ONECIONRY AD *PRODUCTS *SMOKERS *SUPPLIES *CHOCOLATE *CANDIES * and e *NOVELTIES* 0SAMON-TUES-THURS * FUI 7:30 *WED1)7:30 -* * SAT 8:30 -5:3o p.m *ORONO, ONTARIO * PHONE 983-5242 IF A MORE EVE£N <M EAr IS YOUR DESIRE "OF ~fETRIC /iEAT/ING Chatterton Electric ORONO. ONTARIO Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 Reýsidential-Commnerica ' Industrial Durham County Sales Arena ORONO, ONT. LIVESTOCK SALE Every Thursdlay Eveing SHIEEP-CtITLE HG-HORSES BUSINESS 983-9363 HO0ME: 623-46;85 ,ILL MOSLEY No extra charge on tax payment-LyaII "There is no truth, to the rumour that Clarke, Oronio and Newcastle Village people wîll have to pay an extra dollar to the bank when taxes are paid this year." This statement was made to the WAeekly Times Monday by Kenneth "KEL" Lyali, New- castle Regional Counillor.' Continuing Mr. Lyall, said "The truth of the matter is that Council has made arran- gements With its bankers The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce -- to colleet taxes due on farms, residenc- es and commercial properties without any extra cost to the payees." "Taxpayers will be able to pay taxes when due without any direct extra charge at the branches of' the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce li Orono, the Viillage of Newcastle and Bowmanviile.' "'Another w;Idie came to me. last week as well, Mir. Lyali saîd. "I heard that some dog owners were of the opinion that they would have to go to Hampton to get the' dog lîcenses." "Again, not, so." Mr. Lya-ll commented. "The icense tags have not yet been received by Town officials from the manufacturer as of Friday February l5th -- but the tags are expected soon and when they are available -- the tags will be available at Bowmanville's Town Hall." Long-term goals needed for a uthority The need for long term goals and objectives both of a financial and operational nat- ure is paramounit with the Ganaraska Region Conserv- ADULI CéUÏNSELO&ING SERVICE If you want todo somlethîing about your Peucation..vou probably see vour AduIt (ounsello,' EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING 7to !) p. m. at the B()WNANVILLIE 111 (,11 scijomL Ct IDANCE OFFICE Thie service is fr-et- coifidelitial - a nd nu1)appointilent isneesr WHY PAY MORE?- SAVE!e i On Prem:um Quality FUEL OIL STOVE OIL PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE CAIL 668-3381 E N.1O4YY"H E LEST - Macs, Golden Deliclous and Spy Bosc Pears Ice Cream F R EDLis FRUITJMARKET Hil,1MNAY 1IESoLtH1OF ORONO0 ation Authority. In his report to the authority chairman Ed Haynes said. 1974 will- be a year of challenge. "A good example of thîs is the Ralis Mill Conservation Area, where the first phase of a projected ten year deve- lopment plan will start", Mr. Hlaynes said. *Somne of the notable events occurring la 19R73 were: The visit of her Majesty, the Queen and Prince Phillip to open the Cobourg Conservat-, ion area; the Wesleyville durnp site proposai by CPR which the G.R.C.A. submitted opposing representation and the approval by the authority of the Bais Mill conservation area developmnent plan, "Continued operation of the SWEEP programn, as it gained' public acceptance and aware- ness was the most con- 3tructional and-successfui to, date", Mr-. Haynes said. Regional or county govera- ment reform proposais and their various ramifications are not without significance to the authority. Mr., Haynes pointed out that the new Durham regional council has beeni casting, eyes in this .direction, seeking what wouid be total abolition of the conservation authority con- cept. "f recognize the need for local government reform and for the accountability of conservation authorities to the people through elected couincils," Mr. Haynes said. "Authorities with both elected and appointed interested con- servationists can achieve the best conservatLion programs". The watershed as a unit- must be considered the prime fact -- or in the management cf water, not political bound- aries. Destroying a concept without a proven alternative would be premature. "Better liaison between municipalities and authorities. is desirable", he said. The raachinery to achieve this gO4LI is already here. A littie lubrication is needed in the form of improved reporting reiationship of those elected represen ta tives to, their re- spective counciils". The mutnicîpalities, if they feel authority fiscal policies are o)ut of fine, they-, can do three things: Turn, to the board for explan- ations; appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board or question the minister of naturali-re-I TASTE 0F SPRING COMING TO TORONTO Spring cornes early with the Flower and Garden Show to be held from March 6 to 10 at the O'Keefe Centre -ln Toron- to. The Garden Club of Toronto will transform the O'Keefe Centre into a gigantic garden. The th'eme of the show will be a typical English Gardýen and will include, perennial borders, wall and rose gardens and azalea walk and a kitchen garden, com- plet e with potting shed. On stage will be a replica of the Kensington Garden bandshell Other areas of the O'Keefe Centre will be devoted to displays of nurseries, mun- icipal parks departments and schools. Many competitive classes will be held both for club members and others who wish to compet e. As well there are Junior Gardener classes for younger enthusiasts. If you wouid like more details on the, exact program to be held at the Flower and Garden Show, we would suggest that you get in touch with your local Hlorticultural Associat- ion and they can give you further details on the pro- gram. sources since all authority budgets involve provincial funding and are subject to prior approval by that body. -Ia this region our relation- ship with elected councils has been good ", he said. But there is. a need for better liaison between-the bodies and the necessity of accountabiiity to themn. Conservation programs and budgets should be developed with consultation with muni- cipal planning objectives and fiscal constraints. Mr-~Haynes also said there will be the need for close co-operation and goodwîll be- tween all. The committee structure within the authority mnust function in an approved mianner. We must look forward to preserving essential landls for conservation, he said. The G.R.C.A. is reaching that stage where it will require full time management. Port Hope Guide OR()N()WEL TIMIES, FEIILRUýjy th. 1974 -5 have been charged' with 0. P. P. News offences under the Hlighway The Newcastle Detachment Traffic Act and three persons of the Ontario Provincial have been charged with Police investigated the fol- driving offences under the lowing motor vehicle collis- Criminal Code. ions and occurrences during The Newcastle officers also the week of February 4th, 1974 completed 62 occurrences of a to February 10, 1974. general nature: Some of these Twenty-six motor vehicle occurrences are as follows: collisions were investigated in There were two inivestigations whicb twenty-four persons into the offence of "Theft", were injured. As a resuit of two investigations into the these collisions, ten persons offence-of "Wilful Damage", W.e HoIp Yodi~~9 Stay Heulthy And Happy Whatever you need to keep in good shape. medication, grooming aids, vitamin supplements . . . corisult us! STUTT'ýS PAMC PHONE ORONO 983-5009 TE Furniture Barn HWY. 115,NE ASL BU DGET WISE - QUALITY WISE WE'RE TOUGH TO BEAT Good selection of Beverly Living Room Suites at sensib le prices. Large selections of Rockers, Reeiners iD assorted colours. Also pole Iamps and table Iamps for that extra touch to your home, OPEN 7 DAYS WEEKLY Phone 987-5151. or 987-5161' Teens' and Ladies' J EANS ALLI£TJunior Sizes 7-15 Gil s Sîzes 7- 15 years V/3 off regular price LADIES'PANT SUITS LADIES" DRESSES LADIES-'WINTER JACKETS Childrens Dresses and Pant Suits ½/ regular price I izs Reduce5W'; j 6X to clearj MVany other items of children A di Clothing seling at Reduced Prices ARMSTRONG'