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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Mar 1974, p. 9

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Piw W. FRANK: :REAL ESTATE: * LIMITED * e*P-341King Street East e BOWMANVILLE 623-3393 (à Toronto 923-9174 *:,port Hope office 88545430 For prompt, courteous,. efficient service when é *buying or se~iing and@ * for the Iargest selectione :0-f properties in the area s *Contact S Orono Area * Representativm * Charlie Reid e 983-5914 * Roy Foster e 983-5801 a William Turanskye * (Kendal) e. 983-5420 * Dane Found * 623-3965 * Roy Strong s *Bethany 52r 11 & monuments and Family Memorials Our quality and service leaves nothing to be desired Ask the person who bought from uls, a neigh- bour, friend or relaive. The Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Phione collet V. W. BRUTTER Office -885-5216 Home -885-52212 BYAMS PLUMBING - HEATING Sales and Servie ?14 HOUR BURNER SERVICE GULF FINANCING Low iaterest Rates Phone: Tyrone 263-2650Gi Charles Reid Orono's Licensed Auctioneer Valuator Specialize in Farm~ Furniture Sales Consuit me for tetms and dates Phone Orouo 983-5914 Clarke Public LIB8R AR Y Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Frlday 6:30 te 8:30 p.m. 2:30 te 5.00 p.M. Saturday 10:00 to 12:00 a.m. Herb and Gerry Duvail 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING Eleetrical Appliaixoes 1T.V. - COLOUIt T.V. RADIO - HI-FI WESTINGHOUSE RCA ELECTROHOME Guaranteed Servie Randy- Tkompson Orono0. Ontarlo Phone,983-5759 Carpentry Work Remodelling We bulld from the foundation Up Box 133 Ph. 668-3552 Stafford B rothers Lùmited M4anufaturers of Cemetery Memorials 318 Dundas Street East WHITBY, ONTARIO WATSON'S elarine and Cycle Orono Phone, 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Alouette Snow Mýobiles McCulioch Chain Saws Repairs to ail makes o! Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Engines ALLOUE¶1TE SNOWMOBILES Orono Lancscaping. SODDING, PLANTING SNOW REMOVAL Phone 983-5598 FOR SALE Seaied Tenders marked "Tender" wili be received for a 1955 Chevrolet truck, equipa, ped with line body, A frame derrick, wench and cable, 2 diggers. Truck mnay be viewed at the undersigned and to be soid as is, where is. Tenders accepted until 12. noon, March 26th, 1974. Orono Hydro Electric Comr- mission, P.O. Box 127, Orono, Ontario, LOB iMO. 11-18-C HIELP WANTED MAINTENANCE MAN Application wili be received by the undersigned until Friday, March 22nd, 1974 for the position of Maintenance Man. Knowledge of mechanical and electricai machinery re- quired. Ability to service and maintain plumbing and heat- ing equipment and electrical equipment., Must have previous exper- lence in general building and equipment maintenance. Reply in writing stating qualifications, experience, telephone Number and ad- dress to: M.A. MacLeod Business Administer and Treasurer, Northumberland and Durham, County Board of Education Box 470 Cobourg, Ontario HELP WANTED HIEAD CARETAKER Applications will be receiv- ed by the undersigned until Friday March,22nd, 1974 for the position of Head Caretak- er at the Bowmanville High School. Ontario operating engineers certificate, sound basic know- ledge of refrideration, exper- ienced in the operation of air- conditioning system. Know- ledge of school caretaking procedures. Repiy in writing stating qualifications, exper- ience, telephone number, and address to: M.A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education Box 470 Cobourg, Ontario. PUM PING OIT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins Phone 786-2552 Newtonviiie, Ontario Mâiilison Insurance Agency for AUl classes of person al and Commerdal Coverage Office: Corner of Church and Cobbledick Street 983-5032 Res. 983-5754 TOWN 0F NEWC'ASTLE ANIMAI, ('ONTROL, OFF ICER Written applications are invited until'March 29th, 1974, f'or the position of Animal Control, Officer for the Town of Newcastle. Please send .detaiis of experience and al relevant data to: Jý.. MIclirýoy, A.MJ.C.T. Towin Cberk 40 Temperance Street Bowmanviiie, Ontario LIC 3 A6 FOR SALE OR TRADE Wish to buy 24 or 26 wheei bike or wiil trade for 18", 2 wheel side walk bike. Phone 983-5128. Mrs. Hall a-p BAKE SALE ANDTEA MARCH 23rd ORONO UNITED CHURCH FRM2to 4 o'clock Proceeds for Brownies and Guides. COMING EVENTS U.C.W. General meeting in Main Hall of Orono United Church on Ma rch 21 a t 2 p. m. Speciai program is pianned. Corne and bring a friend. Please note change of time to afternoon. 