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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Mar 1974, p. 2

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2-ORONO WEEkLY TIME, MARCH 6th. 1974 r n wa e h s o ron o weekly t imes Oowaeha Second Cia 'ss Mail Regis Publislied every Wednesdaya SUBSCRIPTIC Canada $3.0o. WORTHWHILE CONSIDERIN The Nortbumberland an Education at tbeîr recent me proposai wbereby students ofà leave scbool under certain cý considerable menit in that there part of society that does providt There is also the fact tba the experience witbin the st society bas looked upon this stui the name 'Drop-out' to tbis indi long now bas been the tool to another. The diploma became after was of littie regard unles ' higlier form of formai educatioi We contend there is a education and that that may b the classroom. Tbe opportunitý give this opportunity wbicb d Since that time we bave built an it became ail-important. It basi bas it succeeded in giving an ai] It would be boped that th setting aside those wbo bave rather an opportunity to broac experience wbile still a teener. WAHT COULD BE SECRETIVI From our report it is noteo weré bounced Monday nightit were discussing the letting of a thse new Municipal arena. Wh< move. Notbing as far as we cou], How does council expeci informed of their decisions if.tii. pros and cons of such a discussi( Not that the news mE lavourtism but the fact that C agendas does make thse job soi new matters come before coi greater degree of possible error L et us bave our businessg could be harmful to someone information is easy to come by f, The pay is good lets do a j( Local News Mr. Percy itiare of Newcatkc passed away i Oshawa General. Hospital on Marcb 2nd. Tbe funeral service was beld on Tueiday witb inter- ment in Bowmanville Cemet- ery. In a recent competition sponsored by, Wite Rose Crafts and N4ursery Toronto, Mrs. Mary Miller was notified she bad received a 2nd prize. Entered was one of ber Collage pictures. A pink rose arrangement (done with real flowers), on black velvet under glass, in an antique wbite frame. Mr. Harvey Partner and Mr. -Charles Pearce are stration Number 6368 at the office of publication $29,00,0 surplus, ýON RATES Wben Durham Region setties *U.S.A. $4.50 on its policies for collecting sewernand water levies on new development, probably in ab- [G -out tbree months' time, those id Durham County Board of munîcipalities which bave ting gave their approval to a been collecting sucb levies age 14 years to 16 years couid will be given credit for the ,onditions. The proposai bas amounts coliected. e is otber than tbe classroom a The Orono Water Systemn no% l a learning experience. has over $29,000.00 in surplus, at everyonedees not relate to funds and in the next tbree ately classroorn. Too often months this could increase to ident as an outcast and tagged at least $32,000.00. This sum ivdual. The classroomn for too bas been accumulating over establisb a mark one way or the past few years and is the tbing but what bappened intended to be used for the sof course tbe route lead to a development of the second ,.balance between a formai well in Orono. The site of'the >e gained in the world outside second weil bas been cleared y' in this recent proposai may tbrougb the former Council ol id exist for our fonefathers. Clarke Townsbip and is now nempire in thse classroom and beid in ownersbip by the flot been a perfect answer nor Ontario Water Resources Co- -round education. mission. It was estimated e new proposai is more than some two years ago tbat the no ambition wbatsoever bu second weil would cost around den the scope of the learning $60,000.00. The local Hydro Commis- sioners at their recent meet- IE IN LETTING A TENDER ing autborized tbeir manager, >d tbat the press and tbe public Charles Pearce, to contact the when the Newcastle council Regional Govermnent of Dur- tender for tbe construction of ham in regards the second ýat could be secretive in thîs wî,i a ocda h d ascertain.,meting tat any furather -t the public to become well detayncould brn abut ser- key are not allowed to bear the ious shou rtages ot er-i [on. iu hrae fwtrti ediashold b shwn ay 1year. The one existing well, at bhey were not provided wîtb ie atyar a prtn .mewhat more difficult wben at capacity. )uncil and dôes allow for a At Regional Council meet- r. ing on Wednesday, Coun. done out in the open uniess it, Desmond Newman (Witby) and aiso lets see that the piloted tbrougb a resolution for everyone. calling for sucb municipalit- job. ies within the region being sredited witb tbe levies tbey have collected wben the attending tbe Ontario Hydro région assesses its levies for convntin bing eldat he ucb services. RoyalntYork ing Toront from ,"1 don't thinktbe ratepay. Moya Yor nooto Wedneday. ors in sorne munic ipalitier Modyt ededy hould get st uck wîtb short. iomings because their coun- Mr. and Mrs. El-I. Samuel cils did not charge developers bave returned frorn a weeks ènouigb, Coun. George Ashej sailing vaction in the Grena- pckï dines. (Pcering) said. Coun. Newman said tbe Nicks and Mike's Sheli resolution will mean tbat have picked a name for their, somne municipalities will get a new restaurant to be located' credit for the, amount tbey at Enterprise.on Higbway 115 have collected& nortb of Orono. The name cboosen "The Oasis". Watcbl . for the opening. Mr. and Mrs. G. deJonge 