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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Feb 1974, p. 1

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Orono child escapes serlous injury Miss Jane Morley, a graae ten student at Carke High Scbooi miraculousiy escaped serious injury when the school bus on which she was travel- ling on ran over her after she disembarked for home. The mishap happened on Wednes- day, February l3th on Main Street north in Orono. Jane, 15 years of age, was the first to debus and appar- ently when in front of the bus stopped to pick up a book which she had dropped. Other students also went in front of the bus -and when they had passed the driver drove the bus, forward . Janie fell betweeu the front wheeis uuitouched, but according to reports a rear wheel passed over her armn. The driver, after stopping the bus and feilking to the child, proceeded on his route appareutiy satisfied that no injury had been sustained. Mliss Morley was taken to the Memorial Hospital, in Bowmnanvilie by a ueighbour, Mrs. Beauchamp where she was kept overnight and part (Uontmnued page 3) Organizing horse pony 4-H club, An organizationai meeting of the Durham 4-H Hlorse and Pony Club will be heid at the Agricuitural Office in Bow-' manvilie on Feb. 26. Past memnbers of the club wili be receiviug notices and new mnembers are invited. Further details may be obtained from the agriculturO a1 office in Bowmanïville. Educati'on -board against strilke action The Northumberland and Durham COunty Board of Education voted against a recommendation, that teach- ers be. given , the right- to strike. The right to strike proposai lost by one -vote at the Board meeting on Thurs- day. The local board was at that time considering.recommeud ations passed by the delega tes to the Ontario Schooi trustee's council provided salary con- ference eariier this month. The N-D board was asked to vote on the recommendations fromn the council and did approve A but the right to Continued page 3) Last Thursday eveniug the Orono Clarke Firefighters were honoured W-,hen the Muscular Dystrophy Assoc- iation of Canada presented the local group with a plaque in recognition of service given by the local departmeut f7o the Association over the past ten years. Mr. David L. Taylor, Dir- ector of the Association made flhc presentation and also owed a filmi of the work Jgdoue by the Association w7hîch was incorporated in 1954. He said tLhat sixty-five percent of ai funds to thie Association come through the Firefigliters across Canada. --. When a cure is perfected-for Muiscuiar Dystrophy you will have played a great part," he toid the local firemen who axnnually canvas the comn- munity for funids in support of this or-ganiizationi. The speak- er said that the dlisease is prevalent in young chldren, mnany who neyer pass their teens in life. The plaque reads as fol- lows: This tribute comme- morates ten years of steadfast service. The defeat of Mus- cular Dystrophy through tlec advance of Science ultimately depends upon the diligence and dedication of the volunt- ary workers. Pictured above (Left f0 riglit) Stirling Mather, Jack Mvercer, Mr. Taylor and Harvey Parfuer. Res44'uaioail for Wesleyville Ontario. Hydro, the latter Ln conuection witi part of last week, receivcd a pr9posed hydro transiu 'Cnmmendation and approv- fiues we have been inf( k.the proposai to use residuai by Hydro that a 1 oil at the proposed Wesley- statement is expected1 ville generating plant. end of the month and n( The proposai has uow been than March l8th. sent to the Hou. Darcy MecKeougli for cabinet consid- 1Int e r im eration. We have been iuformed thatda the Wesleyville station wiii ie da es u similar to the installation at Lennox where the plant * is Regionai finance coe fired wjth residual oul. Tt has tee will recommeud in aiso been stated that Hydro ievy dates of March2 would hook onto the proposed April 30 to council nx oil pipeline, if it were to take a The money Up to $6.3 m southeru route, as au emer- willli e 'taken from the genicy measure. area municipalities iu li the mission formed public by the ,o later ommit- iterimn 29 and Lweek. -iiiion, e ight rDur- happeningsI RECOUNT CHANGES NOTHIING-Hope- Township will continue dry folowing a recounit of the liquor ballots last week. The wet percentage did increase but only slightiy from 758 percent to 58.2 percent. A sixty percent vote is rr-quired to carry. S('11001 BOARD OPPOSES AMIENDMIENT TO CLARKE'S OFFICIAL PLAN-Last week the Northumberland and Iurhamn Boardi of Education expressed their disapproval of amiendmnent No. 1 to the Carke Township Officiai Plan. The amiendm-ent was an intended change in the proposed Officiai Plan to aiiow the development of Mobile Home Parks in the Township of Carke. This would include the Rice Construction deveiopment proposed for the lakefront. RECEIVING FALSE ALARMI CALLS-The local fire department has been deluged with faise aiarmi calis of late, four in total to be exact. The departmeut received a cail to Noone's Restaurant, the Coach and Four Restaurant and two to the home of Hlenr.y Cantrell's in Orono, ail being faise alarms. t is believed that somne Young boy is making the ualis. The O).P.P. are investigating. 