13-20 REGIONAL ROAD DEPT. CONSIDERING NMOSPORT AREAW1ORK .The regionai public -works department, la considering toad wýork in the Mosport area which would include prepara- tional work for some 4.6 miles at a cost of $714,000 as weil as somne land purchase and fencing for 3.3 miles at a cost of $32,200. INSTALL AN ______FURNACE BOILER ~ESSOJHUMIDIFIER (nsioorHOT WATER HEATER No payment5 for six mnonths 'Cal Harvey Partner Your ESSO Service Dealer FREE ESTIMATES 983-52 06 Orono Hamltons insurance Service Vour Friendily Agency 1FOR AIlI Personal & Commercial Insurance SNOW WIL SOON BE HERE PHONE FOR FAST SNOWMOBILE Insurance Service SADIE HAMILTON SUE SAWYER JIM HARE For dependabie Service 983-5115 NOTICE CLARKE PUBLIC LIBRARY No Story Hour March 16th - 23rd. TENDERS Tenders 'will be received until April 15th, 1974, 4: 00 for Roof Restoration and Repairs- ,at the following schools. Burnham Public Sehool, Burnham Street, Cobourg. Central Public Sehool Annex, (Old Bowmanville High School, Queen Street, Bow- manville.) Central Public Sehool, 120 Wellington St., Bowmanvile North Hope Central P.S., R.R. !, Campbelcroft. ý Cook's Public School, R..R. 6, Cobourg. Courtice West Public School, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. C. R. Gummow P.S., Gravely St., Cobourg. George Hamilton Public- School, R.R. 1, Port Hope. Dr. MI. S. Hawkins P.S., 72 Pine St, Port Hope. Howard Jordan P.S., Percivaf St., Port Hope . Maple Grove West P.S., 1R.R. 3, Bowmanville Merwin Greér P.S., 457 King St. E., Cobourg. Ontario Street Public School, Ontario St., Bowmanvilie. Stockdaie Public School, R.R. i, Frankford. Spring Valley Public School, R.R.6, Brighton.. Thomas Gillbard P.S., 323 George St., Brighton. Campbellcroft District Higb School, Campbellford. Cobourg Distrcit Collegiate Institute, East, Cobourg. East Northumberland Secon- dary School, Brighton. Port Hope High School, Port Specifications and drawings may be obtained fromn the office of M.A. MacLeod, *Business Administrator and Treasurer, Northumnnbet land and Durham Couinty Board of Education, Boxt 470, D'Arcy Street, Cobourg. CARD OF THIANKS 1 wouid like to express my sincere thanks to my r.elatives friends, and neighbours for cards, fiowers, gifts, and visits during rnyrecent stay in Memorial Hospital, Bow- manvilie and since coming home. Also a special thanks to Dr. A. Spear, Dr. John Rundie, Dr. A. Westgarth and the nur-ses on first floor surgery. MADELON MADILL CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to thank'the execu- tive members of the Orono Figure Skating Club for the loveiy gift presented to me at the carnival. A sincere thanks for ail your help during the past year. F1 Ln LUXON: James Richard, suddenly at his residence Centre St., Orono, on Sunday, March lth, 1974. James Richard Luxon in his 7th year. Dear brother of M1arjor- ie and Laura (Mrs. Geo. Poliard, deceased) uncle of James Poliard. 1Rested at the Barlow Fun- eral Home, Orono. Service wili be from the Funeral Home on Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery. ';EGI(JN TO CLOSE BOWMANVILLE DUM'VP Following investigations by the Ministry of the Environ- ment and the Public Works department of the region it has been decided that the Jackman Road waste disposai area in Bowmanville will be closed. The disposal area wiil closed as of June :3th, 1974 and ail waste fromn Bowinanvilie wllF then be taken to the former Darling- ton Township dumnp in lot 10, concession 9. The Bowmanville site is next to being full and there is some concern that it could,,if continued to be us d, pollute the Bowmanville creek. The Newcastle counicil hias been requested to take al spring dlean-up refuse to the Darlington dump to eleviate the conditions at the Jackinani disposai area. ORONO G.W. DRY WALL RN TAPINGINursery Sho SPRAYED CEILINGS APPLYING DRYWALL PLASTER REPAIRS Phone 983-5518 Wa1lIy Lucyk OffONO lioensed Plumbin4q & Mtechankcal Contra ctr who selis, instails and guarantees ENRICHMENT PRiOGRAMI FOR3 TOZ YEAROLD CFILDREN Five mornings a week' ,Transportation available Where needed PHONE 987-4012 or 983-93 50ME: EN BE M MoRTMi. MAI6USE 0F (OvP MM! morPOL JAA CARMA N'OooTwn Piumbing and Heating Ooi o ii Phone 983-5207 GENERAL REPAIRS Orono Phone 983-5249 Orono

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