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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Jan 1974, p. 5

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Hope twp. delays a ma Igarmation decision Hope township council con- tinues to delay discussion of" the future of the township in a structured counity of Nort- Y..4mnberland. At a recent meeting Coun- ciller Gray presented his idea for restructuring the central part of Northumherland into a ene-tier government and let,- ting the eastern part go to Hastings and the northern part to Peterborough counity. lis resolution was not seconded and was tabled for discussion at the next meeting Mr. Gray suggested that Hope council should support the principle of "Local" municipal restructuring la Northumberland county for implementation in Jaauary, 1974. "The Corporation type of munficipality with ward re- presentation, based on popul- ation and geography, consist- ing of the townships of Hope, Hamilton, Alnwick, Haldim- aad and Cramahe;ý the village of Coîborne and tlhe towns of Port Hope and Cobourg", Mr Gray's resolution said. He added that the village of Brighton and the townships of Chatterton Electrie ORONO, ONTARIO Phen1e 983-5546 Durham County Sa les Arena ORONO, ONT. LIVESTOCK SALE Every Thursday Eveainig 7:3)p.m. SHIEEP-CATTLE HIOGS- HORSES BUSINESS (983-9363 HOME: 623-4685 BILL MOSLEY Murray and Brighton shouid consider inclusion in the couty 1of Hastings and the town,,ships of Percy and Sey- moeur, the village of Hastings and the town of Campbellford should censider inclusion in Pelterborough county. Counceillor Gray suggested that a possible namne for the single tier muniiL.ality could be Northumberland and that ward representation could be based on previous "local municipal bouhdaires (one representative per 3000 pop-, ulation). Deputy-reeve Weston Ban- ister commented, "The one big stickler with amalgamat- ion is representatien. You can't let the towns have equal representation. "Lt means the end of Hope Township", Reeve Howard Quantrill lamented. "There will be no more Port Hope or Cobourg either," councillor Gray stated, "Se, what are we hanging onto? An image? People den't care as long as they get geod servic- ing." Deputy-reeve Banister oh- jected te councillor Gray's Iproposai because the reeve 's Icommitttee of couaties coun- 1cil is now committed te h iriternal restructuriag of Northumberland, and Mr. Gray's proposai was for an entireiy new municipality. Dr., Charlotte Horner Med- ical Officer of Healtb for Haliburton,, Kawartba, Pine Ridge Health, Unit retired recently and will now spent her time on her 400 acre farm niortb of Cobourg where she Macs, Golden Delicious ...... and -py Bosc Pears Ice Cream and F RED'SFRUIT'MARKET KENDAL Plenty of snow and brigbt suashine made ideal condit- ions for skiers and snow-mob- ibles the past week end la tbe Kendal area. Mr. Ralpb His of Enaiskil- len, a second year divinity student at Queen's University took tbe service in Keadal churcb, on Sunday merning. Hte chose as bis scripture reading St. Mattbew 18 begin- ning te read at verse 21. We need the teacbing of Jesus on "Forgiviag" wben we meet new situations and aew pro- blems. >Next Sunday meorning Jan- uary 2tb Mr. Marvin Colvin of Orono will be the speaker. After the morniag service there will be a pot luck dinner in the Sunday School reom al the families are invited. Feliewing this the annual meeting will be held. A tragic moter accident teck place very early Sunday merning at perbaps 4:30 a.n,. when Mr. and Mrs. Gerritt Heykoop and their tbree children Rebert 16, Diane 14 and Yvette 9 were bit and t is thought that they were backing eut of their driveway wben a car driven by Lavera Brown 26 of Pontypool struck tbemn. Lavern is in Bowman- ville Hospital in fair condition Mr. Heykoop was the mana- ger of the Coach and Four and the family were'starting eut for the airport and a holiday la Nassau, Babamna, sls. Mr. Heykoop was a councillor on the Clarke council last year. Supports exams in high school *According te a repert by trustees Dr. Ian Wilson of the Northumbe ilaad and Durham C.euaty Board of Education the majerity of twelve Uni- versity students who had attended the Cobourg Higb ,Schools and who attended a special meeting called te obtain their views in regards education in the area, sup- ported tbe idea that High Scheols should return to final exams frem grades aine te thirteen. The meeting held la Cobeurg was attended by Principals, trustees and staffs as weil as the twelve graduat- iag sutdaets. Studeats stated Mr. Wilson were concerned ever the fact that'tbey were, not prepared for 'exams and essays at the, University level of education, due te the fact, that they did neot have te write exams in High