1,050 NOW ON PIAY1OLL-1050 are now on the payroll of the Reg'ional Muicipaiity of Durham ata yearly costs of $9.5 miilioo for !974, The 1050 include police, health unit, social i.i...t......... .. . Ed. Haynes, re-elected chairman Ganaraska Ed Haynes, lias been re-cie- cted chairman of flic Ganar- aýska Region Conservation Authority at ifs annuai meet- ing in Port Hlope. Mïr. H-aynes, a Cobourg tow,,n councilloer was elecfed to, a seconid termi as chairman and said if, was an honor to lie re-electcd chairman and hopes lie canre.jpay flictrust and faith fli c conservation members have piaced wvitli l m. Luther Olan from Cavan township was elected vice- chairmian with Elmore Scot t, Hope township eiecfed chair- man of conservation areas commiffce. Roy Forrester was elecfed chairman of (Confinued page 3) Regional councillors get their pay Regional council made its $12,000 - a-counciilor salary for 1974 officiai Wednesday. There was no debate as mnembers voted 20 to 3 lu favour of the amended byiaw. which boosts the councillors' salaries to $12,000 for this year. The annuai salaries reyert to $10,000 at tlic end of flic year. The additipnal $2,000 is coundil's way of paying tliem- selves for tche work doue in the latter stages of 1973. FEBRUARY ZQth, 1974 Guanaraska sets budget at $93,4 10 The Ganaraska Couservat-in 1974. ion Authority at their annual The increase in the 1974 meeting last Tuesday approv- budget over fthe 1973 budget is cd a total budget of $193,410oOf chiefly due to an amnount of which amiount $66,265 wouid $4Q,000 fo begin flood plain comne from local levies within mrapping on fthe Cobourg the area of the authority. The creek and the start of deve- remnaining portions, $107,145 lopmnent of flic Ball's Mill site wiil come from the Province in an amounit of $30,000.00 and ant amount of $20,000 from Bofli these itemrs were not lu ~à ban'k Joan. The net cost to the 1973 budget uer was an fthc local municipaiifies is up amiount of $50,00.00 for the from $49,000 in 1973 te $66,265 acisition of land. Durham budgets ready May 15'? If everythiug wrks accord- iug to plan Durham region will. have both its budgets passed and approved by council by Mlay 15. That was the intent of a calendar adopted by the regional finance commit tee Thursday. (Inunmany regions (eg. Waterloo) it was as late as Septem ber before they brought down their first, budgets.1 The tight scheduie begins with the distribution of an iuterim forecast of capital expeuditures to council Feli, 20. The samne day the treasury department will distribute fthc documents needed to lead f0 preparation of the current budget. (The capital budget deals with major projects paid for by the issuing of debentures. The current budget is essent- iaiiy the operating expenses of the region for the year). Finance Commissioner Jack Gartley toid the comn- mit tee the capital budget was not the major problem. The (Continued page 3' The authority hopes to add additional lands to their holdings this year but întend to refer the authorities cost f0 1975 by takiug out a bank loan when and if needed. The new budget aiso inciud- es $47,750 for administration, $660. for Garden Hili Pond, $20,000 for new maîntenacue, and $5,000 for the iasf pay- ment of a boan regarding the Rice Lake Conserv ation Area. 'The authority is- asking the Town of Newcastle to levy for $20,320, Cobourg $14,829, Port Hope $12,277, Cavan Township $401, Haldimand $947, Hamil- ton $10,685, Hope $6,924 and Manvers Township $340. ham. Eacli 0f fhem flas ifs own intcrim i evy date. Ln Oshiawa the due dates f0 get your tax money in are Mari-e 1 and April 11. Lu Ajax due dates are Feb. 8 and April 30. Lu Whitby Feb. 28 and April 30. Iu Brock Mardi 1 and June 1. Lu Scugog March 15 andl Juiy ý 2, in 'Pickering Feli. 22 and Miardi 26 and April 5 and iu Ncwcstle March 18 and May 21. (Continiued page 3) The works committee of flic Town of Newcastle were told iast Tliursday they may have to deiay any hope of a road-needs study unfil sucli time as the Minisfry of transportation and commun- ication gives their approvai. Tic committee was discuss- ing the mnatter wifh Ted Sims, of Toten Sims and Hubicki Association. Tiere are only two roads- needs studies lu existence in flic former townships of Clarke and Dariingfon, and noue in the Village of Newcastie .and Bowmanviiie. Members of councfilfeif fliat if fenauce and construction for the new municipaliîy was to lie carried on, a total assess- ment of the state of allich roads in flic new fown wasj n order. Investigafing farflier, Ted Simns, of Tof feu, Sims, Hubieki Associates Lt d., consulfing engineers, said because of flie province-wide implement afion of regional goverument, flic ministry (which subsidiz- es some 75 percent of the cosf of the studies) lias received a deluge of applications for roads-needs studv stih-idieý. Aithougli Mr Simns feli Newc(.astle wa;"s Inu a "eavou.r M the regular mee-ti>ng t owavllinlu12 January 1974 Very Worshipfui hecl1922istleda Brother Richard Logan was hrhew isald s prescufed with a 60 ycar Worshipful Mlaster in 1931. Iu membrshp jcciWorsip-1938 lie affiliated with Orono fui Brother Norman Allun, lu a Lodge No. 325. He ( is alIso ver ' short speech gave a resume of active in the Royal Ar-ch Very Worshipful Brother Lo- Masonie Order and is a :3: gau's Masonic career. Some degree Scottish Rite -Mason. of the highiglits were: He was Righit Worshlliui Brother initiated in. Tweed Lodge NO,- Alex Hendr-yprendhl 239 lu 1914J. AViite wt, wthte ewl tax iggested No easy roadl to a rea needs-study

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