----nqr At- q7 VV&ioio 'iY ni es. , 1% uIrsuuiy, Pertrin , 11FÎ4 Up and down Newcastleconsidering the bosak adding to fire dept. Through a series of comnp- John W. Dunham, director iicated recommendations of public, works, pointed out Newcastle's public works one of the major drawbacks to commnittee mnay have bouth a shared truck schemne was the timie reeded to explore the the ready accessibility of both possibilities of adding a departments to the use of the town-owned water tank truck vehicle. to the equipment of the Presently the private sup- Newcastle fire department, plier, who is considered to be rather than continue to lease too costly in terms of the the services of such a vehicie expanded level of service for from a private owner. the new area of Newcastle, The works committee agre- does not guarantee 24-bour £d Thursday to recommend to service said Coun . Ivan Hobbs the community services com- Since the new town bas, at mittee that it present a present, no capital forecast resolution to council empow- budget for any such expendi- ering commnunity services to tures, either for the purchase enter a short term agreemnent of a newv vehicie or remodel- with the private supplier ling an old one, the works ofwater tank truck services. committee decided to ask the During the termn of the comnmunity services commit- contract the works committee tee to seek counicil's okay to intends to explore the enter a contract witb the possibilites of operating a private supplier for as short a tanker truck of its own, by termi as possible. way of the severai alternat- ives suggested at the meeting O.P. P. News Thursday. The Newcastle Detachment The first possibiiity voiced of the Ontario Provincial was that the works depart- Police investigated the foi- ment and the fire depar -rnt lowing miotor vehicle collis- shae atruk, inc n , ions and occurrences during would bave need to use suchl a the week of January 21, 1974 to vehicle ail the time, and the January 27, 1974. works departmnent aiready Twelve motor vebicie col- bas the necessary equipment. lisions were investigated in LONG CENTRE Main Street OROMO Phone 9939301 whicb, two persons were, injured. As a resuit of thiese collisions six persons have been charged witb offences under the Higbway Traffic Act and one person bas beeni cbarged withi driving offence under the Criminal Code The Newcastle officers aiso completed 80 occurrences of a general nature. Some of these occurrences are as foliows: There were four inves tigat- ions invoiving the offçnce of "Theft", one invoving the offence of "Break, Enter and Thef t", three invoiving the offence of "Assault" and one invoiving the offence of "'rrespass". There were two investigat- ions into the reported loss of property. Tbree charges have been laid reiating to Criminai Code of fences, four relating to Ciminai code driving offenc- es anid five relating to Liquor Control Act offences. DRIVING TIP: "Highway ý1SnJow 'Clearance Veblicles". Her-ie's a rýeminîder for al drivers! If you're drivinig on one of the provincial high- ways after a snowv stormn, watchi for the Mnstyof Trainsportation and Commun- ications snow remnovai vehici- es., Such vebicles carry a flasbing blue ligbt ... so watch for it, it's a warning. Àlways use extra care and caution when approacbing or passing a snow clearance veh-icle. Remember, sniow ýplows and sanders tieed plenty of roomn for their work. THURS. FEB. 7th, 1974 ADULT Neil! Neil! Orange Peel! by A.S. Neil (autobiograpby bý the Headmaster of Sumrmer- bill Schooi) Orienteering by John Disley Survival by Margaret Atwood (a themnatic guide to Canadian literature) Beyond Jupiter by Arthur C. Clarke (planets of our solar systemn) The Fortunate Island by Enîd Russeli (crime novel ') The Locked Room by Mlai Sjowall & Per 'Wabloo (de- tective» JUNIOR Wbat, Happenls Wbenl you- Spend Mo6ney by Arthiur Sbay Advertising by Richard O. Pompian Size,, Distance, Weigbt by Solve ig Russelli Cathy & the Beautiful People by Catherine Wooley Over 4000 EASY READING PICTURE BOOKS Good Night 1 2 3 by Yutaka Sugitîa Oid Arthur by Liesel Skorpen Madeleine Hadfley KIRB"-Y NEWS Kirby U.C.W. held a quilt- ing at the Churcb on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week with eighteen ladies turnîng out on the Tuesday enjoying the pot luck dinner at noon and a pleasant day quilting. We were pleased to hear Mr, Stanly Chapman is home from Toronto GeneralI Hospit- ai and is feeling much bettecr. Mr. and Mrs. Bihi Sears of Scarborough were recent vis- itors of ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris. Mrs. Don Cochrane and ber sister Mrs. Steve Nimigon of Whitby, flew to DaytonaL Beach Fiorida on Tuesday to spend a week to ten days with their parents M.\r. and Mrs. Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bail were Sat. evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howvard Stapie- ton Oshawa. Mrs. Ken Bail, spent Sun- day Afternoon witb Mrs. Doris Wannan, Orono. Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Hamm, Kingston, spent the weekend witb bis parents Mr and Mrs. Don Hamm. Mrs. Grace Reid is apatient in Oshawa General Hospital. H-ope sbe is feeling mucb, better. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bail were Monday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Les Alidred, Oshawa. Mr. and, Mrs. Bill Hooey, Orono bave purcb ased the Charlie Stapleton bouse and are planning to move in tblis week. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Tay\- lor visited Thursday witb MIr. and Mrs. Stanlley Chapmnan. KEIIND AL NEWS Tuesday and We-dnesday were perfect spring like days. Thursday brougbit high windsi and it turned cold at night. Frîday tbe first day of February was cold witb a strong east wind. It bas been beiow zero each nigbt since with strong nortb east w,,inds. Farmers are biniig trouble keeping the water ýpipes from freezing in their barns. Tbe service in the tbree churches iast Suniday was taken by Mr. Marvin Colvin of Orono United Cburcb. The choir sang the anthem, "In the Garden". Mr. Coivini toid tbe chldren tbe story of "Tbe Hurricane Ligbt". The scripture reading was John 14 v 15-27. He cbose as bis text -My peace I gsive unto you: not as the world giveth". He told of young people at college seeking and finally fînding a new life.i Jesus had prom-ised, "I willl send you another ComfJorter John 14 v 16. So college was closed for two weeks and tbey went out to tell others. He told of the youth of Russia and their struggle towards a new life in s pite of censorsbip: and the youth of Cuba where sports are given first place making a gallant effort to learn about Jesus the Christ. What is Sof t Water Rainwater is sof t. But as it soaks through the ground to rivers and lakes and wells - on its way to your faucet - it dissolves 'hard' minerais. So it is less able to dissolve other things, such as soap. The bard minerais combine with soap to form a sticky scum aroundbathtubs and wash basins. The inerais form 'lime' deposits on kettles, -pipes and water heaters. Hard water is bard on soap, hard on clothes, hard on people. Sof t water brings back the sofit life .brings back the old fashioned, chemical-free detergent free, dirt-freé, troub)le-free luxury and gentleness of rainwater. Cail your Duro He wýýil! tell you the exact degree of hardness of thie water supply in your home, or ble will bave a sampfle tested by the Duro laboratory at no cost to you. He will give you an estimate for the low cost luixuiry of Sof t Water the gentle way to save money, tiime'and bousework. Vouir Duro Plumber is: P'hone 983-3206 1I"B ACK SWI'VýEL covered 1in, 10) percent IHerculon Fabric...latest decorator colours. Built .for years of comnfort, seicego looks, Foami padded, no-sag spring sasft edge. Dacron-wrapped polyurethane Regular priceje.19- Sale rICe -$69.95 BUDGET WISE - QUALITY WISE W,'E'RE TOUGH TO BEAT! OPEN 7 DAYS WEEKLY THE Furniture OBarn HIWY 115 NEW'CASTLE 98-5 151 or 987-5161 The Northumnberland-Durhamn Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association WVISHES TO SINCERELY THIANK EVERVONE WHO CON TRIBUTED TO AND THE VOLUNTEERS WHO HELPED WITH THIS YEAR'S on 0 CHRISTMAS SEAL CAMPAIGN For respiratory disease information w'rit: Box 300 Uoîbourg, O]tarl-o. If you desire the New Look or any fashion advice for:- WEDDINGS Problems of New or OId Gowns Oriental Beading or any type of a lterinici GET IN TOUCH WITH HOTMIDA ALI between the hours of 10 a.m. to 3 p.m PI-ION E 983-9402 lie speaxeI'. One of our Kendal residents almost lost hîs home last week because of a chimney fire. It happened in the middle of the morning when help was near. Prompt action and plenty of water saved the house. When were your pipes cleaned last? Those that burn wood should dlean tliem each month. Mr,. and Mrs. Patrick Jas. McGee are the new owniers of the Bullen home. Mr. McGee comies orîginally from Okla- homa. Mr. and'Mrs. MaCleod are the new residents in the home on the north side of the eighth uine just east, of the Tom Co7an estate. A friend of mine with six chiidren served a cooked cereai each week day to ber famnily. Then each Sunday Moembers ,ý Oshawa ski Club whîcch holds forth east of Kirhy four days of the week now bas a, membership of,4000. tbey ate a boxed cereal like cornflakes, etc. The wbole family enjoyed a cooked .cereal for six day for the samne cost as the Sunday morning breakfast by accur- ate accounting. Mlr. Thos. Stevens is home after an operation. Hie is progressing satisfactorily«. Mr and Mlrs. MceKnighit of Orono attended the service in Ken- dat on Sunday to hear their friend, MIr. Marvin Colvýin speak.