80rono Weekly Times, Wedîiesday, February 6th, 1974 ~SPORTS.:- OROO TKES TIE OWA ILETeOrono Tykes were unable ta edge ouit a win'o'er Bowmanville Fridiay evening and had ta settie for a:3 aIl tieý .Jeff Mitchell was the Orono mnarksman with twýo goals. Scott Prescott completed the Orono scoring with an assist going ta Randy Tennant. THIREE SHARED GOA-LS PUT ORONO ATOM FLYERS OUT IN FRONT OVER M IBOOK-The Orono Atam Flyers took a 3-1 win over Millbrook on, Friday at Orano * Arena. The three Orono goals were shared by Warren Nichols, John Bolton and Steve Stec. Steve Stec also picked up an assist in the game along with assists ta Russell Nickerson12,ind Kevin Taîsma. TWO GA EFFORT GIVES ROAST BEEF A WIN-A two goal effort by MWlilliam v anSegglen gave the Orono Roast Beef Atomis a 3-1 win over Milllrook on Saturday. Bruce MacLean scored the other Orono goal. ORONO A\TllETIC PEEWEES POUNCE ON MILLBROOK The OooAhei PeeWees took a one-sided 8-1 vic tory 0oyer- ffillbrook on Friday with somie strong individual'play by a number of tlie homnebrew b Ioys. Todd Haynes was a four pointer in the scoring division with a goa and three assis t alang with Wayne MacLean withi twa goals and two assists. Stephen Haynes netted one goal and was credited with two assists as Kenny Evans came up with a two goal effort. The other Orono goals went ta David Sunstrum and Ross Stutt. Bobby Myles and Donald 'Hiedges bath were awarded two assists with a single assist ta Danny Webster. ORONO HORNETS OFF FORMI-The Orono Hornets took a 2-1 defeat on Saturday from Bewdley when they were just unable ta find the power ta overtake the Bewdley crew. The ]one Orono goal came off the stick of Michael Mitchell with assist ta Martin Vissers. NO LACK 0F GOAL FOR THE ORONO PEEWEE FLYERS-The Orono PeeWee Flyers were net happy on Saturday when they downed Millbrook by the score of 12-O. Joey Seneco scored a bat trick with doubles ta Darreli Zosche, Ron Taisma and Ron Bambrick. Other goalswent ta Maurice Hickey, Patrick Wllaims and Paul Reed. BANTAM FALCONS EDGE EAGLES BY ONE-A one goal mnargin separated the Orono Bantam Falcons. and the Eagles, in a game on Saturday with the Falcons holding' the winni.pg edge. John Malda and Mark Charland ýcored for the Falcons withi assists ta Bill Hudgins, Alan Farrow and Larry Haskell. Tie Eagles goal came from Paul Dykeman with assist ta Scott West and Greg Hicke'y. NEWCA'.,STLE TOWN LEAGUE HOCKEY REPORT COWANVILLE PROVES RIGHT TO BE IN PLAY OFFS WITHI 7-1 WIN Whatever doubt existed as ta- Cowanville Auto Parts su.itability for inclusion in Newcastle Town League hockey play offs, was dispelled on Sunday night as the wreckers camne up with a 7-1 win over league leading Partners Plumbing. Cowanville eoaltender Bdb Hill was beaten by only one of the tw,ýenty shots fired at him. Norm Petherick was the ]one scorer for Partners. Cowanville however hammered goaitender Wayne McRoberts with 33 shots beating him on 7. Scoring for Cawanville: Pete McCullough a hat trick plus one, John Witheridge, Bert Sine and Larry Hellman al with singles. QUEENS WIN GIVES THEM THIRD P~LACE PLAY-OFF SPOT Queens Hotel took possession of third place with their 4-2 victory over Reids Hardware Sunday night. The hotelmen had complete possession of the game with split second timing an passes which provided them with 28 shots on goaltender Don Todd. Brian Rowe and B. Hazelden scored one goal each and, Dave Nichais added the other two Queens goals. Reids marksnien were Gord Lowery and Wayne Pearce. SPENCERS 3 ELMHURST 3 Spencers Real Estate and Elmhurst Hotel skated ta a 3-3 tie Sunday night. It was a fast, bard checking, but dlean played hockey game, with referees N. Woods and J. Maclntyre handing out only one minor penalty durîng the sixty minutes of play. The first period of play saw twa very unfortunate accidents, one ta Alf Alldread of Spencers who took a bard check into the corner boards and ended up with a broken leg. Four minutes later Earl Cobbledick of Elmhurst was taken out of play with a bad cut on tlie forehead from a flying puck. Bath players were taken ta Bowmanville Hospital for treatment. Terry Fisk, Rr Carter and Dennis Budgen ail scored singles far Spencers as Elmhurst replied with singles Cowanville Auto Parts playig Elmhurst Hotel. The winners of'-2 out of 3 games will advance ta the finals. The finals will also feature exhibition gamnes between an AIl Star Team fromi the New'castle 'Town League ag'ainst the Orono ()Id Timiers, and! Orano Newcastle Junior D team. SCOREBOAIRD Individual scaring leaders are:; Queens - Glen Murphy 34 points, Cowanville - Pete McCullough 30 points, Partners - Bill McCullough 25 points, Cowanville - Sid Arnold 23 points and Spencers - Mike White 19 points. LEAGUE STANDINGS: Partners Plubming first place with 15 points, Cowanville second place with 14 points, Queens third place with 14 points and Elmhurst fourth place with 13 points. Reids Hardware with il points and Spencers Real, Estate 5 points lost out on play off spots. Top goalies Don Todd of Reids and George Van Dam of Elmhusrt bath tied with ý36 goalIs against. ACCIDENT NEWCASTLE MAN HURT Alf Alldread age,28 suffered a broken leg while playing hockey inthe Mens Newcastle Town League hockey game Sunday night at Newcastle Memorial Arena. Mr. Alldread who has played in the league far the last fie years was taken ta Bowmanville Hospital by