Scheol. Some weigbt should be given te, the students views stated Dr. Wlson. Lt is unlikely'that any change will be made by the Board as director Frank Thom stated that _it was doubtful that the Board bad the ýauthority te take such action. The director aise noted that two of the students attending the meeting were chilly te the idea of writing grade thirteen final exams. opera tes a Hereford herd of cattie. Dr. Horner bas been with the local health unit for a period of 28 years aad was the first womian medical officer of healtb in the Province of Ontario. Dr. Horner was bornanad education la Toronto jeining the Northumberland and Durham HNealth Unit in 1945 following ber service with the armed for ces. La 1945 she was appeinted assistant Medical Officer and worked la the Northumberland County. La 1952 she was appoiated Med- îcal Officer of the twia ceunty Health Unit and in 1969 took on the duties of the extended area iacluding Haliburton, Kawarthia and the Pine Ridge area. At this time the resi- dents of the enlarge4J area numibered13,0 D)r. Horner's reýplacement bas yýe tote be anned. Kirby News Kirby Community and sur- rounding area were shecked te hear of the tragic accident at 4:30 am. Sunday mnorning that claimed the lives of Mr. Gerry Heykeop, his wife Betty and cbildrea, Robert, Diane and Yvette. They were cern- ing eut of their driveway at the Coach and Four on te 115 Highway when tbey were struck broadside by Laverne Brown of Pontypeol. The family were leaving te go the Airpert for a holiday in the Bahamas. Ou r sympatby gees te their relatives. His mother lives la Cobourg. The first U.C.W meeting fer the year was beld la the Sunday Scbeel reemn witb eleven preseat. The president Grace Reid opeaed the meet- ing witb a cail te worsbip Hyma 378 was suag witb Mrs. H. Lowery at tbe piano. The minutes and roll caîl was taken, followed by a short business session. Marion Mc- Keivey was la charge of the devotional. Hyma 388 was sung followed by prayer. Marion read an article on Stewardship foilowed by a reading on the Histery of Nellie McLung a cousin of the late Mr. Carscadden ofKea- dal. Nellie McLuag was instrumental la gettiag the vote for women la the Prairie Provinces in 1916, the first, te grant wemen full pelitîcal equality. A popular and dyn- amic public speaker, ber slogan was "Neyer retract, neyer explain, neyer apolog- ize - get the thing done and let them hewl). The Post Office recentiy_ issued an_ 8-cent stamp te mark the lOtb anniversary of ber birtb. Arrangements were made for the pot luck supper and annual meeting on Jaauary l15tb at 6,p.m. Hlyma 571 was suag and the meeting clesed with the Mispak Benediction. A lovely lunch was served by Barb Cochrane and, Nita Ransberry. Tbe ladies bave been husy quiltiag again at the church. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris visited there daugh. (>IONO WEEKLY Region now pays The switch-over ifrom couen- ty and local municipal pay ter Joyce and Deug Hird at Whitby on Sunday afternooii. Joyce and Deug are geing te Cuba in February for a holiday. Miss Sharon Lowery, Pet- erborough, spent the weekend it home, Miss Karen Lowery, Toronto aise spent Sunday at home. There is te be a Euchre party at the school this Saturday evening at 8 p.m. Many are enjoying the Vol- leyball on Wednesday even- ings. TIMIES, JANUARY l6th - .3 cheques te Durham region pay cheques went off with only a few hitches, Durhamn finance committée learned Thursday. It was part oie reports by finance commis- sioner Jack Gartley, and a committee discussion centred around the question of interim levies and budget werries. .Few conclusions were rea- ched. The region's borrowîng by- law allows $3 million, of which $2.6 million has been in vested. Almost $127,000 has been spent, mainly on salaries. 0f the provincial start-up grants of $110,000 only $20,00 bas been spent, but council bas authorized renovations te the county building and pur- chase of furniture that should gobble up much of the rest. W. HoIp You Stay Healthy, And Happy.' Whatever you neéd to keep in good shape ... medication, grooming aids, vitamin supplemients. consuit us! STUTT's PHARMACY PONE ORONO 983-5009 DX SERVICE STATION Highway 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle Featuring: Premium Quality Product-qý r-i At the Most Reasonable - "Stove 011 & Diesel 011 Available in:any quantlty Phone 987-4215 Dr. Horner retires from health unit BOYS' SHOES Clealriag ail Of Our stock, of boys' leather shoes in sizes 8 te 3. Mostly oxfords with maoccasin vamp, in black and brown. Don't miss this opportuaiity te save. Since leather has gene up s0 much in price, these are a bargain at $2.98 per pair. $>2.98 per pair AR M ST RO0N GlS

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