Durham from name The two words "and Dur- ham, ' in the title Northum- N ev berland and Durham County Board of Education becamne the first bone of contention SCi between the provincial govern ment and that board at the Newcast] inaugural meeting of the tentative board, Thursday night. meetings As far back as Oct. il the basis.te issue surfaced, when after b as considering the changes in the Ibeinit educational boundaries that bei wôuîd accompanied the transition to Monday oi regionalism, the board sent a !1odyo request to Thomas Wells, make arrai minister of education, that the bursing su( board wished to retain the But wit]. "and Durham" part of its anyway" à corporate title. name, voie At that time the board noted Walker, thý that under the termas of Bill square off1 162, establisbing the Durham governmer region, it would "have juris- its name. diction over all of Northuim- berland County, and the new Municipality of Newcastle, which lies entirely, within the region of Durham", said the letter. Accordingly the board felt that the Durham County haif of the title should be retained, even though that county ceases to exist as such under regional realignment. As well, Mr. Wells wrote in reply to the requeýt that the o)Id corporate name would be '"inappropriate in lî gbt of the possible confusion with the board of education for the Regional Municîpality of Durham. But in spite of the obvious oppostion to the move by the board to retain its old corporate titie, it passed a resolution "that the name of the board continue to be the Nortb-umiberlanid and Durham County Board of Education. Then, as if takinig the first step toward a confrontation, ,bth board agreed to forward the proposed name te the. mninistry of education for registration. As if anticipating the extent of opposition to the move from the ministry, Trustee G. Blyth brought to the fore the argument that it would' be "idiotic" to change alI the letterheads, signs, cheques, and other stationery until the Whal name of Durham County has been settled. Frorr Questioned about the wil lb amount of money involved in the ai the change of letterhead if the If YOU. boardechanged its name, W.F. perio, Thom, director of education that tI for the board said "it would be mocreý quite a large suin of money". been "Because we anticipated you \A rising costs in stationery, payrri we're beavily stocked with in w1h letterheads," he said. In futi Little or fi) mention was furthe made at the meeting of the living fact that in bis lettei' te the board, Mr. Wells said "We Wa would appreciate knowing the Wa costs associated witb the As a name change so that we might a bas same TOP HOLSTEIN deper ) Continued from page 1) death President James Coveney In ord states that both the Federal Cana( and Provincial Ministers of the cc Agriculture have been asked maint, te corne. The club, wbich is Or eVE planning the day, bas also invited the local MP and the To ac MPP Representatives of the ceilin( Record of Performance Div- and 0 ision, Canada Agriculture, SO the< will present production certif- earnir icates, and the Hoîstein-Frie.. raisec sian Association of* Canada $7,40ý -will give a plaque. A., This r a> 'ZOROýNO )WEEKLY TIME", JANUARY 23rd, 1974' Refuse to drop I this means to you as a beneficiary n January lst 1974, Canada Pension Plan benefit paymrents be adjusted to reach ... then maintain a level in line with ctual cost of living. uare receiving monthly benefits that began during the id 1967 to 1973, your benefits have been recalculated s0 he amount you receive in 1974 is related to the actual ase in the cost of living over the years your benefits have Spaid. When you receive your January 1974 benefit cheque, vili see that it has been increased. The increase in your Tient will vary from 8%/oto, 20%/ and will depend on the year hich your benefit first became payable. ure years, if living costs continue to rise, you can expect ir increases in your benefits based on current cost of gdata. ithis means to you as a contributor contributor to the Canada Pension Plan, you are building sic and portable retirement plan for the future arnd at the etime providing current protection for yourself and your ,ndents against the possibility of severe disability or early h. der to protect the value of your eventual benefits, the dian Parliament has passed legislation which ensures that 2ntributions you make today will give benefits that ain the purchasing power of today's wages twenty, thirty in fifty years from now . .. when you need it! chieve this, the Government plans to have the earnings g - the maximum amount on which contributions