.skai1e '1bt(irom the Oronio Figuire Skating1lubtok part[on siida N ir the Pie Ridge Ite-luneet nin saw The skate1rs were ost c'-'imetitive [inflihe meet and tmade somne finesh igs Those comipeting fromt the local club were Suzajnne Fiorth, Hecathier Sawy,ýerý, Paisley, Stutt, Karen Quantrili. KathyMfat Tracie Stutt, MNichelle Major and Wen1dýy Watson. 'rYKE HOCKEY The Orono Tykes outscored a teamn from Bowmanville over thle w\eek-end 6-1. Scott Prescott and Eddy King set the paice for the local players wîh- two goals each. Rodney Armnstrong and Jeff Mitchell comipleted the Orono scoring withr assists to Peter Bolton and Greg Phiilip. ATO1M HOCKEY The rono Flyers and Roast Beef teams both won their gamnes over the week-end while the Athletics had to settde for a defeat. The Flyers defeated MMlbrook 2-1 with Warren Nichiols scorinig both Orono goals. Assists in the game went tu John Dubenu and Steve Stec. The Orono Roast Beef teamn took their victory over the Newcastle A team by a score of 3-1. Bruce Macbean with two goals and Ken Prescott with a goal and anr assist where the point getters in the gamne. The Athletic Atomis were edged by the Millbrook Blue team by a score of 3-2. The two Orono goals came off the stick of Alan Webster. PEEWEE HOCKEY Ahl three Orono PeeWee teams look victories over the week-end wi th the Flyers taking a wide mar'gin in their gamne wi th the Millbrook Wings, 12-O. Jim Lycett in the Orono nets secured the shut-out while Ron Taîsma rang up three goals and two each went to Patrick Williams, Joey Seneco, Darrill Zoschke and Paul Reed. The other goal camne from Ron Bambrick. Tire Orono PeeWee Hornet also came up with a shut out posted by Gary Bridger. Michael Mitchell, Martin Vissers and Tomr Hollinger scored the three Orono goals with assists to Marcel Charland and liennis Simpson., BANTAM HOCKEY The Orono Bantam Eagles tied their game with Millbrook at a 3-3 deadlock. Milan Popadîch, Brett Newell and Scott West did the scoring for the Engles with assists to Lenny Jacob, Scott West and Chris Philp. The Bantam F'alcons faired much better than the Eagles as they defeated Newcastle to the tune of 9-0. Mark Charland lead the Orono attack with five goals with single couinters to Charles Quantril), Alan Farrow, Paul Yeornans and John Malda. ORONO MIDGETS DEFEAT LINDSAY 3-1 The Orono Midgets took a 3-1 vic tory over a Lindsay team with Ken Neal scoring two goals and the other off the stick of Mles Brandt. Assists in the gamne went to Jason Lee and Greg Gorham. ORONO COACHIES TAKE EDGE The Orono Coaches at the Orono Arena took a 5-3 victory over the 'Over 4?'s' li a fu,-n amie at the rink on Saturday evening. The five goals for the coaches wvere scored-by Rick Neal, John Witheridge, two to Keith Powell and Raye Sharpe.' Chuck H1utton showed the class for the 'Over 4's' with'the thiree goals coming off is stick. -ELMH11URST WvINS ADVANCE TO FINALS Gerry Van Dam's goal at :3.17 of the third period was the winning margin as Elmh,,ýurst Hotel advanced to the finals by beating Cowanvile Auto Parts 2-1 Sunday night at the Newcastle Ice Palace. Elmhurst Hlotel took a 1-O lead in the first period on a goal scored by Miké Doyle from a scramble lit front of the net. They held Cowanville off the score board until late in the Second, when defenceman Sid Arnold put in a superb effort and beat goalie George Van Dam. Cowanville Auto Parts record for the regular season was seven wins, five losses, although they ended up in second place they will surely be rememnbered as a teami that even in losing made nothing easy for the opposition. Elnihurst Hlotel won the series ln two gamnes straight will have a weeks rest before meeting their opponents. The ,,,innier of which will be thec 1973-74 champions. PARTNERS WIN TIE SERIES B. McCullough and B. Anderson continued their scoring spree with two goals each Sunday night, pacing Partners Plumbing to a 5-3 victory over Queens Hotel at Newcastle Arena. The pipebenders look a 3-0 lead in the opening period on goals by B. McCullough, B. Stiles and B. Anderson and were neyer headed. Partners other two goals were scored when MIcCullough drove home a loose puck for his second of the night and B. Anderson bit the empty net for is second. Queens goals were by Brain Rowe, Andy Stchb and Dave Nichols. The win leaves Partners and Queens tied at one game each with fthe winner of the next gamie advaacing to the finals against Elmhurst Hotel. STARS PICKED The three stars of the gamne between Elmhurst and Cowanville Auto Parts were, first Earl Cobbledick, Elmhursf, second Sid Arnold, Cowanville, and third Terry Walton, Elmhurst. In the gamne between Partners and Queens, first B. Mý,cCulought second B. Anderson from Partners and third Dave Nichols, Quleens. Dance features new garage addition on Saturday February 9th, 1974, a dance was held to open the new addition to Orono Towing and Repairs. Close to 100 people c ustomners, emr- ployees, and friends of Albert and Barbara Munnek attend- ed.