \jY) w >1 1