are paid on which benefits are calculated'- irtcreased each year it it will reach, and then keep even with the average igs of Canadian industrial workers. This ceiling wiIl be 1 from $5,600.00 in 1973, to $6,600.00 irn 1974 and 0O.00 in 1975. niew earnings ceiling mEpans that the yaar's basic exemp- - the initial amount on which you do not pay contributions changecl from $600.00 in 1973 to, $700.00 for 1974. fvcastle edlule tle council bas set a schedule for its which are to be on a twice monthly been decided thact in February, count- meet on the first )feach m6nth at 7 ngements for reimi ch costs. " th a "let's try it àttitude for the old [e by Trustee R.J. e board decided to, .with the provincial it over the issue of p.m. in the council chambers of Bowmanville. The second meeting of eac-h month will be on the third Monday, at 1:30 p.m. and the locations of the meetings will rotate to include Bowmanville Newcastle Village, Orono and Hampton, on tentative basis. 35 Years Ago One of Orono's original- citizens, W.H. Barrett, cele- brated his 75th birthday Dec. 24, 1938. Clarke Twp's reeve, T.A., Reidi, was chosen Warden of Northumberland -Durham defeating C.M. Curruthers by a vote of 26-15. January 1939 marked the beginning of the Orono Week- ly Times' third year of business in~ Orono. 25 Years Ago January 29, 1949, the women's association of Park St., Chur- 11OPE REEVE TOUR PROPOSED BAFFLED DUMP SITE Reeve Howard Quantrili of Ho pe Town- Robert Nixon, leader Of opposition, at ship speaking at the Hope Liberal meeting Queen's Park, toured the proposed dump on Thursday stated he was baffled and site in Hope last Thursday by snowmobile. smwa rsrtdoe h cino h H1e said its a natural conservation area in government at Queen's Park. the broadest sense. He said it would be They recommend that we have an Officiai unfair to say it was good agricultùral land Plan and zoning, which we'now have. Vet on but it is undoubtly a prime conservation the other hand they do what ever they want, area. he said. THe present government should 1Nixon spoke of the 9treams and the trees. listeni a Ilittie more to the people, he state- H1e suggested they invite Premier Davis and M1e didn't t hink it fair that a big city 1k Auld to visit the same site. Metro could dump their garbage on suca __________ ___smiall municipality as Hope Township. ch added it's contribution to - m m m m m mcuma mnlm m unM m m un m mm the Building fund of the 3 church by holding a musical I UTTE R GRANITE COMPANY. respectfully wish to concert, featuring the Run- announce a 16 reduction on ail cemetery Memnorials and neymede choir, on Friday * Markers ordered and paid for between now andMarch lst January 28, 1949. for Spring erection. This offer is made annually in order Orono Junior hockey teamn that the entire staff may be employed during, the winter defeated the Sutton JuniorsI months. RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY -has an by- 14-2. excellent selection of domestic and foreiga, granites in Mr. S.R1. Jones saw 92 years* many colours from which to eboose. RUTTER GRANITEI on Jauary22, wenhe COMPANY is located at 73 Ontario Street, Port Hope,j celebrated 'his birthday of Itelephone 885-5216. enjoying an oyster supper with his family. mmm mmm m -mmm m-mm mmI These changes also rnean that themaximum employee con- tributions will increase from $90.00 a year in 1973 to $1 06.20 in 1974. Your contribution is matched by your employer. In the case of self-employed persons, the maximum annual contribution is increased to $21 2.40 for 1974 as against $1 80.00 last year. For earnings of Iess than $5,700.00, there will be no increase in contributions. The change in the earnings ceiling means t hat the maximum retirement pension wîlI rise from $90.71 for pensions effective in December 1973 to $ 134.97 for those whose pensions wiII begin in December 1975, As the maximum earnings levels for the years after 1975 continue to rise, so wilI the maximum retirement pensions in those years. There will also be increases in the maximum values each year for disability and survivors' benefits. If you have ariy questions or would llke further informa- lion, please write: Canada Pension Plan, Department of National Heaith and Welfare, Place Vanier, Tower "A", Ottawa, Ontario, KiA OLi. Vour contributions today ensure your protectionI DePartrmnt of National Vbnaoi*rede ta Su.Ué tinmI et du Bioin4aw odat Marc Lalonde, Minister. kÀBL !BÂ There 'is only today between you and tomorrow Whichi is why Canada Pension Plan, benef its will, be increased today and wilI be ke'pt in uine' with the cost increases of tomorrow