'- z M, - .,Il ýý < -.1 M., - "" l- 1 , 1 ý , 1> ý, 1 '. Ili; lý ý q; ýý ý ý; ý g- - - ', , 1 - . "MalMaker"Ilof the week FRESH!' Canada Grade "A"TiableRite Cream Stylei Corn "oz. TNS5 PURINA CAT FOlO Tender S' PG 29C îtlS FLAVORS Mr. IGAwiII pay you 2 cents for every carry out bag he does n't have to use on your behaif! OEMPSTER'S (MFG. 4c OFF) Oid World Rolis TOASTMASTER (MFG. 4c OFF> Tea Biscuits PEEK FREAN Biscuits (6 VREJS PKG 7 OF 12570I PG ; 0F B 14 TO 1507)Z PKG EA (MFG 4c OFFI 100% VVHOLE WVHEAT 140A Dempster's Bred') (MFG. PRE'PRICED) 89c)HOSTESS REGULAR Potato Chips P 79C PRICES EFFECTIVE WED. THRU SAT. MARCH 2021,22,23 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTFITIES "IGA SPEGIA L BLUE BONNET Margarine 00PURE VEGETABLE 0(L) WV4N PACK< MON AR CH Dessert Topping AERO TN TRO0PICANA PURE (FROM CLORIDA> 64 FL Orange Juice O L890 L!GHT PnVWDER, REGULAR OR UNSCENTED DEODORANT Soft & Dri AEROCAN 93e "IGA SPECIA L Detergent -IGA SPECIA L FAYGO <ASST'D. FLAVORS> Soft, Drinks SOUIRREL HOMO GENIZED 32o Peanut Butter 32JZA .1 HIGHLINER 12 OZ4e Frozen Fish Cak 49PK <CASE 0F 24 x 1i 01. TINS $21.001 QUAKER STATE SUPER ýrtEND Moutor 'il üT TIN rGAR DEN FRESIl PRODUCE 0F U.S.A., B ro i;ccoi 3FIlR990 FIRM RED SLICERS PROD U.S.A. CAN. NO. I GRAI Tomatoes LOCAL GROWN CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Carrots UCE 0F FIRM.I GREEN HEADS DE ~PRODUCE OF U.S.A., CAN. NO. 1 GRADE 1-B990 Cabbage SZ 4 A290 TASTY, PRODUCE 0F MEXICO CANADA- NO. 1 GRADE, SWEET S291 Green Peppers3 *9 AR MSTON Macaroni or 5 c Spaghetti PKG SoliIU TIN White TunaI Cooking Cooking food in wraps goes back to the first humnnwho discovered that cooked meat was better th-an raw. Leaves were uned to hold in flavor and mointure. T-hen gourmet chefs started cooking in parchment and kraft paper. Today oven cooking bagsaiae see-throogh bags that make tl possible to prepare delightful a)) in one. dishen that retain flavor and juices. It can Save lime t00. Foods can be preýpared ahead,, refrigerated, then heated in a bag Juan before serving In- dividuai portions for people oni the go or dietars can be prepared, nîored and ri eaein the same bag, leavîng lime anid effort for other activities. No tolp-of-the range pots no stir or food to baste and no mnessy pans. Also, this cooking metlhod aves on the energy bill when meat and vegetables are cooked together in the Maie Paule Green is availabte to talk -shoppîngT neo qioup.11a 259 6633 oreite 300 The E- aithf Toronto, Ontauio fW~B 6B89 -fIGA S PECr-IA L Bick's Pickles JAR 4 -n 1 j. la 1 1