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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Feb 1974, p. 5

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Up and down t he bookstacks THURSDAY FEBRAURY 14 _ýULT 'mvonarchs in Waiting by Walter J.P. Curley Jr (meet eighteen people who are-, claimants to the thrones of Europe) Inside Looking Out by Hard- ing Lemay (biography) Across the Medicine Linie by C. Frank Turner (the coni- rAOULT COUûNSELaLING; SERIVICE If YOD want to do somnething about youir pnrobabl1y can see your Aduit Comnsellor EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING 7 to)P.11. at the BOWMANVILLE 111611 SCIJOOL GUIDANCE OFFICE Thle service is free- confidential - and no appointmnent is necessaryý W! C/G/tlr/IFZAION W/TH PR/CES imU5' 01UR CODE 0F éTH/CS 1MA/(£$TII/S A Chatterton Electric ORONO, ONTARIO Phonle 983-5ý546 Industial Durham Couinty Sal'es Arena ORNONTf. LIVESTOCK SALE Every Thursday Evenling 7':30 p.mni SHEEP--CATTLE HOGS- HORSES BUSINESS 983-9363 HOME: 623-4685 BILL MOSLEY frontation between Sitting Bull and the North-West Mounted Police) Stop Poisoning Yourself! by Dr. Geofrey T. Whitehouse (learning to eat properly) The Ice Mirror by Charles McHardy (a climber bas to overcome his fear to conquer a. "killer" mountain) A Wild Thing by Jean Renoivze (novel) JUNIOR Canada's Agriculture by Dean -Wlaker The Great Lakes by Robert Thomas Allen Snowfall by Jullan May San Domingo, the Medicine Hat Stallion by Marguerite Henry EASY READING & PICTURE BOOKS Widget by Clare Turlay Newberry (story of a kitten) The Adventures of Stanley Kane by Stan J. Goldberg and Victoria Chess. Madeleine fHaley Orono Brownies On Wednesday February 6th, the lst Pack of Orono Brownies were ail tested by Mrs. C. Gray, for their Native Lore badge. Each brownies was tested, on the 4 different tribes of Indians, and tbeir way of life, their symbols, and their tales. Together the Brownies, dis- played tbe act of an Indian Gamne and also one of tbeir songs and games. The followiîng have passed their collectors badge which was tested by Mrs. Bambrick- Sheila Boughen, Katby Bam- brick, Linda Stevens, Patty Blascke, Sandra Dennis,- Colleen MacLeod, Kim and Pearl Loftus. Katby Bambrick also pass- The Regional Council of Durham last Wednesday re- moved the orie year lhimît U On Premtium Quoh,'ty FUEL OUL STODVE OIL PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE CALI 668-3381 ENJOY THE BEST Macs, Golden Delicious . .... . .and Spy Bosc Pears îce Cream and FRE D' S FRUIT MARKET IGHWAY Il.-)SOL fl 0F ORONO I nventory dlisturbing An inventory of dams on streams in the former Dur- barn County is nearing corn- pletion at the District Office in Lindsay. The inventory, a Lands branch project con- ducted by Ministry staff indicates that there are ap- proximnately 300 dams and ponds on streams in the county. Most are located on valuable trout streams flow-, ing into Lake Ontario; such as the Bowmanville and Wimot Creeks and the Ganar4ska River. Few of these structures would be acceptable today. As covered under the Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act, the Ministry of Natural Resourc- es is responsible for authoriz- ing and regulating the con- struction of dams or other stream alterations, and its policies now favour the con- struction of bypass ponds with bottom draw-off, rather than traditional in-stream dams with overflow draw-off. The new designs retain an unob- structed stream "bypassing?" the pond, wbich allows mig- rating fish to swim upstreamn past the dam. Bottom, drawoff empties excess water from the cooler bottom layer of the pond, downstream into the creek, rather than from the heated surface water. These features'provide better pro- tection for fish emigration, water temperature, and quai- ity; and are virtually a prerequisite for approval to- day. A number of unauthoriz- ed stream blockages were ed her toy makers badge. Natalie Philp did part of ber Golden Hiand and told about theé BroWnies of Other Lands. had placed on allowing the eight. municîpalities to con- tinue the planning function for the region. With this cut-if-f date remove Jthe planning funcionwil reainat he local level for anunerm- ed time. The sword of Da-mocles that bas hung over the beads of eight planning departments in the region of Durham was remnoved yesterday. Regional council approved a recommendation that the Dec. 31, 1974, cutoff date for local planning areas be re- moved. "We are trying to gear ourselves up for regional planning," said Coun. Mike Breaugh (Oshawa), chairman of planning and development who made the recommendat- ion, but there's always going to be a local planning function Coun. George Ashe (Pick- ering) congratulated the committee for the recom- mendation. *He said the Iec. 31 design- ation, a temiporary designat- ion, had made it almost impossible for local municip- alities to hRire planning staff. He said he disagreed with those members of regional couincil wbo said that contin- ujation of the local planning function meant that the region was giving back some of its responsîbility to local counc- cils. ",Local planners must follow the regional plan," he said. mna kes ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, FEBRUTARY 13th, 1974 -.5 statîstics 'DX SERVICE STATION i ghuay 9.5and, 115. ivt north sof Nwastle discovered during this sur- vey. The feeling bas been ex- pressed that "People build ponds on a whimn, with no regard for their environment- ai needs or consequences." There are now se many ponds in most parts of the county that new ones are more likley to be harmful to the ecology than beneficial. F'REEZ $6995* TordA Starter Fromi now until Novemnber 3 you inatically when the safety handie is can get a free ellectric starter on any released. And there's two-stage ac- Toro two-stage sn)owvthrower. A tion which lets the larger mnodels nice feature to have on those sub.. huri up to a ton of snow à minut.e! zero mornings when you discover a Cash in ou our $"9.95*, savings and foot of fresh siow) on your driveway. discover the difference Toro engi- luI addition to electric starting, necring cari make. there's the Toro "saifety grip systemi" Visit your Toro ]Dealer soon. You whichi shuts the maých)ine-off auto-. cao find imii in the YelIow Pages. RLOLPR HARDWARE *Manufacturer-'s suggested retail prjice f or Fair Tradec Stateýs oi. ORONO, PHONE 9834-5207 One Year Limit On Planning Dropped ReguIar Price< MEN'S DRESS PANTS MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS WOMEN'S WINTER JACKETS ALL WOMEN'S PURSES ALL GIRL'S DRESSES ALL SLACKS AND TOPS Many items have been added to our 1/2 Price Rack COME IN NEXTWEEK DON'T MISS AGOOD BARGAIN ARMSTRONG'S limmmimmmmm 1 - ' - 1 , - - -!@Il il 1 ýllý lm M ; ýj il ý q - 1. - 1 - - -, J,-Llè;ilwity ý"a i4llu,.Lli), OFF

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