ambulance. X-rays showed bis right leg ta b broken in two places, between the ankle and the knee. It was a very unfortunate accident as Aif Alldread is a very avid hockey player. ORONO HORSEMEN START STRONG AT KAWARTHA- The Orano horsemen were not only out in farce at the Kawartha on Sunday but. were also putting in a fine performance caming up the finish , fne. Junior West driving in bath the first and second race took a first and second place finish. The win came in the second driving Tarpot Scotty, a horse owned by Phair. Jae Johnstan and Afton Mike finîshed the money places in the race. In the first race West took a second placez finish with Dell Rodney with Kawartha Avalon winning the event in 2.14, Bradley Sang was third. The third race wen t ta, Niska i n 2.17.3 followed by Keith West driving Andy's Cornet and awned by J. Wright. Third place finish went ta, Ri tz George. Quick Bet, Aramae Argo and Hieland Angel finished in order in the fourth. Victoriaus Patch upset the field in the fifth paying $5640 for the win. Junior West driving Chas. Peakes horse, Inco Chief finished second with Snowball Valley being third. Derek Newman driving Joe Sta dt and Keith West driving Eastwood Scott placed fourth-,and fifth in the sixth race behind the wvinners Dee Dum Greer, Aramac Blaze and The Little Hobo owned by Grant Malley of Bowmanville. Mooreland's Goldie was the winner of the seventh followed hy Etr and Frost 'y Highland. Fleetwood D)usty was thie heal winnler in the 8111 with Joey 's Thought and Hlempstead Stanthr driven by Gerald Robinson. Pointer Joy dlrive(n by, Dcrek Newman finished fifth withi Tom) Riley's Tack Mas ter fowrth. Iran Yankee.was the winner of thie ninth followed by Kaola's Maid and Gerald Fobinson driving Rojgerland. Inth tenth the race was won by Peaches with Gord Irwin in second place driving Josedal Tina and Gerald Robinson back in the pack with Cavan Ma'y. Muddy George, owned by Lawrence Hooey was again a wi nnr at the Greenwood recently. CONDITIONS ARE GOOD AT OSHAWA SKI HILL-Oispite the appearance of no snow in the down town area of Orono and in the district there has been plenty of snow for. skiing a t the Oshawa Ski Club. The efforts of man with snow making equipment has prevailed aver nature ta maintain conditions for skiing. The club now bas a membership of some 40600 members which is one of the largest, we understand, in the province. FOR FAST TAKE OUT SERVICES I Irha oÊimiu~ia *nv hkaIm ccfo4m - -- 1MM lIl....I u AlU I II :5 ?YIm I lm Iandhowoakeitweitorkforyou. I As you knaw by naw, we changed p lot of things last - Second. If yau're still confused or somneth ing just year. We gave you a new return, a new Guide, several new doesn't seem ta wark, phone. The number of your I deductians and a few new rules. And-quite honestly, we were own District Taxation Office is belaw and af the more than a little concerned about your reaction ta it al. end of that number there are people whase anly job is ta help (And very, very interested in your opinions.) taxpayers with prablems, by telephané. And.on Mandays and I Weil, now that we've had time ta really look back at if Tuesdays phone mies are open 'tii 6 p.m. Sa don't hesitate. and assess it hanestly, tl appears that mast taxpayers did If yau live autside the office area, caîl the Operator and nat seem ta find it toa difficult. The errar rate did not ac- ask for Zenith 0-4000. She will autamnatically canneot vou ta I celerate greatly or change drastically tram former years. your own District Taxation Off ice. Remnember, a Il ca,; --- Generally, mast taxpayers seemned ta handle their new f ree, ail questions are answered, and if you have queries, we returns fairly well. want yau ta, caîl. However, Incarne Tax will neyer be the easiest or most I enjayable thing in anyone's lite. And if will always present (. Third. Some people preter ta falk things av*er in prablems in some areas, for somne people. Thats expected persan. If yaure one of them and have prablems, and understandable. drap by far free help. Anytime. The address of your I Sa. What we want ta do now is really work on those District Taxation Off ice is below. problem areas. And the best way ta do that is ta wark with you. individually, an whatever part af Incomne Tax that causes ' Fourth. Write. Ta the address below. Explain your I yau difficulty. > problem as clearly as passible and include ail in- And that s what April Aid is ail about. If's a help system formation. (And yaur return address, please.) In. and its primary objective is ta ensure that whenever or return, we'll answer ail letters as quickly and clearly as whatever yau need help with, you can get tl. And knaw haw passible. Remember- if you need help, if s there. (Anc 'ree). to ge il.And ail you have fa da is ask. April Aid. An f2 t. if. l o heIcm a hl yt .CUEA ndti shwi h ncreTxhlytm G'M works: Lets make il work for yau. First. Yaur Guide is always the I etase hnyuhv rben Redi, olw l l ny ives pralem Ner. hiows tiurnae s eou f. IjuUst Read o igueFollaw ifnt sugiv% exlana -à- Rene Cnaa Revenu Canada I, Taxation Impôt NwFederal Bldg.,il Station Street, Belleville, Lrit. K8N 2S3 -962-8611 -MU MU- - -Um EU- 13f- - -MEM MMM - - -l MM 5- MM - PM - -f 2- i I I I I I I I I I I I I I KITCHEN KENTUCKY STYLE CHICKEN CHARCOAL HAMBURGER FISH AND CHIPS SCHRI MP SAND CHIPS I ASK,,FOR PA.RTY MAI1N STR EET ORONO Phone 983-5310' Y ~l