'ORONO BROWNIES are presently visiting ir tst-Pack Holland. Mr. and Mrs Horace Best Nancy Bridger passed bet are vacationing in the Barba- Brownie Promis, Law and shake. O'Canada and God Save the Queen were passed by Krista Brady, Kathy- Bambnick, Me- lanie Cowan, Janette Tansley, Jili Simnpson, Charlene Jack- son, Pearl Loftus and Karen Guy. Ail about our flag wab passed by Krista Brady, Katby Barnbrick, Melanie Cowan and Janette Tansley. Colleen -McLeod and Naomi Brown passed O'Canada. <Natalie Philp, Heatber Watson, Patty Blascbke, Shelley and Julie Gray brought tbeir notes saying tbey knew how to use the stove at borne and also the safety precautions followed. They also hdd done sorne cooking for their Golden Hand. Mrs. Jean Bambrick bas. been belping some Brownies on Sat. mornings and the following Brownies passed their skipping and bhail throw- ing - Krista Brady, Kathy Bambrick, Melanie Cowan and Janette Tansley. These girls also put on a puppet show for us and earned their Puppeteer Badge. Any other mothers wishing to help a group of Brownies with badge work contact any of the leaders. Wendy Stacey passed ber Collectors Badges and Kathy Bambrick ber craft and Writers Badge. Tawny Owl taugbt one group bow to make and serve a cup of tea and a piece of toast. Obitua ry ALLIN- William Alexander Allin passed away January lStb 1974 in Bowmanviile Memorial Hospital in bis 92 year Born in Clarke Township, Lot 26, Conc. 8 to John Allin and Mary Kincadi. He had 3 brothers John, Robert and Samuel and one sister Mary, ail of wbicb predeceased bim. Leaving to reWember him are 2 sons Carence of Woodville,. John at Kirby, 2. daugbters Mildred, (Mrs., Bruce Little) Picton - Ruby (Mrs., Ken Shackleton) Bowmanville and 15 grand cbildren and 4 great grand cbiidren.' He attended Public Scbool at Oak (8tb ulne) and Kirby and spent a short time at continuation Scbool in New- castie.,Staying witb bis grand parents. His liking for borses 5rougbt him back to the farm ,vere be belped bis brothers show borses at Orono and H E F R I E N D L y p E 1, P L E The people speak! BY SHELLEY LOUCKS "*GRAFFITTI" Day at Clarke larke'High rocked on al day Friday to the sounds of the fifties, with their hair slicked back and wearing their cool shades. The general atmosphere brought- baitk memories to some- of the teachers of their high sehool days, and they participated in bit of picture taking to keep as reminders. The day was highlighted by i good oid sock hop, wbereas -he students were urged to, put an their blue suede sboes and corne on out. Over haif of the sehool participated in dreésing to fit the.part of the 50's teens, but there were mixed reactions to this event. It definiteiy llfeted the scbool spirit,, whicb is more than bas been done al year;, but it probably isn't s omething they would like to do every day, altbougb some would lilce to tbink so. It was ail in good fun, but they were definiteiy mocking the habits of the times. surrounding, fairs And also belping bis father to exhibit potatoes .and grain. In 1916 lie purchases a 50 acre farm fromn Thomas Powers - one baif mile nortb of Kirby. On December 27tb be mar- ried Jennie Davidson wbo presdeceased bim in' May 1973. He was very interested in ea ttle and the tbings of natulre is wbere be found bis plea- sure. Liing a quiet life. His one, rganization was the cburcb wbere lie served as an Eider. One of the, students com- mented that she would like to sec it bappen every day, but for sure, every one wouid tire Of it. Tbe dance Friday nigbt featured "Percy and the Teardrops," and attracted quite a crowd. Several people remained in their costumes for the dance. 0.P. P. News The Newcastle Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police investigated the fol- lowing rm notor vebicie collis- ions and occurrences during the week of February 25, 1974 to March 3, 1974. Twenty.six motor vehicle collisions were investigated in which thirteen persons were ýnjured. The Newcastle officers also compieted 81 occurrences of a generai nature. Some of these. occurrences are as follows: there were,two investigations concerning tbe offences of "Break-Enter," two concern- ing the offence of "Theft", three concerning the offence of "Wîiful Iamage", one concerning the offence of "Fraud" and one concerning an assauit. Also, there were two investigations into re- ports of missing persons, one investigation into the report of prowle rs and four investigý' ions into reports of errQ>1_ drivers. Four persons bave been charged witb offences under the Liquor Control Act, tw>, persons have been cbarged with driving offences under lie Crimînai Code and tbree >Continued page74 BRAND SPANKING NEW' 1974 Mustang if.ils. with 2.3 liter 4 cylinder motor, 3-speed select- shift automaic, tachometer, carpeting, disc brakes, sub-frame, rdick and pinion steering, plus ail kinds of littie extras which corne standard on these beautifully buit littie m ach ines f rom Ford. Reg ula r $3688, now ON348 10 IN STOCK 1 iMEIviviuATE DELIVERY HIGH TRADE ALLOWANCES CAR LOW INTEREST RATES O H EXCELLENT SERVICE 0 H 623-4481 YEAR- 219 KING ST. EAST - BOWMANVILLE -Il, ORONO FIGURE SKATING CLUB PRESENT Seôc4me Sre AND qfl006 $4ô 'Eluôi SATURDAY, MARCH 9th 8 Pâli. SUNDAY,MARCH lth 2 p.m. GUEST SKATERS Barb Underhill and Jim Sorochan ý, . , , ym ýý5,ý.ýýý".ýýý"'- , > ý , - m ýmm

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