* Music was provided by Ross Jackman with prizes- being donated by Bowman- ville Auto Parts and Wallace Supply and Orono Towinig. Spot dances were won by, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wallace, Mr. John Killeen and Mrs, Howard Wood. Closest Birthday to Feb. 14 was won by Joyce Major and Sandy Wallace. Longest married couple was Mýr. and 'Mrs. Hesper Dean. Closest Anniversary to February 14th was Lawrence Sherwin. A beautiful buffet lunch was enjoyed by ail. Orono Guides to visit Toronto On february 22nd, 1974 the ist Orono Guides are leaving for Toronto to visit Casa Lomna and the Guides flouses. We will bie leaving Orono Public School at 9 a.m. by bus and should arrive at 10 a. m. to see Casa Loma's display of Girl Guides'r history. The guide room features a nostal- gic collection of sixty dols dressed in the uniformns, badges and insignia of Guides and their leaders f rom 1910 to the present day. Also on display are lady Bellatt's officiai girl Guide' portraits, the original flag which flew over the Canadian Girl Guides recreation hut on the battle fields of France during world war one and also ber awards. Lady Pellatt was the firsi mistress of Casa Loma, she was also Canada 's first Girl Guide's chief commissioner. This town should last about two hours. We will leave the castle to JACK RCA RD REALTOR 99 Kinig St., E. BOWMNANVILLE Whien' Ruying or Slling Cal WILF 2HAWKE Your Orono Area Representative 983-5274 Member of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board Building a House? or remodeffing your preseiit one? Then Contact Floyd Nicholson Phdbne 99R.5049 Orono we will make our way to the Guide House for another tour. In this building we will find our Guide and Brownie Uni- have a lunch out at MacDon- forms, Badges, publications, alds. Shortly after two o'clock camping- equipment disting- uishing marks, record aids, special occasions (flags) gift souvenirs and cards for Christ mas. We will be back to the Orono P>UIlic School al 4.W0 P.11, BY SUSAN STll(IK WI1N $25.OOJâ We are lookirîg for a name for our new restaurant which will open soon on Highway Ill5 south of 35 and 115 intersection (Enterprise). The contributor of the winning name will receive $25.00. Mail your suggestion to P.O. Box 192, Orono along with your name and phone number or -juýt phone 983-9303. Mike'sand iNický's SHELL SERVICE STATION Hydro Rate Increase Inflation in the form of rising 'whotesale power costs and local operating costs has made if necessary to increase our retail rates effective with ail bis, rendered on or after May 1, 1974. The new rates have been approved by Ontario Hydro who have joined with this hydro systemn in extensive rate studies to ensure that each customer classification is charged as closely as possible according to the costs of supplying service to that classification. This adlustmnent incorporates a new general service rate which replaces the previous commrrerical and industrial rates. In doing so, Orono Hydro -System joins 321 other Ontario utilities who have adopted the general rate clas-sificationi. This new classif ication, places more emiphasis on total energy used, rather than the kilowatt demand. It is customier oriented particularly in the sense that it results in a more equitable sharing 0of costs by customers. While this hydro commission shares your concern in the matter of the increasing cost of energy and will continue to keep our hydro rates' as Iow as possible in the face of inflationary trends, we also seek your assistance in reducing your the efficient use of energy. NEW NETIMONTHLY RATES FOR RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMVERS Effective on aIl bills issued on or after May 1, 1974 Kilowatt hour (KWH) Consumption FIRST 50 KWH NEXT 200 KWH NEXT 500 KWH BALANCE costs through Cost per KWH 4.8c 2.5 1.05 1.25 NEW NET MONTHLY RATES FOIR GENE RAL SERVICE CUSTOMIERS Demiand Charge: o-50 KW BALANCE Energy Charge: FIRST 50 KWh NEXT 200 KWh NEXT 9750 KWH BALANCE Effective on ail bills issued on1 or after May 1, 1974 No charge $2.50 per KW O0rono Hydro System For further information contact the Orono Hydro office